Axel: Desert Vultures MC (A Bad Boy MC Romance)

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Axel: Desert Vultures MC (A Bad Boy MC Romance) Page 17

by Sara Crest

  In her hands she held the documents and laptop she took from Fred’s office, she kept them close to her chest almost as if she was afraid someone would snatch them out of her hands.

  “Is there enough info in your hands to prove what happened here? To prove what happened to all of these girls?”

  She nodded her head. “I’ve been in that man’s office hundreds of times, I’ve seen him organize and put these files away more times than I can count. I know for a fact that there’s more than enough info in these files and in his computer to bury everyone involved. We just have to get out of the south west, I know California hasn’t been infected by them just yet, their cops should be clean.”

  “Los Angeles would probably be your best bet then” Axel said as looked up at all the women. “Is anyone here fit to drive to California?”

  After some murmuring two more women came out from the crowd.

  “We both know how to drive and we have the energy to do it right now. I used to live in the suburbs outside LA so I should be able to find the way. Thing is, we don’t have a car...”

  Axel spotted a car across the street and walked over to it. He took his elbow and with two solid hits he shattered the side window of the car. As the alarm went off he quickly opened the door and climbed inside, after a few seconds the alarm stopped and before long the car engine roared to life.

  He walked back over to the girls and took out his wallet, handing them $300.

  “Now you all get gas and drive as fast as you can to Los Angeles, there’s a federal court there as well as some cops who are probably far too experienced in dealing with shit like this. You tell them absolutely everything that happened there, and above all you tell them that as we speak those sons of bitches are coming straight for my town Los Aves with the full intention of getting more blood on their hands.”

  I ran up to him and grabbed his arm. “Do you really want real cops and federal officers coming into your town? What about your club? What if they try and get rid of you or lock you up again?”

  “That’s a risk I’m gonna have to take, but I have a plan” he said turning to me. “I don’t know how many men will be coming down on us, in the end those feds might end up bailing us out. My club will fight the Scorched Cops for as long as we can, keep them all in one place for the feds come and mop up. The first sign of them coming over the horizon I’m taking my brotherhood and we’re high tailing it out of there, no way the feds will come after us when there are hundreds of corrupt cops staring them in the face.”

  Axel sighed, it looked like he was struggling to come to terms with what he was about to say.

  “I’m gonna follow Clay’s wish and take the Desert Vultures out of Los Aves, permanently. We’ll relocate somewhere far away from here and leave this all behind, we’ll start a new life not only for the two of us but for the whole club. We can all make this work, we just have to do it right.”

  I was afraid that the feds would take Axel away once they came to stop the corrupt police, but I trusted Axel to make the right choice. If his decisions have gotten us this far then I had to trust him to take us the final mile.

  “What if they don’t believe us?” one of the women in the car said. “What if they don’t take us seriously?”

  Axel turned and looked at the guards that they had hogtied on the ground. He walked over to them and got down on one knee to talk to them.

  “Look, both of you are fucked, I ain’t gonna lie about that… but if you’re willing to rat out those cops then I can guarantee you that you’ll get off easier. Hell they might barely even give you time if you flat out come clean, so what do you say? Lay here on the hard ground until the feds come and lock you up for the rest of your lives? Or go with these girls and back up every word they say?”

  The men looked at each other as they lay there with their wrists and ankles tied together.

  “Alright, you win” one of them said. “But we get to be untied for the ride.”

  “You’re not in the position to make demands” Axel said as he picked both of them up by the ropes that bound them, walking them over to the car and throwing them in the trunk and shutting it.

  “Alright girls, get to LA as fast as you can” Axel called out as he slapped the back of the car a few times.

  The girls sped off heading west, I just hoped they would make it in time for everything to work out.

  Axel took his phone out of his pocket and dialed a number before putting it to his ear.

  As it rang he looked at me with a smile, although he smiled with confidence I could see the weariness in his eyes. It had been a long couple of days and everything was coming to a head. I couldn’t imagine how he felt, the next day would define his club and our relationship.

  I didn’t know what would happen to his club, but as I looked at his tired eyes and inviting smile I knew I loved him too much to ever walk away from him again. I walked over and took his hand as I heard the soft ring of the phone against his face.

  I brought his hand to my mouth and gave it a soft kiss. I no longer cared if he ever fulfilled the promise to me of a normal life, I knew that in some way it would be impossible, at this point all I wanted was a life with him. I finally realized that a life with a man as loyal, loving, and dedicated as him was all I could ever really ask for. As long as I had him in my life he would fight for me, and in exchange I would fight for us.

  I never thought I could feel a love like this.

  It was a feeling that I never wanted to go away.

  Finally we heard Wyatt’s voice on the other end of the phone, Axel put it on speaker for me to hear.

