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Taking a Dare - A Hellion MC Novel

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by J. A. Hornbuckle

  Taking a Dare - A Hellion MC Novel


  J.A. Hornbuckle


  Published by J.A. Hornbuckle

  for Smashwords


  Taking a Dare - A Hellion MC Novel

  Copyright ©2014 by J.A. Hornbuckle

  Edited by: Laura Kinsley

  Cover Design: Faustino Gaitẚn

  License Notes

  This eBook is license for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this novel with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this eBook and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please buy an additional copy for each recipient.

  No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse-engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information story and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical now known or hereinafter invented, with the express written permission of J.A. Hornbuckle.

  Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction and is not a reflection or representation of any person living or dead. Any similarity is of pure coincidence. Although, if you recognize yourself in any character represented, maybe we need to talk…

  Chapter One


  "Listen to me," he urged on a hard whisper, his head dipping down close to her ear. His forearms, his elbows were gripping her shoulders tightly as he poised the helmet over the top of her head. Hating, absolutely loathing to drop it completely so that the visor would cut her beautiful face off from his view, the sides of it cutting her off from his voice.

  "I'm head over heels with you, sugar. Real and true." His voice was only a raspy whisper which he hoped she could hear above the pipes of twelve motorcycles coming alive. "You're mine and I'm yours. Forever, yeah?"

  His brown eyes searched her aqua ones and saw the same sense of loss, the same silhouette of devastation that his heart was twisted into.

  "You turn eighteen and you are mine. Mine! Do you understand?"

  He watched her eyes close, the tears streaming from them before she nodded.

  "I'll always love you, " she whispered as she pointed her beautiful lips towards his neither of them caring who watched as they shared one last kiss, all thoughts of the helmet in his hands forgotten.

  She turned away, situating the head guard as she slung her leg up and over her brother's ride, looping arms around the other man's slim waist.

  But her visor was always turned toward him as she moved.

  As she left him.

  "I love you," he murmured as he watched the motorcycle move away from him. Feeling his heart leave his chest as it followed her trajectory. "Always. Nobody but you. Ever."

  Chapter Two


  "Bring your leg higher, babe," he instructed, his hips never losing their rhythm as he worked himself in and out of leggy blonde spread out on the mattress beneath him. But he probably should've moved his head away before he spoke, since the only thing it had gotten him was a mouth full of her hair and whatever gunk she used on it.

  "But when I do that you go too deep and too fast, Dare," came the complaint from someplace around his collarbone. "I don't like doing it that way."

  He stilled his churning hips and came up with his elbows on her mattress to look at January with an eyebrow canted. While he loved talking during fucking, her goddamn criticisms had to go.

  Christ! Being with her was starting to become more trouble than it was worth.

  "Then you fuckin' drive." Wrapping his arms around her waist, he turned them without losing the connection until his back was flat on the bed. She adjusted her legs, her knees bracketing his hips and their movements resumed. It wasn't his favorite position and he knew it would take him longer to get his. Especially if she kept up with the slow, shallow shit. But, it would have to do because at that moment all he wanted was to get his nut and get gone.

  "I think we need more lube," January advised, reaching for the bottle on the nightstand.

  More? Hell, he felt like he was wearing half the bottle already and wondered why, if she was so into it, they even needed the crap in the first place.

  No, it wasn't working for him at all.

  It was then Dare knew he was done with Miss January Gillespie, one of the pole dancers at Tomatoes, a local strip club in Missoula. The novelty of the exotic dancer and her amazing tits had worn right the fuck off. He felt himself begin to soften inside her and wondered if he was even going to be able to hit it now that he knew he was done with her.

  January was not his usual type so he should've been surprised that he'd been around her for as long as he had. But those tits. Damn!

  All his Hellion brothers referred to her as 'cement tits' for the way her big breasts never moved. Boobs she swore were 100% home-grown but real ones fuckin' had action for god's sake. Not hers, though. They stayed completely and totally in one position with no bobble, no sway, not even the tiniest jiggle no matter if she was working the brass pole or working him.

  Plus, the way they felt underneath his hands? Yeah, completely and totally still, just like hard mounds. No give, no squishiness that gave a man pleasure in the fondling. Just his hand and hard albeit warm flesh with tips. Nipples she had not shown any reaction to when he'd tried working them. Not to his twists, tweaks or flicks. Nada.

  But it had been her chest that had been the only thing that had kept his interest for the last few months. Had to have been because it sure hadn't been her personality. Too serious about both her job and her studies at the Uni. Not enough smiles or laughs for his taste. Always looking down on the other dancers and making sure he knew she was better than the other girls. That she was better than Missoula and probably better than him.

  "I don't normally sleep with bikers," she'd told him with a nose scrunch the first time they'd fucked. He'd found it cute at the time. But he'd learned over the few months he'd been doing her that the wrinkled nose business was her version of a sneer.

  "This ain't gonna work, Jan." He reached for her waist and pulled her off his half-hard dick.

