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Alien Romance Box Set: Uoria Mates Complete Series (Books 1 - 10): A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Invasion Abduction Romance

Page 43

by Ruth Anne Scott

  “Thanks for coming to my rescue.’’ I forced a smile in an attempt to thwart his concerns.

  He pushed my hair to the side. He leaned in, and kissed me gingerly on my bruised cheek.

  “As long as I have you, everything will be alright... Princess don’t worry, I can take care of myself.” Wyser stated.

  He leaned in towards me, and wrapped his muscular arms around my body.

  I just hoped I was doing the right thing by agreeing to go to his home. With that thought in mind, I hopped out of bed, flung open my drawers, and jammed my comfy articles of clothing into my back pack.

  “Princess, you’re packing with such enthusiasm.” He stated with a chuckle.

  I turned around and sneered at him.

  “Would you rather me not pack at all?” I retorted

  “I’m just a bit shocked that you even agreed to go at all. I thought I would have to wrangle you down to my house.” Wyser stated frankly

  “You’re right, it’s not like me to agree to such a request. I change my mind. I guess you do have to wrangle me after all. Good luck with that, I’m pretty strong.” I told him

  “Oh yea?”

  He grabbed me wrapping his arms and legs around me. I laughed and bit him playfully.

  “Alright! It’s a tie, we’re both equally strong. Now, if you want me to go with you I’ll have to finish packing.” I scrunched my face at him.

  Being with him brought a lot of unfamiliar but welcomed emotions. I had forgotten what it felt like to be love. I found myself feeling so many wonderful feelings all at once. I was numbed for so long. A strange desire came over me all at once. I wanted his family to like me. With that thought in my head, I went over to my closet and grabbed a dress, the only dress that belonged to me. It was my mom’s, and I’ve only worn it within the confines of my room. It was an elegant pale blue dress. The hem line was laced, and it was modest, the length just passing my knees. It was a dress I truly cherished.

  “Wow, that dress is beautiful. Are you thinking about wearing that to meet my parents?”

  “It was my mother’s, I take it with me everywhere I go… I was contemplating wearing it to meet your parents, but I think I will just wear a nice blouse and jeans instead. The dress is a bit much.”

  “It’s a shame, I was looking forward to seeing you in it. Maybe I can persuade you to let me take it off of your sexy body this weekend.” Wyser retorted with a sly grin.

  My phone was ringing, and I knew right away it was my dad. I quickly finished packing. Once Wyser and I were fully dressed, we swiftly headed out the door. I expected to see both of Wyser’s roommates, Aux at least. To my surprise neither of them were there.

  “I was planning to meet up with Aux for lunch before we left for the weekend. Are you alright with that Princess?”

  “Ok, sounds great. I’m starving… Anyways, hurry up and grab your things before I change my mind. I’m already getting cold feet.” I told Wyser with a smirk. Without any hesitation, he grabbed me, and tossed me on his bed.

  “It’s too late to change your mind now Princess. I have you exactly where I want you.”

  “You would like to think that.” I responded flipping him over. “Now I have you right where I want you…between my legs.” Before he could respond I kissed him keenly.

  The sound of the door opening brought us out of our sexual trance. We quickly jumped to a sitting position. Only to see Aryrs smirking in the door way.

  “Hey asshole.” Aryrs said with grin.

  Wyser glared at him. He looked ready to pounce at any moment.

  “Aryrs, I see you’re still as abrasive as ever. I honestly thought getting your ass whooped would have wiped that smirk off your face. I can’t say that I’m happy to see that it’s still there.” Wyser retorted while gathering his bags.

  “Whatever dude, I’m not trying to get into it again. We don’t have to be friends, we share a dorm so we should be amicable. What happened was a misunderstanding. I’m not a fucking mind reader… Now I know.”

  “Yea, now you know…I’m going home for the weekend. I’ll see you later, come on Princess.” Wyser replied and held out his hand to me.

  We left his dorm room, and I felt my stomach growling with hunger. Wyser turned to me and said.

