Taking a Dare - A Hellion MC Novel

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Taking a Dare - A Hellion MC Novel Page 10

by J. A. Hornbuckle

  Dare was up off his seat and at my side before I could even register that he'd turned off the engine but by then, I was more than a bit on edge. Just the thought of where we might be, of what we might be doing, of what I damn-well wanted to be engaged in over the next thirty or so minutes found me shaking in my boots.

  "C'mon, gorgeous," he said after handing me off the bike.

  "What is this place?" I asked as we made our way to the staircase on the side of the two story building.

  "It's where I fuckin' live," he chuckled over the thuds his boots made on the stairs.

  "You rent the space above their garage?"

  He stopped and looked back at me. "No, babe. I fuckin' own it all. First fuckin' property I ever bought but the house was too big for just me. So I built this place, far enough away from the front place that having a Hellion party doesn't disturb my renters."

  I considered asking him why he didn't just rent to Hellions or stay in the house with Hellion roommates but by that time we were standing on the small porch. Using a couple of keys on a couple of locks, he opened the door and reached towards a wall. Lights came on as he pulled me through the doorway before shutting the heavy portal and twisting the different bolts.

  "Beinvenido to Casa de Dare," he said, tossing his keys with a clatter onto the small bar that separated his living room from the kitchen. I took in the small bits of the apartment I could see before turning my eyes back to his. I wasn't there to admire the décor or to see how clean the man kept his personal space. And it seemed the earlier pissy feelings had somehow mended on our quiet trek back to town which allowed the tension between us to again be felt...and, now, could be acted on.

  With that in mind, I took two running steps toward him before jumping up to glue my mouth to his as I entwined my legs around his hard waist.

  Luckily, Dare more than met me half-way by grabbing my ass to pull me fully against him and shoving his tongue in my mouth as soon as my lips were parked on his. Jay-sus! He felt, tasted and smelled even more wonderful than I remembered from the night before. I found myself almost climbing his big body in order to stay connected.

  My brain finally engaged and I recognized we were moving. "Where're we going, cowboy?"

  "My fuckin' bed, gorgeous. You got a problem with that?" Our lips hadn't broken contact even through us speaking and him walking.

  "If I fucking did, I wouldn't be here," I announced and started toeing off my boots behind his back while we were moving through the hallway, hearing their intermittent thuds as they dropped to the floor. "Wanna be with you, Dare."

  "Goddamn right, Ryley," he murmured, his lips almost buzzing against mine as he spoke but stopped abruptly and then almost flung me onto his mattress. Lucky for me, his bed was on a platform and I didn't have very far to fall. He removed his footwear even as he snagged his t-shirt between his shoulder blades.

  Taking his cue, I made a mad dash to get my clothes off as soon as fucking possible too.

  But he stopped as soon as I'd lifted off my t-shirt and reached for the fastening of my leathers. Maybe it was my turquoise lace underwear that were on view. Or perhaps it was because I had no shame in exposing my body to him but whatever it was had him pausing and staring at what I had on. Visually devouring the different bits on display in the very dim glow that had seeped through the mini-blinds on the bedroom windows as the sun set.

  "Fucking hot," he rumbled and I saw his hands move to the button of his jeans though all I could really see was his massive silhouette in the ever dwindling light. "You've always been so fucking hot, Ryley."

  Donning or removing leathers is never pretty and never quick. Something I'd been surprised to discover when I'd purchased my first pair. The tops were usually okay because a person only really struggled with the arms. But the pants were awful. Basically you were removing cow skin from your own and it was a lengthy, arduous process.

  And damn hard to look sexy while doing it.

  But Dare didn't wait and soon took over my ministrations to remove my pants that came off an inch at a time.

  "If I'd known this was gonna happen today," I grunted, pushing down as he pulled. "I would've dressed different."

  I saw the shine of his cheek as it rounded signaling his smile. "And I'd've fuckin' been ball deep in you by now, sugar, if you had."

