Warrior's Devotion: A Sci-Fi Shifter Romance (Warriors of Vor Book 2)

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Warrior's Devotion: A Sci-Fi Shifter Romance (Warriors of Vor Book 2) Page 5

by Tehya Titan

  No, she needed to talk to him…right now.

  She stood up. “Do you know where I can find Dracor?”

  Kadan was back to glaring at her. “You can’t see him.”

  “What?” she gasped.

  Jordan sat up straighter on Kadan’s lap. “Umm…Kadan was going to take me on a tour of the Metropolis today. Why don’t you come with us?”

  “I want to see Dracor,” Abby said through gritted teeth.


  That made Abby glare back at Kadan. “Why not?”

  “I am king. I don’t need a reason.”

  “Oh, yes you do.” Abby was far too angry all of a sudden to hold her tongue. “Dracor told me that your highest law is no one can come between mates. Was he telling me the truth?”

  “My brother does not lie. No Vor with honor lies.”

  “Then I demand to see my mate,” Abby said with a growl of her own.

  “It will be torture for him if you get anywhere near him now.”

  That had the blood draining from her face. “What does that mean?” She turned to Jordan. “What does he mean?”

  Jordan looked at her mate’s livid face, then back to Abby’s pale one. She’d been there a few hours ago when Braec had informed Kadan of what his brother had done. It had hurt her to watch her mate roar as if in agony, and when she’d discovered why he was so worried, she had been as well. But it was Abby’s right to know what had been done on her behalf, and it would be up to her to decide how to handle the situation.

  “He’s suffering from the after-effects of the drug he took.”


  “She deserves to know,” Jordan told Kadan as she reached up to stroke his cheek.

  Kadan was silent for a moment, then he huffed out a breath. “My brother took an elixir that would give him time with you, but he is now suffering as his senses return. Pleasure, pain, every sensation is heightened tenfold. So are his other senses…including smell. If he scents you now, it will drive him mad with need. That is why you cannot go near him.”

  Abby braced a hand on the tabletop to hold herself up. Dracor had never told her what the drug would do after the dulling effects had ended. It all made sense now. That was why he had Braec stay with them last night in the hall. He had been there in case Dracor’s senses had returned before he could get away from her safely.

  Making a quick decision, Abby said, “Take me to my mate.”

  “He will claim you,” Kadan snarled. “Don’t you understand? He won’t be able to stop it from happening, and if you don’t let him? If he remains chained to the wall with you just out of reach, it will be a torture so great he may never recover from it.”

  “Then let him claim me,” Abby growled back at him, surprising him into silence.

  “You’re brave,” Jordan said.

  “I’m not,” Abby argued. “He’s my mate. He did this for me, and I won’t let him suffer because of it.”

  Kadan and Jordan shared a look, then he nodded at her with a new respect in his strange eyes. “We will escort you to his room, then.”

  They were silent as they walked up the stairs and down one of the long, stone corridors. Abby felt the cold sweat of nerves trickle down her spine, but she kept walking.

  I can do this.

  At least, she hoped she could.

  “You should have your healers create a diluted version of the bizori,” Abby told Kadan without looking at him. “I needed some time with Dracor before…before he claimed me, but I never wanted this. I never wanted him to suffer.”

  “That is a good idea,” he said, his voice kind now. “I will get our healers to work on that immediately, as it will make things easier for any Vor with human mates. Dracor…he is my brother, and I may have overreacted slightly to all of this. No one takes the elixir willingly, knowing what it will do to them. I am…concerned for him.”

  Abby understood it was his version of an apology, and she accepted it by smiling at him faintly. He was a king, after all. “He’s a good man.”

  “Yes, he is a good male.”

  She made an absentminded note not to use ‘man’ to describe a Vor male again, then her mind went blank as they came to a stop in front of two large doors.

  “He is in there, chained to the wall.”

  “Will he know who I am? I mean, will he still be him or—”

  “He’s in his demon form, but his mind is still sound. He will know who you are, but his feelings and emotions will be out of control.” He pulled out small, square magnetic key and ran it along the center seam where the two doors met to unlock them. “I’ll come in with you and—”

  “No.” When he frowned, she cleared her throat and said, “This is for me to do, but I appreciate the offer.”

  Before Abby’s shaking hand touched the door, Jordan gripped her shoulder lightly, stopping her. “The bite hurts, but only for a second. Once he does it, you’re going to be scared and your body is going to feel hot. He’ll change back then. Just go with the flow and don’t fight it. You won’t have to worry about wanting him. In fact, you’ll want him more than you want to breathe. It will all seem crazy at first, but he’ll take care of you over the next few days and see you through this. Good luck.”

  Abby nodded to her before taking a deep breath. Then she pushed the door and walked inside, closing the door at her back. Her heart was thundering in her chest as she peered into the dark room. The curtains had been pulled, leaving only a small sliver of light from between two of the panels that shown down on a huge bed covered with an iridescent bronze fabric.

  She heard a loud growl from across the room, and her gaze flew toward it.

