Alien Romance Box Set: Uoria Mates Complete Series (Books 1 - 10): A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Invasion Abduction Romance

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Alien Romance Box Set: Uoria Mates Complete Series (Books 1 - 10): A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Invasion Abduction Romance Page 46

by Ruth Anne Scott

  “I think we both know that the only way to get off this planet is through the looking glass.” He did not elaborate and I wasn’t sure if I should question him further. Instead, I sat down to a wonderful meal. It was nourishing, filled me and warmed my insides at the same time.

  Chapter three

  This was a fantastical world and most people would have been terrified out of their minds. I was more curious and it wasn’t every day that I could see things from a different perspective.

  We talked for some time and I found out that the tryouts for the Dragos festival was tomorrow. He of course showed me some of his scars from earlier battles. He wore those scars with pride. I could tell that he was about becoming one of the black castle guards. I don’t know why it was so important to him, but I got this funny feeling that it was family related.

  I had two bowls of that stew. I had no idea what it was made from. I think that was a good thing, because I really didn’t want to know what kind of creature the meat came from.

  “It is very refreshing to meet a woman that is willing to listen to me prattle on about my past exploits. Victories are meant to be shared with fellow warriors. I don’t know why I feel so comfortable talking to you about this. It’s usually forbidden for a woman to know the battle details. I do hope that this doesn’t come back and bite me.” I heard this loud screeching. It was deafening, but Braden was paying no attention. He was obviously used to this type of thing, but I had to see it for myself.

  I went to the only window at the front of his house and looked up to see this winged creature. It reminded me of a griffin. It circled around like it was looking for something.

  “What the hell is that?”

  “Shana you make it appear like it’s the first time that you’ve ever seen a sentry. You are very strange. I believe that you have a story to tell and I’m on the edge of my seat to find out what it is.” I went back to the table and he was getting up at the exact same time and we cracked heads. The headache that I had been fighting from the moment that I had awoken in that field had now come back with a force of 1000 cymbals smashing together.

  I stumbled forward and I planted my hands against his hard an unyielding chest. His arms were around me and I could feel his fingers touching the small of my back and playing along my spine like it was his own personal instrument of choice. I felt at home in his embrace and then I gazed up into his eyes, only to see him descending with his lips upon my own.

  I’ve never been one to kiss on a first date, but for him I was willing to make the exception. His tongue lingered at the surface of my lips, until I allowed him entry and we battled to see who was going to come out on top. His hands were now roaming freely down over my clothing, until he was cupping my ass and pulling me towards his body.

  I got lost in the pools of his liquid green eyes. I was plastered up against him and then in a flourish of motion, he cleared the table with one hand. There was the sound of the glassware smashing in a cacophony of sounds. This was an afterthought, because this was a moment of complete unbridled passion that was about to be unleashed. His hand had found the button on my jeans and he had opened them with a little bit of difficulty. He figured out how to unzip them and then he stuck his hand down in between to touch my shaven mound.

  “No hair… You easterners are a strange lot.” He found my dewy wet slit and moved his finger in a straight line from the tip of my clit, all the way down to my sodden and ready to be penetrated hole. He slipped one digit in and when that wasn’t enough, he soon had three working me over into a frenzy.

  “If I didn’t know any better… I would think that you were a woman in a past life. You really do know what you’re doing with your hands.” I had a catch in my voice and I couldn’t help, but to feel the impending climax coming to the surface. He had hooked his fingers in such a way that it was now rubbing up against my G spot. I grabbed onto his wrists with one hand and with the other, I grabbed onto the table, so that I wouldn’t buckle underneath the pressure.

  I let him take me to the edge and then I stared into his eyes and let it wash over me in wave after wave.

  “I’ve never met a woman that was this responsive.”

  “If you think this is responsive, then you haven’t seen… anything…YETTTTTTTTT.” It hit me hard and I had never had a multiple climax, but this was unlike any orgasm that I had before. It was all encompassing and my body was literally vibrating from the inside out. With my vision blurred and my eyes half closed, I did not notice that he had pulled down my pants and lacy blue underwear. I found myself sitting on the table with him in between my legs with his knees pushing mine apart.

  “I don’t know what it is about you, Shana, the feel of you wrapped around me, as I flew my Dragos was like we were connected.” He had stepped closer with his shaft now rubbing up and down my slit. There was a sheen of wetness along his length. He pressed his cock down with his hand, until the bulbous knob was now kissing my clit.

  There was a strength and vulnerability about Braden. I touched his chest and I could feel his heartbeat and I knew that what he was saying to me was not something that he said to everybody. He was genuine and that was a breath of fresh air to a girl that was used to lame come ons and people trying to grab her.

  “Braden, I don’t know if I’ve ever met a man quite like you. You are a good man, and I am pleased to have met you. I just want you to know that I don’t just fall into bed with just any one. I’m usually a lot pickier and I take my time in getting to know them first. It’s just that I have been feeling this chemistry between us that makes it hard for me to be in your presence and do nothing. It also probably helps you that you’re built like a god.” The hand on his chest was now joined with the other and I licked my lips with the need to feel him inside me.

