“Because Jagger Jax, I always pay my debts.”
Turning his back on the pirate, Iaido moved silently through the bowels of his ship. It was crowded compared to just a few months ago but it was pure heaven to him. By investigating the death of an old friend, he had lost several more friends along the way but gained so much more in return.
Yes, he knew that his brother was still out there possibly hunting him, possibly not. It didn’t matter.
Iaido was home and now…now he had a family, a very dysfunctional family but still a family. He had also found that his purpose to life was more than just the hunt. It was to live.
He was designed to be a killer but now he chose to walk a different path.
Carpe diem.
The End
Wow…another book complete.
First and foremost, I want to thank all of my readers out there. Even without you, I would be writing. However, it has become more than just my hobby, it is my passion. Of course, it is so much more enjoyable knowing that I can share my stories with others.
A little history about and/or behind this story.
I was new in Corrections at the time, still in my first year, and was working the control room on the 3rd floor of the jail when the thread of this story formed in my head. It was as if my Muse tapped me on the shoulder and whispered in my ear to write it down. But as so many ideas begin, it was not fully formed. It needed to ferment like a fine wine or stout beer. And five years later, it is complete.
Many avid Sci-Fi readers will notice certain themes and ideas that might seem familiar. I’m not claiming that everything in this novel to be absolutely original. That is almost impossible. I believe that we are influenced, consciously and unconsciously, by our environment. What do I mean by that?
I remember watching man walk on the moon for the first time (thanks to my parents who thought that was important to force a young child to sit still and watch the news). Of course, I was a Trekkie. I grew up watching the original Star Trek (and all its descendants) and day-dreamed of traveling in space. But what about Star Wars? I saw that 12 times in the theater when it first came out. I have always been a fan of the genre, the good and the bad (movies and books). I know that some shows influenced me directly for this novel. For example; Firefly and/or Serenity, it was an absolutely wonderful (if not short lived) series and movie. I personally enjoyed the concept of a crew of adventurers working together in space. Another example, the Matrix. The red and blue interior of the Sylvan Embassy was totally an unconscious decision. I didn’t even realize it was in there until my test readers pointed it out.
My point? Without being a scientist and delving into super technical jargon, my intention was to craft a possible future where we know that we are not the only intelligent species in the universe. Additionally, I wanted to blend science with a little mysticism, add in a dash of history and a splash of intrigue and craft an entertaining (if not totally unique) story.
For many of my characters in this novel I drew inspiration from the wonderful people I work with at Louisville Metro Corrections. I don’t always get along with everyone (who does?) but it’s an odd feeling knowing that even officers you dislike will have your back if/when something bad goes down.
One of the more interesting characters in this story is Ledrix, however small a part he has in the novel. I work with an Officer Ledrick and he was bothering me one day about my scribbles. I honestly don’t remember why but somehow I threatened to put him in my story (he loved the idea of that). So, I threw him in there but as a joke I made him a midget and a pimp. But, when he didn’t quit pestering me, I made him gay and a snitch. And so, Ledrix the midget gay pimp king of New Atlanta came into existence.
Several of the other characters came into being in similar manner, some just because they were handy when I was brain-storming or scribbling. Of course, many have asked to be in one of my novels. If I missed you this go round, I have a sequel in the works J
I cannot pass up this opportunity to mention the men and women of our health care and mental health staff who choose to work in the jail. I know it is a hard job, dealing with inmates and officers, but you do an important job and you have my thanks.
And last but not least, once again thanks to my wife for putting up with me and supporting me in my work, both in my day job and my hobby. I love you now and always.
Drew McCullough
March 2012
Drew and Felicia McCullough - 1996
Drew, short for Andrew, was born in Munich, Germany while his father was stationed overseas with the US Army. Growing up a military brat, Drew became an avid reader with Fantasy, Science Fiction and Detective Thrillers being his favorite genres.
Drew served in the U.S. Coast Guard from 1982-88 and began training in TaeKwonDo in 1985. In 1994 he moved to Louisville, Kentucky to open his own TKD studio and taught for 11 wonderful years where he met and married his wife, Felicia, and gained a great step-son, John Michael. In 2005, he closed his studio and switched careers.
He currently works as a Corrections Officer with Louisville Metro and writes in his spare time. Unable to live on the beach, he resides on a farm with his wife and animals: 6 cats, 3 dogs and 2 horses.
The Last Spartan 1: Different Paths Page 32