The Merger Mogul

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The Merger Mogul Page 12

by Donna Every

  “I’m taking you to my favorite restaurant, The Bridge Café.”

  “Ooh, The Bridge. I’ve heard about that. I could get used to this,” teased KT.

  “I’d like you to,” Daniel threw her a sideways glance. That’s one of the things he liked about KT, she said what she thought and she didn’t play games.

  “So how’s work?” he asked changing the subject. “Have you got any new handsome patients?” He really didn’t have any claim on her and he realized that in the two months he was gone she could well meet someone else.

  “The hospital has decided that my quota is one every six months and that was filled when they assigned you to me,” she flirted.

  “Kathryn Taylor, are you saying that you find me handsome?” he said smiling.

  “There was never any question about that. But it’s what’s inside someone that’s important, not what they look like on the outside.”

  “And is there something wrong with what’s inside me?”

  “I didn’t say that, but if the cap fits…”

  “I can never get a big ego with you around,” complained Daniel.

  “Maybe that’s why God sent me into your life,” she said half-jokingly. “So what is it you wanted to talk to me about?”

  “Patience is a virtue.”

  “I’m afraid it’s not one of my biggest, except with my patients,” she admitted. “I’m more like ‘God give me patience, but hurry’!”

  Daniel laughed. KT was so refreshingly honest.

  “Have you got any virtues?” she asked skeptically.

  “Actually patience is one of mine. So you see I’m not beyond redemption. If I really want something I am prepared to wait until I get it.” He threw a glance at KT to see how she took that.

  “That’s a wonderful trait,” she complimented, not taking up the bait. “And I know you’re not beyond redemption.”

  Daniel delivered his car to the valet and held open the door to The Bridge Café so that KT could precede him.

  “Mr. Tennant, welcome back! Wonderful to see you again!” greeted the Maitre D’.

  “Thank you Andre,” said Daniel.

  “I’ve put you at your usual table,” said Andre signaling a waiter over.

  “I’m impressed,” whispered KT as they followed the waiter.

  “That’s the idea,” Daniel replied smiling. “I had to pull a lot of strings to get a table at such short notice.”

  The waiter pulled out KT’s chair and stepped back so that Daniel could seat her himself. He then offered them cocktails and left the menus and wine list.

  “When was the last time you were here?” asked KT looking around in appreciation. Daniel was looking at KT in appreciation. While the view of down town Manhattan was just as spectacular as the last time he had been here it was the company that was even more compelling. Contrasted to the plunging neckline that Angela had worn that night, KT was wearing a classy black dress with a high neckline. Her hair was in a bun at the nape of her neck, but far from making her look severe, she looked very sophisticated and yet appealing with a few strands of hair curling around her face. Daniel knew it would take all his will power to resist trying to seduce her tonight.

  “Earth to Daniel,” she said when he didn’t answer.

  “Sorry. I think I was here a few weeks before my surgery, so it’s been quite a while.” He was glad she couldn’t read his thoughts.

  “I can see why it’s your favorite restaurant. The view is amazing and I’ve heard that the food is fabulous. What do you recommend?”

  “Everything I’ve had here is good but if you like seafood the salmon is excellent and so is the tuna.”

  “I’ll go for the salmon.”

  “What will you have to start? And save some room for bread. They make great bread and I know how you love it.”

  “Yum,” she said in anticipation, sounding like an eight year old.

  They gave their orders to the waiter and as soon as he left Daniel said: “I won’t keep you in suspense any longer. I just wanted to tell you that I’ve decided to go to Barbados for the next couple of months.”

  “Barbados? As in the Caribbean?”

  “Yes. I have a condo on the beach on the West Coast of the island so I plan to spend some time just relaxing and thinking before I go back to work.”

  “That sounds wonderful,” said KT hoping her voice didn’t sound as hollow as she felt at the thought of not seeing Daniel for two months. “I’m green with envy!”

  “You’re welcome to come down for a visit,” invited Daniel

  “Uh, I don’t think so, but thanks for the invitation,” KT replied smiling.