  “Axel? I just gathered up the brothers and we’re close to being able to roll out of here. We got some men to go distract the cops on their route with barricades and tire traps on the road. We think the cops are about 3 hours away, maybe 4 if everything worked right, but some of the men really don’t want to run without a fight…”

  “They’re gonna get their fight Wyatt. I found out that those fucks aren’t assisting the Satans, they are the Satans, we got enough evidence to bury every one of them for years but in the meantime I want you to hold down Los Aves for as long as you can. I’m heading over right now, you tell every single brother there that their president is coming back to fight with them, and that those cops coming right for them have been masquerading as a second rate biker club this whole time. We’re ending this thing.”

  “The cops are the Scorched Satans? Fucking hell…. You sure about this?” Wyatt asked.

  “I found out from the best source I could find, it all makes sense; how they were willing to kill their own chief, the people they killed to cover their tracks, the tattoos, the hidden secrets. They were trying to push us out to take control of our territory. They shut off all our revenue streams because they wanted us out, they want the south west as their own to make money.”

  Wyatt was quiet for a few seconds before sighing. “Alright, you’re my president so I’ll trust you on this.”

  “Much appreciated Wyatt, I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  Axel hung up the phone and looked at me before looking at to all the women that stood there watching as the building that was their prison burned.

  “What do we do with all of them?” I asked him. “We can’t just leave them here, can we?”

  Axel looked slightly distressed, for the first time since I met him he looked like he sincerely didn’t know what to do. What could we do with nearly 100 women who had nowhere to go?

  “Just leave us here” one of the women said. “As long as we stick together nobody can hurt us. We’ll wait for the girls to reach the police in California, I’m sure we’ll be fine for a few hours until then.”

  Axel walked over to his bike and dug through his bag, I saw him dig out another magazine for his pistol, ejecting the empty one and putting the new one in.

  He walked back over to the women and handed it to one of them.

  “I wish I could help you more but I really have to get back t
o my club before shit goes down, this gun is all I can give you. I just hope you don’t have to use it.”

  She took it from him and tucked it into the waistband of her pants.

  “You two have already done more for us than anyone else in a long time. We’ll be fine waiting here, we’ll move so that we won’t get questioned when the fire department comes and then wait it out until we’re safe.”

  Axel nodded at her, patting her on the shoulder before turning to me and taking my hand, walking me back over to his motorcycle.

  “All of them will remember what you did here today” I told him as I rested my head against his arm.

  “I’d like to think I just did what any other man would have done” he replied.

  “No, hundreds if not thousands of other men have looked the other way. You’re the first one who's found out about it and tried to put a stop to it.”

  “I was just in the right place at the right time, you know I just came here for information.”

  “But you made sure the women had a chance to free themselves, you said so yourself you wanted all of them to have the same chance for freedom as I did. A thousand men stood by and did nothing, you took action and now these women’s lives have just changed for the better.”

  He didn’t give me a response, he just held my hand a little tighter and smiled as we approached his bike.

  We had come so far together, now we only had to go a little farther.



  I had never gone this fast in my life.

  We had hit 140mph as we sped down the empty highway, I don’t know what Wyatt did to this bike while I was locked up but god damn it could fly now.

  All I could think about was what was coming. Where would I move the club after the feds came? Clay was thinking Wyoming, would that be a good place to go? How many men would even come with me if the club did move? We have history in Los Aves, it would be hard to leave behind, although them knowing that Clay wanted the move would hold a lot of weight.

  Would I see Donnelly? Would I even be able to control myself if I ran into him? Would I be able to fulfill my promise to Hannah? I didn’t know what I would do if she left, part of me would understand, but I knew it would be something that would haunt me the same way Zeke’s death haunted me.

  She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me tight, it was the best damn feeling in the world. As the wind blew through my hair and I looked at the early morning desert highway I could almost forget all of my troubles. Almost.

  We passed by a sign for a gas station that was coming up in a couple of miles, it made me realize that we were much closer to Los Aves than I thought. Guess that’s what happens when you’re going twice the speed you normally ride at. With those distractions and roadblocks that Wyatt told me about we would be able to make it to Los Aves a good hour before the cops did. That gave me some relief, knowing that my brothers weren’t going to be marching into a god damn turf war without their president. Times like this I wish Clay was still around, even if it was to just give some advice.

  I looked at my gas meter and saw that I was running low, I would have to fill it up just to get back to town let alone run away from the feds when it was time.

  I saw the gas station in the distance, I released the throttle and let the bike coast us there. With the speed we were going we had more than enough momentum.

  I pulled into the gas station and up to the pump. The place was completely empty, it had a small convenience store that seemed to be abandoned but it looked as if the pump was still working through a bill system. Good thing, I don’t know how I would take it if we made it this far only to run out of gas during the final stretch.

  I put a few bills in and pulled out the pump, putting it in my ride and leaving it to fill up.

  I ran my fingers through my hair and scratched my neck. I was only an hour or two away from one of the most important events in both my life and the club’s history, everything was coming down to this.

  Hannah rubbed my back with her hand as she looked up at me.

