Deporting Dominic

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Deporting Dominic Page 2

by Lindemann, Renee


  A few weeks later my life changed forever. A man just recently laid off spent the afternoon getting drunk before crashing into my parents while they were out on their weekly date night. My father died instantly while my mother remained in critical condition for two days before succumbing to her injuries. The drunk driver survived with minor injuries and is currently in prison serving time for vehicular manslaughter.

  “It’s not fair Dominic my parents were still very much in love. They will not get to see Morgan, Charlie, or Bryce grow up. It’s not fucking fair,” I screamed as Dominic did his best to console me. Sitting in my apartment on the brown couch that I picked out with my mother a few weeks prior I cried about the injustice. My sister and brother were sleeping in my bed finally falling asleep after hours of crying.

  “I wish I knew what to say Sam. I am so sorry,” he replied stroking my head as I cried.

  “They shouldn’t be dead, Dom it’s just not fair.” I blubbered before my grief overwhelmed my ability to speak. At some point I finally went to sleep curled up on the couch in Dominic’s arms. I tried to maintain my composure in front of Morgan and Charlie but at times it was too much to conceal. The funeral, the decision to retain custody of my siblings, and cleaning out my childhood home went by in a blur.

  “Uncle Winston we can’t stay there. It’s just too much. We will add the house to the list of properties to rent. We are moving upstairs to the three bedroom unit in Gable Apartment building,” I yelled my patience wearing thin. I am tired of everyone telling me what I should do and that I should let my aunt and uncle raise my siblings. I hold my ground and with Dominic’s help I move us into the three-bedroom to start our new life without our parents.

  Sitting in my car I feel the pain of that tragic time take over my emotions and for a few seconds I feel like crying buckets. I miss my mom and dad they were amazing parents. I feel inundated with responsibility as my graduation nears. My degree in business administration will help me to efficiently run my parent’s property management company. For the last six months I have been immersing myself in every nuance of business operations. With my uncle Winston’s help I am going to continue their work renovating and renting properties. The income generated from the properties along with the insurance money has provided me with the ability to care for my three children.


  “Morgan, please find out why Bryce is crying for the billionth time,” I shout from my room. Sitting at my makeshift office in the corner of my room I am checking the electronic ledgers for several properties. I am trying hard not to think about Dominic being deported or the loss of my parents. Those two subjects will leave me a weeping mess. I cannot do anything to bring my parents back. I rely on Dominic’s friendship to maintain my sanity. He is such a huge help with the kids and my son has taken to referring to him as his daddy since Danny has not put in an appearance in the last three months.

  “Bryce baby that’s Dominic remember,” I tried to remind him when he calls him that.

  “It’s okay Sam, I don’t mind. He feels like my son,” Dominic said proudly lifting Bryce into his arms tickling him.

  Bryce giggled loudly, “Daddy, stop it.”

  Bryce was the ultimate love of my life. I looked at my little dirty blond haired son who resembled both his parents. His laughter and personality were quite infectious as Dominic twirled him around to Bryce’s delight. Those memories bring tears to my eyes at the thought that Dominic could be deported. My son relied on his presence. Hell I relied on his presence so very much.

  “So, what’s for dinner?” Dominic asked washing his hands in the bathroom used exclusively by the kids. I was grateful to have my own private bathroom in my bedroom.

  “We are having spaghetti and tossed salad,” Morgan informed after pulling an ear bud from her IPod out of her ear. Charlie pulled the plates out of the dishwasher preparing to set the table.

  “Bryce was crying because he wants to set the table but he can’t reach it,” Charlie droned his voice soft. Charlie was the spitting image of my father it was almost painful to look at him sometimes. Tall for his age Charlie was still very childlike and it bothered me when people assumed he was older than he really was.

  “You were crying because you couldn’t set the table. Is that what men do?” Dominic asked Bryce who shakes his head a vigorous no. Without warning Bryce starts making manly grunting sounds to indicate that he was a man. I cannot help laughing when Dominic and Charlie joined in on the grunting.

