Deporting Dominic

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Deporting Dominic Page 6

by Lindemann, Renee

  It’s not until my phone rings that I snap out of my deep concentration on acquisitions and mergers. I pray that it is Sidney but that prayer falls on deaf ears. It’s Dominic and I send him to voicemail. He calls back several times before giving up. I take this as my cue to leave any place he knows I will go. Hurriedly I pay my bill as if I am a woman on the lamb or something. When my phone rings again I am in the car it scares the bejesus out of me. Thankfully it’s Bryce wanting to talk to his mommy and daddy.

  “Hey Brycie pooh, what are you doing?” I ask trying to project a happy disposition.

  “I am playing with my cars. Where is daddy?” His soft toddler voice rips through me as I informed him daddy is at home. We talk briefly before I hang up heading to the dealership. I am grateful for another distraction from last nights disappointing attempt to finally consummate our relationship.

  At the dealership the salesman Timothy Lane, offers me some options to look into. He is not quite sold on my age and seems hesitant about my chance for financing.

  “Mr. Lane I am currently running my own successful company. I am in need of a newer spacious vehicle before I get married in a few months. I have the proper documentation so please just show me what my options are. I will deal with the financing when we cross that bridge,” I said smiling brightly but with absolute seriousness. In the end I review several minivan types including the Dodge Grand Caravan, Honda Odyssey, and the Ford Windstar. I am swaying towards the Dodge Grand Caravan but I want the children and Dominic to help decide what works best for our family.

  “Hey you want to go shopping with me?” Sidney asked into the phone while I try to navigate towards the campus.

  “Yeah sure! Park Place or Tucson Mall?” I asked deciding I’m closer to Tucson Mall.

  “Tucson mall she states let’s meet in an hour. Are you at home?” Sidney asked her voice distracted by some external force.

  “I am in the car actually not too far from the mall. I will be there in twenty minutes,” I said encouraging her to get a move on it.

  “Oh great I will have Mario drop me off at the mall now then.” She informed brightly and I realize they are doing something naughty in the car. A twinge of jealousy lances through me and I dismiss it quickly.

  I find a parking space in the mall parking lot and pull my car into it easily. I look at my phone deciding to listen to the three voicemails from Dominic.

  “Samantha did you just send me to voicemail?”

  “Samantha can you please call me when you get this message.”

  “I need to talk to you stop acting like a child and answer your phone.”

  Dominic’s accent was extremely pronounced with every voicemail. He was definitely angry but for what reason I did not know. I did not reject him last night. I decide he can wait to discuss whatever it is after I do a little retail therapy with my friend. Putting on some lip-gloss I brush out my hair securing it in a ponytail before I make my way inside the mall. I find Sidney waiting for me near the Forever 21 store and we exchange hugs.

  “So did you have a hot night last night? Dominic had a rather carnal look on his face when he had you on the dance floor,” Sidney asked. I search through a rack of tank tops nodding that we did. I decided against adding that he got me ready to explode then pulled away to eat a sandwich. I try to change the focus of the conversation to on again off again long distance relationship with Mario. It works like a charm as she starts giving me the lowdown. By the time we are in the food court I have hardly purchased a thing for myself outside of the salad and sandwich I am eating.

  “You are such a mom Sammie. Geez you didn’t buy anything for yourself,” Sidney whines looking at my shopping bags. I look down and see Forever 21, Children’s Place, and Macy’s shopping bags. Morgan wanted a few summer dresses so I bought her three with some cute strappy sandals she will love. Charlie is graduating soon and needed a pair of slacks, short-sleeved button up shirt, and a clip on tie. The fast growing Bryce needed more shorts and t-shirts as he tears through his clothing literally. I realize the only thing I bought for myself was a pair of earrings and a graphic tee.

  “I guess so. I can’t help it. I feel guilty when I shop for myself knowing I have so much responsibility,” I said smiling weakly.

  “Girl, you better treat yourself. No one in his or her right mind could ever accuse you of being selfish,” Sidney said taking a swig from her soda. “I have an idea let’s get a mani and pedi.” I normally try to keep my grooming habits in my private bathroom but what the heck. I allow Sidney to drag me to the nail salon once we are done eating. When we finally leave the mall I have been massaged, manicured, pedicured, and waxed in places I do not even want to discuss.

  “Dominic is going to die when he sees how neat you are down there. Honestly have I taught you nothing?” Sidney shakes her head in disbelief.

  “How long is this going to smart?” I ask tugging unladylike at the crotch of my shorts.

  “Just go home and take a nice cool bath and presto changeo. The sex is even better without all the jungle Sammie.” I laugh loudly however inward I cringe at the memory of how awful our almost first time went.

  When I finally drop Sidney off to Mario we agree to have dinner tomorrow before she leaves for Phoenix. The apartment is eerily quiet when I return except the sound of my ragged breathing as I lug the bags the three flights. I really should have used the elevator this time but I need to work off lunch some kind of way.