  "You wanna try it doggie style?" she asked and he glanced over at her to see if she was serious. Obviously they were not on the same fuckin' page if he mentally had one foot out the door and she was asking about a change in position. He grabbed a tissue in order to remove the condom and frowned.

  Yep, he was coated in lube. Christ!

  "Don't be embarrassed. It happens to a lot of men, honey," she whispered, placing a hand on his arm and he whipped his head to look at her.

  What the fuck?

  Her eyes held a look of pity even as she reached for the member in question. "It's just something that happens sometimes. Nothing to worry about."

  He quickly twisted up until he was sitting on the edge of the mattress, biting the inside of his cheek so the laughter inside didn't come rolling out. She fuckin' thought he couldn't…that his fuckin' cock was…god, this was priceless!

  Reaching for his clothes, he got a grip and after a bit was able to talk without chuckling. "Uhm, no, babe. That ain't it. Listen, this has been fun but I think we're done."

  "Done?" Her voice went a couple of octaves higher with her question.

  "Yeah, you know. As in over, completed, through with it," he explained, dragging on his jeans and quickly buttoning them.

  "Bu-but…" she stuttered. "I thought we were moving towards…I mean, that we were building…"

  "What do I tell you, Jan?" His voice held an edge of sharpness even as he c
ontinued to get dressed. "Each and every time before we do anything, what do I say?"

  She didn't respond verbally and he glanced at her after shrugging into his t-shirt before pulling on his leather bomber jacket and then his cut.

  This was the part where things could get dicey. The whole scraping off a civilian sometimes got messy, which was why a lot of his biker brothers only stuck to giving the high-hard to the Hellion Honeys. But January's face held no emotion…as it often didn't.

  Another thing that had always bugged the shit out of him.

  He stomped into his boots, his mind already on other things before he heard her speak.

  "I was the best you'll ever have," she declared firmly and he looked at her noting narrowed eyes and her chin lifted in challenge. Which he hoped was all the reaction he was going to get from her. But he'd learned that he could never knew how those of the female persuasion were gonna react to anything.

  The sweet bitches.

  He put his hand on the doorknob and turned to look at her over his shoulder one last time. "Glad I made you feel that way, babe."

  Something hit the other side of the door the moment he'd closed it and he couldn't help but smile at the sound. Maybe if she'd shown that kind of spirit when he was between her thighs, he would've stuck around for a while longer.

  Or maybe not.

  Because once Dare was done with a woman, he was con-fuckin'-pletely done.

  Recently, she'd been making fuckin' noises about going out. Asking why he never took her to dinner or out to a movie. Shit! As if. Like he'd ever done or would ever do that dating bullshit. And the way she wanted to talk, saying she wanted to know him better? Let other men play the getting-to-know-you game in order to get into a chick's panties. That wasn't his style and didn't need to be.

  Not with all the pussy he had on tap.

  It was still early and he decided to swing by the Hellion clubhouse to see if anything was doing instead of going home. As he swung a long leg over his 2001 Harley Sportster 1200, he pulled out his cellphone. Deleting January's number was just as easy as it had been in telling her they were done.

  Which was just the way Dare liked it: no fuss, no muss.

  The club was only about a third full but held enough music and conversation to make any civilian think there was a party going on, just a regular weeknight for the Hellions.

  He spied the blonde-headed Huff and Bishop at one end of the long bar that was being worked by Huff's wife Carly. "'S'up, mo foes?" he greeted, snagging a barstool and tucking it under his ass.

  "Thought you were gonna be with Cement Tits tonight." Bishop tossed his almost waist-length braid over his shoulder before bringing the cut-glass tumbler to his mouth that Dare knew held some special brand of vodka.

  "Had to scrape her off, man," Dare said with a laugh as Carly placed his own glass of tequila in front of him. "Check it, so I'm no longer in the game and taking my cue, neither is Mr. Stiffie. Blinking up at me, all serious-like, she's telling me not to be fuckin' embarrassed. That it happens to all guys at one time or another. Can you believe that shit?"

  "Holy Christ!" Bishop roared as Huff began to laugh. "You're scraping her shit off and she's talking fuckin' E.D.? She doesn't know the difference between fucking disinterested and dead?" Bishop's voice held both disbelief and mirth.

  Huff on the other hand was laughing so hard he didn't seem to be breathing.

  "You know what causes that, right?" All three men looked at Carly as if she'd lost her goddamn mind. "Not the limp dick thing. I'm talking about the cement tits."

  Dare shook his head and saw Bishop do the same.

  "When a chick has the surgery to increase the size of her girls, she's supposed to massage them afterwards. It helps keep them loose and prevent scar tissue from forming, to attaching to the bags they put in there. So you gotta work 'em. And work them hard. But it fucking hurts!" Dare found he wasn't the only one staring at Carly's chest when she explained. "Had to have Huff do it for me. But if the massage isn't done, them puppies ain't gonna move and look natural."

  "Was one of the fucking hardest things I'd ever had to do, hurting my girl by squeezing her new rack. Presents aren't supposed to be painful," Huff said with a head shake and a sigh before gazing at his wife. "Was fucking worth it though."

