The Avenger

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The Avenger Page 13

by Tony Roberts

  Casca realized with all the succession of officials and rooms that the Eastern Roman Empire now resembled that of the Persian court rather than the old Roman, and this helped to isolate the imperial pair from their subjects, making them less accessible. In that respect, the Empire was becoming more and more Eastern in its appearance rather than Western, and with the decline in Latin as a spoken language and the rise of Greek this made it less Roman than before. Casca felt as though the Empire was slipping away from the old ways and was being taken over by outsiders. Even though he had accepted the collapse of the western half of the Empire, he still held some sort of allegiance to what remained of it, despite the punishments he had received from its rulers over the centuries. Sometimes he left but like a son he always returned. It felt like he was returning home to a world of comfort, a world he had known before the damned curse had messed things up for him. Sometimes he needed the comfort of this place.

  He stopped his musings and found he was outside another pair of doors, these inlaid with gold which denoted that behind them was something special. The official with him knocked on the doors which opened to allow him to whisper through them of Casca’s arrival, and very shortly he was admitted into the imperial presence.

  Casca was ordered forward then to prostrate himself before the Emperor and Empress, which he did, feeling the cold marble kiss his forehead. He heard the command to rise and stood, right in front of the seated Justinian, Emperor of the Roman Empire. Standing at his right shoulder stood the diminutive figure of Theodora, looking at him with a curious half smile on her face. Standing behind them were a collection of officials, scribes and guards, most wearing white robes, some carrying books or parchments and writing utensils. Casca regarded the Emperor, seeing him closely for the first time, noting that he wasn’t remarkable in any way. His peasant ancestry was plain to see in his swarthy face and brown eyes, although he wore the crown on his head easily enough. He wore a purple robe over a white tunic and in his lap rested a golden orb crowned with a cross. The room itself was flanked by thin columns supporting arches which went all the way round the chamber and mosaics and icons were scattered about all over the walls. Standing to one side was Narses, the aged eunuch, who regarded him with wide staring eyes. Casca made a half grin back at him.

  “So you are Rufius, the hero of the Blue faction,” Justinian said. Casca thought that the Emperor’s Greek was worse than his which really was no surprise for someone who had come from the Latin speaking part of the Empire. Justinian was a Thracian and would not have learned Greek until he reached Constantinople. The Emperor continued. “By your efforts the Green’s hero Manius has been defeated for the first time, and as a patron of the Blues I wish to reward you for your deeds.”

  Casca stood stock still, wondering what in the name of Mithras was coming next. You never knew with kings and emperors, they might cut your head off or give you a bag of coins. The Emperor indicated to one of his attendants to hand over a scroll to the standing Casca who took it and regarded it warily. “Open it and read it,” Justinian commanded.

  Casca broke the imperial seal on the side and unrolled the parchment. Written in Latin – still the official legal language of the Empire - was a commission into the imperial ranks for the rank of Captain, including a salary with immediate effect. Casca was dumbfounded and looked up at Justinian in amazement.

  “Don’t worry about losing your right to race, Rufius, you will be stationed here in Constantinople as part of the imperial garrison, but we decided that some sort of reward would be forthcoming thanks to your victory today. I have already informed Hadramon of your new duties which will not interfere with your training sessions or your races. The commander of the imperial bodyguard will show you where you will be fitted with a uniform. You may go now, Captain.”

  Casca bowed low once again and rose to see that Narses was waiting for him, a look of distaste on his face. He curtly gestured for the new officer to follow him out of the imperial throne room, and once the doors were shut behind them four of Narses’ soldiers fell in as escort along the passage. Casca tensed; ever since he’d exposed his identity to Manius he’d half expected something like this. He had hoped he could have got out of the palace without Narses and his minions cornering him but once again his luck was out. He wondered what the eunuch had in store for him. Shit, might as well see what these bastards have in mind; they can’t try anything as I’ve just come from the throne room and not even Narses would do something stupid.