  Sometimes I like to make dramatic flairs of my sweet endeavors. I place the new dresses on Morgan’s bed along with her sandals, repeating the elaborate display for the boys as well. Sidney insisted that I purchase two cute muscle shirts for Dominic that we find on sale at Macys. Instead of an elaborate display I put them on hangers placing them on his side of the closet. I am a bit sad that Dominic is not here when I return but relieved as well. I just want to forget the debacle that was last night. I think we should wait to venture into the sexual portion of this program. It’s just too much pressure and I obviously do not handle rejection well enough to maintain my sanity. I feel a little childish ignoring his calls earlier but I honestly did not know what to say. Given the unusual quiet I decide to do some work for GPM.

  My eyes are burning after about an hour of working on the computer and I head to the bathroom to remove my contact lens. I put some drops in my eyes and they feel like heaven. I slip on my black wire rimmed glasses inspecting my reflection in the mirror. I pull my hair into a bun before I inspect my newly polished fingernails and toes. The soft orange color looks pretty against my brown skin. I am glad Sidney dragged me to the salon as the pain in my shorts has dulled considerably. I laugh recalling how adamant she was that I have all the hair waxed off below my waist. I flatly refused to go bald down there that would make me feel like a twelve-year-old girl, gross. It’s getting late out and I decide to heat up some of the leftover pasta eating in front of the television.

  I doze off after only an hour of mindless television but wake to find I am still alone in the apartment. After placing my empty dish in the sink I head to the bedroom. It occurs to me that the previous evening and my inability to pick up my cell phone may have sent Dominic in search of other fulfillment. The thought makes the pasta in my stomach rumble as if it will make a re-appearance soon. I silently pray that he is not canoodling with some other chick. Shaking my head I hope that he knows that would hurt me badly. I mean we are not married yet but still the thought of him choosing to have sex with someone other than me after letting everyone know we are a couple would be downright humiliating. Sitting on the bed I look through my phone and see several text messages from the kids but nothing from Dominic. Sidney is going out again tonight with Mario and is inviting us to join. I ignore that one as I have no idea where Dominic is and decide to go back to sleep.


  Please let me stay asleep if I am dreaming because this feels so good. In this dream Dominic is kissing my neck while his hands resume the previous night’s inve
stigation of my nipples. My eyes are tightly shut because I do not want to wake from this dream it feels so real. I moan loudly and Dominic moans too. My eyes fly open and he is in bed with me kissing me. Hooray it is not a dream. I do not dare decide we need to talk it is time to do this right now. His kisses imply that he feels the same way and I let myself have this moment with him. The chlorine of the swimming pool is evident on his skin as I put little kisses along his neck. My kisses stop abruptly when I feel his hands inside my panties. I gasp as he touches me there! Hallelujah!

  “Dominic,” I whisper softly as his fingers massage me in a distinctive pattern. He said nothing as the pressure intensifies in my panties. I cry out once more and he pulls his hands from my panties.

  “No, no don’t stop,” I plead my voice raspy. He does not say anything as he kisses my begging lips. He does not know that I cannot orgasm from sex alone. I have to be touched. Before I can pass along this fact he is pulling my shirt over my head unclasping my bra too. I am grateful it is dark in the room as I hate being fully exposed. The feel of his chest on mine is absolutely heavenly and I am anticipating the weight of his entire body on me. Taking my hand he guides me down to his shorts and I massage his remarkable erection.

  “That’s for me?” I think as I stroke him through the thin fabric. His groans are my answer and I want him so badly I am ready to pounce on him like a tiger. There is no way in hell he is rejecting me tonight. Soon enough I realize he shares my desperation as he quickly unbuttons my shorts removing my panties as well. I lie there trying to quell my rapidly thumping heart feeling the weight shift on the bed. He is off removing his shorts then he is sitting down again switching on the bedside lamp. Immediately I reach for a sheet covering my midsection with as much as I can pull across me. I hear rather than see him put on a condom. I want to mention I am on the pill but I allow him to do this because I know he is very keen on safe sex. When he turns my way I take a lingering stare at his naked body. I feel the moisture practically dripping between my legs as I take in the sight of his sexy body. Dominic pushes the sheet covering my body away and I shiver, not from the temperature but his gaze. Is it lust I see? And something else, is that love?

  “Can you switch off the light?” I ask my voice choked with confusion. Dominic shakes his head no and my libido almost halts to a standstill. I pull at the sheets once more to cover my doughy midsection but he pulls them away inspecting every inch of my body. I turn my head away as he continues looking at me in that way. For some unknown reason I feel tears hitting the corner of my eyes. And then I hear the words ringing loudly in my head in Danny’s stupid voice.

  “How long is it going to take you to lose the baby weight Samantha?”

  “You’re too big to get on top of me right now.”

  “You look nothing like you did when we were in high school.”

