Dance of the Dragon

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Dance of the Dragon Page 13

by Kira Nyte

  “I was able to get most of the pills out of her mouth,” Briella said. “But she still managed to swallow a few…”

  Taryn dropped to his knees and carefully pulled Gabriella into his arms. She opened her eyes a slit.

  “Gabriella, this will all get better. I promise you. She will never come near you again. No one will ever hurt you again.” He lifted her up to press a kiss to her forehead. “You’re my shining star, angel. My precious gift. Let me cherish you. Hold on and let me show you what true happiness can be.”

  “I told you no one wants a woman like me.”

  His breath was ragged when he inhaled. He shook his head. “No, that’s where you’re wrong. I want you. Past, present, and future. Promise me you’ll fight until Amelia gets here.”

  Her eyes closed. Taryn drew her closer, cradling her tight. He looked at Briella, who appeared as shaken as he felt.

  “I wish I had seen it.” She dropped her hands on her legs, defeated. “I wish…I wish I had seen her and not just the pills. I didn’t realize what was going on until it was too late. Her mind was so lost.”

  “I shouldn’t have left, but the anger took control.” Taryn pressed his lips together, his forehead creased as he lowered his eyes to Gabriella’s wan face. “She’s strong. She may not think so, but she’s stronger than almost anyone I’ve met. She’ll make it through.” He watched Gabby’s steady breathing and felt the rhythmic thump of her heart. “She would be worse off had you not come to her. Thank you.”

  “I don’t know what to do for her. I know she can’t go to the hospital while the police are looking for her.”

  Taryn frowned. “Amelia will be able to help. She’s got some potion or tea or concoction that’ll purge her system, as long as she gets here soon.” He glanced over his shoulder. “Would you pull the blankets down on the bed? I’m going to get her off the bathroom floor.”

  “Of course.” Briella got up and went into the bedroom.

  Taryn stared into the pain-pinched face of his beautiful lifemate. A woman who’d been nearly destroyed by the very person who was supposed to protect her. A woman granted to him by the gods, yet stripped of the confidence to allow herself to believe that her life could be anything but a misery.

  He pressed another kiss to her forehead. Skin smooth and cool.

  “When you wake up, angel, your nightmares will be over.”

  She would rebuild herself, because she was Corvin’s daughter. She would survive, because she was his Keeper.

  And Taryn would not have it any other way.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Dreamless sleep blessed her night.

  A nauseous stomach kissed her good morning.

  Gabby curled up in the bed, drawing the covers close around her. She inhaled the scents of spice and fire, comforted despite the vicious roil of her stomach.

  A single memory snapped her to full wakefulness.

  Eyes wide, she took in the room. Her heart gave a strange thump and patter. Large, masculine.

  Taryn’s bedroom.

  She stole another breath of his scent from the blankets and couldn’t help the urge to sink deeper into the bed he usually slept in. She may be alone now, but he made sure she was far from alone. Both a comforting and unusual thought, even as the events from the night before punched their way to the forefront of her mind.

  She uttered a quiet moan.

  Such a fool.

  As the embarrassment of her actions slowly slipped away, she forced herself to sit up.

  Her head spun and she swallowed the urge to vomit.

  “Ugh,” she whispered, drawing up her knees and dropping her head onto them.

  Baby steps. A few minutes to let the nausea and throbbing in her head pass. When it subsided to a manageable level, she twisted and dropped her feet to the floor. Her eyes were drawn to a huge bouquet of exotic flowers and roses in a glass vase on the nightstand.

  Her brows furrowed. She leaned forward to read the hand-written note on the table beside the flowers.

  The start of a new day. A new future. When you are ready, come out. I’ll be waiting.

  Gabby blinked, her eyes stinging. She reached for one of the large orange petals of a flower, letting her fingertips run over the unmarred, velvety surface.

  “What life have I fallen into?”

  Getting out of bed was a slow process, but once she was up, the nausea and headache faded almost completely. It allowed her to steal a quick shower—she hoped Taryn didn’t mind her borrowing one of his button-down shirts as a dress, since it almost reached her knees—brush her teeth with a new brush she found set out for her on the marble sink counter, and rake up enough strength to face the aftermath of her panic attack.