  “That’s how manly men sound right Bryce?” The three continued grunting as Dominic picked up Bryce letting him put the silverware on the table as Charlie put the plates down. Morgan tossed the salad ignoring the manly display as she listened to her favorite songs at an ear deafening volume. Like me Morgan had a mane of jet-black hair however she was fairer skinned than I. We looked exactly like our paternal grandmother, Clarice Gable. Grandma Clarice was a former Las Vegas showgirl who settled in another part of the desert, Tucson Arizona, with her African-American husband bearing him two sons. We visit her in the retirement home she now lived in, my grandfather having long since passed away before I was born.

  “Morgan enough with the IPod my love, it’s time for dinner,” I shout so she can hear me. At fifteen she was developing into a beautiful young woman and all I wanted to do was protect her from my fate. As much as I loved my son becoming a young mother had its challenges.

  “I know mom, the food is not even on the table,” she pointed out slipping the ear bud back in her ear dancing wildly. She gave the salad a final toss before bringing the bowl to the table. Dominic and Bryce who appear to be joined at the hip went to the refrigerator to retrieve the various salad dressings. Placing the dish of hot spaghetti on the table I point to it and then to Morgan’s ears. Reluctantly she removes the ear buds using her finger she turns the IPod off. Individuals in our family and our parent’s close friends were shocked to hear that my younger siblings took to referring to me as “Mom”. I did not correct them as it made them feel better to refer to me in this fashion. After all every waking day I felt like a mom, not just to Bryce, but to Morgan and Charlie as well.

  “Please put that in your room. If Bryce get’s a hold of it again I do not want to hear all that screaming,” I point out casually. Immediately Morgan retreats to her room leaving the IPod behind shutting her door giving Bryce a silent warning. Bryce gives Morgan his most angelic smile to indicate he would never dream of touching her IPod again. When everyone is seated at the table including Bryce in a booster seat we clasp hands. Dominic leads the prayer to bless the food. Wordlessly I pray that my best friend will be allowed to stay in the country and continue being my best friend.

  “I have an exam tomorrow. I am going to go study in my room,” Morgan announces placing her empty plate in the dishwasher. Everyone is full and satisfied with the meal. Usually Bryce starts to get sleepy we do our best to keep him up and entertained so that he will sleep through the night.

  “Bryce you want to watch SpongeBob?” Dominic asked his accent especially thick as he speaks. This is a sign for me that he still very worried. Bryce immediately runs to Dominic hopping up on the couch settling into the crook of Dominic’s arm as the theme starts to play. Charlie takes up the remaining space on the couch with his Nintendo DS handheld console in his hands.

  “Hey Charles in Charge can you not put your feet up on my bed?” Dominic jokes pretending that Charlie’s feet smell. Bryce immediately mimics him pinching his nose in disgust.

  “My feet do not smell. Well at least not today any way,” Charlie said putting his socked feet on the floor. Deciding to outsmart them both Charlie turns around so that his back leans against Dominic and his feet sit on the armrest of the couch instead of the cushion. I look at the sight before me and my heart melts. The tears well up in my eyes and I make an excuse to finish some work in my room. They hardly notice my departure as Bryce begins a litany of questions regarding SpongeBob.

I am unaware of the time that has passed as I reconcile the ledgers with the bank deposits. It’s tedious but necessary work that gives my mind a reprieve from my melancholy thoughts. I go through the tenant roster for the two apartment buildings and four single-family homes. My least favorite task is sending out Demand for Payments from tenants who are behind on their rent. I am grateful that I only have to generate two and our losses from delinquent tenants are surprisingly low this year. Recently I switched to a better screening service for tenants, which helped us to weed out the drifters. Our number of unoccupied units is much lower than this time last year.

  “What am I going to do?” Dominic asked interrupting my thoughts of advertising.

