Drunk In Love 4: An Original Love Story

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Drunk In Love 4: An Original Love Story Page 3

by Tiece

  “Yeah, I needed that hot shower. Playing ball all evening with Zay and the fella’s got me tired as hell, but I still got it babe.” He teased with a soft chuckle while leaning down and kissing her softly on the lips. He sat down beside her and looked over at the nurturing way she was tending to Chloe and smiled. “You have great qualities about you that would make you a great mom someday.”

  Zoe glanced over at him and smiled back. “I just love her so much. She makes me this way without even trying.” She commented and then laughed once Chloe let out a loud burp.

  “Damn, did she do that?” Dillon questioned with a chuckle. “She should be feeling real good now.”

  Zoe laughed. “Yeah, she’ll probably sleep through most of the night. She almost drank the whole eight ounce bottle of milk.”

  Dillon shook his head. “That’s why she’s so chunky now. But, uncle’s lil curly head baby is so pretty.”

  “She is adorable. I can’t get enough of her. I know she’s only six weeks old, but I wanna keep her all the time and my sister ain’t having that.” Zoe added.

  Dillon cut his eyes over at her with a smile. “You know we should have our own and then you wouldn’t have to wait. We’ll have our own baby.”

  “That’s not a bad idea and I’ve even considered it once or twice, but I can’t lie. Seeing your ex-girlfriend, Rhianna, and then hearing about her daughter has me not wanting to move forward with any future plans until we put that one behind us.”

  “If it makes you feel any better, I’d like to know as well what the deal is with Rhianna. I just don’t see her having a child by me and not letting me know. We were so tight and I thought in love, but apparently I was mistaken with how she just up and left me without looking back.”

  “And, now you find out that she has an eight year old daughter. How strange is that? I can’t help but wonder why she left you like that if y’all were such the happy couple. You sure you didn’t do anything to push her away? Is there something you’re not telling me? Like did you cheat on her or something?”

  Dillon didn’t say anything at first as he contemplated if he should tell her more about him and Rhianna’s relationship.

  “Well, what happened between y’all?” she questioned with a serious look on her face.

  “I don’t know.” Dillon answered, but he always had a clue about what had gone wrong. However, he didn’t feel it appropriate to talk about it.

  “Baaaaae,” Zoe dragged out knowing that there was something there. “Just tell me. I don’t care what it is. It’s not going to change my love for you. However, it will tell me a little more about her abrupt departure. I mean, who just leaves someone that they’re in love with and don’t even give them a reason why? Then unexpectedly shows up eight years later with a daughter. It just doesn’t sound right to me.”

  “I know,” Dillon said still not saying much else.

  “So, you aren’t gonna tell me, huh?” Zoe questioned as she stood up with the baby in her arms. “Alright, I’m gonna go lay Chloe down and when you’re ready to talk I’ll be ready to listen.” She countered, and then headed down the hallway into the guest room where baby Chloe had her own little getaway spot at.

  Dillon sat on the couch contemplating if she should go into full detail about him and Rhianna’s relationship. It wasn’t bad at all. As a matter of fact, it was actually pretty good, but things happened that changed it all. And, for some reason they could never go back. As he sat there thinking back, Zoe returned from down the hallway and headed straight into the kitchen to fix her a glass of Patron straight, no chaser or ice. She sipped from the glass, and then entered the living room to sit down next to Dillon. He glanced over at her. She was beautiful sitting there staring at the TV like she trying to ignore him since he wouldn’t cooperate. He sighed then figured he’d let Zoe in on his once in a lifetime relationship with Rhianna.

  “Okaaaay,” Dillon said. “I’ll tell you about the relationship.

  Zoe smiled a little as she cut her eyes over at him. “Finally,” she smirked.

  Dillon wasted no time as he started to break down the interesting events of his past relationship. “Rihanna and I met through her best friend, Alicia. You see, Alicia and I took three classes together and I thought she was very pretty and funny. However, she wasn’t into men and that’s how I ended up meeting Rihanna.”

  “So, the Alicia chick was a lesbian?”