  Narses led them left along a side passage and suddenly the eunuch turned, sword in hand and gestured to the soldiers. Before Casca could react fully he was seized and dragged struggling into a small room that looked as though it had once been a store room, and the door was slammed shut. “What's going on?” Casca demanded angrily, still being held fast.

  Narses laughed nastily and strutted up to him. “Rufius, is it?” he sneered, “Casca Rufius Longinus? You devil’s shit. If I could I would have you strangled right here and now, but since you’re immortal I can’t. However, what if I inform the Emperor and Empress of your real identity? They would make sure you have a decidedly horrible fate, which would repay some of the harm you have done to us over the past few months!”

  Casca gave up struggling. “So? They can’t kill me and I would tell them you intend to kill them. I wonder what they would say if they found out you’re a member of a sect that is dedicated in bringing down their Empire? This time it wouldn’t be your balls that you'd lose. I was at that last meeting when Janus got elected Elder, and I heard everything.”

  Narses stopped smiling and a dark flush spread across his face. “They wouldn’t believe you.” He then pointed an accusing finger at Casca. “You! It was you who killed Bishop Tolagius!”

  Casca nodded and grinned. “I’m making a habit of slaughtering your top guys, aren’t I? As to the imperial couple believing you, I wouldn’t bet on it, you spermless castrato. After all, I’m their favored racer right now, and if I demanded your head it may be too much for them to say no. So what are you going to do? You do know, don’t you, that you’ll never be Elder now. You’re too old and the Brotherhood’s policies differ too much from yours. I wouldn’t be surprised if this Janus starts easing out those who opposed him at the election and starts bringing in those who think the same way as he. And what would they do then? I think they’ll make you the sacrificial victim to be crucified at next year’s re-enactment of the Crucifixion.”

  Narses raised his sword, but it was only a reflex action. Casca had struck deep with his words, for Janus had already arranged for two new members of the Inner Circle to be accepted by the rest, both of whom were of like mind. Narses had been outvoted again and rankled at the rejection, seeing his dreams of leading the Brotherhood shattered. Already those members who formed his personal guard were forming cliques, those who sided with the new leadership requesting transfers to other units. Narses saw that he was being eased out of the decision making apparatus and he didn’t like it one little bit. “If you were mortal, I’d kill you right now,” he growled.

  “But you can’t, so you won’t,” Casca mocked him. “On the other hand, I can quite easily kill you which I have a good mind to. And if you touch me I think your death would be swift, seeing I’m in favor around here. No, I’ve a good mind to kill you right now. And it’s personal.”

  Narses frowned. “Why?”

  “Because your men killed my woman and child.” Casca related the story of Ireina and Demos, now two years in the past.

  Narses shook his head wearily. “My men were only detailed as escort to Gregory, not to specifically do you or your family harm. What Gregory ordered them to do was his affair, and I presume you punished him for that. As for your woman and child, it was Gregory’s hand that was responsible for that, not mine.”

  Casca twisted in the grip of the guards for a second, then relaxed again. “But you aided him.”

  “He was the Elder and none of the Brotherhood will disobey him. All he aske
d me to do was to provide him with an escort. I knew nothing of why, it was just that he ordered it, so I complied.”

  Narses watched the emotions follow one another across Casca’s face, and then made a snap decision. He spoke to Casca in Armenian. “I am told you can speak many languages - do you understand what I am saying?”

  Casca stopped struggling again and looked at the eunuch in surprise. The last time he had heard that language was in Nev Shapur, the city of Shapur II, King of Persia, over one hundred and fifty years ago. Then it had been his woman Anobia who had spoken Armenian whom he had bought at the slave market and subsequently freed. She had repaid his act of kindness by becoming his consort and they had spent many years together until he had been punished by the king for ‘witchcraft’. Anobia had apparently been sent back to her people at that time. “I understand,” he replied somewhat haltingly.