  “About what?” I ask absent-mindedly. Realizing that I misspoke I shake my head to indicate he did not need to explain further. Turning around I notice Dominic sprawled across my bed on his back. The top of his shirt pulled away from his pants revealing lovely abs. I try hard not to stare and fail miserably. Dominic is a one of the university’s best men’s swimmer with a few NCAA titles under his belt to show for his four years in Arizona. All that weight training and swimming sure has paid off where his physique is concerned. I really have to focus on finding someone to have sex with soon. I really miss that intimacy which is now playing a huge part in me leering at my best friend at the most inopportune times.

  “We will figure this out. As you can see I really need you here with me,” I said but add, “You know to help out with the kids.

  “I helped Bryce brush his teeth before putting him down. Charlie is on the couch reading a few chapters of Harry Potter before bed.” Dominic said his voice full of resignation.

  I frown a little. “Thanks. I didn’t realize how late it was. Trying to balance these ledgers is a huge undertaking sometime. Thanks for all your help Dom.” I get up from the chair wanting desperately to lie next to Dominic instead I head to my bathroom to throw on my pajamas.

  “I love being with the kids and living here. I will always be Tapatios but I am not ready to go back to Guadalajara. My life is here in Arizona now.”

  “Did you bring all the paperwork from that worthless lawyer? Let’s look through all of it together and see what we can find out on the Internet.” I suggest as the toothpaste on my toothbrush foams up. Rinsing my mouth I hear Dominic leave my room. I inspect myself in the mirror brushing my unruly hair into a neater ponytail. For some strange reason I spray on some body spray even though I am wearing pajama bottoms covered in candy canes and a matching pink tank top. Nothing sexy about this outfit at all, good!

  When I click off the light to the bathroom I see Dominic dumping his backpack onto my bed. I am wary that he may have brought over something other than paperwork inside that backpack.

  “Hey, there had better not be anything alive inside that bag while you are dumping it on the place where I sleep,” I said shooting him a warning look. Dominic manages a half smile before giving the contents a thorough once over. Instead of sitting on the bed I pull my desk chair up to the bed to sort through the contents.

  “Okay let’s put all the correspondence from the court in chronological order.” I insisted reaching for a small stack of papers. Together we put the letters in order and as I stare at the pile I realize why Dominic was so nervous. The immigration service was desperately trying to reach him to resolve the issues with his initial F-1 student visa application. As I scan the correspondence the wording frightens me.

  “Staying beyond the period of time authorized by the DHS causes you to be out-of-status in the United States, which is a violation of U.S. immigration laws. This may cause you to be ineligible for a visa in the future and make you ineligible for return travel to the U.S.”

  “When you enter the United States on a student visa, you will usually be admitted for the duration of your student status. That means you may stay as long as you are a full time student, even if the F-1 visa in your passport expires while you are in the United States. For a student who has completed the course of studies shown on the I-20, and any authorized practical training, the student is allowed the following additional time in the U.S. before departure:

  F-1 student - An additional 60 days, to prepare for departure from the U.S. or to transfer to another school.”

  The panic set in that while the other options were once applicable to him in the past his repeated decision to ignore their letters has left the immigration office pretty pissed. Arizona was not a state necessarily tolerant of the immigration population even though it relied heavily on the work the immigrant population completed. If Dominic had time to apply to another school he might be able to stave off deportation. Crestfallen with this conclusion I could see he would rather return to his home country than give up his spot in the coveted Physician’s assistant program.

  “Okay so we have options,” I said trying to sound upbeat. “We have all the correspondence letters that indicate they were returned so you never saw them. Plus we have your conditional acceptance to the program in the fall. We could easily register you for classes this summer. You know a full load of crap classes.”

  “I have no money for that Sam besides it has to be in a degree program,” he said falling back onto the bed.

  “Okay well we will feign ignorance and miscommunication. No matter what happens I will be in court with you Dom,” I said softly.

  “Why can’t you just marry me?” He asked laughing loudly before dismissing his own question.

