The Conan Chronology

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The Conan Chronology Page 577

by J. R. Karlsson

  'Balthus!' he swore bewilderedly. Cautiously he called: 'Here I am!'

  'Wait for me, Conan!' the voice came more distinctly.

  Conan moved out of the shadows, scowling. 'What the devil are you doing here – Crom!'

  He half crouched, the flesh prickling along his spine. It was not Balthus who was emerging from the other side of the glade. A weird glow burned through the trees. It moved toward him, shimmering weirdly – a green witch-fire that moved with purpose and intent.

  It halted some feet away and Conan glared at it, trying to distinguish its fire-misted outlines. The quivering flame had a solid core; the flame was but a green garment that masked some animate and evil entity; but the Cimmerian was unable to make out its shape or likeness. Then, shockingly, a voice spoke to him from amidst the fiery column.

  'Why do you stand like a sheep waiting for the butcher, Conan?'

  The voice was human but carried strange vibrations that were not human.

  'Sheep?' Conan’s wrath got the best of his momentary awe. 'Do you think I’m afraid of a damned Pictish swamp devil? A friend called me.'

  'I called in his voice,' answered the other. 'The men you follow belong to my brother; I would not rob his knife of their blood. But you are mine. Oh, fool, you have come from the far grey hills of Cimmeria to meet your doom in the forests of Conajohara.'

  'You’ve had your chance at me before now,' snorted Conan. 'Why didn’t you kill me then, if you could?'

  'My brother had not painted a skull black for you and hurled it into the fire that burns for ever on Gullah’s black altar. He had not whispered your name to the black ghosts that haunt the uplands of the Dark Land. But a bat has flown over the Mountains of the Dead and drawn your image in blood on the white tiger’s hide that hangs before the long hut where sleep the Four Brothers of the Night. The great serpents coil about their feet and the stars burn like fire-flies in their hair.'

  'Why have the gods of darkness doomed me to death?' growled Conan.

  Something – a hand, foot or talon, he could not tell which, thrust out from the fire and marked swiftly on the mould. A symbol blazed there, marked with fire, and faded, but not before he recognised it.

  'You dared make the sign which only a priest of Jhebbal Sag dare make. Thunder rumbled through the black Mountains of the Dead and the altar-hut of Gullah was thrown down by a wind from the Gulf of Ghosts. The loon which is messenger to the Four Brothers of the Night flew swiftly and whispered your name in my ear. Your race is run. You are a dead man already. Your head will hang in the altar-hut of my brother. Your body will be eaten by the black-winged, sharp-beaked Children of Jhil.'

  'Who the devil is your brother?' demanded Conan. His sword was naked in his hand, and he was subtly loosening the axe in his belt.

  'Zogar Sag; a child of Jhebbal Sag who still visits his sacred groves at times. A woman of Gwawela slept in a grove holy to Jhebbal Sag. Her babe was Zogar Sag. I too am a son of Jhebbal Sag, out of a fire-being of a far realm. Zogar Sag summoned me out of the Misty Lands. With incantations and sorcery and his own blood he materialized me in the flesh of his own planet. We are one, tied together by invisible threads. His thoughts are my thoughts; if he is struck, I am bruised. If I am cut, he bleeds. But I have talked enough. Soon your ghost will talk with the ghosts of the Dark Land, and they will tell you of the old gods which are not dead, but sleep in the outer abysses, and from time to time awake.'

  'I’d like to see what you look like,' muttered Conan, working his axe free; 'you who leave a track like a bird, who burn like a flame and yet speak with a human voice.'

  'You shall see,' answered the voice from the flame; 'see, and carry the knowledge with you into the Dark Land.'

  The flames leaped and sank, dwindling and dimming. A face began to take shadowy form; at first Conan thought it was Zogar Sag himself who stood wrapped in green fire. But the face was higher than his own, and there was a demoniac aspect about it – Conan had noted various abnormalities about Zogar Sag’s features – an obliqueness of the eyes, a sharpness of the ears, a wolfish thinness of the lips in the apparition which swayed before him. The eyes were red as coals of living fire.

