by Donna Every
“Sounds great! I’m looking forward to a meal that didn’t come from a deli,” she said as she settled into her seat.
“You don’t cook?” asked Daniel.
“Not much,” admitted KT. “I’m not that great at it although my Mum is a wonder in the kitchen. I guess I didn’t get those genes. She, on the other hand, loves to cook and feed people so she’d probably love to feed a helpless bachelor like you.”
“How do you know I’m helpless?”
“Daniel I can’t picture you doing housework and cooking dinner. You strike me as someone who eats out five times a week and orders in the other two days. Am I right?”
“Close,” laughed Daniel. “That’s why I have to work so hard, so I can afford to eat out and pay my helper.”
Daniel suddenly had a feeling of well-being. He reached over and took her hand in his. It felt so right he never wanted to let it go. What was he thinking? Never was a long time. He heard KT give a contented sigh next to him as if she was exactly where she wanted to be as well. He could get used to that sound. It made him feel wanted, not for what he had or who he was (he knew KT didn’t care about those things) but for him, Daniel Tennant. It was an intoxicating feeling.
Daniel’s car was driven away by the valet and he took KT’s hand as they walked into the restaurant.
“Good evening, Mr. Tennant,” greeted the hostess. “Your table is right this way.”
“Thank you” replied Daniel.
“I thought you said you’d never been here,” whispered KT as they followed the beautiful hostess.
“I haven’t, I’m not sure how she knows who I am.”
“You’re famous,” said KT, “or infamous. Will we have to dodge the paparazzi?” she teased.
“Hardly,” said Daniel. He really hoped not. He’d heard that sometimes photos of him appeared in the tabloids for what reason he didn’t know.
They were seated at a table that was discreetly located and given menus and the wine list. They both declined wine, Daniel because he was still on medication and KT because she wanted to keep a clear head around Daniel.
They perused the menu right away so that they could get that out of the way and made their choices. KT ordered a salmon crepe to start followed by wild mushroom risotto. Daniel chose oysters as his appetizer followed by a 10 oz sirloin steak.
“Salmon and risotto are actually my favorite foods but I haven’t had a decent steak for ages,” he confided in anticipation, “and I probably need the oysters.”
KT laughed at him and said: “You don’t believe that myth do you?”
“You never know and I may need all the help I can get.”
“No you don’t,” replied KT emphatically.
“What does that mean?”
“That means I think you’re already in overdrive!”
“It’s just that I’m incredibly attracted to you.”
“I bet you say that to all the girls.”
Before Daniel could reply someone stopped at their table. KT looked up and saw a distinguished looking man who could be in his late 40s. Daniel groaned silently. Not tonight. It was Barton Phillips.
“Daniel Tennant. I thought that was you. I see you survived that brain tumor.” The man actually sounded sorry that Daniel had survived.
“Yes, thank you for your concern, Barton,” replied Daniel sarcastically.
“You always come out smelling like roses, Tennant, but I guess the devil looks after his own,” said Barton with his parting shot.
Daniel turned back to KT, angry to see that Barton’s words had upset her. “I’m sorry about that KT. That was just someone with a grudge. Don’t let it spoil our evening.”
“Was that Barton Phillips?”
Daniel’s eyes showed surprise. “You know him?”
“No, but I read about him in an article in the New York Times when they interviewed you a few months ago about a merger that had failed. This is where I have to confess that I once Googled ‘The Merger Mogul’.”
Daniel laughed. “Confession is good for the soul, I hear. I’m flattered that you were interested enough to Google me. How did you know that they call me The Merger Mogul?”
“One of the other therapists told me. She warned me about your reputation but I guess I didn’t listen.”
“I’m glad you didn’t. My reputation is exaggerated anyway.”
“Really? That’s not how it looked in those photos on the Internet and you seemed really hard and cold in that interview.”
“I may have been that way before, but I’ve changed KT. I don’t have the desire to run around anymore. I think I’m ready for a more meaningful relationship and as for business, I don’t even like the name Merger Mogul and all that goes with it.”
“I thought you didn’t believe that people could change,” she reminded him.
“I’m man enough to admit that I may have been wrong about that.”
“Now that it suits your purposes,” she replied. She really wanted to believe Daniel but had he really changed or was it because he’d been out of commission for a while? Her thoughts were interrupted by the waitress bringing their first course.
The food was delicious and Daniel was particularly charming as he tried to change the mood that was threatening their evening. KT could see why women found him so attractive, he was a great listener and he made her feel special, as if he only had eyes for her. She could already feel herself falling for him in a big way. Not a good idea, KT she reminded herself. Their lifestyles and values were just too different.
Daniel gave his number to the valet and waited while his car was brought around. Suddenly a bright light went off in their faces blinding them temporarily and they only heard the sound of someone quickly walking off.
KT was a bit shaken when she realized what had happened. “I was just joking about the paparazzi earlier. Does that happen often?” she asked shakily.
“Not really. They probably don’t have any good gossip this week and are scraping the bottom of the barrel. Don’t worry about it.”
The valet opened KT’s door and Daniel got in the driver’s seat. He adjusted the heat and asked, “Are you warm enough?”
