Give My Love to Rose

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Give My Love to Rose Page 20

by Nicole Sturgill

  “Alright, I reckon we can open them now,” Marston agreed. “Come on, Rose,” he added. “You’re supposed to be taking it easy. I’ll peel the potatoes after we’re done with gifts.”

  Jeremiah batted his lashes and laid his hand over his heart. “Aww, have you ever peeled potatoes in your life?”

  “He sure has!” Langley was quick to respond as he hopped to his feet. “He peeled some for me the first day I met him and he cooked us dinner. He even used the big old knife!” he added before running into his room.

  Jeremiah shivered. “Yeah, I know all about that knife. I’ve been on the sharp end of it a few times.”

  Rose’s eyes widened as she walked to the back of the sofa and laid her hand on Marston’s shoulder. “You’ve stabbed your brother?”

  Langley positioned himself on the sofa next to Marston with a burlap sack from his room clutched tight in his hands. Jeremiah nodded toward Rose. “That’s not the half of it!” he assured her. “He’s shot me, stabbed me, left me for dead in the desert, sent a posse in my direction so they wouldn’t be going in his and has stolen my horses over and over. That’s a real winner of a man you got there, Rose.”

  Rose glanced down at her man who was simply sitting on the sofa with a bored expression, his legs stretched out in front of him and his arms crossed over his chest. “Marston, did you truly do all that to your own brother?” Rose asked.

  Marston grunted. “First off, he’s annoying so he deserved to be shot and stabbed and he’s shot and stabbed me plenty of times as well. Second, I didn’t leave him for dead in the desert, I just left him. Third, ask him who sent that damn posse after me in the first place and fourth, damn near every horse he’s ever had he’s stolen from me.”

  Rose attempted to wrap her head around that mixed up relationship but was unable to. “That make me very thankful that I don’t have any brothers or sisters,” she admitted. Langley and Duke were quick to nod in agreement.

  Duke stood from his chair. “Come on, Jeremiah. It’s present time and our gifts for these fine folks are outside.”

  Marston frowned at the duo’s retreating backs. “I’ll be right back.” Without further explanation, he followed them out the door. As Duke and Jeremiah stepped out of the barn with a burlap sack, Marston’s frown deepened. “Where exactly did the two of you go last night?”

  “How the hell do you know we went anywhere?” Jeremiah demanded.

  Duke chuckled. “The bastard can hear a gnat take a shit from a hundred yards.”

  “So what’s in the bag?” Marston pressed.

  Duke held it up higher. “Presents for Christmas.”

  Marston scratched at his jaw. “You’re saying you went out in the night on Christmas Eve and stole presents for Christmas?”

  “Maybe we bought ‘em,” Jeremiah countered, the grin on his face making it clear that was not the case.

  Marston shook his head. “There’s a special place in hell for people like you.”

  “We stole our presents and you bought your presents with stolen money.” Duke shrugged. “We’ll let you sit next to us down there if you promise to be nicer.”

  Jeremiah laughed and threw his arm around Marston’s shoulders. “Come on, little brother, get in the spirit of the season! It’s all about giving.”

  Marston raised his brow and glared down his nose at his brother. “I’m gonna be in the spirit of giving you an ass whooping if you don’t get your arm off me.”

  Duke grumbled and held the sack out to Marston. “Can we still give these presents, papa? Even though we stole them?”

  Marston pinched his nose between his fingers and counted to three—he didn’t’ want to hit either one of them again on Christmas. He knew that would only upset Rose. “Did you steal them from the H&H Mercantile?” he finally asked.

  Jeremiah nodded. “We borrowed ‘em from there, yes.”

  “Borrowed,” Marston scoffed. He threw up his hands. “You can give your stolen presents with a smile. I hate those damn bitches.”


  “Okay, we’ll let our guests hand out their presents first,” Rose announced as she sat sandwiched on the sofa between Marston and Langley. Duke was once again sitting in the arm chair and Jeremiah had settled himself down on the floor.

  “I feel terrible that you got us something and we have nothing to give to you,” Rose admitted, color staining her cheeks.