  More details came into view: a slender torso, covered with snaky scales, which was yet manlike in shape, with man-like arms, from the waist upward; below, long crane-like legs ended in splay, three-toed feet like those of some huge bird. Along the monstrous limbs the green fire fluttered and ran. He saw it as through a glistening mist.

  Then suddenly it was towering over him, though he had not seen it move toward him. A long arm, which for the first time he noticed was armed with curving, sickle-like talons, swung high and swept down at his neck. With a fierce cry he broke the spell and bounded aside, hurling his axe. The demon avoided the cast with an unbelievably quick movement of its narrow head and was on him again with a hissing rush of leaping flames.

  But fear had fought for it when it slew its other victims, and Conan was not afraid. He knew that any being clothed in material flesh can be slain by material weapons, however grisly its form may be.

  One flailing talon-armed limb knocked his helmet from his head. A little lower and it would have decapitated him. But fierce joy surged through him as his savagely driven sword sank deep in the monster’s groin. He bounded backward from a flailing stroke, tearing his sword free as he leaped. The talons raked his breast, ripping through mail-links as if they had been cloth. But his return spring was like that of a starving wolf. He was inside the lashing arms and driving his sword deep in the monster’s belly – felt the arms lock about him and the talons ripping the mail from his back as they sought his vitals – he was lapped and dazzled by blue flame that was chill as ice – then he had torn fiercely away from the weakening arms and his sword cut the air in a tremendous swipe.

  The demon staggered and fell sprawling sidewise, its head hanging only by a shred of flesh. The fires that veiled it leaped fiercely upward, now red as gushing blood, hiding the figure from view. A scent of burning flesh filled Conan’s nostrils. Shaking the blood and sweat from his eyes, he wheeled and ran staggeringly through the woods. Blood trickled down his limbs. Somewhere, miles to the south, he saw the faint glow of flames that might mark a burning cabin. Behind him, toward the road, rose a distant howling that spurred him to greater efforts.


  Conajohara No More

  There had been fighting on Thunder River; fierce fighting before the walls of Velitrium; axe and torch had been plied up and down the bank, and many a settler’s cabin lay in ashes before the painted horde was rolled back.

  A strange quiet followed the storm, in which people gathered and talked in hushed voices, and men with red-stained bandages drank their ale silently in the taverns along the river bank.

  There, to Conan the Cimmerian, moodily quaffing from a leathern jack, came a gaunt forester with a bandage about his head and his arm in a sling. He was the one survivor of Fort Tuscelan.

  'You went with the soldiers to the ruins of the fort?'

  Conan nodded.

  'I wasn’t able,' murmured the other. 'There was no fighting?'

  'The Picts had fallen back across Black River. Something must have broken their nerve, though only the Devil who made them knows what.'

  The woodsman glanced at his bandaged arm and sighed.

  'They say there were no bodies worth disposing of.'

  Conan shook his head. 'Ashes. The Picts had piled them in the fort and set fire to the fort before they crossed the river. Their own dead and the men of Valannus.'

  'Valannus was killed among the last – in the hand-to-hand fighting when they broke the barriers. They tried to take him alive, but he made them kill him. They took ten of the rest of us prisoners when we were so weak from fighting we could fight no more. They butchered nine of us then and there. It was when Zogar Sag died that I got my chance to break free and run for it.'

  'Zogar Sag’s dead?' ejaculated Conan.

  'Aye. I saw him die. That’
s why the Picts didn’t press the fight against Velitrium as fiercely as they did against the fort. It was strange. He took no wounds in battle. He was dancing among the slain, waving an axe with which he’d just brained the last of my comrades. He came at me, howling like a wolf – and then he staggered and dropped the axe, and began to reel in a circle screaming as I never heard a man or beast scream before. He fell between me and the fire they’d built to roast me, gagging and frothing at the mouth, and all at once he went rigid and the Picts shouted that he was dead. It was during the confusion that I slipped my cords and ran for the woods.'

  He hesitated, leaned closer to Conan and lowered his voice.

  'I saw him lying in the firelight. No weapon had touched him. Yet there were red marks like the wounds of a sword in groin, belly and neck – the last as if his head had been almost severed from his body. What do you make of that?'

