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Uninvolved Page 17

by Carey Heywood

  Days passed, and Becka was finishing her packing. Dave was taking her to the airport the next day. It had been three weeks since she had seen Nate. In the beginning, Becka had been sure that with the passage of time it would get easier. It hadn’t. Becka missed Nate as much as ever. It took her deleting his contact information (again) to stop her from texting him that she had changed her mind.

  Becka was at the mall to pick up some last minute Christmas presents. Her mother was impossible to shop for so Becka was just getting her a gift card to Cold Water Creek. She was heading to Starbucks to get a caramel frappuccino when she heard,

  "Becka, right?"

  Becka turned to the source of the voice. It was Ian. She wasn’t sure what to do so she just gave him a half wave.

  He walked over to her and said, "Can we talk?"

  "Ian, I don’t think that’s a good idea."

  "So are you with Nate?"

  "Um, that's really none of your business."

  "You're right. I'm sorry. I'll go. It was nice seeing you."

  Becka walked slowly to Starbucks, trying to figure out what that was about. She hesitated before going in, changing her mind about getting a drink. The random run-in with Ian caught her off guard with thoughts of Nate. Becka did her best to hold herself together as she rushed through the shopping center and out to her car. She was thankful it was a sunny day and that her sunglasses hid her tear brimming eyes from holiday shoppers. Once in her car, Becka put her head in her hands and let the tears come. After calming down, she drove home. At least she had run into Ian after she already had her mom's gift card. Otherwise, her mom may have been giftless on Christmas morning because, short of getting her something at the airport, Becka was not going back to the mall anytime soon.

  The last week before her trip, Becka felt oddly calm. She would still from time to time wonder what Nate was up to and hope that he might be thinking about her as well. Otherwise, in her attempts to not leave too much work behind for her team, Becka had her hands full. Dave was going to be staying in Phoenix, and Becka was having the hardest time finding the perfect gift for him. Becka eventually settled on a swanky monthly beer subscription. The first case came with the order confirmation, so Becka had something to wrap and leave for him knowing them they would probably exchange and open gifts before he took her to the airport.

  Becka took some Advil PM before she went to bed. She was never a great traveler and tended to stay up the night before a flight worrying about it. She had this overwhelming feeling like she was forgetting something. Like she would get home and then realize she hadn’t packed any underwear, so then she'd open her suitcase to double check that, yes, she did remember to pack whatever she thought she forgot. With an Advil PM, she would feel too tired to stress. This way she would at least have a good night sleep.

  That morning, Becka and Dave exchanged Christmas presents. Dave was notorious for gag gifts but surprised her with a bottle of her favorite perfume. Becka wondered if he was being extra nice because of the whole Nate deal. Becka pushed that thought out of her mind as she watched Dave open her gift. Once Dave realized it was a monthly gift that kept giving, he was thrilled. When he had thought it was just one case of beer, he had given Becka a look like “really?”

  Her flight was at ten am so Dave dropped her off at eight-thirty. This way, she had plenty of time to get checked in and through security. Her phone went off just as it was her turn to check her baggage. She ignored it. Once she was past security and after she had bought a caramel Frappuccino, she settled down at her gate to wait for boarding.

  Pulling out her phone, Becka checked her message. It was Nate. He said he missed her and wanted to see her and that he was an idiot. Becka sat there openmouthed at her gate in Sky Harbor Airport. She hurried to call him back.



  "Um, hey, I got your message."

  "I feel like such an idiot. Are you busy? Can I come over?"

  "Um, I'm actually at the airport. I'm going back home."

  "Are you moving?."

  "Um, no, no. Just for Christmas."

  "You scared me there for a second."

  "Sorry. I just—are we really talking or am I hallucinating?"

  "We are really talking, Becka." Nate laughed.

  "Whew. Hey are you laughing?"

  "I'm sorry. It's just hysterical to me that you are sitting in an airport right now. When are you coming back?"