  I would say that this guy looked like the Greek god of thunder. I was in an alien world, but at least the anatomy was not something that I would shy away from. I looked down and I thought for sure it was angry. It had this very dull purple color surrounding the knob and the cream that was leaking was quite thick. It was the perfect way to get that nice slick touch to allow him entry between my lips. They fluttered open, as he pressed his knob into the opening. As it began to sink in, my fingernails began to dig just a little bit more into his chest muscle.

  “Oh my…I’m not sure that I can do this.” There was obviously something holding him back. He had less than 3 inches inside me and now he was having second thoughts. “I can’t betray her memory like this. We don’t even know each other.” I knew that he was trying to convince himself, but his body was another matter altogether. I squeezed those muscles that every man knows so well and his eyes grew wide with surprise and wonder at the feeling that I was now showing him.

  “Braden, you don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to. I’m not going to put any pressure on you. If this woman is truly out of your life, then you have no reason to feel that you’re betraying her memory. I think that she would want you to be happy.” I was the one now doing the convincing and I could see in his eyes that he was slowly lowering his guard. Another inch found its way enveloped inside me and I squeezed down to let him know that he was welcome.

  “I can see her face every time that I close my eyes. I can see the way that she smiles and the way that she laughs at some of my insane jokes. You are a perfect contrast to her. She was meek and mild, where you are full of attitude and fire. It’s that fire that I feel is going to burn me.” I took my hands off his chest and it appeared that I was going to have to take this the rest of the way. I was just going to have to do this very slowly and make it appear that it was his idea.

  I locked my ankles around his waist and I used the muscles of my thighs to pull him just a little bit closer. “I think your problem is that you are still thinking. Let it all go and enjoy the moment for what it is. It doesn’t have to be anything more than just pleasure. Stop thinking with the head on top of your shoulders and start thinking with the head b
elow your waist…AHHHHH.” It was then that he gave me the rest of him, until his balls were nestled up against the cheeks of my ass.

  It was then that I saw the walls come down in his eyes and that uninhibited man that I was looking for was now looking me in the eyes. He put his strong callous hands, rough and ready underneath my thighs and then he used it as a pulley system to draw me back and forth along his length. There was no hurry, but the moment for indecision had passed.

  “I’m probably going to regret this, but I just can’t help myself.” To hear him say that he couldn’t control himself around me had only ignited the fire between us into a full blown blaze. My feet were constantly slapping against his bare backside and it was not lost on me the hardness of those heart shaped globes.

  This was a spontaneous, spur of the moment kind of thing that most women would give anything to get from their significant other. I’ve always been closed off emotionally, but there are times that I allow someone in. It’s not often and it’s usually not for long, but I felt that Braden might be something special. It might have been just his DNA causing me to feel this way, but I couldn’t have cared less.

  “Braden, don’t hold anything back. I want to feel you right here with me.” My legs began to tremble and I knew that he was on target to finding my release switch. The way that he was holding me and plumbing my depths was almost too good to be a real. I’d forgotten what it was like to be with a real man, instead of some pretender that was only making it worse for those good ones. It always ended badly, but Braden was different. He was all man, charming and had a good heart.

  His body began to show the signs of the exertion, fatigue setting in and making his breath labored. Just when I thought that he had been done in by a woman that was too much for him to handle, he suddenly got his second wind. His face changed from the pale color that it was to a more pinkish hue. His eyes were wide and the pupils had now turned into pinpoint black dots.

  “Your body is so responsive and I like it that you don’t just let me do all the work.” In fact, I was humping up against him, getting him deeper, while at the same time rubbing his shaft against my little friend. This constant friction of wetness that was now circling my clit had the desired effect of sending me to a place of complete bliss.

  “I’m cumming…oh my god…that’s it. Don’t stop…whatever you do don’t stop… I…… Yes…Braden…Braden…BRADENNNNNNN.” I called his name several times with the last one being punctuated with a high pitched squeal that made me believe that I would break every window in the place. I was twisting and turning and it was a wonder that he was even able to stay in the saddle.

  We had thrown caution to the wind and we had given in to our baser animalistic desires. It was everything that I thought it would be and more. I didn’t know what quite to expect with an alien race, but it appeared that I had nothing to worry about.

  I felt him let go and it made me feel like we were one entity. I never wanted this to end, but he finally pulled free, leaving me empty and wanting nothing more to have him back where he once was.

  Chapter four

  I wasn’t sure how long he stayed there standing and looking at me, but from the look on his face, it made me feel like I had done something wrong.

  He turned his back on me and with the little energy I had, I was able to sit up and take notice that his shoulders had became rigid and tense.

  He started to put on his armor “I’m going to go out and check on Rankin.” I knew that he was trying to run away and normally, any other girl would allow him to have his space, but I was not a dainty little flower.