  “Good. We speak this language in order to make a bargain which I do not want these four to hear. If they knew I, a member of the Brotherhood, was making a bargain with the Spawn of Satan himself I would be put to death. This is the bargain. We do not harm each other and neither of us will reveal to anyone else our secrets. Do you agree?”

  Casca shook his head. “Manius knows of my identity.”

  The eunuch smiled evilly. “You wish to kill Brotherhood members? Then I allow you to kill him. He’s one of Janus’ creatures anyway. What do I care for him? I’ll inform you where he lives. So what do you say?”

  Casca thought deeply. It made sense, for each was capable of bringing great harm to the other. “Very well, but you will also promise not to try to kill the Emperor and Empress. If they do die mysteriously I will hunt you down and slaughter you.”

  Narses knew that the Roman would keep his word. He wasn’t the sort to make idle threats. “I agree, on condition you cease your campaign of terror against the Brotherhood.”

  Casca hadn’t counted on that. Damn! He then had an inspired moment. “We can make a further bargain, Narses. You have been pushed aside in the hierarchy by Janus and his colleagues and I know you don’t like it. Why not allow me to continue against him and his cronies yet leaving the others alone? In that way I can be your agent.”

  Narses had spent most of his adult life in the Byzantine court and had learned the ways of intrigue quite well, and the proposition appealed to him. It was perfect. “I cannot shake your hand in the presence of these four but the bargain is made. I shall give you instructions as to whom and where to find Janus’ supporters and you will kill them. But only them and no others, or I shall deem this bargain broken and inform the imperial couple that you are murdering officials of the court.” He then switched back to Greek. “I cannot detain you any longer or the imperial couple will start to ask questions and that will make things difficult for me. This interrogation is finished.” He signaled to the four guards to release him and Casca yanked his arms clear of their slackening grip, giving them a murderous look.

  “And if you break your side of the bargain, Narses, I’ll drown you all in rivers of blood.”

  Narses nodded, intending to betray Casca at the soonest opportunity. He would have to prepare his ground carefully. He led them out of the small room and resumed the route to the armory where Casca’s new Captain’s uniform awaited him. After he had been kitted out and examined himself in a mirror to his satisfaction, he was escorted back out along another corridor to a small chamber where he was requested to wait. Casca took the opportunity in examining his outfit again, noting the distinct coloration on his tunic denoting him as a Captain. His sword was sheathed in a decorative scabbard and the armor he wore was shiny and clean, being a conical helm with nose guard, leg greaves and a breast and back plate. His tunic was of the finest woven material and was colored red. He examined himself once again in a handy mirror and smiled, thinking to himself he was still a handsome fellow. His old clothes were rolled up in a bundle and he could do with them what he pleased.

  The door opened and a minor official appeared and asked him to accompany him. Casca fell in behind and was led through a couple of doors to a large antechamber where two guards stood on either side of white and gold paneled doors. One of them opened the door and allowed them to pass into what looked like a guard room. Soldiers were sitting or standing all over the place and Narses himself was there, talking animatedly to another captain. He broke off the conversation as he caught sight of Casca and looked him in the eye as he passed, an unspoken message passing between the two. At the far end of the room a staircase wound its way up to the next floor and the official led Casca up into the upper section of the palace.

  More guards were in evidence here and they were checked twice before being allowed passage. Eventually they stopped outside another guarded door and the official knocked. A command to enter was heard and the official opened the door and allowed Casca in, closing the door behind him. Alone, Casca looked round and saw he was in some sort of waiting room, luxuriously decorated. Incense filled the air and the whole place just smelt expensive. Curtains and screens were draped everywhere and what wasn’t covered in these cloths was heavily carpeted or furnished. A huge eunuch suddenly appeared and demanded his sword. Casca hesitated but just then the Empress appeared, dressed in a long silken robe, and smiled. “It’s alright, Captain, it’s just a precaution.”