  Subtle sweetness greeted her when she opened the door. The soft tunes of music followed. Clinks came from the kitchen, and she quietly made her way in that direction.

  Nothing could prepare her for what brought her to a dazed halt in the doorway.

  Silver serving dishes spread over the counter, filled with pancakes, waffles, fruit, and several other items she couldn’t name. But her attention was demanded elsewhere.

  Like to the naked back of the man who flipped pancakes on a countertop griddle.

  Taryn hummed along with the song coming from unseen speakers wearing nothing but a pair of dark flannel pants riding low on his tapered hips.

  The sight made her stomach flip, and not in a bad way. It left her chest feeling light and fluttery. Was her heart beating right? What was that strange tickle that crept up her neck?

  She shouldn’t stare. She knew all too well how uncomfortable having someone ogle her was. He probably didn’t like it, either.

  But she couldn’t help herself. His back was a plane of finely honed muscles that made the intricate and realistic-looking dragon tattoo spread across his upper back and shoulders move like it was about to peel off his skin and take flight. His shoulders were thick and broad. Arms that made muscles look effortless to obtain.

  Strands of sandy waves fell out of the short ponytail—it really was too short to call it that—at the nape of his neck.

  As her eyes roamed up his neck, he glanced over his shoulder. Fever hit her face and she tried to duck her head to hide her flaming cheeks.

  “Ahh, good afternoon, angel.” He abandoned his station at the griddle to hold out a hand to her. She couldn’t believe how hot her face was, and how easy it was to drink in the front of this magnificent man as he watched. Taryn was perfection. “You look well rested today.”

  She approached and reached for his hand. He used his grip to pull her close, spinning her around. A shriek escaped her lips as he dipped her back and smiled down at her from above.

  His light-hearted motion made her smile back.

  “And there’s that beautiful smile.” He straightened, pulling her into him and pressing a kiss to the top of her head. He slipped a hand between them and urged her chin up until she met his gaze. “First day of forever, angel. First lesson of your new life. Never let anyone make you feel like you need to look away. Never lose eye contact. You’re stronger than that. Never submit.”

  Gabby held his gaze, losing herself in the gorgeous russet. They lulled her, smoothed the rough edges of her past. Her fingers played over the warm curves of his arms.

  His thumb caressed her lips. “How’re you feeling?”

  “Foolish,” she admitted. He arched a brow. “I lost myself. I thought you were disgusted with me, realizing how damaged I am.”

  He cleared his throat, a hint of firmness to the sound. “Lesson number two. No more degrading terms to describe yourself. Broken, shattered, messed up, damaged. I won’t accept it, because your past does not define your heart, nor does it define your future. That is up to you.” His hand slipped from her chin to the crook of her neck, where he pressed his thumb to her quickened pulse. “There is so much life in you. So much fire. It’s been suffocated all this time. Not anymore.”

  Her heart melted a little. Or maybe
more than a little. Sincerity was written clear as day over his face. Not a mask of false promises and faux smiles.

  “You’re willing to stand by me?”

  “Angel, always. I’m yours. I’ll be whatever you need me to be, whenever you need me to be it. You’re my lifemate. You claimed my heart the moment you crossed my path.” He winced. “Despite how much of an ass I was.”

  “At least you know you’re an ass. Thanks for the buffet invite.”

  Gabby started to duck her head again as another man strode into the kitchen, but Taryn caught her chin, gave a miniscule shake of his head, and turned them both to face the new stranger. Taryn settled his arm on Gabby’s shoulders and used his other hand to remove the pancakes from the griddle.

  “You weren’t invited, Gabe, but since you like to crash,” Taryn said with a look of mock annoyance. “Help yourself.”

  The man eyed Gabby with interest as he selected a piece of bacon from a platter. “Wow, if she doesn’t look like Corvin.” He suddenly froze, bacon at his lips, eyes widening. “No fucking way!”

  Gabby’s forehead creased. Taryn chuckled. The man dropped the bacon on the counter and narrowed his eyes, which didn’t soften the fierce edges of his handsome face.