  “Let’s hurry to meet up with Aux, so we can satisfy that stomach of yours.”

  “Where exactly are we going to go eat?” I asked.

  “I don’t think you’ve heard of it. It’s a Noxi restaurant, Aux’s parents actually own it... Usually only our kind hang out there, most humans don’t find a Noxi restaurant appealing. The restaurant substitute similar Earth ingredients into each Noxi dish, I personally prefer traditional Earth dishes on their menu.” He replied.

  “I’m up for trying something different. My Jeep is right here, make sure to give me good directions. I hate getting lost.” I told Wyser with a smile.

  I drove for about half an hour before finally arriving to “Jarnsaxa”.

  “It means delicious food.” Wyser said before I could ask.

  As we entered the restaurant, we were met with a few stares.

  “They’re not used to seeing a human in here that’s all.”

  “Well that’s reassuring.” I responded to Wyser sarcastically.

  “Hey guys! I’m glad you could make it Hannah! I was just telling Aux I wanted someone to bask in all of this attention with me.” Nessa yelled out jokingly.

  Nessa was unlike me, she always seemed so joyful and sure of herself. A part of me envied her easy and carefree attitude.

  “Hey Nessa, I’m glad you’re here too. Have you guys been waiting long?” I responded.

  “It’s alright, we’ve been working on the end of semester paper.” Aux replied.

  “So Hannah are you excited for some jarnsaxa food?” Nessa asked with a giggle.

  “Aha, I can’t wait for some jarnsaxa food.” I replied back with a chuckle.

  “I should have known Aux would bring you as well. You guys make a great couple.” Wyser stated frankly making them both blush.

  “I guess it takes one to know one.” Nessa retorted.

  Aux chimed in “Feel free to order what you want, it’s on the house.” It seemed as though Aux was trying to change the direction of our conversation.

  “I just want a plain cheeseburger, what about you Hannah?” Wyser asked.

  I stared at the menu for a while. I wanted to be adventurous and try a Noxi dish, but I was craving a burger as well.

  “Hmm… what’s the Noxi burger?” I asked.

  “It’s a mixture of bison meat, cilantro, and garlic. It’s served on bread that’s infused with spinach and topped off with a chili coconut milk sauce. Taste wise bison meat is the closest we get to the gimo meat from our home planet.” Aux replied.

  “Alright, I’ll try that then.”

  Hanging out with Aux and Nessa made me realize how much laughter was missing from my life before.

  “Hannah, we better go before it gets late. Ma wants us to get there a bit before dinner, so we could talk.”


  (Chapter Three)

  Hannah had a way of making me feel at ease, calming me down. I love her, and I was going to do whatever it took to make sure my Princess was happy. I won’t let anyone stop me. Especially not that asshole Joey, the thought of him boiled my blood. Our kind wasn’t capable of killing, but with Joey I felt close to the brink. I wanted to do it. I wanted to strangle him. Joey was going to get what’s coming to him. I had to think rationally, or I would lose everything. I couldn’t risk going to jail like my uncle. I couldn’t wait to get Hannah to meet my Ma. I know ma was going to love her.

  Thanks to my brilliant navigation we were lost. We ended up spending a couple of hours trying to make our way to my house. During that time Hannah and I talked about several things. I told her stories about my home planet.

  “Our ancestors predicted our planet’s dest
ruction. With our science we were able to pinpoint around the time that our planet would be destroyed. Unfortunately knowledge alone was not enough to save most of my people from the event that transpired. My people built ten massive ships, ships that could house thousands, ten thousand to be exact. The main purpose of the ships was to find a habitable planet. A hundred of our most brilliant minds were put into each ship, along with several different species of plants. These ten ships ventured out in different directions, in hope that a new habitable planet would be found before the microscopic black hole would take our planet out of existence. We spent over two centuries frozen, in deep slumber. During that time the communication sector was hit by an asteroid, and became badly damaged. Our engineers are currently working to recover the intergalactic communicator. Most of the information that I told you is kept secret from your kind. We are forbidden to tell humans of the other ships’ existence, and the existence of the intergalactic communicator for obvious reasons. You’re my mate now, we are bonded. That makes you one of us now.” Hannah was silent, she stared at me intently. I could tell she was absorbing my every word.

