Drunk In Love 4: An Original Love Story

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Drunk In Love 4: An Original Love Story Page 6

by Tiece

  “Damn,” he whispered like he’d seen a ghost. It had been just two days prior when he’d last saw Olivia standing in his doorway giving Angel the business. For some reason he was trying to turn and make a different exit out of the store. He didn’t want to run into her, but his feet wouldn’t move as he stood there gazing at how beautiful she was standing there rocking her baby. In his mind, she was holding a baby that should’ve been his. “Damn,” he disappointedly whispered again. This time Olivia glanced down the aisle at him. Her eyes widened a bit from shock of even seeing him.

  Well damn, she quickly thought. It seemed that every last encounter they’d had weren’t pleasant ones. She didn’t even know if she should speak or not as she swallowed hard.

  “Hey, I was gonna turn around just so this wouldn’t be awkward.” Mark quickly said.

  “Yeah, I think we’re gonna go this way. I heading out anyway.” Olivia cautiously responded as she turned to head back towards the front checkout counter.

  “Hold up,” Mark hesitantly called out. “It must’ve been a reason for me running into you here.” He said thinking that he’d come to Augusta in hopes of handling some unresolved things, but he certainly wasn’t expecting to run into his ex-wife.

  Olivia stopped and turned to face him. “What do you want, Mark?” she pondered.

  “Look, I know that things will never be the same between me and you.”

  You right about that, Olivia thought.

  “I just want to apologize for hurting you. I know I done some fucked up things, but if only you knew how sorry I am about it all.”

  Olivia could see the sincerity through the same eyes that she once put all of her trust in. Once upon a time those eyes fooled her, but this time, sincere or not, his apology meant nothing to her.

  “I know I took you through a lot and I know that you’ll probably never forgive me, but I am truly sorry for the way that things turned out.” He added.

  “Mark, we’ve both moved on. I don’t think that even hearing an apology from you really matters to me anymore.” She honestly said.

  Mark disappointedly shook his head. “I know.” He responded in a sad tone. “I just wish that I hadn’t been such a creep to you. How I wish now that I would’ve just been that man,” he said looking over at Chloe as she peacefully lay on her mother’s shoulder like she didn’t have a care in the world.

  Olivia stood there looking him up and down. He was still just as handsome as ever, clean cut, & sexy. It was amazing how quickly things had changed between them. A year and a half ago it would’ve seemed very unlikely that they would’ve gone their separate ways. However, time had its way of showing a person differently.

  “I wish that I’d been the husband that would grow old with you.” Mark said while sounding like he’d gotten caught up in his feelings.

  Olivia stood there feeling like this was definitely not the place to pour his heart out. Plus, she was uninterested as she thought back at how dirty Mark had played her. He blackmailed her with the video of her burning their house down. He made sure that she’d agree to Felisha keeping the nail salon. Plus, to add insult to injury, after fucking her best friend for years and having a son by her, he still ripped her off for fifty-thousand dollars for pain and suffering fees. Those fees should’ve been given to her for his reckless behavior. The more she thought about how nasty he’d been to her the more she hated standing there even giving him the courtesy of listening to his sorry apologies.

  He reached over to try to touch Chloe on her back. At that moment all the pain of doing Olivia wrong, not being able to see his kids, and losing his daughter by Angel hit him emotionally. He could only get a quick rub of the little one’s back, because Olivia quickly moved to the side. It was her way of telling him to keep his hands off of her baby.

  “She is so pretty,” Mark said with a sad, gentle tone. “I wish that…”

  “I think that your wishing well ran out of fucks to give quite some time ago.” Olivia cut in. “I think it’ll be best that we keep our distance. The next time you see me, going the other way would be in your best interest.”

  Mark nodded his head. What did he expect to hear from the woman that he’d scorned in such a disturbing manner? “I understand,” he said and as he turned to walk away, Zay bent the corner holding lil Romeo’s hand. “Babe,” he called out then quickly noticed Mark.