  “Gabriella, this is Gabe. Another one of us, although a questionable character.”

  “Gabriella and Gabriel. Are you sure she wasn’t destined to be mine?” Gabe asked. He leaned over the counter and stretched out his hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  Gabby accepted his shake, and noticed how hot his skin was. Seemed a feature of dragons. Walking furnaces.

  “I thought you were following a lead to your Keeper? Chances are, if everything is going as the old lore says, you’ll find your lifemate at the end of the road.”

  Gabe retrieved his bacon and bit off a chunk. He shrugged. “We’ll see. Not sure who can handle me.”

  “Someone who can kick your ass.”

  Gabe rolled his eyes. “That’s Taj.”

  Taryn’s arm dropped away from Gabby’s shoulders. “Taj needs a woman who can pull the thorns out of his sides without making him cry.” He grabbed a plate from a cabinet and held it out as Gabe took a waffle off a platter. “We don’t live in the Renaissance, brother.”

  Gabe tore off a bite of waffle like it was meat from a bone. “Grrr.”

  Gabby stifled a laugh. She could really get used to this fun atmosphere. What a refreshing change from the dingy, dirty, drug-infested life that had always surrounded her.

  Gabe waved his waffle and headed out of the kitchen. “Not sticking around. Too much to do today. Nice meeting you, Gabriella.”

  Gabby looked questioningly at Taryn. He chuckled and shook his head. “That’s Gabe. He’s the only Firestorm who has a blood brother, Emery. Then there’s Tajan, who can make the world’s worst PMSing female look like a cherub. Not sure where the attitude came from.”

  Gabby ticked off the names on her fingers. “That’s five. Who are the other three?”

  “Zareh and Alazar. Both have found their lifemates. They’re living in The Hollow now after being attacked in Georgia. Zareh’s wife just had a baby. Then there’s our leader, Cade.” He guided her to a barstool on the other side of the counter. “When you meet him, don’t be intimidated by his size or looks. He’s pretty ferocious, but nothing more than a big teddy bear where clan is concerned.”

  Gabby moistened her lips, and instantly realized her mistake when Taryn’s heated attention focused on her mouth and his pupils dilated. She boosted herself onto the seat in front of a place setting, duly noting there was only one.

  “Aren’t you going to sit and eat with me?” Gabby asked.

  Taryn lifted his eyes, not an ounce of regret in his expression. “Would you like me to?”

  She folded her hands in her lap to keep her tingling fingers from reaching for the strand of sandy blond hair that dangled over his eye. Touch. She hated the need, yet she wanted to touch him so bad.

  He allowed her to make the decision. Allowed her to determine what she wanted. He was giving her a freedom seldom offered by her mother or any of the lowlifes she associated with.

  “Yes.” Gabby grinned as a spark of flames danced in his eyes. “I don’t want to eat alone.”

  There was something incredibly soothing about the way he looked at her. His gaze brushed her like a tender wing, not the typical impaling of sex-hungry drug addicts that usually assaulted her with their eyes. Taryn was different, and not because he was a dragon. His demeanor was playful and light, but lethal when necessary.

  Thus far, that lethal edge came out whenever she was in danger.

  It was nice to have her own champion.

  He rounded the counter and went to the fridge. “Would you like something to drink?”

  She eyed the coffee pot. Her stomach instantly warned her not to go that route. Taryn peeked inquiringly from behind the fridge door. “Um, I think I’m okay for now.”

  “Nothing? Juice? Coffee? Tea?”

  She perked up. “Tea might be good. My stomach is still a bit iffy.”

  Taryn disappeared behind the door for a moment, then closed it with milk and a lemon in his hand. “I’d imagine so. Amelia’s concoction to counter the medication wasn’t too kind. Do you remember anything from last night?”

  Gabby tried to recall the events, but couldn’t seem to remember anything after she closed her eyes in Taryn’s arms. “No.”

  “Better off that way. Let’s leave it at that. Meel left some herbs to steep to help your stomach if it’s unbearable, but she said a good meal should do the trick.”