  “I meant that you could bring a friend. I’ve got two bedrooms. And I’ll foot the bill.”

  “That’s very generous of you Daniel. If I start to miss you really badly I might take you up on it,” she teased.

  “I’m serious! Don’t dismiss the idea. I would love to show you Bar…”

  “Daniel Tennant!” He was interrupted by someone stopping at their table. This was getting to be a habit! He looked up and his eyes connected to an ample bosom barely covered by a turquoise top. Angela! He hadn’t seen her since the night at the hospital.


  “I called you several times when you were at Margaret but she wouldn’t let me talk to you,” she complained with a pout.

  “I’m sorry about that Angel but I was feeling really low and didn’t want to talk to anyone.”

  “You’re forgiven, Mogul. It’s good to see you back on your feet again. You look great!” KT observed the visitor to their table and noticed that she was practically eating Daniel up with her eyes. You didn’t need any real discernment to realize that this was one of Daniel’s women.

  “Thanks. Excuse my manners. KT this is Angela Pierce, a friend of mine. In fact Angela probably saved my life by calling the ambulance for me and was with me when I was rushed to the hospital. Angela, Kathryn Taylor who was my physiotherapist after the surgery.”

  The ladies exchanged brief greetings.

  “Well I hope to see you again soon, Daniel. We never did finish that weekend,” she reminded him with a suggestive smile, before heading back to her table. Thank you Angela, thought Daniel. He braced himself for KT’s response and she didn’t disappoint him. She struck an exaggerated sultry pose and said:

  “We never did finish that weekend,” in the exact tone that Angela had used.

  Daniel threw back his head and laughed, attracting the attention of several of the patrons, especially the ladies.


  “I won’t pursue that. So when do you leave?” she asked, deliberately changing the subject. She really did not want to know about the unfinished weekend. She could just imagine what it involved.

  “On Sunday. That’s why I wanted to see you alone tonight. I’m planning to spend some time thinking about the changes I want to make to my business. If Jack Welch could get his boundaryless revelation on Sandy Lane beach in Barbados, I’m hoping that I’ll be fortunate enough to come up with something just as revolutionary to help merged companies succeed. I really need to find some new services urgently because merger consulting is taking a beating right now.”

  “So I’ve heard. I’ll be praying for you.”

  “Thanks KT. That means a lot to me.”

  The dinner finished all too quickly for both of them and it seemed that in no time Daniel was pulling up to the curb outside of KT’s apartment.

  “Ten forty-five. You have fifteen minutes to get to bed. You see, I’m a man of my word.”

  “That you are, Mogul,” teased KT.

  “I’ll pick you up at 6.30 tomorrow,” Daniel reminded her. “Goodnight KT,” he said, leaning over to give her a chaste kiss on the cheek.

  “Goodnight, Daniel” she replied getting out of the car feeling a little disappointed. Daniel had behaved as promised. So why did she feel so let down? Was this the real Daniel Tennant or was he just lulling her into a
false sense of security?

  Chapter 20

  The elevator glided swiftly towards Jonathan and Cassandra Bailey’s penthouse apartment. Jonathan had been to law school with Daniel and was now a partner in a prestigious law firm that handled a lot of the legal work for mergers. He and his wife Cassandra had no children yet and were well known for the great parties they often threw in their penthouse apartment.

  KT had rushed out from work that day and bought a dress for the party. It was a black and olive and draped elegantly from her shoulders to overlap across her bosom, revealing just a hint of cleavage, hugging her curves and ending just above her knees. It had cost her a fortune but she felt that she might need a confidence booster. Her hair was pinned up in an elegant chignon with a few enticing strands teasing her cheeks. Daniel was enthralled by the alluring picture she made.

  KT wondered at the wisdom of going out with Daniel alone again as she silently acknowledged how breathtakingly handsome he looked in his biscotti colored pants, teamed with a blue and white striped shirt and topped with a dark blue blazer. She nervously fingered the strand of faux pearls at her neck. She was really not looking forward to this party. The women there were probably beautiful, sophisticated and cliquish. KT wondered why Daniel even bothered to invite her. Daniel closed the distance between him and KT and took her hands in his, staying the nervous movements.