  As he reached for the doorknob, I decided to say something “Braden, you take one more step towards that door and that’s the last thing you’re going to do.” This seemed to stop him in his tracks. His hand was still on the knob, but he wasn’t pulling it open. “I know that after the fact you are probably right back to where you once were. I’m going to leave you with one thought and then you can decide what you wanna do from there. If you’re too blind to see it, I’m beginning to like you. I’ve never felt like this with any other man and believe me that’s saying something. I would never try to replace her memory and you’ll always have her in your heart. Just don’t close yourself up to opportunities that are right in front of you. You never know if they’re going to come around again.”

  “I know what you’re trying to say, Shana, but I’m not sure what to think of this. I just need some time to sort some things out.” I allowed him to leave, but at least he had heard what I had to say and was willing to listen. I gave him something to think about and hopefully his thoughts would be drawn towards the fact that he could be happy if he allowed himself to be.

  I was looking around and I saw that we had made quite a mess and I went and found something to clean it up. There were basic similarities to my world, but also differences that were hard to ignore. I constantly had to look out the window to see his dragon Rankin sitting there, as he moved his hand back and forth over its scaly hide. I remember my grandmother telling me stories of dragons, but I never thought that I would actually see one in real life. They were a myth and legend, as was the griffin, but it appeared that this world had those creatures in abundance.

  There was no washing machine, so I had to do my clothes by hand. There was no sink and only some kind of metal nozzle that came in through the wall. I would say that there was a well being fed into the house through that pipe. I pumped it into a pot and then I sat in my skivvies and hand washed my clothes.

  After I was done, I took everything outside and draped them over top of a tree branch. It was the only way that I would get them dry with the wind and the heat of the sun doing its job.

  Braden had been gone a while and I was starting to worry that he had run off like a scalded dog. He didn’t seem the type to be, so easily swayed and I had to believe that he would come back when he was good and ready.

  I went back in the house and I found what made up a library with old books with leather spines that made me think that they were older than what they were.

  I had time to kill, so I decided to do my own research in an effort to learn about this planet. Thankfully, some of the books were history related and over a period of a couple of hours, I began to immerse myself into the culture and land of Markham.

  Lord Vadam came from a long line of leaders. His family was in succession and apparently his term was coming up at the end of the year. The black castle had been almost like the White House and whoever was in power at the time would take over that residence. He would be surrounded by a cabinet of his loyal followers and his guardsmen. Those in his favor prospered and those that weren’t felt his wrath.

  It appeared that dragons were not as plentiful as I once thought. There was a time in their history that there was no such thing as dragons. When they did finally come out of hiding in the mountains where they resided, people feared for their safety. They were hunted, almost to extinction, until one young man had decided to see if he could domesticate them. It took several years for the practice of Dragos taming to become part of the norm. It was quite interesting and I had gotten so caught up in my reading that I didn’t realize that it was getting late.

  My eyes were starting to get heavy and all this research had really started to take its toll on me. I wanted to keep going, but there were so many volumes that it was almost a little too overwhelming.

  I heard footsteps and looked up to see that Braden was standing in the doorway. “You look comfortable. I’m sorry that I walked out like that, but I needed time to adjust. This is a little new for me and I’ve never gone looking for another mate. I never thought that I would find somebody that was even uniquely able to match up to her. She was the love my life. I will say that you are different, but in a good way.”

  “I’m not sure what you mean by that. Should I take that as a compliment or an insult?” I already knew the answer, but I figured that I would tickle his ribs and see if he could take a li
ttle bit of teasing.

  “My wife was meek, mild and had a heart of gold. She would give you the shoes off her feet, if she thought that you needed them more than she did. You’re different in that you have a strong spirit, an open mind and you have no problem saying whatever you are thinking. There are times there that I didn’t even know what my wife was thinking. She would expect me to know and that was a little galling.” I tried to stay quiet, because I knew that awkward silences needed to be filled up. It was a good way to find out if you had friends that had secrets. You just had to have patience. It was exactly the same way with Braden and all I had to do was wait and he would continue his story, as if he didn’t have any control over it.

  “Braden, I never wanted to replace her and I know that deep down you always have her memory in your heart. I just want you to know that we don’t have to go any further than this. I would like to. I can’t speak for you, but that was the best sex that I’ve ever had.” It was like we were two halves of a whole.” It was the way I felt and I wanted him to know.

  “Shana, I am exhausted and I would really like to retire for the evening. I don’t suppose you would like to sleep with me. I don’t mean go a second round, although I wouldn’t be opposed to that.” I got up and I walked towards him, glancing back at the book on the table with the rules to the Dragos festival. I would have liked to delve into that volume a little deeper, so that I could get a better understanding of what the festival entailed. I was curious about the rules. I had no idea if this was just a game, or if it was some kind of life and death struggle. Perhaps when he was sleeping soundly, I would sneak back down and get some more information. It was starting to look like I wasn’t going to get out of here anytime soon. I may as well make the best of it. It wasn’t as bad as I first thought and having met Braden, life had opened up a pathway to emotions that I thought were long dead and buried. He looked like a Greek god yet he wasn’t an asshole or a jerk, he was exactly the opposite.


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