“Yes, thanks,” said KT.
“Oh, I just remembered that one of my colleagues is having a cocktail party next Friday evening. Would you come with me? To tell the truth I’m not really looking forward to socializing just yet, especially with the Wall Street players but I should show my face and let people know that I’m still alive.”
“I really don’t think I’ll fit in with your crowd, Daniel and I’ll probably feel out of place.”
“I’d really like you to come with me KT,” coaxed Daniel, taking her hand in his, while driving with the other.
“Jonathan and Cassandra are very nice and Claire and some of the others from my office will probably be there as well. You remember Claire? She dropped me to therapy a couple of times.”
“Yes I remember her. She seemed quite nice and I liked her once I realized that she wasn’t your flavor of the month,” KT admitted.
“You thought that I was seeing Claire? And you were jealous?” Daniel laughed delightedly. “I would never have guessed.”
“You needn’t sound so pleased or I won’t go with you to the party,” threatened KT.
“OK. Not another word. Promise.”
They reached her apartment in what seemed like a very short time.
“Are you going to invite me in for coffee?” Daniel asked.
“I don’t think so, Daniel. Besides we just had coffee at the restaurant.”
“You know that I don’t really mean coffee, KT.”
“I know you don’t, Daniel, but I don’t invite guys to my apartment at this time of night and definitely not if we’re alone.”
“What! Never?” asked Daniel. He couldn’t believe what KT was suggesting. He’d always thought she was fairly innocent but not as in untouched.
“I don’t share your kind of lifestyle Daniel. I don’t sl
eep around. I never have.”
“Are you saying that you’re a virgin?” he asked incredulously.
“Yes,” she admitted. “Is that so unbelievable?”
“Well you must be the last one in New York. How have you managed that? Guys must be coming on to you all the time.”
“I’ve always been very protected, especially by my brother Paul so I didn’t go on many dates in high school, at least not alone. At that Youth Meeting I told you about, I committed my life to following Jesus and doing things his way and that means waiting for marriage. So although I’ve been on dates, I only go out with guys who share my values and who understand that being alone can be a temptation so we tend to hang out with other couples. You’re an exception. I’ve never been out with anyone like you before.”
“I’m glad,” said Daniel and in a way he was. He didn’t want KT going out with anyone like him either. “So you’re really a virgin,” Daniel mused.
“Yes,” confirmed KT, “and I intend to remain that way until my wedding night, as old fashioned as that may seem to you. I told you I believe in marriage and marriage is a covenant. Do you know how covenants were sealed in ancient times?”
“Yeah,” replied Daniel. He was still trying to grapple with the idea that KT had absolutely no intention of sleeping with him, even if she was attracted to him. This was a first for him! He may be ready for a long-term relationship but he certainly had no plans to get married so where did that leave them?
He got out and walked around to her side of the car to help her out then walked her to the front door. She got her key out of her evening bag, unlocked the door and turned back to say, “Thank you for dinner. I had a great time tonight. The food was wonderful and the company wasn’t bad either,” she teased trying to dispel the tension.
“Thank you, KT. I enjoyed being with you.” He stepped towards her and gently kissed her lips. He waited. KT didn’t pull away so he tilted her chin up and deepened the kiss, holding her head in place as he explored her mouth with his. KT froze for a moment but then returned his kiss. Daniel’s body immediately responded and he pulled her into his arms. They fit together perfectly like two halves of the same whole. KT’s fingers locked behind his neck playing with the hair which had now grown to brush the collar of his shirt.
Daniel’s hands caressed the contours of her back and moved down towards her hips, pulling her more firmly against him, while acquainting himself with her feminine curves. As he tasted the secret places of her mouth, he felt her body start to tremble against his and knew that he could take her to the point where her desire for fulfillment would overrule everything else. He couldn’t remember wanting anyone more in his life. He felt for the door handle so that he could guide them inside her apartment.
No, Daniel. He froze! KT made a slight protest. What was that? Was it his conscience speaking?
What do you mean, no? he argued in his head, now a bit distracted. Nothing has ever felt so right!
Feeling right doesn’t make it right. It’s not right in KT’s heart, no matter how you’re making her feel.
That stopped him. Something stirred in his heart, a feeling of protectiveness for KT that was new to him, where he even wanted to protect her from himself. He pulled back with a silent groan, reluctantly opened the door and gently pushed her inside, trying not to focus on her confused face, and closed it before he changed his mind. It was the hardest thing he’d ever done. He walked back to his car without saying a word.
“Are you satisfied now?” he asked once he was in the car, not even sure who he was talking to.
In spite of his physical discomfort, a sweet emotion erupted in Daniel’s heart and he knew he’d done the right thing. He’d put KT’s feelings above his own desires. Is this love? he wondered.
KT locked the door in a daze and leaned back against it. One minute Daniel was here and the next he was gone. She couldn’t believe she’d let him take such liberties with her, touched her in places that no-one ever had, kissed her as no one ever did! She was mortified when she recalled how she had kissed him back. What was worse was the fact that he was the one who stopped, not her. She felt so ashamed.