  “Yeah, you can say that.” Dillon responded. “So, she and I were really cool. We’d become really close friends. We’d go out for drinks, smoke blunts, and kick it at strip clubs. To me she was just one of the guys, but she didn’t look like one nor did she act like one. She was a beautiful woman from Germany and was actually half black and German. Her hair was shoulder length and curly. She had a body like-

  “Okaaaaaay, I get the picture.” Zoe cut in. Dillon had seemed to get lost in thought talking about Alicia and she needed to put an end to those thoughts.

  “I just wanted you to know how she looked.” He teased her.

  “Well, I got it.” Zoe responded while hitting him lightly on the arm.

  “Anyway, she kept telling me about her best friend and one night she invited Rihanna out with us to the strip club. Long story short, we hit it off instantly. I can’t lie, the attraction between us was serious and we started kicking it. It wasn’t right away, but about two months of fooling around we decided to go all in. And, boy did we go all in.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Well, about seven months into our relationship, Rihanna wanted to do a little exploring. I mean, who am I to stop her desires and needs of wanting to bring another woman into our bed?”

  “Whaaaaat?” Zoe quickly questioned with a frown on her face.

  “Yeah, she told me that she wanted to be with a woman for the first time and she wanted me to watch. Hell, I didn’t have a problem with that.”

  “I’m sure you didn’t,” Zoe mumbled as she almost jokingly cut her eyes at him with a smirk on her face. “She doesn’t even look like that type.”

  “Looks can always be deceiving.” Dillon stated.

  Zoe tooted up her lips, and then said with a light chuckle. “I can only imagine.”

  “Anyway,” he continued. “I agreed; not thinking much of it. So, a month passed and there was no talk about it again. However, one night while we were alone at her house, she and I started drinking and playing around. Next thing I know we’re kissing and going at it like some dogs in heat.”

  Zoe softly laughed at his choice of words as he continued to tell the story.

  “Out of nowhere, Alicia walks into her bedroom.”

  Zoe’s laughter quickly stopped as a frown appeared on her face. “Alicia? Where did she come from?”

  “Apparently, she’d been hiding out waiting for the moment to surprise us. Mind you, Rihanna and I were already having sex. I didn’t pull out, but I did stop and gave her a strange look. Rihanna just smiled at her and when she did, Alicia started coming out of her clothes.”

  “Wait, what?” Zoe cut in.

  “Baaaabe, just be quiet and let me finish the story.” Dillon responded with a light chuckle.

  “Okaaaay,” Zoe grinned.

  “Anyway, when she started taking her clothes off I started thinking that it’s about to go down. Next thing I know, Rihanna starts kissing me, and then she pushes me off of her and onto the bed on my back. I wasn’t expecting what happened next.”

  “WHAAAAT?” an anxious Zoe pondered.

  “She and Alicia started giving me head at the same damn time. I ain’t gon’ lie. I was shocked, but it felt good. I couldn’t stop them if I tried. I mean damn, that’s every man’s dream and there I was this young buck in my early twenties about to have my first threesome. How amazing was that?” he teased as Zoe softly pushed him on the head as a way of playfully hitting him.

  “Really bae,” she let out.

  “I’m just kidding, but I’m really not. You wanted to know so I’m telling
you.” He told her. “Anyway, long story short, since you can’t take it. I had sex with both of them that night. And, before you ask, it never happened with me and Alicia alone. However, it did happen several more times with all us together. This actually went on for two months. I started to feel like my girlfriend had a girlfriend.” He grinned. “But, I was enjoying the benefits of it all… Until…”

  “WHAAAAAAAT?” Zoe timidly questioned.

  Dillon shook his head and couldn’t help but laugh out loud. “You’re a nosey lil some, too.” He joked. “But, back to my story. One night we were going at it and every single time we’d have a threesome I’d use a condom. Well, this night was no different, but that time the condom popped.”

  Zoe’s eyes widened and she quickly blurted out, “So, Rihanna’s daughter is yours?!”

  “Nooooo,” Dillon responded with a frown on his face. “Well, I don’t know, but you’re getting ahead of yourself. The condom didn’t pop on Rihanna. The condom popped on Alicia.”