  I continued on.

  “When we reached your solar system our ship scanned your planet, when it found it habitable for our kind, we were slowly taken out of slumber. Once we were awake we realized that time had bested us. By that time our planet had already been devoured by the black hole.” After hearing this Hannah finally spoke.

  “I couldn’t imagine losing my planet, and having to completely uproot my life and start over. To then have to face such hatred, and intolerance. I’m so sorry Wyser, I’m sorry for everything my family has done to make it harder for your kind.” Her eyes widened, they started to glisten.

  “Princess it is not your fault, their actions are not yours. You are not responsible for anything that they have done. You are your own person. Your family and their beliefs do not define you... I see a beautiful woman next to me, and your most beautiful quality isn’t your gorgeous eyes, or your killer bod. The most precious and beautiful parts of you are your mind and your heart. Hannah you are absolutely captivating in every way. I know you try to put forth this tough persona, but you’re one of the kindest being I’ve ever encountered. I know you think being kind, and caring makes you weak. In reality it is what makes you so incredibly strong, powerful even. Your strength comes from your compassion.” As I said this a tear begin to swell around her eyes. Hannah was one tough individual. I was probably the only one who ever saw this side of her.

  Loving her was one of the easiest things. It felt so natural. It was as though she was made for me. I brushed my hand across her cheek, wiping her tear away. I leaned across the seat to kiss her.

  “Princess, I am eternally yours.”

  “I love you Wyser.”

  “I love you too Hannah. Now please cheer up, I want to make you happy. Not put you in a depressed mind frame. Besides, we are almost there. I don’t want my family to think that I’m upsetting you.” She let out a laugh and my heart skip a beat.

  “You’re right Wyser, alright just happy thoughts. You bring out such a sappy side to me. I hate it.” I could tell Hannah was starting to fully open up to me. Each time we mate, our bond grew stronger. I could feel her walls crumbling. She had finally given me her fragile reclusive heart.

  Hannah was mentally strong, and she put out a tough persona. Her heart on the other hand was scarred; it was full of emotional trauma and turmoil. She had a difficult life. She lost her mother, and in a way her father and brother as well. I could feel a shift in her, her heart was being filled with more light. It was no longer a dark and solitary place.

  “So tell me about your family, what are they like?” Hannah asked

  “Well my brother, he’s pretty immature for his age. I mean he has moments where he could be super mature but for the most part he loves to goof around. My pa is very laid back, we look very much alike. He’s a lot more level headed than I am. He’s really fascinated by your kind, he even tries to tell Earth people jokes. The jokes are hilariously bad. Then there’s my ma. My ma is very a very loving Noxi. She has a great deal of patience. She puts up with all of our antics.”

  “Your family sounds great, I can’t help but feel a bit envious.” I could tell that the subject of my ma triggered something in Hannah. She was not envious, but saddened by the loss of her mother.

  “Tell me more about your mother Hannah.”

  “Hmm… From what I can recall she was a very strong woman, independent minded…People say I look just like her.

  I remember feeling extremely safe and comfortable with her. When I found out that she was gone, I was in a state of denial at first. I felt numb. It took me a while to realize that she would never come back. Once reality hit me, I felt a ton of anger. I was angry at the Noxi that took her away. I pretty much felt anger towards the world. I have always felt alone since then, that is till I found you.”

  I leaned over to kiss her, and I replied.

  “And you will always have me Princess. I wish I could have been there to comfort you all of those years. I guess I will just have to do everything in my power to make up for the lost time… I will always be here for you Hannah. You are my world. I could not image living a life without you.”

  A moment of silence passed.

  “My race prefers to live in a place surrounded by trees and vegetation…Hannah look we’re here, my house is just up that mountain. It is hidden by larger trees. The trees in this forest grew large and tall. Similar to the trees on my home planet.”

  “Wow, it’s beautiful out here. This place has almost a magical feel.”