  Mark glanced back to see Zay walking up to Olivia and the baby. The only thing that caught his attention and made him swiftly turn back to face them was seeing his son for the first time in months.

  “You okay, babe?” Zay quickly questioned with an unpleasant expression on his face.

  Olivia nodded her head. “Yes babe, I’m fine.”

  “Maaaark!” Lil Romeo called out the minute he noticed that it was him standing there. He swiftly ran and jumped up in his arms. “I missed you, Mark.” He said with tears in his eyes.

  Mark held him tight in his arms as the tears wailed up in the corner of his eyes. He didn’t realize how much he’d missed his son until that very moment. “Hey buddy,” Mark spoke back while trying his best not to cry. “How are you?” he asked through a shaken voice.

  “I’m okay. Why you move?” Lil Romeo quickly questioned as he stared his father in the eyes.

  Olivia stood back like she wanted to cry. It was heartbreaking to say the least. Lil Romeo was innocent and to be treated like he didn’t exist, was crazy. At one point during their marriage, they had him every weekend as a way of Mark making sure that he was an active role model in his life. Now, he’d turned his back on him not caring about his feelings. Olivia could never understand how Mark could hurt those closest to him, and then sincerely turn around and act like he’s so sorry for it. It seemed to be a trail of pain that he left behind and Olivia didn’t care for Lil Romeo to still be mixed up in it.

  “I had to get away,” Mark told him. “Don’t be sad though, buddy. I’m okay and you’re gonna be okay, too.” Mark wiped the tears from his eyes. “Don’t cry. You gotta be a big boy for me. Okay.”

  “Okay,” Lil Romeo softly said.

  “Come on, Boo. We have to go,” Olivia said.

  Lil Romeo glanced back at her. He didn’t want to leave Mark, but he wasn’t crazy. He knew that Mark hadn’t been there which in turn made him look back towards his father. “I gotta go.” He sadly told him.

  Mark cleared his throat in an attempt to take the rattle out of his tone. “I know, buddy.” He said still fighting back the tears. “I’m gonna come see you, okay.”

  “You promise?” Lil Romeo questioned.

  Mark kissed him on the forehead, and then put him down. “I promise,” he said.

  Lil Romeo wiped his tears and walked towards Olivia and Zay. He grabbed Zay’s hand again and glanced back at his father with a soft smile on his face. “I love you, Mark.”

  Mark could hardly contain himself, as he responded. “I love you too, Buddy.” He then directed his attention back towards Olivia and Zay. He didn’t care to say anything to Zay, but he did have one last thing to say to Olivia. “It was good to see you.” And with that, he quickly turned and disappeared out of the store.

  Zay looked over at Olivia as he faintly shook his head. He didn’t want to speak badly of Mark in front of Lil Romeo, but he definitely had a few unpleasant thoughts roaming around in his head.

  “You okay, my man?” Zay questioned Lil Romeo being that he could definitely relate to how he must’ve been feeling considering the strained relationship that he and his biological father had.

  “I’m okay,” the innocent, soft spoken voice responded.


  Later that night, Felisha found herself exhausted and laid out on the sectional in her living room. Her day had been quite busy, but certainly fun and unforgettable. Thoughts of Logan continued to play over and over in her mind. He was the perfect son to his mom while making sure that she had a great time on her special day. He was also the perfect gentleman to her as they shared small talk and
intense stares throughout the day. She blushed with a bashful smile as she sat there thinking about him. He was nothing like Mark. Even though the day wasn’t about her, he was attentive to her needs as well. The only time was attentive like that was during the very beginning stages of their relationship. And, even then he was seeing her best friend, unbeknownst to her. Now, the only thing she could think was that she should’ve just let him go the minute she found out that he was also seeing Olivia.