  “Daaaaaaamn,” Zoe whispered.

  “Damn sounded about right, because that’s just what I said.” Dillon sighed with a shake of the head like it had just happened yesterday. “Talk about mad. Rihanna was pissed about it. I don’t know why, but she hated knowing that I had bust one inside of her best friend. I couldn’t understand why at the moment, because she’d been letting me fuck the shit out of her while she joined in, yet this was bad. Very bad,” he added. “Alicia got pregnant behind that shit.”

  Zoe grabbed her head, and then closed her eyes with a heavy sigh. “Damn,” she whispered. “So, is there another child out there somewhere that I don’t know about?”

  “Nope,” Dillon answered. “She had an abortion and I know she did, because Rihanna took her to have it and she confirmed that it had been done. Needless to say, after that Rihanna hung in there for a while, but she seemed troubled by the whole ordeal. I mean, can you blame her? And, Alicia and I cut ties, even that of being friends. The abortion didn’t help, because Alicia and Rihanna couldn’t seem to repair their broken relationship which caused Alicia to move back to Germany.” He told her with a disappointed shake of the head. “And then a few months after that, Rihanna just up and left me one day without so much as saying goodbye.”

  “Wow, that’s craaaazy.” Zoe chimed in. “I don’t know why Rihanna would act like that. Hell, she was the one that invited the girl in y’all’s bed.”

  “Yeah well, that’s the same thing I’ve always thought, too. But, Rihanna was broken to know that somebody she was so close with was actually pregnant with my child. She couldn’t take that and that’s why she took her to have the abortion. It didn’t fix our relationship though, even though Alicia had left after that.”

  “Hell, that’s probably because she was in love with both of y’all.” Zoe countered.

  “You’re probably right.” Dillon responded. “So, now you know the story. Can we get passed it, please?”

  “We can get passed it, but I still wanna know if that lil girl is yours. Is it possible that Rihanna could have gotten pregnant by you before she left town?”

  “It’s possible,” Dillon nonchalantly stated. “But then again, I don’t know. She could’ve done some shit out of spite to get back at me for getting Alicia pregnant and got herself fucked up. Who really knows?” He pondered with a shrug of the shoulders.

  “She knows,” Zoe cut in. “And, I want you to get to the bottom of it. “What better time to find out than the present?”

  Dillon frowned. “What you want me to do?”

  “Since you know where her cousin lives then you need to go there and see if you can get in touch with Rihanna. Y’all need to sit down and talk. Even after all of these years there still needs to be some kind of closure whether that lil girl is yours or not. Something just doesn’t sit right with me at all. It’s something fishy about her ass. I don’t know her, but I don’t trust her, either. Just from that story you told me, she got a devious side to her. I mean, ain’t no way you can sleep with my best friend, period. Don’t even think that’ll ever happen with me.”

  Dillon playfully tackled her on the sofa. “I only have eyes for you, my love.” He said with the most handsome smile on his face.

  “You better,” Zoe said as she kissed him.

  “Now, can we just move on? I promise to go see her cousin one day this week and I’ll keep you posted every step of the way.”

  “You better,” Zoe cut in.

  “Is there any other phrase you know?” Dillon laughed.

  “Be quiet and kiss me,” Zoe grinned as she enjoyed the moment. “Let’s go in the bedroom while Chloe sleeps. I don’t think that O’ and Zay should be the only ones gettn’ there freak on tonight. Plus, that lil threesome story you told me made me horny.”

  Dillon laughed as they stood up and headed down the hallway. “I knew you were a big freak.” He commented as they both laughed out loud.


  Olivia was getting her sexy attire together before she headed into the bathroom to take a shower. Thoughts of Angel kept crossing her mind and even though she hadn’t mentioned anything to Zay, she felt that she probably needed to. She walked into the master bathroom and sat her lingerie on the countertop next to the sink so she could get dressed in there before coming out to surprise her fiancé. The minute she stepped out of the bathroom to tell Zay about her strange encounter with Olivia, he had made it in the bedroom and was already sitting on the bed.

  “Hey,” she said with a smile. “I wanted to tell you something.”