  “Don’t feel guilty,” Duke countered with a comforting smile that made Marston’s fist twitch. “We came unannounced but knew we couldn’t show up at Christmastime empty handed.”

  Marston grunted. Actually, they could.

  When Jeremiah pulled a brand new storybook from the burlap sack and held it out to Langley, the boy’s eyes widened to the size of fifty scent pieces. “Thanks!” he exclaimed. “I’d been wanting this one!”

  “Here ya go,” Duke said, tossing a small leather sack toward Langley.

  Langley snatched it out of the air and pulled the string tying it closed. His eyes lit up. “Mama, I got jacks! I have toys!”

  Marston felt Rose shake and he glanced down at her face to realize she was fighting back tears. “That’s great,” she whispered. Marston’s arm gently squeezed her shoulders and he pressed a kiss to her hair.

  “This is for you, ma’am,” Duke said as he and Jeremiah handed her a new white bonnet and matching apron.

  “Thank you,” Rose beamed, gracing them with a bright smile.

  Jeremiah glanced at Marston. “We didn’t get you anything.”

  “Good,” Marston shrugged. “I didn’t get you bastards anything either.”

  Without warning, Rose got to her feet and headed for the door, motioning at Marston to follow. “Where we going?” he grumbled.

  “Come outside with me,” was the only explanation that she gave. Marston nodded, left Langley on the sofa playing with his new treasures and followed Rose out onto the porch.

  Instantly he wrapped his arms tight around her soft body to protect her from the cold air. “You shouldn’t be coming out here and letting that cold air in your lungs,” he scolded.

  “I wanted to talk in private.”

  Marston kissed her hair. “Then talk.”

  Rose fixed him with a determined stare. “We have to give Jeremiah and Duke something.”

  “No, we don’t,” Marston countered.

  Rose ignored him and pointed at the woodshed. “Let’s give them the pocket watch and saddle that Winston had.”

  Marston chuckled as he tweaked her cold reddened nose. “You want to give them the things that I stole off the man that I killed as their Christmas presents?”

  Rose shrugged. “He’s not using them.”

  Her statement had Marston laughing with disbelief as the woman he loved surprised him yet again. “I’ll turn you into an outlaw yet.”

  “I was raised in an orphanage,” she reminded him. “And I was married to an outlaw. I’ve got a little in my blood.”

  “Quit trying to steal my thunder,” Marston grumbled with a wink. “You get in out of the cold and I’ll go get that saddle and watch.”


  “Damn, that’s a nice saddle!” Duke marveled as he ran his hands over the shimmering brass stirrups and supple leather.

  “I like my watch and all but why couldn’t I have the saddle?” Jeremiah moped as he glanced enviously over Duke’s shoulder.

  “I’m not giving you a fancy saddle-like that one,” Marston replied. “You get your horse stolen too damn much.”

  Jeremiah’s eyes flashed with temper. “The only time my horse gets stolen is when you steal it!”

  Marston shrugged and wrapped his arm around Rose on the sofa. “Exactly. Why give you something that I’ll just be stealing back later?”

  Jeremiah stepped forward. “Why you son of a….”

  Rose held up her hand and his jaw snapped shut. “Please, no more fighting on Christmas.”

  Jeremiah glared at Marston a moment longer before grumbling under
his breath and sulking away. He settled down on the rug in front of the fire, pulled his new watch from his pocket and began to look it over intently.

  “My turn!” Langley exclaimed with excitement. He grabbed the burlap sack he’d kept close to him and pulled out the carefully wrapped present he’d gotten for Rose.

  “You got me a present?” she whispered as tears gathered in her eyes.

  Langley simply nodded and bounced from foot to foot. “Unwrap it mama!” he urged.

  Rose painstakingly pulled back the soft cloth wrapped around her gift and revealed the delicate ceramic hummingbird beneath. Bright green feathers were surrounded by detailed pink flowers and even Marston had to admit the thing was beautiful.

  “Langley, this is beautiful…” she managed to say, though the words were thick and heavy. A tear fell down her cheek and Marston knew immediately that those were the happy tears that Langley had warned him about.

  Rose carried her new treasure to the crooked mantle and sat it proudly upon the scarred wood with Langley beaming as he watched her.