  Shit! The thought of what his words described caused a hard deep pulse within me and added to my already wet panties. 'Fuck this,' I thought almost frantic to have him inside me and rolled onto my stomach as I yanked the turquoise lace thong down as I lifted and pointed my ass his way even though my clothes were only down to just above my spread knees. I couldn't think of anything but getting his cock in me.

  "Fuck, yeah," he groaned and there was the sound of foil tearing before I felt his helmet press against the wetness that was no longer contained by my folds. He stopped his movement though and I felt him slide a finger up and back all along the length of my slit. "Shit, Ryley. You need this as much as I do, don't you, sugar?"

  Flipping my hair over my shoulder, I glanced back at him to see if he was teasing but he wasn't. His eyes were glued to what his finger had begun working and his face held a look of awe and a desire so deep it made me dizzy. That look together with what his talented finger was doing pushed me closer towards the orgasm I knew was waiting for me.

  "I need you inside, Dare," I instructed on a whimper. "Please."

  "Aw, fuck," he breathed and his finger was replaced by something harder, thicker that seemed to catch on my core as he slid himself over me, redistributing my wetness. At last, at long fucking last, he begin to press in. "Fucking hell, Ryley, you're so tight ..."

  I heard another "please, Dare!" roll up and out of my mouth on a moan as I pressed back onto his long, turgid length.

  "You're so fuckin' tight. Don't wanna hurt you." His voice was thick almost a growl as he inched his way in. "Fucking Christ, Ryley!"

  His panting tone let me know my infrequent couplings, the reason my girlie place was so constricted, was a good thing. And I did a hip roll at the compliment since there was no way I could talk. I knew if I opened my mouth, gave voice to what was inside me all that would come out would be in the language of 'moan-ese'.

  "Just fuck me already," I said but was aware of the demanding snarl in my voice as I spoke. He'd crowned but had stopped once he was fully inside. And the lack of action drove me nuts!

  He curled himself around my back, his arms bracketing mine even as his hips began to slew, bumping against my ass and retreating. God, he was big and thick as he worked himself in and out of me. I couldn't help my noises, caught up in the tornado he'd created years ago, flamed back into existence by our play of the night before and was just now assuaging.

  Dropping my head and forearms to the mattress, I felt him follow me down, his mouth at my ear. "Your pussy is mine, Ryley. Always has been, always will be."

  Too far gone to protest his words, all I could do was to offer a counter-rhythm to what he was giving. And when he reached a hand around to finger my clit, I completely lost any and all semblance of reality.

  There was a woman's voice in the distance, one that was pleading, begging for her man not to stop, to never stop and it took a while for me to recognize that voice as my own.

  But the sentiment was exactly what I was feeling.

  I never wanted him to stop, to cease what he was doing, what he was creating in me.

  And as I hit my pinnacle, that precipice that I knew meant a long drop to heaven, I screamed his name. I'd screamed it throughout the years as I hit it, both with and without partners, much to my later chagrin. To have the opportunity to do it with him, because of him, only added to the delight.

  But Dare was only four strokes behind me when it came to flying off that ledge.

  And he'd bellowed my name in such a way I knew it wasn't the first time he'd roared it either.





Taking Ryley had been everything he'd imagined and then some.

  She dropped her hips back to the mattress and he made a point of staying connected even though her pants made it almost fuckin' impossible to do. Actually, he didn't want to be disconnected from her at all and if he didn't know it wasn't safe he would've done her again with the same fuckin' condom.


  He'd tried to be smooth, tried to be cool and in control just like he'd been with all of his other women but hadn't been able to keep up his game.

  Not with her.

  Not Ryley.


  "Need to take care of the glove, gorgeous," he whispered into her ear hoping she'd hear him over her deeply panting breaths. He knew she'd hit it almost as hard as he had, in fact it was the clutching of her insides around him as she found her bliss that had him coming faster than he'd wanted to.

  Shoving himself up onto his knees, he reluctantly withdrew from her heated wetness and moved to the end of the bed.