  “Relax. You look beautiful.” He pulled her closer and kissed the curve of her neck where it met her shoulder. “I’ve wanted to do that since I picked you up,” he confessed. Before KT could respond, the doors opened into the lounge of the penthouse and someone said:

  “Daniel Tennant! Welcome back to the living.” It was Jonathan.

  Daniel reluctantly turned around and putting his hand on KT’s waist guided her from the elevator.

  “Thanks Jonathan. It’s good to be back. This is Kathryn Taylor. KT meet Jonathan Bailey.” Jonathan leaned over and kissed her cheek, saying: “Welcome Kathryn. You must be Daniel’s best kept secret and I can see why.”

  KT smiled, relaxing a bit. “Thank you Jonathan. Please call me KT.”

  “Well KT, what can I get you to drink?”

  “I’ll have a glass of white wine please.”

  “And I’ll have a gin and tonic,” added Daniel.

  “No problem. I’ll be right back. Cass is probably in the kitchen overseeing the caterers; I’ll let her know that you’re here.”

  KT looked around the room and was happy to see Claire Morgan engrossed in conversation with another woman at the far end of the living room. At least she knew one person here. The room was almost full of well dressed men and expensively dressed women, chatting and drinking and occasionally pausing to sample hors d’ouvres offered by passing waitresses. As Daniel led them further into the room, several people stopped talking to greet him, shaking his hand and welcoming him back. Curious eyes roamed over her as Daniel made introductions. Jonathan soon located them in the crowd and handed over their drinks. He was accompanied by a tall elegant blonde with warm brown eyes.

  “Hi, Daniel. Great to see you looking so well,” she said hugging him.

  “Hi, Cassie. This is Kathryn Taylor, or KT as everyone calls her. KT this is Cassandra.”

  “Welcome KT,” greeted Cassandra kissing her cheek. “Daniel’s certainly kept you hidden. Have you known him long?” she asked, turning towards KT as the men started to catch up on business.

  “Not really. I was his physiotherapist after his surgery.”

  “Oh, that explains it.” KT wasn’t sure what it explained. Maybe why Daniel was with someone like her rather than his usual glamorous type?

  KT was surprised to realize how short a time she’d known Daniel.

  “I just realized that I’ve only known him for a couple of months but it seems much longer. I guess he kind of grows on you.” Cassie laughed as a striking blond, drinking champagne and wearing a cocktail dress that struggled unsuccessfully to keep her bosom well covered, joined the group.

  “Daniel, it’s wonderful to see you. You look great!” she exclaimed, throwing her arms around him in a hug. Daniel hugged her back, a bit too long in KT’s opinion.

  “Thanks Pam. It’s good to see you too.”

  “KT, this is my friend and tennis partner, Pamela Highland.” Cassie made the introductions. “Pam, this is KT. She’s the one who got Daniel back on his feet. Literally. She was his physiotherapist.”

  “Well we’re so grateful to you, KT. Does that mean Daniel can come out to play now?” she laughed.

  KT didn’t know how to respond to that so she smiled politely and said, “I guess that’s up to him.”

  “I’m not up to playing just yet,” Daniel said.

  “Well call me when you are. I’d be happy to play with you,” she added with a suggestive laugh. KT was sure she wasn’t talking about tennis.

  Trust Pamela. She wasn’t known for her subtlety, especially after a few drinks. He’d better move on before she said anything more damaging.

  “Well it was great to see you Pam. Excuse us folks but I see Claire waving at me.”

  “That was a bit abrupt,” commented KT as he steered her away. “Afraid she would give away secrets?”

  “There’re none to give away’” assured Daniel. KT wasn’t convinced. Pamela had seemed very well acquainted with Daniel.

  “Hi guys” smiled Claire greeting them. “You look great KT and you too Daniel.”

  “Thanks Claire. You look wonderful yourself,” replied KT.