  "The 30th."

  "Can I pick you up?"


  "When your flight lands."

  "I don't know. Has anything changed?"

  "Shit. Sorry. I probably should have started with that. I'm not sure how it will work, but I miss you and I want to see you.

  "Want to see me and then bail first thing in the morning want to see me?"

  "Becka, will you be my girlfriend?"

  "Are you sure?"

  "I am. So can I pick you up?"

  "From the airport? Uh, sure. That'd be great."

  Becka was almost shaking in her chair. Was this happening? Was this really happening? And why the hell did it have to happen today when she was leaving? Becka gave him her return flight information and mentally reminded herself to text Dave that she no longer needed a ride. Or a date for New Year’s, it would seem. She talked to Nate until her flight started boarding. At first, it was a bit awkward. They had never really talked on the phone for long before.

  Becka promised to call him once she landed. She had a layover in Las Vegas. Once Becka was settled in her seat, she could not help but grin. She actually felt a bit silly, considering she was cramped between strangers. Before the stewardesses announced they had to turn off all electronics, Becka texted Dave, Crystal, and Lucy about Nate. Then she had to turn her phone off. Becka popped a piece of gum into her mouth, sat back, and tried to settle down for her flight.

  Becka was restless. She had her eReader, but until they reached ten thousand feet, she wasn’t allowed to turn it on. She killed time flipping through a SkyMall magazine. Some of the stuff they sold was ridiculous, others genius. Becka thought about taking the catalog with her when she landed but figured she did not really need an inflatable pillow for long flights.

  Once they announced they could turn on electronics, Becka flipped on her eReader. She was just too excited to actually read. Becka tried to make conversation with the woman sitting next to her, but the lady was not very personable. The flight was very short. By the time they had finished their absurdly small package of pretzels, they were making their descent. Becka turned her eReader off and looked out the window, trying to get a view of the Vegas strip. Turns out, she was sitting on the wrong side of the plane for a good view. Maybe she would be luckier on her next flight.

  Becka had a short layover. After hitting the ladies’ room (because Becka despised airplane bathrooms) Becka went straight to her gate. Snagging a seat by the charging tower, Becka plugged her phone in and called Nate.

  "Hey, you."

  "Hey, kid."

  "Seriously, why do you call me that?"

  "You just seem young."

  "Are you calling me immature? Seriously, how old are you?"

  "No, I am not calling you immature. It’s good. How old do you think I am?"

  "25 or 26."

  "Close. I'm 27."

  "Old man. Geez, no wonder you think I'm a kid."

  "I'll show you what this old man can do."

  Becka suddenly felt hot all over. God, why couldn’t he have called her yesterday? They talked until her next flight boarded. Becka was absolutely giddy. Nate wanted to be with her. It was hard to think about anything else but, once she was in her seat, she started getting really excited about seeing Lilly. Becka started chewing another piece of gum. The altitude change during takeoff and landing always messed with her ears. Her flight was alright otherwise. It was long enough that she had an actual meal and an in-flight movie. The movie she had seen before, but she found it was still good.

sp; Chapter 20

  Becka was flying into Dulles Airport, and her parent’s house was in Mount Vernon. Other than sitting next to a guy who did not chew with his mouth shut, Becka had an easy flight. When the plane landed, she tried to be patient as she waited for the people sitting in the rows in front of her to file out. Pulling her carryon behind her, Becka restrained herself from running through the airport. She was just so excited to see Lilly. Once past security, she saw a giant handmade sign with her name and a “Welcome home, Arizona baby” message on it.



  They tried not to block the flow of airport traffic as they laughed and hugged, Lilly remarking on how long Becka’s hair was getting, Becka asking where all of Lilly’s hair went. She had not even told her she was getting it cut. Now it was a sleek angled bob that ended at her chin. Lilly shook her hair telling Becka how much easier it was with Mason to just wash it and go.