  Fffuuuccckkk. The sight of her even from the back was hot and he felt a renewed interest stirring at just the sight of her fleshy cheeks and winsome waist. He could barely think straight since he'd come so hard it felt like the top of his head had flown off but he knew they'd be doing that again. And soon.

  Removing and flushing the condom he'd worn down the toilet had him reviewing what had just transpired. Too fast, was his conclusion. Satisfying in a way that was bone deep but too motherfuckin' quick.

  Going back into his room, he saw she hadn't moved but was still sprawled on her stomach with her leather pants and panties stuck at knee level. "Want help getting them off, Ryley?"

  "Naw, was thinking to pull 'em up. Need to get to Lock's," she replied, her voice muffled by both the covers and the arms that her head rested on.

  Oh fuck to the no!

  She wasn't going anywhere. There was the little matter of round two, three and maybe four that needed to happen before he let her up from his bed. A man didn't wait as long as they had to get his rocks off with the girl of his dreams and then let her walk out the door after a fast poke.

  He made a u-turn and went back to his bathroom to grab the small container of baby powder before he went back into the room. With the sweat they'd created, there was no way to get her leathers past her knees without it. Plus there was the additional incentive of with her pants off, he'd fuckin' take care of the sexy-as-hell bra until she was as naked as a newborn.

  Which is exactly the way he'd envisioned her in his bed for fuckin' years.

  She reached down and he saw her begin to inch her pants up. "No, no. Stop! Wait, sugar," he instructed as he sprinkled the sweet smelling powder around the top of her pants. "Just hold on a minute."

  "Why? Got shit to do, Dare," she shot back as they had a tug of war with her fuckin' leathers.

  "You ain't goin' nowhere, lover," he growled sharply. "Want you naked and want you again. Your pants are staying off not going back the fuck on."

  He watched as she tensed, going still as his words sank in.

  "More? You want more?" she asked in a disbelieving voice which made him wonder at the men she'd had before him. And gave him a thrill that he was able to give her extra doings, something she obviously hadn't been expecting.

  "Fuck yeah, Ryley," he said sincerely as his hand gently caressed her beautiful backside. "Did you think one time was ever gonna be enough between us? And from fuckin' behind?"

  "I, ah. I mean, I didn't think…"

  "Yeah lover, you didn't," he said with a smile as he eased the pile of her pants and panties around her knees, over her calves before slipping them down and off her ankles. He paused to admire the view with his hands before he reached up to pinch the clasp of her bra's back, releasing her tits from the lace that seemed dyed to match her eyes.

  Placing his lips on the skin that still held the impression of her sexy bit of underwear, he murmured, "for years, you were the only thing I could think of, the only thing I wanted on my cock, Ryley. Now that you're here do you really fuckin' think I'd let you leave?"

  Chapter Fourteen

  He turned on one of the low-watt bedside lamps. Dare wanted to be able to see her and wondered if he'd ever grow tired of looking at her beautiful face, into those amazing eyes.

  Crawling up the bed, he felt her shift up onto her elbows at his question, with only her half-face visible in the low light as her bra straps slid down to her elbows. She propped her head on an arm she'd sunk into the pillow they shared, he felt her gaze on him even though he could only clearly see one of her eyes and the side of her face. His hand moved to caress her naked chest now on view from the gaping of her bra,

  "No, I didn't. But the ones I rubbed out with you in mind saw me hitting a fulfilling heaven way earlier than a round two."

  Good fucking Christ!

  She'd just admitted to masturbating to thoughts of him, and he wanted to fuckin' know just how many times, when and would she let him watch her do it. The very idea of her with a hand between her legs as she stroked herself almost made him grab her again but to know that she did it with him in mind sent the renewed hardness between his legs into the steel-like range.

  "You're fuckin' killing me here, Ryley," he ground out although he'd not given his mouth permission to speak.

  "The same fuckin' way you've killed me for fucking years, Dare." God, he loved that she was as much of a smart-ass as he was. She lifted her chin to look up at him. "You've been my ultimate pussy-tease."

  Dare eyed the mattress on the other side of her before using a hand to shove her onto her back. "I never tease, gorgeous. But always fuckin' please."