  “Thanks. How does it feel to be back in the real world Daniel?” Claire asked.

  That confirmed KT’s belief that the surgery had temporarily displaced Daniel but now he would return to his own world; the real world, as Claire called it.

  “I’m not sure Claire. It’s great to see Jonathan and Cassie and some of the others but I’m not sure that this is my scene anymore.” That made KT feel a bit better.

  “By the way, I’m flying to Barbados on Sunday for a couple of months. I’ll be at my condo if you need me for any emergencies. Margaret will give Bryan the number or you can get me on my BB.”

  “I can’t think of a better place to recuperate.”

  “I’ll try to get some R&R but I also want to spend some time working on ideas for the business.”

  “I hope you come up with some good ones. We need them. And don’t worry, we’ll hold down the fort while you’re away.”

  “Daniel Tennant! I don’t see you for months and now I see you twice in two nights. What a coincidence!”

  Daniel looked around to see Angela, tonight in a silky red dress that was a perfect complement for her dark hair which bounced around her shoulders. He hoped she wouldn’t make any suggestive comments like she did last night. This was getting to be a bit much to deal with.

  “Hi Angela. This town is obviously too small,” he joked. “You remember KT? Do you know Claire Morgan? She’s one of the Consultants at my firm.”

  “Yes to both. I believe I met Claire at the same party that I met you at. That seems so long ago. So you’re definitely back on the town I see.”

  “Just temporarily. I’m actually about to fly out to Barbados for a couple of months to finish recuperating.”

  “Barbados! Lovely, but you look perfectly well to me,” Angela said looking at him admiringly..

  KT fumed silently while maintaining a polite smile on her face. The woman could not be seriously flirting with Daniel right under her eye. She obviously didn’t see her as any competition and maybe she wasn’t. After all, she wasn’t willing to give Daniel what they so obviously were.

  Daniel pulled KT to his side as if sensing her withdrawal.

  “Thanks to KT. She did a great job with me.” He bent his head and brought KT’s hand to his lips for a kiss. KT practically squirmed with embarrassment as her eyes met Angela’s over Daniel’s bent head. Angela threw a brief smile at KT that didn’t reach her eyes, as if to say: ‘OK all yours, for now.’

bet she did,” she said sweetly. “So when are you leaving?”


  “Well get some rest and try to stay out of trouble while you’re there, although I know that trouble is your middle name.”

  “Hardly Angela and anyway I’ll be on my best behavior,” Daniel protested.

  That’s what I’m afraid of, thought KT, remembering the last time Daniel made that promise.

  Daniel and KT left about an hour after that, for which KT was very grateful. She lost count of the number of women who came up to kiss Daniel and greet him, mostly ignoring her. She wondered how many of them he had slept with in the past. She probably didn’t want to know. She was sorry that she had come to the party. It only confirmed what she already knew in her heart; that Daniel Tennant lived in a very different world to hers and she certainly didn’t fit into it, nor did she want to.

  They drove back to her apartment in silence. Daniel seemed pre-occupied and she didn’t feel like making light-hearted conversation, especially when her heart felt so heavy. Daniel was sorry he’d asked KT to go to the party. He could tell that she didn’t enjoy it and to tell the truth, neither did he. He was glad to see some of his old acquaintances but it didn’t help that there were a few women there that he’s slept with in the past. He was glad that KT didn’t know that, although he figured that she suspected as much. They weren’t exactly subtle. He felt bad about it. Was that his conscience pricking him? Compared to them, KT was pure and untouched and he felt that he’d somehow dirtied her by exposing her to his previous lifestyle.

  KT was reflecting on the evening and the women she’d observed. Some of them seemed as if they were just recycled among the men, Daniel included, moving from partner to partner. She couldn’t fathom that kind of life. She had bought Daniel a gift to take with him when she slipped out to buy the new dress earlier in the day. Now she was in two minds whether to give it to him. It seemed kind of ridiculous after witnessing him in his element at the party. Would he reject it? Would he laugh at her gesture? The Porsche pulled up to the curb and parked behind KT’s compact car.


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