  “You need to relax, I know that’s a lot to ask right now but I know you think better when you’re not stressed out.”

  “Hard not to be stressed out” I replied. “Everything is about to change, I don’t want to be the president who caused the death of the Desert Vultures… more importantly I don’t want to lose you. I told you I’d fulfill that promise and I fully intend to do it. I’m ending all of this and I’m finding a way to give you a normal life.”

  She took my hand and walked in front of me, running her hand down my face as I looked down at her. Her touch was so gentle, a caring touch that made me feel like I could just fall in love with her again and again.

  “Axel, forget the promise. I’m never going to have a normal life and that’s ok, I don’t even think I would be able to handle one. I know that all I want is you, all I need is you. I just want us to get through this alive, free, and together because I know our lives will be great together. I’m sorry I tried to leave, and I’m sorry for any pain I caused you, at the time I didn’t know what I wanted. Now I know that I’ll always be happy with you, no matter how bad things get.”

  I pulled her into me and kissed her as deep as I possibly could, we embraced each other as the morning sun just barely peeked out over the desert horizon. I would do anything for this girl, to think just a few weeks ago I didn’t even know she existed, somehow we stumbled into each other’s lives and I fell in love with her.

  I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I kissed her again and again as I brought her towards the empty gas station convenience store.

  With one solid kick I knocked the old door down, allowing us to go inside. I walked over and set her down on the countertop, kissing her over and over again as we both began to strip off our clothes.

  I ran my hands down her body to her pants, grabbing the waist of her jeans and panties and tugging them down her legs all without breaking our kiss.

  “I love you so much” she whispered to me in between kisses. “I want us to be together forever…”

  “We will be” I reassured her as I pulled her body towards the edge of the counter. “Don’t think for a second that we won’t spend the rest of our lives together.”

  She wrapped her arms around me as we kissed, running her fingers through the hair on the back of my head.

  Her hands wandered from my head down to my body as her fingers traced my chest and core. Eventually she went lower and lower until her fingers hooked onto my belt and unbuckled it, letting my pants fall to the floor.

  I lifted her shirt up over her head, revealing her firm tits and leaving her sitting naked on the counter.

  I wasted no time in dropping my boxers, kissing her as I brought her even closer to the edge of the counter so that her legs were dangling off the edge.

  I looked deep into her eyes as I felt the warmth between her legs against my now hard cock, holding it just inches away from her.

  For all I knew this could be the last time her and I would ever be intimate together, who knew what would happen to us in a few hours, I had to make this count.

  I put my hand on her hip and slowly began to slide my cock into her, feeling her squirm in pleasure as I pushed inch after inch in her.

  She pulled me in and kissed me, moaning softly as our lips locked together. She took me inch after inch, she felt so good that I almost felt like I could faint, I didn’t want this to end.

  Finally I fit all of me inside of her, her breathing calmed a little once she realized that she had managed to fit all of my cock in her.

  I slowly began pumping my hips, not breaking eye contact as waves of pleasure started from my cock and shot all over my body. I took my hands and grabbed her hips, moving her in rhythm with my thrusts as I took her again and again.

  “Promise me we’ll be together” she moaned as she put her hands on my shoulders, digging her nails into me.

  “I promise” I said leaning in so that
my lips were only a few inches from hers. “I want us to feel each other each and every day.”

  She pulled me in and kissed me, wrapping her legs around my waist as I continued to slowly pump my cock into her.

  I shuddered every time her warm, tight, wet pussy gripped my cock. No other girl had ever made me feel this good sexually or emotionally.

  I looked into her eyes as she ran her hands down my chest.

  “We… we can’t finish now” I said as I slowed my thrusts. “If I made love to you the way I really wanted to it would take hours, we can’t do this right now.”

  “I know” she said disappointed before kissing my cheek. “In a few hours we’ll be able to, we’ll be together and nothing will ever stop us again.”

  I smiled and brought her in for a kiss. I just wanted to keep taking her right then and there, but my club needed me, we were already cutting close on time as it was.

  “I love you” I whispered to her. “Nothing will change that.”



  As we rode closer and closer to the town I could feel any doubt in my mind begin to slip away, the moment I shared with Hannah certainly helped with that though. Even if we didn’t get to finish. I liked to think that because we didn’t finish it just meant that we had somewhere to pick up from where we left off, in my head it just meant that we would get through all of this together, I wouldn’t leave this unfinished.

  I could see Los Aves on the horizon and I breathed a sigh of relief, judging from the fact that I couldn’t hear gunshots in the distance it sounded like we did manage to make it here before the cops. Goddamn miracle given our “detour.”

  When we sped into town things were a little too quiet for comfort, guess the whole town knew what was coming. I knew the cops would be coming in from the south so I assumed my other Desert Vulture brothers would be holding up around there, I had to find them as soon as possible.

  I slowed down once we got deeper into town, even though I was confident in what we were about to do my palms were still sweaty on the throttle. It just didn’t feel right that things were this quiet.


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