  There was something about a sister that made it possible to pick up like time had never passed from their last meeting. As sisters, they knew things about each other no one else would know. Like her mother, Lilly only wanted what was best for Becka. The difference was Lilly was less concerned about what it was. Where her mother would not be happy until Becka was married and had a baby, Lilly knew that Becka could still be happy until or if that happened at all. For that, Becka would be eternally grateful. It wouldn’t hurt, though, if Lilly got knocked up again in the mean time to take a bit of pressure off. After collecting her suitcase from baggage claim, Becka followed Lilly out of the airport towards the parking deck.

  "Holy crap, it’s cold. Where's your car?"

  "Not far. But let me just say, Becka, that I know you are happy to see me, but something is up. Spill, babe."

  "You will not even flipping believe it. I almost don’t want to talk about it. I'm terrified that it didn’t really happen or I'll jinx it."

  "Alright. Now you're killing me. Tell me!"

  "Okay, so I'm standing in line waiting to check in, and my phone goes off. Well, I couldn’t answer it then, and I didn’t check my message until I was at the gate, and you'll never believe who it was." Becka kept right on going. "It was Nate. He wanted to talk because he wants to try dating."

  "Becka, that's great. I know how much you like him. You just let him know if he hurts you, he'll have to deal with me."

  "Sure, Lilly. I'll definitely threaten Mr. Skittish on your behalf."

  "Fine, fine. Don’t tell him, but you know it. Okay, baby doll?"

  "Best big sister ever!"

  As Lilly put Becka's suitcase in her trunk, she grinned. "Can't argue with you there."

  On the way to Becka's parents’ house, Lilly gushed about Mason and how he was doing. Becka could not wait to see him. He was almost two. Becka hoped he wouldn’t be scared of her. She met him once when he was first born and was pretty sure he had forgotten her by now.

  "Hey, is it cool if I call Nate and let him know I'm here?"

  "Only if I can shout random embarrassing things in the background."

  "I'll risk it," Becka said, hitting the call button.

  It rang once before he answered.

  "Hey, kid."

  "Hey, you."


  “Lilly, shut up! Nate, my sister is being a troll. Please ignore anything she says."

  "Did she say something about boobs?"

  "Yep. I was a late bloomer. Well, this is fun."


  "Lilly, seriously, shut the fuck up."

  "Tell your sister I already know about your freakish appetite."

  "I will, but let me call you later when I'm not trapped in a car with her."

  "Sounds good. I'll talk to you later."


  Becka ended the call and glared at Lilly. Lilly just shrugged and stuck her tongue out.

  "I can not believe you just did that."

  "Oh, you and I both know I could have said much worse."

  "But why did you have to embarrass me like that?"

  "It's what I do."

  Becka could not do anything else but laugh and plot revenge. And text. Texting would be a safer form of communication for the time being. Becka sent Nate a quick text apologizing for her crazy sister. He replied that he was game to talk about her boobs and/or eating habits anytime, preferably boobs though. Becka replied that all boob conversations could wait until she was back in Arizona. They texted back and forth the rest of her ride. Becka let him know when they pulled up to her parents’ house.

  There was something about coming home that made Becka feel like a little kid again. Becka's parents’ house was decorated for the holidays, with wreaths a, lit candle in each of the front windows, and white lights coiled around the front porch railings. Becka was torn between wanting to stare at the house and being so cold she wanted to race inside. She split the difference by slowly walking to the door, which was open. Her mother stood in the doorway


  "Hi, sweetie. Hurry inside and let me hug and kiss you."

  Becka hurried the rest of the way and into her mother's arms. Chris, Lilly's husband, came out to help Lilly with Becka's bags, giving her a kiss on the check on his way past her. Her mother led her into the living room, where her dad was watching a college football bowl game.

  "Hey, dad!"

  Keeping one eye on the game, her dad got up to give her a hug and a kiss.