  Her breath caught as she saw a huge demon held to the wall by thick black cuffs on his arms, legs and across his torso. His wings were pinned between his body and the wall, but as her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she could see them fluttering in agitation as he struggled against the bonds.

  “Mate! Mine!”

  The growl was low and angry, but Abby made herself walk across the room. She had to remind herself that the giant demon was Dracor…her mate and the male she’d come to save. Still, he was a pretty fucking intimidating sight and it was hard to keep moving closer to him.

  “Dracor? You in there, honey?”


  He was panting for breath by the time she stood in front of him, and sweat ran in rivulets down his face and bare chest. Her eyes widened as she looked down and saw that he wore no clothing.

  Sweet Jesus, he really was huge.

  His thick cock jutted out from between his slightly parted thighs. She could almost see it throbbing, pulsing with the same beat of his heart. The hard shaft almost slapped against his stomach, and the large head seemed to grow even bigger before her eyes. Relief surged through her that his body was similar to a human man’s—only bigger.

  Much bigger.

  She could do this, she repeated to herself. No problem.

  Well, except he was currently in his demon form with wings that looked like they had razor sharp tips, and he was growling as if he wanted to eat her…or kill her.

  Fuck, she had totally lost her mind.

  “Don’t worry. I won’t take you in this form. I’m like this because we don’t feel as much in this form. Our armor protects our skin.” Dracor’s deep voice was harsh and sounded like he’d swallowed fire. “You have to leave, mate.”

  Her gaze jerked up to meet his, and she saw the pain burning in his red eyes. No, not just pain. What she saw there in his gaze was a mixture of agony, longing and deep sadness. She gathered her courage around her like a cloak and took a step closer. “No, I’m not leaving you like this.”

  “Your scent—”

  “Bite me.”

  His eyes widened and his body went still with shock. “What?”

  Abby swallowed hard, and for some strange reason she felt like laughing. Maybe she really had lost her mind. “I said, bite me.”

  “You don’t know what
you’re asking of me,” he whispered.

  “I do. You should have told me about the aftermath of the bizori, but we can talk about that later. Now, do it. Claim me or whatever you call it.”

  His red eyes all but glowed with need, then they narrowed. “You don’t have to sacrifice yourself for me.”

  “I’m not. This was going to happen anyway. We’re mates. This is my choice. I made the decision to come here. Now, how do I get you down from there?”

  “No!” he shouted, then winced as if the sound of his own voice had hurt his ears. His voice lowered again. “Do not unchain me. If we are going to do this, I will bite you before you set me free to make sure I don’t lose control.”

  With a nod, Abby took another step toward him so she was close enough to feel the waves of heat emanating from his body. Unsure what to do, she closed her eyes and tilted her head to the side, moving her long hair out of the way. He was making that low growling sound again and she fought to keep herself from moving.

  A second later, she felt his hot breath against her skin as he leaned his head down, then she felt the sharp sting of his fangs as they sank deep into the flesh of her neck. She winced, but remained still as he sucked deeply, drawing her blood into his mouth.

  For a moment she wondered if her blood would run down her neck to stain her ivory dress. Okay, that was just gross. This was a pretty big fucking deal, and she should probably try to pay attention.

  Focus, damn it!

  As she scolded herself, he was already pulling back, stroking his tongue over the twin wounds on her neck, leaving a strangely soothing sensation behind. Feeling no different, she blinked her eyes open.

  Well, that was anticlimactic.

  “Umm, should I let you down now? Do you know where the key is?”

  He was studying her intently as he nodded slowly. “There is a keystick on the desk across the room. You need to get it and run it over the cuffs to release me.”

  “Got it.” She turned away from him and moved across the room. Laughing lightly, she said, “I was so nervous after all the stuff Jordan said, but that wasn’t bad. It didn’t even really hurt.” Abby made it to the desk on the other side of the large room and picked up a small, black, cylindrical object. She held it up. “Is this the key?”

  “Yes. Bring it here.”

  Abby turned around and froze. Dracor had shifted back. His wings were gone now, and the black lines were back on his dark, golden skin. She had never been into bondage, but there was something highly erotic about seeing such a powerful male held in place as his muscles flexed against the bindings.

  Somehow, she had thought she would have been more anxious around him in demon form, but in his natural form there was something more real about him, which made him even more intimidating. Dracor was one fine looking alien male, with a body hard with muscle that made her want to touch every inch of him with her hands…then maybe her tongue.

  That thought made her shiver.

  He was like some sort of wild beast just waiting to break free. And knowing that he belonged to her thrilled her to the core.

  “Abby, are you well?”

  “Yeah, fine.” Shaking off the nerves, she started forward again.

  That was when it happened.

  Her breath left her in a rush as a wave of heat swept through her. She took another step, but stopped again as the heat expanded, blasting through her like an explosion.

  Holy shit, it felt as if her insides were on fire.

  She made it another few steps, then had to stop again. Okay, she thought. They really weren’t kidding when they said mating heat. Jordan had warned her that her body was going to feel hot…talk about a fucking understatement.