  Her stomach fluttered. She looked over the meal fit for a crowd. “Hence all of this.”

  “The leftovers won’t go to waste. I’ll bring them down to the homeless shelter. They always enjoy homemade food.”

  That drew her attention as he fixed two mugs on the counter and dropped a tea bag in one. She admired his ease with new appreciation. A man both beautiful and strong. Selfless and confident. She went from a life of scrounging, at times being the recipient of a donated meal, to the lifemate of a man who thoughtfully provided not just food, but his time to make others happy.

  To make her happy.

  “You are such a godsend.” He glanced up with a chuckle, one that made his irises glitter and faint lines dance at the corners of his eyes. She hadn’t noticed them before, but found them incredibly endearing. He enjoyed smiling, and she enjoyed that about him.

  “I have more money that I know what to do with. I have even more time on my hands to do nothing or do something productive. I’ve lived hundreds of years, angel. I’ve seen bad, worse, and I’ve seen the good that others can make happen. I choose to contribute to making the world a little better, even if it’s only a few people at a time. I’m not looking for thanks. I’m looking to see who will pay it forward and keep the good going strong.”

  He turned away to pour coffee into one mug and fill the other with hot water from a kettle he’d obviously kept simmering on the stove.

  “This world needs more people like you.”

  “This world needs more than people like me. It needs a cleansing no magic can perform. But the little things do count.” He poured milk into his coffee and cut a wheel from the lemon. “Allergies?”

  Gabby shook her head. “I like lemon.”

  Taryn dropped the wheel in the mug and returned to her side, leaving her tea at the head of her plate. He settled in the stool beside her, arranging the plate and utensils he had offered Gabe in front of himself.

  “Help yourself, angel.”

  Gabby picked out two pancakes, some eggs from a covered platter, sausage and toast. Her mouth watered and her stomach rumbled, drawing a quiet laugh from Taryn.

  “What? Yours doesn’t make noise?”

  Taryn loaded up his plate with meat and eggs. “I kinda like this playful side of you. Betchya it makes you feel good.”

  “Actually”—she poured syrup over her pancakes—“it’s a nice change.
I can’t remember the last time I woke up and didn’t reach for my meds.”

  “You won’t need them anymore because your triggers won’t be haunting you every day.”

  Until the bedroom.

  She tried to swat the thought away, but one glance at Taryn and she wasn’t so certain he would be as sweet in bed as he as out of it.

  His shoulders stiffened slightly and his eyes landed on her. A sudden wash of seriousness cast down his face. “She taught you we were beasts. But not a single one of us would have done the things to our children that she forced on you.”

  “You’re reading my mind.” She looked down at her plate and cut into her pancakes, hyper aware of his observant gaze.

  “You spoke that very thought to me. What is it you want to know? What’s your fear?”

  She was so close to taking her first bite when his word caused her stomach to churn. Instead, she set her fork on the plate. “I, um, I’m not—”

  Those damn fingers of his. Always touching her so tenderly and easing the swell of fear from her mind. He nudged her chin up as she let it drop and brought her gaze to his.

  “Head up.” He slowly lowered his hand. “Face the past, Gabby. Don’t let it weigh on your shoulders. Bow your head, you give it more power to take over your life.”

  His words, spoken with an odd combination of firmness and understanding, lanced her.

  “You called me Gabby.”

  “Isn’t that what you asked me to call you?”

  She cocked her head, regarding him with wonder. “At times you don’t.”

  Taryn shrugged. “I can’t help myself. I like the way your full name sounds. It’s beautiful, like the owner of the name.”

  How the hell was she going to contend with his charm? It was potent, like everything else about him.

  “She said you were a beast in bed. I had to be prepared for whatever you wished of me. And I had to accept it without complaint.”

  He scowled and took a sip of his coffee. “Let me tell you something about beasts in the bedroom. There are two different types of beasts. One that enjoys pain and finds pleasure in making a partner suffer heartlessly. I personally consider that assault. The things Janice forced upon you were assault. Sickening.” A faint wisp of heat darkened his eyes. “Then there is the beast of pleasure. I’m certainly not the former of the two, but you can decide, if that time comes.”


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