  “Yea, you could say my people have almost a magical touch when it comes to nature.”

  “I wish I could have seen your home planet.”

  “I wish you could too Princess.”

  The day light was escaping us. When we arrived the sun was setting on the horizon.

  “Ma, meet Hannah, my mate.” I could see Hannah blushing a bit when I uttered the word mate.

  “Wow, you look just like your mother. You are absolutely beautiful.”

  “You knew her?” Hannah and I responded in unison.

  “Yes, she was a beautiful woman. She did a lot to make our kind’s lives easier. She was actually the one that relocated us here.”

  I turned to look at Hannah, she seemed frozen, transfixed by the information.

  “Do you know what happened to my mother? Why would a Noxi kill her?”


  (Chapter Four)

  The words evaded my lips. It took everything in me, not to let the floods of emotion overwhelm me. I felt frozen in place.

  “Hannah, I want you to sit down. What I have to tell you will not be easy to digest. It is only fair that you know the truth, and know the events that transpired on that day.”

  She ushered me to her living room. Tapping at the seat beside her, gesturing me to sit. I took a seat and Wyser followed suit. He sat himself next to me, holding onto my right hand. We both sat still in silent.

  “Your mother worked at a shelter for Noxi. She was in charge of relocating our kind to a safe place. One Noxi in particular took a great interest in your mother. He was like a brother to me. His name was Jarlys, he had a brilliant mind. To our people he was a figure that represented hope… Well Jarlys spent his days admiring your mother from a far. He didn’t dare make a move, because your mother was already taken. Time went by, and they became close. Your father became envious of Jarlys, from what I was told they had many arguments due to that. One day Jarlys went to your home to drop off your mother things. This didn’t sit too well with your father I imagine, so their argument turned physical. Your mother tried to stop your father, and became a casualty of that fight. Your father through the rage, accidentally pushed your mother to the side. Your mother hit her head, suffered a hemmorage, and died on the way to the hospital. Your father blamed Jarlys, and had him arrested. I believe he lives with that denial
, actually believing that he holds no responsibility for your mother’s death. Jarlys served some time at the Noxi jail, and uforunately he died during one of their experiment.” My ma looked over at Hannah waiting for a response.

  There was a long silence.

  “This is a lot to take in all at once. I’m not sure how to take this.” I responded after a pause.

  “I know it is quite a bit of hard information to take in all at once…I don’t expect it to be easy for you, or for Wyser. There is a history between our family and your father... Well, now do you understand my fears Wyser? If her father knew. Not only that she mated with a Noxi, but a member of our family... Fate is funny that way. I could not imagine it turning out well. Don’t get me wrong, I fully support your decision, I am just being a mother and voicing my concerns.” She looked at us, her eyes also spoke concerns.

  “Ma, why didn’t you ever tell me why Jarlys was taken away?” Wyser asked.

  “You were so young, and everything was just far too chaotic at the time. I thought it was best that you didn’t know.”

  I sat in silence, living in my thoughts.

  The two continued on with their conversation. I was only able to process a few of the words being exchanged. I was too engrossed in my own thoughts.

  How could he lie to me all these years?... He single handedly destroyed my life. He took my mother, and in a way my brother. In an instance he took away everything that I loved.

  I had so much residual anger built up inside of me. It was coming to a boil. All of the sudden the room became quiet.

  “I’m sorry I need to be alone for a while.” I picked myself off the couch and headed towards the door.

  “Wyser, wait… Give Hannah some time. She needs her space.”

  I walked to the porch, and sat out on the swinging chair. I had to think.

  I felt conflicted. A part of me just wanted to flee, get away from everyone. I wanted to run away with Wyser. I know that would have been selfish of me. I could tell he was extremely close to his family. It would be unfair to uproot him from his family. Before I learned of the truth, I felt so certain that I was going to run away. I thought I knew the right thing to do. All I know now was that I wasn’t going to let my dad take away everything I love. Not ever again. I was going to free myself of his control over me. I wasn’t going to run away. After this weekend was over, I was going to confront him.


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