  Zay smiled back, but wanted nothing more than to talk to her as well. “I also need to tell you something.” He countered. “But, you go first.”

  “Well, while I was out shopping today guess who I ran into?”

  Zay glanced over at Olivia with a blank expression, and then questioned, “Who?”

  “Angel,” she quickly told him. Zay frowned, but Olivia continued before he could cut in. “I was shopping inside of Victoria’s Secret and I promise you babe, I only turned my back for a moment. I didn’t think it was that serious being that the store had a lot of people in it. However, while my back was turned, Angel had snuck up behind me and was apparently staring at our daughter like she may have wanted to take her.”

  “WHAT?!” Zay quickly questioned with a very unhappy look on his face. “She was doing what now?”

  “She was standing over our daughter watching her like she was obsessed. I didn’t see her, but Zoe walked up behind her and caught her. I knew it had to be serious, because Zoe went off on her right inside the store. Zoe said that she was touching Chloe and rubbing in her hair or something, but you know I don’t fuck with that bitch like that. She had no right with her hand on our daughter.”

  “She had no business even coming around y’all.” Zay added with a mean look on his face.

  “When I turned around to see her standing there it startled me. I had no clue that this woman was behind me. Why would she just walk up like that and not say anything, but got her hands all over our baby? She didn’t look well, either. Angel isn’t a bad looking woman. For that matter, she’s actually pretty, but if you saw her now you’d think that she was on drugs. I don’t mean from the way she dresses, but from the way her jaws are sunk in and the weight she’s lost. I mean, I can understand that it must’ve been difficult for her when she lost her baby. She is down and out, though and that can’t be good. I almost felt bad for her, but I don’t trust her one bit. She literally started shedding tears in front of us as she walked away, but Zoe was so mean to her that it’s no wonder why she cried.”

  “I think Zoe did the right thing. Angel doesn’t need to be around our child. She is unstable and something isn’t right about her. Her behavior has me even more worried now.”

  Olivia cut her befuddled eyes over at Zay like she was somewhat confused. “Why do you say even more now? Has she done something else that I don’t know about?”

  “Unfortunately she has.” Zay confessed. �
��I’ve been getting phone calls a lot in the past couple of weeks. You know of some, because I’ve mentioned that whomever is calling has been listening when I answer, and then they hang up.”

  “Yeah, I can remember a few of those times. Don’t tell me that it’s been her all this time.”

  “Well, you said don’t tell you, but I will anyway. It’s been her all this time.” He admitted.

  Olivia’s eyes widened as if she was flabbergasted. “Why, I mean, how did you find out?”

  “Because, earlier today I got a call and the person just listened without saying anything. The only thing that told me it was her was the fact that her number showed. See, all the other times the number is always private, but not this time. I told her that I knew it was her and no later than that, she hung up.”

  “Wow, that bitch is crazy.” Olivia chimed in with an unsure shake of the head. “I don’t understand what her problem is. She chose to move on with my ex-husband which was strange enough if you ask me.”

  “Tell me about it,” Zay intervened.

  “I thought they were madly in love since finding out that they’d gotten pregnant. However, when she lost their baby her attention focused back on you. And, now she seems to have this obsession with Chloe. What is she up, too?” Olivia pondered.

  “I wonder if Mark knows about her strange behavior.”

  “I don’t see how he hasn’t noticed change in her. I’ve not seen her in months since I saw her at the restaurant that night, and now even I can tell that something is off about her.”

  Zay sat on the edge of the bed feeling somewhat concerned about Angel. He didn’t want her to do anything crazy that she’d end up regretting. “Maybe I should reach out to my mom and have her talk with Angel since she and my mom used to be so close. She probably just needs a little help recovering from her loss. I know it’s not easy on her, but I can’t have that kind of trouble in our lives. With Angel involved, anything is possible.”

  Olivia nodded her head while agreeing to the fullest. Angel was certainly unpredictable. She’d already beat her ass one time and felt like if push came to shove she had no problems doing it again to keep her in check. There was no way she would let Angel come between her and Zay nor was she ever getting near their baby again.


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