  “If it meant you could stay in the country of course I would,” I answer before I realize it.

  “Sam I am kidding. I would never want to put you in that situation. The penalty if we got caught would be insane,” Dominic said smiling. “Thanks for having my back though.”

  “I will always have your back Dominic.” I said patting his arm then withdrawing nervously. Without preamble he sits up and kisses me directly on the lips. For a few seconds I am lost to this simple kiss. It’s not particularly passionate nor does it involve tongue just two sets of lips touching. Before I can investigate the kiss any further he pulls away heading for my bedroom door.

  “You’re a great friend Sam. Buenas noches,” he said walking out. I am still leaned into a kiss that has been discontinued. I am still waiting for more to happen. I am expecting passion to erupt from some dark place inside me as I haven’t had any eruptions for quite some time. Nothing! Nada! I am saddened and a bit relieved to know that my earlier urges were probably just my hormones or possibly it is time for my period to start. Either way I am not insanely lusting over my friend because that kiss just proved there is no spark there outside of general friendship. Climbing into bed I say a prayer to my parents as I have done every night for the last three years. The relief I feel is welcoming as I slip off to sleep.


  “Good morning Dominic,” I said with a false upbeat voice. As I pick him up for the court hearing a few weeks later. He is dressed in a simple black suit his normally curly hair tamed back. The last few weeks he has spent either studying or at the pool practicing. Swimming and studying are his coping mechanisms that help him to relieve stress. I hope he is ready for this.

  “Buenos dias Sam”, he replies back solemnly.

  “Dominic stop worrying it’s going to be okay. I have a really good feeling about this,” I said as we wait our turn in the courtroom. Unfortunately Bryce was not feeling well enough to go to day care so I was forced to bring him with me. He is sleeping in my arms much to my delight as I am able to focus on Dominic right now.

  “I can’t help it,” Dominic stutters his accent thick. It sounds like he has just arrived in this country. I pat his hand reassuringly and he grips my fingers desperately. I ignore the pain lancing up my arm and let him hold tightly to my poor fingers. I dressed smartly in a black knee length skirt, white short-sleeved button up shirt, and black pumps. This is my job interview outfit and worked quite well for the two job interviews I have been on. With Bryce cradled in my arms I am able to hide my little pooch o
f a stomach from those around me. I scold myself for worrying about my insecurities at a time like this. When they call his case in the court I sit as close to him as I possibly can.

  “Mr. Castillo the immigration office has been trying for well over a year to reach you regarding your F-1 student visa. They have not received any answers to their queries,” the judges said in a no nonsense tone.

  “Your honor I was not made aware of the number of inquiries regarding my immigration status until very recently. Unfortunately I moved around the campus living in the available housing units. It appears as if my mail was either returned or simply thrown in the trash.”

  “So you had no idea there was an issue regarding the application you submitted before the start of your freshman year?”

  The judge gives him a disbelieving look that makes me want to back my friend up. I remain silent willing myself to speak up when the time comes.

  “No your honor as far as I knew it my F-1 visa was approved and active. I had no cause to believe there had been any errors with my initial application.”

  “Well Mr. Castillo it would have been a simple matter to clear up a year ago but as it stands. I am not inclined to be so simple. I find it hard to believe that you did not receive any of these initial letters from immigration.” The judge said decidedly.

  “I understand your honor however I do have copies showing were my mail was returned without my knowledge. I followed proper protocol at school to have my mail forwarded but those in charge of the mail did not follow them. I have an acceptance to the physician assistance program which starts in the fall,” Dominic explained his voice wavering as nausea rose in his throat.

  “Well that would be fine and good young man however if I decide to deport you today. I would bet that you would not be able to secure another F-1 student visa in time to start that program.”

  “Your honor it has been my dream to finish this program. I can assure you that I am an asset to this country that I love so much.” Dominic said his strong legs feeling rather puny all of a sudden. Before the judge could speak another booming voice spoke first.


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