  Marston frowned when Langley dropped the burlap sack into his lap and he realized something was still inside. “What’s that?” Marston asked.

  “Your present…” Langley urged, his hands fidgeting with the bottom of his thin shirt.

  Marston felt the collar of his shirt tighten. “You got me a present?”

  “I sure did.. I hope you like it. Mr. Tray’s son, Travis, I talk to him now and then when mama is cleaning house for them and, well, Travis told me that every pa needs to have one of those so I wanted to get you one…”

  As the boy was rambling Marston pulled a light tan, polished corn cob pipe from inside the sack. “There’s some tobacco in there too,” Langley added with a shrug. “Cuz what good is a pipe without tobacco?”

  Marston wanted to give the boy the approval he was clearly wanting but he feared that if he spoke, the emotion clogging his throat would be too obvious. He cleared his throat and scratched at his chin.

  “I uh.. This is a nice pipe, Langley. I’ve never gotten a Christmas present before and this is just about the best thing I could have imagined getting.”

  Langley’s face lit with joy. “Really?! Good! I’m glad you like it! I searched that whole store to find it. Travis told me a pa needs a pipe and I knew you didn’t have one.”

  Marston simply nodded. “Then I needed this pipe,” he croaked. Damnation! Marston felt Duke and Jeremiah’s eyes on him but thankfully neither said a word as Marston worked hard to compose himself. He let his gaze turn to Rose and he knew she would see the depths of what he was feeling.

  She offered him a tearful smile and took his hand, giving it a tender squeeze which Marston returned. “I guess that means it’s my turn to give you and Langley your gifts,” she sniffed.

  Rose left the sofa and returned moments later with her sewing bag. She handed each of them a shirt and a pair of trousers. When Marston met Langley’s gaze the boy was giving him an ‘I told you so’ look of historic proportions.

  Marston bit back laughter and smiled at his woman. “Thank you, Rose. I certainly needed me some new clothes.”

  “Yeah mama,” Langley smiled brightly and hugged her. “I think these are the best ones yet!”

  Jeremiah clicked his tongue and deposited his pocket watch into the front of his shirt. “Alright, Marston, you’re the only one who hasn’t given any gifts of your won. You got some or are you lacking the Christmas spirit?”

  Marston glared at his brother. He’d rather die than have them be here to witness this time with his family. Marston still didn’t fully trust them and he didn’t like knowing they were leaning just how deep his weakness ran with Rose and Langley—he’s seen them take advantage of weakness like that and use it to get their way a thousand times in the past. Hell, he himself had once been a man who did so… He’d rather them see him as a cold-hearted son of a bitch than anything else.

  “Duke, why don’t you and Jeremiah take that new saddle on out to the barn?” Marston snapped.

  Duke nodded knowingly and stood. He motioned for Jeremiah to do the same. “It’s damn cold out there!” Jeremiah argued. “I want to keep my ass in the warm house.”

  Duke took a sputtering, cursing Jeremiah by the arm and hauled the skinny man to his feet. “Marston would like some damn alone time with his woman and boy.”

  Jeremiah glared at his brother. “My ass liked you better when you let it stay warm,” he grumbled.

  Marston saw Rose cover her mouth in an attempt to hide her amusement but Langley did no such thing as he laughed loudly.

  Duke threw open the door and cold wind assaulted the cabin. Rose shivered as her red curls danced and she moved in closer to Marston who was more than happy to wrap his arm tight around her and grace Jeremiah with a smug grin.

  Jeremiah was mumbling something about shooting him again soon as Duke dragged him out the door and then closed it quickly to ward off the chill.

  Once the trio was alone in the cabin, Langley could no longer contain his excitement. “What did you get me?” he exclaimed, bouncing up and down.

  Rose opened her mouth to scold him but Marston chuckled and kissed her hair to silence her. He stood and walked to his saddlebags, pulling out the revolver tucked safely in a leather satchel and Rose’s necklace still wrapped tight in soft white cloth.

  He held the satchel out to Langley and the boy snatched it and jerked it open faster than Marston had ever seen him move before. His blue eyes nearly fell from their sockets as he pulled the shining revolver from inside. “Is this mine? That old one?” he whispered, his voice full of wonder.