  "Where's Mason?"

  "He's asleep, sweetie. In Lilly's old room. You want to take a peek at him?" her mother asked.

  "Ya'll better not wake him. He is impossible to get back to sleep," Lilly said, walking into the room.

  "Awww. Come on. Do you think it's safe for me just to sneak a peek?"

  "Be quiet," Lilly warned.

  Becka and her mother tip-toed upstairs to peek on Mason. He looked so sweet. Becka had to fight the urge to kiss his little chubby cheeks. When he rustled, Becka and her mom dashed out of the room and back downstairs as quietly as possible. Becka's dad was still watching the game. Lilly and Chris had gone into the kitchen to hang out. Their parents’ kitchen had a center island with three stools. Becka's mom laughed seeing Becka, Lilly, and Chris sitting on them.

  "Reminds me of when you girls were in high school. It is so good to have you home, Becka. When are you moving back? Have you met anyone? How's Dave?"

  Her mother's questions seemed endless. Begging exhaustion after talking for a couple of hours, Becka went up to her room. Lilly and Chris went back to their house. Lilly would be back in the morning to collect Mason, and this gave them a night off. Becka felt the time warp of stepping into her old room. Lilly's room had somewhat been updated into a grandbaby room for Mason while Becka's room seemed unchanged. The artwork had changed, but that was about it. Becka shook her head, thinking of the posters she used to have up.

  Otherwise, the furniture was the same, even though the bedding had changed. Becka plugged her phone into its charger as she unpacked her bags. After hanging up her clothes and getting set for bed, she called Nate.

  "Are we communicating too much?"

  "Why do you ask?"

  "Come on, Nate. The bulk of our phone calls or texts before today were pretty much ‘can I come over’ and ‘okay.’ Today has been a whole lotta phone talking for us."

  "We're good, I just would prefer it if you were here."

  "Me too."

  "Well I just wanted to call and say I was thinking of you, but I should probably go to bed so the time difference tomorrow is less painful."

  "Sweet dreams, kid."

  The next morning, Becka woke to the happy babbling of Mason. Becka was so excited to see him she almost raced down the stairs. Mason was sitting in a highchair eating some bits of a waffle and sliced up banana. Becka introduced herself to Mason and hung out with him while he ate, even letting him feed her a couple of very mushy bites of waffle. Part of Bec
ka had been scared he would not like her, but he seemed happy to have her company.

  When Lilly came to collect him, they had moved him from the highchair to the den, where Mason began playing with blocks. Becka had mastered making him laugh with silly faces. Lilly came and sat with them, scooping Mason into her lap and kissing him. Becka went up to take a shower and get dressed so she could ride back with Lilly to their house. Becka was going to spend the day with her and then go out that evening with some friends from high school.

  Ashley, one of her best girlfriends, swung by to pick her up. She took her into Old Town Alexandria to a local bar. When they walked in, it seemed somewhat like a high school reunion. She recognized so many faces. Becka had fun having a beer and catching up. When the topic came to boyfriends, she blushed and admitted there was a guy back in Phoenix. Another hot topic was Dave. Some of her friends were not convinced there was anything more going on with them because they lived together. Becka had to laugh out loud at that thought. Um, no, she stressed. She was nothing more than friends with Dave.

  Becka had gotten up to go to the bathroom when she was pulled into a tight hug.


  "Hey, hotness! How long are you in town?"

  "All week. We should hang out."

  "Man, Becka. You look really good," Chad whispered huskily in her ear.

  "I'm kind of seeing someone back in Phoenix."

  Chad pulled back, surprised. When they were in high school, it had been Chad she turned to after her first boyfriend broke her heart. He had wanted to date her back then, but she was full-blown in her trust issues. Instead, they ended up being great friends with some side benefits. She had never turned him down before.

  "He must be one lucky guy, Becka," he said, kissing her on the cheek. "Wait. It's not Dave, is it?"


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