  She and Olivia were like sisters and had a shared a close bond since they were youngsters. They talked about everything, spent a lot of time together, and always had each other’s back. Well, up until she turned hers and left her best friend heartbroken, confused, and bitter. There was nobody to blame, but herself. Olivia had done a lot for her emotionally and financially. She been a great role model in her son’s life. And even though things had gone terribly left with their relationship, she still was there for Lil Romeo. Unfortunately, the only thing she could thank Olivia with were lies and betrayal.

  “I miss her,” she thought aloud feeling bad. This wasn’t an uncommon emotion that she was having. Even though she put on a front, she was really sad about her and Olivia not being best friends anymore. She missed their daily conversations, two and three times a day. She missed their visits to each other’s salon. She missed doing her best friend’s nails. It was so much that she missed, but had to realize that she could never get it back. There was no way that Olivia would ever forgive her. She’d taken things too far and for too long.

  “Mommy,” Lil Romeo called out as he entered the living room in his Spider Man pajamas. He ran over to her and got in her lap.

  Felisha quickly cleared her thoughts to address him as she held him in her arms. “Yes baby,” she said.

  “Did Grandma tell you that I saw Mark today?” he questioned since the only other person he’d confided in was Mrs. Tolver after Olivia dropped him off.

  “Yeah, she told me.” Felisha softly said while rubbing gently in his hair. “How was that? Were you happy to see him?”

  “I was happy.” He told her. “I told him I missed him and that I love him.”

  “That was sweet.” Felisha responded.

  “He told me he love me, too.”

  Felisha nodded her head. “I’m sure that in his own way he does.” She stated.

  Lil Romeo didn’t say anything at first as he sat there messing with the nail polish on Felisha’s freshly painted fingernails. “Mommy, so is Zay taking Mark’s place? Tee Tee is going to marry him so that means that he’s going to take Mark’s place.” He said still digging at the polish on her nails. “Because her and Mark was married first and now they ain’t no more.” He continued. “Is that why Mark moved away?”

  Felisha just shook her head. Talking to a five year old about an adult issue was hard enough, but having to explain the relationship between she and Mark was even tougher. Lil Romeo was very smart for his age, but even some things she felt he wouldn’t be ready for. How would she even start the conversation of telling him that Mark was his father? Just to think about it gave her a headache.

  “Well baby,” she started. “First off, nobody is taking Mark’s place. He loves you very much so never forget that. Zay is marrying your Tee Tee and so it seems that he’ll also be a big part of your life. As long as he’s good to you then embrace that. He’s a good man with a good heart and he’s perfect for your Tee Tee,” she said wishing for a love like that someday.

  “And he’s perfect for Chloe and me.” Lil Romeo added with a soft chuckle.

  “He sure is,” Felisha agreed with a smile.

  “I got two baby’s here and one baby at Tee Tee’s house. I’m the big brother and the big cousin.” He told her just wanting to talk now.

  Felisha shook her head. “Yep, you are. That’s a big responsibility you know.”

  Lil Romeo glanced back at her, and then said. “I got this,” he giggled causing Felisha to laugh.

  “You are something else with your grown butt.” Felisha laughed with a shake of the head. She then glanced over on the end table at her cell phone which had started ringing. The name on the caller ID read Logan. She put Lil Romeo down. “Go brush up for bed.” She told him.

  “Yes ma’am,” Lil Romeo said and took off down the hallway.

  Felisha wasted no time answering the phone. “Well hey you,” she said.

  “Hey,” Logan responded. “I just wanted to tell you that my mom and my aunts thoroughly enjoyed themselves and so did I.”

  Felisha smiled. “I’m glad that y’all did. I actually enjoyed myself, too. I think we all enjoyed ourselves. It was like having a party at work.” She grinned. “My staff thanks you very much for the pay. I bet they were glad to have come in on one their days off. Shoot, after what you paid them I hope they come to work this work. They might just wanna take a mini vacation on my ass.” She teased.