  Marston felt his heart swell with pride when Langley smiled up at him. “Sure is.”

  “But how did you get it to look like this?” Langley demanded, holding up the gun and studying it intently. “It wasn’t good for much other than a doorstop before!”

  Marston shrugged. “Just took a little oil and elbow grease.”

  Langley’s brow furrowed as he frowned up at him. “Elbow grease?”

  “Hard work,” Marston chuckled.

  “Gee thanks!” Langley exclaimed before jumping forward and wrapping his thin arm tight around Marston’s waist.

  Marston swallowed hard to fight back emotion as he patted Langley’s head. “I’m glad you like it.”

  “Like it? I love it! It’s perfect. It sure is nice to have a pa around here!” Langley’s excitement faded a bit as he glanced up at Marston and swallowed hard. “You are gonna stay around and be my pa, aren’t you?”

  “Um…” Marston cleared his throat and struggled desperately to control his emotions. Never before had he ever felt like this. He’d never felt a happiness so overwhelming that it clogged his throat. “I would be honored to stay around and be your pa, Langley.”

  Marston’s eye burned. He reached to his cheek and swiped his hand across it and, with shock, he realized it was damp.

  A tear.


  Marston Jacob’s had never cried. He’d never cried as a man nor as a child. This innocent ten-year-old boy had just done something that no bully, headmaster, whip or backstabbing outlaw had ever managed to accomplish.

  Langley didn’t seem to notice the state Marston was in. The boy went to the window and threw open the shutters before taking aim and looking down the revolvers sights.

  Marston felt Rose’s tiny hands on his back and he sniffed before swallowing hard and letting out a sigh. His chest was still tight but Marston was fairly certain that no more tears were going to fall—he couldn’t quite wrap his head around the fact that a few had already fallen.

  Rose stepped around him and looked up into his eyes. “Thank you, Marston.”

  Marston shifted his feet and shook his head. “Those words again….” he grumbled. “You know I don’t like them.”

  “Well too bad,” Rose countered, her stubborn chin stuck out. “You’re going to hear them today.”

  “Here,” Marston mumbled g
ruffly. He stuck the folded cloth in her hand. “I got you something too.”

  Rose held that folded cloth as if it were a newborn babe. “You didn’t have to get me anything,” she assured him, even as she pulled back the folds. “You’ve already given me so much…”

  “Just open it,” Marston growled impatiently.

  Rose’s eyes widened when she saw the necklace. “Marston…!” she gasped as she ran her fingertip gently over the delicate pink cameo and ivory roses. Tears filled her eyes. “I’ve never owned anything this beautiful…”

  Marston took the locket from her hand and motioned for her to turn. Rose lifted her hair as she did so and Marston fastened the dainty chain around her pale neck. He slid his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her head as they watched Langley pretended to shoot at critters only he could see.

  “What do you think of having a family, outlaw?” Rose whispered.

  “It feels damn good,” Marston replied, filling with pride. Never in his life had he imagined he’d be a family man but now these two people were his reason for living—Marston would have nothing without them.

  A knock came on the cabin door, interrupting the quiet intimacy of the moment. “Can we come back in now?” Duke’s deep voice rumbled.

  Jeremiah grunted. “Yeah, I got icicles hanging off my ass.”

  Langley turned away from the window and ran toward the door. “Oh, this I gotta see!”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Two days later found Marston in the barn attempting to clean the stalls but bumping elbows with Jeremiah who was filling the water troughs. “Why are you still here?!” Marston demanded, tossing down his rake.

  Duke looked up from the ground as he lounged against the doorframe. “Are you eager to get rid of us?”

  Marston was quiet a moment as he listened to the sound of Rose scrubbing clothes and Langley whistling tunes as he gathered eggs. “It’s not that…”

  “Then what?” Jeremiah asked, setting his empty water bucket down.

  Marston swiped his sleeve across his sweaty brow. “I just can’t figure out what the hell you’re still doing there. I appreciate you riding in to save my family but I know damn well you only stayed for Christmas because Rose demanded it and I sure as hell can’t understand what’s got you sticking around and getting domesticated.”


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