  Conan made no reply, and the forester, aware of the reticence of barbarians on certain matters, continued: 'He lived by magic, and somehow, he died by magic. It was the mystery of his death that took the heart out of the Picts. Not a man who saw it was in the fighting before Velitrium. They hurried back across Black River. Those that struck Thunder River were warriors who had come on before Zogar Sag died. They were not enough to take the city by themselves.

  'I came along the road, behind their main force, and I know none followed me from the fort. I sneaked through their lines and got into the town. You brought the settlers through all right, but their women and children got into Velitrium just ahead of those painted devils. If the youth Balthus and old Slasher hadn’t held them up awhile, they’d have butchered every woman and child in Conajohara. I passed the place where Balthus and the dog made their last stand. They were lying amid a heap of dead Picts – I counted seven, brained by his axe, or disembowelled by the dog’s fangs, and there were others in the road with arrows sticking in them. Gods, what a fight that must have been.'

  'He was a man,' said Conan. 'I drink to his shade, and to the shade of the dog, who knew no fear.' He quaffed part of the wine, then emptied the rest upon the floor, with a curious heathen gesture, and smashed the goblet. 'The heads of ten Picts shall pay for his, and seven heads for the dog, who was a better warrior than many a man.'

  And the forester, staring into the moody, smouldering blue eyes knew the barbaric oath would be kept.

  'They’ll not rebuild the fort.'

  'No; Conajohara is lost to Aquilonia. The frontier has been pushed back. Thunder River will be the new border.'

  The woodsman sighed and stared at his calloused hand, worn from contact with axe haft and sword hilt. Conan reached his long arm for the wine jug. The forester stared at him, comparing him with the men about them, the men who had died along the lost river; comparing him with those other wild men over that river. Conan did not seem aware of his gaze.

  'Barbarism is the natural state of mankind,' the borderer said, still staring somberly at the Cimmerian. 'civilisation is unnatural. It is a whim of circumstance. And barbarism must always ultimately triumph.'

  Moon of Blood

  L. Sprague de Camp & Lin Carter


  The Owl that Cried by Day

  The forest was strangely silent. Wind whispered through the blue-green leaves of spring, but no sound came from the beasts and birds who dwelt within these verdant solitudes.

  It was as if the forest, with its thousand eyes and ears, sensed the presence of an intruder.

  Then through the aisles of giant oaks came the rustling of men on the move - the tramp of feet, the muted jingle of metal armament, the murmur of voices.

  Suddenly the leaves parted and a burnished giant of a

  man entered a clearing. He was armed as if for war; a plain steel helm covered his mane of coarse black hair; and his deep chest and knotted arms were protected by a hauberk of chain mail. The dented helm framed a dark, scarred face bronzed by strange suns, wherein blazed eyes of smouldering volcanic blue.

  He did not tramp along, but glided from bush to bush, now and again stopping to peer, to listen, and to sniff the air. He had about him the tense and wary look of one who expects an ambush. Soon a second man appeared behind the first - a well-built, blond young man of medium height, wearing the war-harness of a lieutenant in the Golden Lions, a regiment in the Frontier Guard of Numedides, King of Aquilonia.

  The difference between the two was striking. The black-maned giant, obviously a Cimmerian from the savage wildernesses to the north, was vigilant but at ease; the younger officer, starting at every sound and swatting the myriad flies, appeared clumsy and nervous. He addressed the older man with deference:

  'Captain Conan, Captain Arno asks if all is well forward of our position. He waits your signal to advance the troops.'

  Conan grunted, saying nothing. The lieutenant glanced uneasily about the glade. 'It seems quiet enough to me,' he added.

  Conan shrugged. 'Too quiet for my taste. These woods at mid-day should be alive with birdsong and the chattering of squirrels. But it's as silent hereabouts as any graveyard.'

  'Mayhap the presence of our troops has frightened the forest creatures,' suggested the Aquilonian.

  'Or,' said Conan, 'mayhap the presence of a Pictish force, though as yet I have seen no certain sign. They may be here, or1 they may not. Tell me, Flavius, have any of our 'scouts returned?'

  'Not yet, sir,' said the young lieutenant, 'But the scouts sent out by General Lucian report no Picts are in this forest.'