  Carly jumped up and leaned way over the bar to plant her lips on her man's while Dare and Bishop glanced down the redheaded woman's gaping top, armed with new knowledge about her chest. "Sure was, babycakes."

  "So they weren't real even though she said they were?" Dare asked just to insure he fully understood what Huff's Honey had explained.

  "Fuck no, they weren't real and we've all been saying that for fuckin' months, asshole," Bishop chided with a chortle, reaching over to scrub his knuckles on the top of Dare's head. "Think you need to take my 'Titties 101' class, brother."

  The only response Dare could think to give back was to hold his fist up to his mouth and act like he was blowing into his thumb as his middle finger slowly rose. A action that caused their little group to fall out laughing again.

  "Oh, looky! A little council party and I wasn't invited," Silo thundered coming from the back of the room. "What's doin' that has you pussies in stitches?" The big, bald biker was given a quick recap and quickly joined in with his brother's renewed laughter. When it had died down and Carly had freshened his drink, Si pulled up a barstool and leaned over to look at the other men beside him. "Heard we're gonna have visitors."

  "That's been decided? Last I knew it was still in the talking stages," Huff shot back skeptically.

  "Before he and Dallas left, Trey said Spokane will be here on Saturday."


  Where the fuck had he been when a visit was being talked about? Dare finished the rest of his glass ice clinking against his teeth as his heart took on a new rhythm at the news.

  Christ! It'd been years but just with the mention of the other club, his mind pulled up the memory of the only female that had stuck in both his head and heart.

  But he wouldn't allow himself to even consider why. Or to hope.


  "We're fucking doing the run to Missoula and your ass will be there!" Damn but my dad's voice was loud, so loud I didn't need to have my cell up to my ear to hear him.

  "Sorry, Pops. No can do. Have to get ready for the next inspection," I explained trying for patience, as ever, when dealing with any of my family.

  "Calling bullshit, Ryley! You have staff that can do that shit in their sleep. We've got eighteen going and you're a part of that group, goddamn it!" Shit! His voice had drifted from his pissed-off parent voice into the Hellion president one. So I knew unless I was dying, my sweet cheeks would be on the back of a bike or firmly planted in a club vehicle and on my way to the Missoula compound come Saturday.

  And he was right. As director, I did have other team members who could prepare Honey Haven, the group home for kids that either couldn't or wouldn't live with their parents. The inspection was a big one though that would help the non-profit obtain approval for federal monies to used in our next fiscal year.

  But, damn. Missoula?

  I sighed loud enough for him to hear in order make my reluctance known before offering, "okay, Pops.". It didn't matter how old I was, my father still treated me like a kid. With reason.

  "Great! We'll be there a fucking week so pack accordingly," my dad growled before he hung up without a goodbye, his typical way of ending phone conversations.

  Another sigh escaped my lips as I slid the cellphone into my back pocket, catching the large emerald cut solitaire on the top edge of the denim. Shit! I hated wearing the gaudy thing that seemed to not only weigh down my hand but got hung up in stupid crap all day long. Glancing down at my left hand, I glared at the diamond ring even though I knew I was more pissed off at being ordered, ordered for god's sake, to attend a run to a place I'd been avoiding for almost a decade, than the piece of bling.

  Get real, Ryley. It's not the other c
lub you've been avoiding, my mind shouted.

  Usually, the Spokane club did a minimum of four runs a year and made sure that at least one of those runs was to meet with another Hellion chapter. Something that helped to keep the bonds of the brotherhood tight, but I'd been picky about the ones I'd participated in. Last year, I'd done the one to Portland and had made Vancouver the year before that. So it wasn't like I wasn't doing my duty as one of the Honeys although my status as the pres's daughter put me in a different place than the other single girls.

  Glancing at the ring again, I realized that this run would probably be my last one as an unmarried woman.

  The thought left me nauseous.

  So why'd you accept the ring if you didn't want to marry him? my mind asked on a yell. It was always bellowing about some shit or other, so like most other times, I ignored it.

  I felt the vibration in my back pocket again and took my ring off in order to grab the quivering rectangle, wondering if dad was calling back to give me his two damn cents on what clothes to bring.

  But the screen read 'Lock' and I smiled. "Yo, girlie. What's shaking?"

  "Nothing that shouldn't be," the voice on the phone giggled. "Heard you're gonna be here on Saturday."

  Damn, word spread fast through the club in spite of the distance! "With bells on at least according to dear ol' Gus."

  "Your dad's still pulling that control shit? Damn, Rye," Lock breathed. "So where are you staying? With March and the others?"

  Oh, god! I hadn't even gone down that road yet. Shit!

  "By your silence, I'm getting you're not too fuckin' enthused about sharing a pillow with your new fiancé, huh?" Lock and I had been best friends for years, bonding as two of the girls born into the Hellion club. So I wasn't surprised that my girl could read me even over the phone, even when I hadn't yet said anything. "I was going to invite you guys to stay in my guest room but I'll amend that, Rye. You need a place for yourself, and just yourself, my casa is your casa."


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