  Leaning over, she panted for breath as another wave of heat pulsed through her. Abby could hear Dracor yelling to her, but his voice was muffled so she could barely understand what he was saying. She had to get to him, to free him so he could help her through this…if she could only move.


  “Come to me now, mate!”

  Abby shook her head, trying to clear the fog from her head. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest so fast that for a second she thought she was having a stroke.

  Wouldn’t that be something? To be healed and taken to a new world, only to die from a bite given to her by the one person who was supposed to love and cherish her above all else. Her mind cleared enough for her to realize she was in deep shit, and she needed to get her ass moving.

  Right now.

  Pushing herself forward, she stumbled across the room, but stumbled again as fire exploded in her belly. She let out a low moan as she almost doubled over. “Dracor…”

  “Abby, you must release me. You need my seed to put out the fire that’s burning inside of you.”

  His seed?

  That was information she could have used before all of this had begun. Damn that Jordan. Abby was seriously going to have words with that woman later. If she wasn’t queen of this crazy world, Abby thought she might even punch her. But then again, Jordan had been a soldier and could probably kick her ass.

  But none of that would matter if Abby died before she released her mate.

  Dracor let out a loud roar as he struggled against the bonds that held him against the wall. When they held strong, the noise changed to that purring sound she’d heard Kadan make downstairs. When the king had done it, Abby had thought it had sounded strange. But Dracor’s purr called to her like a siren’s song.

  “What is that?” she gasped.

  “A mating purr. It is something the Vor only do after they mate.”

  He did it again, louder this time so it rumbled in his chest. Before she knew it, Abby had stumbled across the room to him. She moaned in pleasure when she felt his warm skin against hers. Wanting to feel more, she moved closer, rubbing her body against the solid steel of his.

  “Release me, Abby.”


  Lost in the pleasure of feeling him against her, Abby forgot all about the keystick in her hand. She rubbed her face against his broad chest, breathing him in until she felt like she was drunk on his intoxicating scent.

  But it wasn’t enough.

  Abby had never felt like this before. All her inhibitions disappeared like a puff of smoke, leaving behind a woman burning with desire for her mate. She needed him inside her aching body, caressing and stroking until the fire inside her was sated. It no longer mattered that she’d felt intimidated by him, nor did she care that she’d only known him for a few days.

  She burned for him.

  Lust slammed into her hard as another wave of heat exploded inside her core, making her pussy clenched hard, demanding to be filled. This time it almost dropped her to her knees, and it would have if she hadn’t reached out to grab hold of Dracor.

  God, his body was magnificent. She ran her fingers down the defined contours ad ridges of his abs, then reached lower, taking his shaft into her hand. His breath hissed out as she gripped him. He felt like velvet over steel, and she stroked her hand over him slowly as she imagined what it would feel like to have the thick, hard length of him filling her.

  Abby knew she had to do something, but couldn’t remember what it was. The fire burning inside her made it impossible to think. When Dracor roared again, she forced her head back and blinked up at him. Her blood roared in her ears, blocking out his voice, masking any other sound but that of her wildly beating heart.

  Then it clicked.

  She was supposed to use the keystick in her other hand to release him so he could give her what she needed.

  And she needed…desperately.

  Waving the keystick in her hand in jerky movements over the bonds that held him in place, she barely heard the soft snicks of sound before he was reaching down to jerk her other hand from his cock.

  “You test my patience, mate,” he snarled out as he lifted her.

  She cried out in pleasure as he spun around, slamming his hard body against hers so they were
plastered together against the wall. His lips took hers in a brutal kiss, his tongue thrusting deep to stroke inside her mouth as she opened for him.

  The taste of him exploded on her tongue, and it made her crave more. Turning her head, she fused their mouths together as the heat burst through her again. She wrapped her legs around his waist and push her hips against him in an attempt to take what she wanted from him, but her dress was in the way.

  Feeling his hard cock pressed against her core sent fire streaming through her system. She rocked her hips against him, rubbing her clit against his hard shaft until it throbbed and pulsed. Her pussy clenched painfully, desperate to be filled, and heat expanded so she felt like she was burning alive.

  He gripped her and started to pull back as if he were going to release her, but she simply wound her legs around his waist and pulled him closer. A whimper escaped as she tore her mouth from his. “Need you…”

  “Release me, and I will turn you.”

  “No. Inside me. Now!”

  Dracor felt utterly mad.

  Driven crazy by his need for his mate, he savaged her neck, nipping and sucking at her flesh. Her taste, her scent, the feel of her body pressed against his was a cacophony of sensations that were almost more than he could bear.

  When his little mate had taken his cock into her hand, the pleasure had been so intense it bordered on pain.

  Dracor wanted it, craved it, but now he needed more.

  He’d wanted to try to go slow their first time together, to coax her body to accept him before the heat began to take her over, but there had been no time. And with his heightened senses, there was no chance to hold back for even one more second.

  Usually, the males of his kind took their females from behind, so they could rub the small ridges between their shoulder blades. It was where their wings came out, and was an erogenous zone highly sensitive during sex, but Abby didn’t have wings. If his mate wanted him to fuck her facing her, he would give her what she wanted.

  But it needed to be now.


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