“Oh Lord, I’m so sorry. I’m so ashamed! Forgive me. Help me to do things your way and not to let you down or let myself down.” Soon she felt at peace and knew that her prayer had been heard and that she was loved in spite of her weakness. Then she headed to the bath to shower away the evidence of her date with Daniel. She wished it was as easy to erase from her mind.
Chapter 17
The telephone rang just before 10 o’clock waking up KT.
“Hello?” she said in a gravelly voice.
“KT, what were you doing out with The Merger Mogul last night? Are you crazy? That man is the biggest womanizer alive.”
“Paul is that you? What are you talking about?” mumbled KT to her brother.
“Let me read you this trash that my dear wife brought in from the supermarket bright and early this morning. There’s a big picture of you and Daniel Tennant in the “Out on the town” section and it says:
Merger Mogul Back on the Town
Daniel Tennant, aka The Merger Mogul, seems to have fully recovered from his near death experience following the discovery of his brain tumor last September. He was seen at Manhattan’s newest and trendiest restaurant, The Black Pearl, last night with a sexy but mysterious Vanessa Williams lookalike…
KT’s eyes flew open. He now had her attention.
“I’m in the tabloids with Daniel? Oh, no,” moaned KT. “Some photographer sneaked a photo of us last night but I didn’t really think it would show up in a newspaper.”
“Be thankful that Dad doesn’t read this garbage. So what is the story?”
“There’s no story,” denied KT. “Daniel was a patient of mine and he invited me out for dinner now that his therapy is over. That’s all.”
“I hope so, KT because I don’t trust Daniel Tennant as far as I can throw him and definitely not with my baby sister. Stay away from him! He’d swallow you whole and not even get indigestion.”
“Oh, Paul, don’t be so dramatic. Daniel’s not like that anymore, he’s changed.”
“KT, people like Daniel Tennant don’t change, they deceive you into thinking that they have and when you believe them they show their true colors.”
That sounded familiar to KT. In fact it sounded exactly like what Daniel said when she was trying to convince him that people could change. He and Paul were two of a kind.
“Maybe I should give him a call,” said Paul.
“Don’t you dare, Paul Taylor! That would be so embarrassing! I’m 25 years old. I can take care of myself. I don’t need my big brother protecting me anymore.”
“OK. No need to get so hot! I’ll back off, but I hope I don’t hear anything about you and Daniel Tennant going out again. Stay away from him KT. I’m sure your innocence is appealing to a man like him. That is if he hasn’t taken it already!”
“Paul! You know I’m not like that.” KT was glad he couldn’t see the guilt all over her face when she thought about how close he had come to the truth. “I know you love me but please stay out of my business. I can handle Daniel. Bye Paul.” But could she? If last night was any example, she’d just better stay away from him.
Within minutes of hanging up the phone it rang again. It was Connie Haskins.
“Kathryn Taylor, you dark horse! Whatever happened to ‘I’m not interested in Daniel Tennant, he’s not my type and I’m not his?” demanded Connie.
“Hi Connie. Have you been reading the tabloids too? No wonder those newspapers make so much money. It was just a date. There’s nothing going on.”
“I’m sure there’s no such thing as ‘just a date’ with the Merger Mogul. Be careful, KT. You’re so innocent I wouldn’t want to see you get hurt. He’s not over there is he?”
“Of course not! Thanks for your concern, Connie but I’ll be fine. Bye.”
KT pulled the pillow over her head and groane
d. She really didn’t want to get up and face the world. She definitely didn’t want to talk to, far less see, Daniel Tennant. She knew that he’d be nothing but trouble from the start.
Daniel wanted to call KT but he knew that she would probably be embarrassed and wouldn’t want to speak to him. He’d had a rough night, thinking about her and the way she’d responded to him. She was a volcano waiting to erupt and he wanted to be the one to make her blow. He couldn’t believe he’d walked away from that. What was wrong with him? He tried not to think about the voice that he had heard the night before. It couldn’t have been God because he didn’t believe that God talked to people, especially not to people like him. So maybe his conscience had been stirring. Not one to leave things unfinished, except for last night, he mocked himself, he picked up the phone and called KT.
KT was pouring a bowl of cereal when the phone rang. She froze. Instinctively she knew it was Daniel. She didn’t know how but she just knew it was him. She let the answering machine pick up.
“Hi KT, it’s Daniel. I know that you’re probably at home and you just don’t want to talk to me or even see me again but please give me a ring.” He hung up.
KT put down the cereal box as feelings of deep shame came over her. She felt that she wanted to crawl into a hole and hide for the rest of her life. She groaned. Why did she agree to go out with Daniel when she knew how attracted to him she was? He probably thought that she was a hypocrite. Just a few minutes before she was telling him that she didn’t sleep around and next thing you know she was all over him like a hussy and worse yet, it was he who stopped. She groaned again.
The phone rang again and she let it go to the answering machine for the second time.
“KT if you don’t pick up I’m driving over there. Would you prefer …?”
KT picked up the phone. “Hi Daniel,” she said quietly, cringing all the while.