  He watched her settle herself on the mattress as he slid into position between her legs.

  "Promises. All you fucking bikers do is offer promises." Her voice held a hint of laughter as her thighs opened for him. He wasted no time rolling onto her, rubbing his ever growing hard against her renewing wetness.

  But his emotions got the better of him and he paused for a moment to savor the fact his long-time dream had become a reality.

  "I've had a lot of fantasies about you, cowboy," she said, her damn aqua eyes dead on him as he held himself on his forearms. "Think you can live up to them?"

  He dropped his face, needing to feel her mouth on his, to taste and play. Or did he just need her to shut the fuck up before his overflowing heart got the better of them both?

  His hand reached for one of her breasts and he used a thumb to gently tease her hardening nipple. "You are so beautiful." But soon just feeling her tits weren't enough and he slid down her body in order to taste them as well. As he licked and laved, pinched and lightly twisted, he felt her press herself into the hard muscles of his abs, rubbing her sweet pussy on him. Leaving a trail of wetness that had his cock bobbing and his mind spinning.

  Dare reached for another one of the condoms he had piled into the bowl on the nightstand as he slid back up and fully onto her.

  "Can and will fulfill all your fantasies and mine, Ryley," he admitted solemnly, still caught up in the fact that he was now with her face to face and nakedly so. "Am gonna fuck you so hard and so deep that every time you think of Montana you'll fuckin' swoon."

  She was quiet as he again eased himself inside her but their eye-fuck never wavered. Once he'd crowned, when he was so deep inside her that he couldn't have said where each of their own bodies began or ended, he heard her speak.

  "I already do. Montana means you, Dare," she whispered with her heart in her eyes.

  And at that something unlocked in his chest, in that secret vault that he'd kept her and the memories of them tucked and buried deeply away.

  Goddamn. Fucking. Hell.

  He already had the sharp edge of coming riding him again but at her words he felt the pressure in his spine take on a new note. One that sang in his heart, his gut and his cock. He couldn't help how his arms went behind her back as he strove to be one with her even as her legs lifted higher, almost clutching the sides of his che
st as their hips began to move.

  "Need your pussy, Ryley." He almost didn't recognize his own voice, it held such a deepness, a resonance that he knew wasn't there normally. "Need it so bad, sugar."

  "Then take it. Make it yours," she whined on a pant. Her voice spoke of her own hunger and her need of him and what he could supply. "Just fucking take me, Dare."

  He went up onto his knees before sitting back and dragged her onto him spanning her hips with his palms, her glorious body spread out in front of him. But it was her moves that had him enthralled. In just the way she tipped herself up to meet him as he thrusted down.

  "Goddamn, Ryley," he groaned, watching himself as he worked himself in and out of her. "So motherfuckin' sexy. That's it, babe. Stroke that sweet pink on my fuckin' cock."

  Her breathing sped up and her breaths ended in almost a whimper, sounds that were the result of what he was doing, of what he'd created in her. He moved his hand so his thumb could flick against her swollen unhooded clit, an action that almost had her screaming.

  "Harder, Dare! Fuck me harder!"

  Raising up further, he did as instructed, pounding himself into her pliant heat. And as he did, he felt her pussy begin to pulse. "That's it, Ryley. Come on me, gorgeous." He watched avidly as she fuckin' hit it, her beautiful eyes opened wide but were unfocused as she screamed out his name. And, at the sound, his own throbs became jets and seemed unending in spite of coming just minutes before.

  He shifted so he could again stretch out on top of her, feeling the light sheen of sweat both their bodies carried from their exertions.

  "God you're good at that," she panted. His mouth found hers again and the leisurely kiss they shared spoke of their mutual satisfaction.

  "Fuckin' enjoyed yourself, huh?"

  "Yeah, maybe a little bit." They were both grinning big and Dare couldn't remember being so happy. "But, your sex talk could use some work. I mean, shit, Dare. 'Sweet pink'? Sounds like something from a cheap 70's porno or something."


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