  Conan bared his fangs in a mirthless wolf's grin. 'Aye, the General's scouts swear there's not a living Pict in all of Conajohara, that I know. They conclude the painted devils

  anticipate our strike in force and have withdrawn. But...'

  'You distrust the scouts, Captain?'

  Conan glanced briefly at the lieutenant. 'I know them not. Nor whence Lucian brought them, nor how trustworthy their opinions may be. I'd trust the word of my own scouts - the men I had before Fort Tuscelan fell.'

  Flavius blinked, incredulous. 'Do you suspect Viscount Lucian of wishing us ill?'

  Conan's face became a mask as, slit-eyed, he studied his companion. 'I've said naught to that effect. But I've seen enough of this world to trust few men. Go, tell Captain Arno... Wait, here comes one of Lucian's vagabonds.'

  A lean man, with a brown skin seamed by a hundred small wrinkles, stepped from behind the trunk of a huge oak - an oak that was already old when the Picts ruled all the Westermarck. The man was clad in buckskin and bore a bow and hunting falcon.

  'Well ?' said Conan in lieu of other greeting.

  'Not a sign of a Pict the whole length of South Creek,' said the scout.

  'Who is on our flanks ?'

  The scout repeated several names. 'No Picts anywhere. There's the creek ahead of you,' he said, pointing.

  'That I know,' said Conan, dryly.

  As Flavius, peering through the massive tree trunks, discovered a glimmer of silver in the middle distance, the scout faded back into the forest.

  The sounds of moving men grew louder as the head of the column appeared on the trail behind them. Of the hundred-odd Aquilonian soldiers, who travelled in ones and twos along the narrow trail, half were pikemen and half, archers, The pikemen, mostly stocky, tawny-haired Gundermen, wore helmets and mail shirts. The archers, mainly Bossonians. walked unarmoured save for hauberks of leather studded with bronzen rings or buttons, and here and there, a light steel cap. Arno, it seemed, had wearied of waiting.

  A stocky, brown-haired officer hurried up to Conan sweat running down his round, red face. The new arrival pushed back his helmet and said:

  'Captain Conan, my pig-stickers begin to tire. They need a short rest.'

  'They find this a hard march? Ha! They need hardening, Arno, the way I've been hardening my archers. Let them rest for a moment. And go stop their loose tongues. If there's a Pict within a league, he'd know where and how many we are.'

  Captain Arno slapped at a fly on his neck. Few men have
legs as long as yours, Conan, or tongues as short.' He returned to his soldiers, shaking his head.

  ' 'Reconnaissance in force', forsooth!' growled Conan to Flavius. 'Under these conditions, it invites disaster.'

  'The general's orders were positive,' said Flavius.

  'Aye, but that makes them no less foolish. To war with Picts, you need news before the fight and numbers during it. So you scatter your scouts to seek the size and position of the foe, then concentrate your troops to hit them hard.'

  'That, sir, takes careful timing, does it not?'

  'Aye, that it does. If you miscalculate, you're dead. Timing, lad, is half the art of war - what Numedides' gilded generals call strategy. But sending two half-companies thus along the creek, with no force to back us up in case of trouble, when the Picts can bring together thousands...'

  Conan's deep-set blue eyes pierced the long aisles between the ancient trees, as if by staring hard he could penetrate the massive boles and see the shadowy, hidden distances. He liked nothing about this expedition, which seemed to him foolhardy to the point of insanity. Soldiers long in the service of King Numedides never questioned their orders or the wisdom of their superiors. But Conan the Cimmerian was no common Aquilonian soldier, although for more than a year he had served as a mercenary here, fighting the country's wars for hire. He was beginning to regret his acceptance of a command in the Frontier Guard, although at the time it had seemed the wisest course. The sharing of command with Captain Arno partly accounted for his change of heart; but this blind expedition into an unknown and hostile wilderness irked him more. Every savage instinct in his primitive soul cried out in warning against so foolish a plan.

  'Well, time to move on,' he growled. 'Flavius, return to Arno and have him get his pikemen on their feet.'

  Through the long morning, the troops with muted tread made their way over rocks and roots of trees along the trail lo South Creek, the boundary of water that divided the province of Schohira from the lost Conajohara, now overrun by painted Picts.


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