  Casca shrugged, knowing of imperial paranoia, and handed his weapon over to the eunuch who promptly vanished once again into an alcove. Theodora smiled and beckoned Casca to follow her deeper into the chamber. “My husband is busy working on more funding for another church,” she explained, “but he did wish to congratulate you personally hence the commission. However,” she turned, “I will give you a brief outline of the duties you are to perform. You are attached to the Imperial Household Guards and will be requested to attend ceremonial occasions. Your commander, John, will send for you when your presence is requested, but do not worry, it will not be on any race day. I shall ensure that.” Theodora then stared at his scarred body through wide eyes. “Where did you get all those wounds?” she demanded, looking in particular at one or two of the larger scars.

  “Campaigning in Illyria, Africa and one or two other places,” Casca replied easily, “and I was captured as a slave once by barbarians and whipped and tortured.”

  Theodora's mouth formed a large 'O' in amazement, and Casca once again thought to himself she was one beautiful woman. She must, he thought to himself, be into her mid to late thirties. She caught sight of his look and smiled. “Captain, I wish to see these marks for myself. I command you to remove your uniform and clothing. All of it.”

  Casca held her look for a moment, then unclipped the breast plate and placed it on the floor and removed his greaves and hauberk. His belt and tunic followed and lastly his hose. He stood naked in front of her and she examined his body closely, walking slowly round him, as if she was examining a work of art. “I see the most important part of you is untouched.” She knelt and began stroking it, and Casca drew in his breath sharply. It didn’t take long for it to awaken and Theodora smiled. “You may have heard stories about me which I am fully aware of, but I am Empress and I will not have such things said about me. If you utter a word about this to anyone I shall arrange for you to be beheaded and chopped into bits before being fed to the dogs. Am I clear?”

  “Yes your highness,” Casca responded, sweat breaking out on his forehead.

  “Good,” Theodora said, then took him into her mouth and began rolling her tongue around it. Casca rolled his eyes and swallowed. If the Blue riders could see him now! She worked on him for a few moments, then satisfied at the response she had elicited, pulled off her dress. “Lie down.” It was a command and Casca lowered himself to the thick rug underfoot, finding it soft and comfortable. Theodora straddled him and slowly lowered herself onto him. Hissing in satisfaction she settled and stared at him. “You will not touch me other than by my express command.” Pulling off her headdress and placing it on the floor she shook her long dark hair loo
se and ran her hands over his chest. “Mmmm, I love a big strong man.” She began riding up and down, gathering speed. Casca was reminded of the rich nobility of Rome way back. They screwed their men of choice when their husbands were away, and this she-cat did the same.

  Casca decided he’d best not disappoint her and held himself back, allowing the panting woman to bring herself to a peak. Finally she got there, crying out and throwing her head back, her long hair flying, her nails digging into his chest. Casca breathed out again. He’d made it, just. It had been an effort. He felt she wasn’t one to take sexual disappointments lightly.

  The Empress looked up, her dark eyes softer than they had been before. “Very good, Rufius. I think I may call on your attendance here again. I expect you to be fully dedicated to me, and if you are, then you will continue to enjoy my special protection. Further promotions will not be long if you continue to please me, Rufius.”

  Casca wondered just how far he could possibly go. Also with Theodora’s protection Narses was in a vulnerable position. Casca smiled inwardly, perhaps he could arrange to get Narses arrested and imprisoned? He needed Narses for the moment but once the eunuch’s use passed, maybe he would have the old bastard disposed of.

  The Empress climbed off and left Casca unfulfilled. Damn. She walked off to one side and called over her shoulder. “You may go. My servants will see to you.” Casca stood up and dragged on his clothing as the eunuch reappeared together with a lesser minion. He had no desire for them to see his excitement. Keeping his back to them he swiftly dressed and once finished, turned round. The eunuch handed him his sword back and the minion gestured for Casca to follow.


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