  Logan laughed. “Come on, I only gave them three-hundred dollars.”

  “A piece,” Felisha added. “That was to six different people; not to mention the money that you’d already given me. Hell, I might take a lil vacation this week.” She joked.

  “You can’t do that.” Logan told her.

  For some reason, Felisha found herself blushing as she asked, “And, why not?”

  “Because, I was planning on surprising you this week.” He confessed.

  “Surprising me? How?” Felisha pondered with a smile. “Were you coming by to take me out? Were you sending me something?”

  “You’re just full of questions,” he teased. “But, only time will tell. Just don’t take any mini vacations no time soon without sharing your location with me first. I might just wanna show up and help you relax.”

  Felisha grinned. “Is that right?”

  “Show you right.” Logan responded with a confident chuckle. “Well, I have a long day tomorrow. I really just wanted to tell you to have a good night.”

  “Well, thanks and likewise.” Felisha said, and with that they ended their call. Felisha sat there smiling at how Logan was quickly taking over her every thought and pushing Mark right on out of the picture. “Goodbye Mark. Helloooooo Logan.” She grinned as she stood up to go check on Lil Romeo, but her doorbell rang causing her to head towards it instead. I bet Patrice left something in my car. She quickly thought. “Who is it?”

  “It’s me,” the familiar voice called out.

  Felisha instantly frowned. “Me?” she whispered, and then quickly peeped out the small window right by the door. “What the hell?” Without hesitation she opened the door up with a surprised look on her face. “Mark, what are you doing here? How did you find out where I lived?”

  Mark stood there feeling desperate to see his kids. It took a piece of him to walk away after seeing Lil Romeo earlier in the day, and if he could help it that wasn’t going to happen again. “Hey Felisha.” He spoke.

  “What are you doing here?” Felisha asked again as she stood there in some purple Victoria’s Secret pajama pants and a purple printed matching tank top.

  “I wanna talk to you.” Mark told her.

  “How did you find out where I live?” She questioned again.

  “Patrice told Alex and he told me.” He said thinking back at how he’d gotten one of his home boys to bait Patrice up and find out where Felisha lived. She would still have no idea that she’d been set up. Yet, he knew that Felisha was definitely going to get in her ass about talking so much.

  Felisha rolled her eyes. Damn, P. talks too much. She quickly thought. She then glanced back over her shoulder to make sure that Lil Romeo hadn’t come out of the bathroom from brushing up.

  “Can we talk?” Mark asked again as she directed her attention back to him.

  “Now is not a good time.” She told him.

  “I want to tell Lil Romeo that I’m his father. I want to be a part of his life and the twins’ life.”

  Felisha disappointedly shook her head while feeling like this had to be a bad joke.

  “This is not about Angel.” He added seeing the displeasure on her face. “Hell, I don’t care if you never let them go around her. I just want to be able to be around them. Please, whatever I gotta do I’ll do it.” He begged.

  Felisha heard Lil Romeo coming down the hallway. “Mommy, I’m ready for bed. Can I sleep with you?”

  “Uh, yeah sweetie. Go ahead and get in my bed. I’ll be in there in a few minutes.” She called out before he could hit the corner to find her standing at the door talking to Mark. She then directed her attention back to Mark. “Give me some time to think about this please. I know that’s not what you wanna hear, but let me get my thoughts together.”

  “Felisha please,” he pleaded. “I know I’ve not been the perfect guy or father to your kids, but I’d like to make that up.”

  “I don’t know what you mean by making up, but that would only need to be with your kids, not me.” She said while already letting him know that he wasn’t going to fuck over her feelings this time around. “I’ll contact you by Friday. I promise and we’ll both sit down and talk to Lil Romeo. I also agree that he should know.” She added.

  Even though Friday was five days away, Mark was willing to take it. He was willing to do anything to see his kids. “Alright,” he agreed. “I look forward to hearing from you.”


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