  They fall and they continue to fall before he realizes that I am crying. How can someone so fit and toned want me? I know I am not severely overweight but I hate the way my stomach looks after my pregnancy with Bryce. No matter what I do I cannot get it to go back to the way it was when I was in high school.

  “Stop it right now Sam. You are so beautiful to me and very damn sexy too.” Dominic said his thumb wiping the tears falling down my cheeks.

  “But you didn’t want me last night,” I said trying to control the tempo of my voice. Again he wipes the tears but kisses me as he does.

  “I did want you last night. I just didn’t want our first time to be while you were under the influence of alcohol. I wanted the real you that I have right now,” he replies between kisses. “I want to make love to you right now.”

  “Okay but why do we need the light on? It makes me feel self-conscious.”

  “Because I want to see you enjoy me. I want you to see how I enjoy you.” He said moving on top of me. The weight of his body is so wonderful and my libido kicks into overdrive. I can barely contain my joy as I feel his erection press against me there. Dominic knows exactly what he is doing as he grinds against me, I moan forgetting everything but this feeling. He is taking my nipple into his mouth adding to the already pleasurable sensations. Perhaps he does know that I need direct stimulation to achieve orgasm because I am heading in that direction quickly. The tension is building and I am almost there ready to explode but then it stops. I open my eyes to see him looking down at me resting on his elbows.

  “Please don’t stop,” I beg again. This begging is really becoming a habit where he is concerned.

  “I don’t want you to come yet Sam,” he informed me tenderly. What? Why not?

  “But I can’t uh come…” I said my voice trailing off. I look anywhere but at his warm brown eyes.

  “Yes you can and you will for me.” As he said this he shifts his weight off his elbows sliding into me slowly. My body keens forward as I feel him inside me. I want to scream, yell, and cry all at the same time but nothing comes from my mouth. It’s just open wordlessly expressing the absolute pleasure I feel with him inside me. My newly manicured nails find his back leaving a light trail of scratches as they travel. Dominic moans but not just any moan it is loud, throaty, and such a turn on that I marvel once more. He is enjoying me? Go figure!

  “I want you to come with me inside you,” he whispered into my ear.

  “I, I can’t,” I manage to squeak out shaking my head. But with him inside me it feels like anything is possible. It is the way that he is moving that has me unraveling. It is not the standard issued in and out motion oh no! It is in and out with a circular pattern that rubs against me there. It is so much to absorb at one time that I cover my face with one hand as it contorts. I do not want to be embarrassed but I do not have the time to be embarrassed the sensations are too overwhelming. Dominic’s breath is hot on my neck his breathing harsh in my ear.

  “Yes you will. Now let go so that I can come with you.” He commands and my body prepares to obey completely. I shake my head wanting so badly to let go but I am scared. Scared of what exactly? I don’t know is it embarrassment, how I will react, or how I will react when it is over? I know how I felt with Danny and he hurt me so badly that letting go is something I have been afraid to do ever since.

  Dominic’s voice is almost a holler, “Dammit Sam let go I will not hurt you. I promise.”

  My head does the Etch-A-Sketch thing wiping all thoughts from my mind with ease. I feel my hips rock back to his rhythm without any instructions from my brain. The tension is building to a magnificent crescendo and I let go. It is exactly as I feared. I scream as my body unleashes a massive orgasm almost stopping Dominic’s rhythmic movements. The push and pull of my body’s sweet release is more than I can bear as I wail loudly. The sound of my voice is only interrupted when I hear what sounds like growling. I open my eyes to see Dominic’s strained face as he reaches his climax with a primitive growl. Immediately after the growling sounds end he calls out my name thrusting so fast and wild that I feel myself explode once more. Two in one day during sex! What are the odds?

  “Dominic, yes, oh baby yes,” I cry loudly. Later I will be remised about my stereotypical response to his absolutely fantastic lovemaking skills. Considering he was everything I dreamed he would be and more I really should have had something much more sophisticated to say.

  Dominic collapses his head resting on my breasts and the weight of him is much more but certainly tolerable. This glorious man just made me come during sex. I feel myself smiling so hard that I have to touch my face. I can feel his heart racing as is mine but at two different albeit rapid speeds. I do not know what to say now. Thankfully an irresistible desire to sleep prevents me from doing any additional thinking.


  Early Sunday morning is peeking through the curtains in my room as my bladder announces its wishes. I look over to see Dominic fast asleep and still very naked. Damn this man is beyond sexy. At some point after I passed out he removed the condom and the empty wrapper. I slip off the bed trying not to disturb him heading to
the bathroom. After I use the facilities I inspect my post-orgasmic look in the mirror. I look the same but damn I do not feel the same. I feel almost giddy as I quickly brush my teeth. I decide I should probably clean myself after such an explosive night last night and do so quickly. Tiptoeing for some strange reason I slip back into bed turning my back to Dominic’s sleeping frame. I want to smile and congratulate myself without him seeing me.

  While I silently thank Sidney for encouraging the wax I feel his hands around my waist. There were no “good mornings” just kisses to my neck, face, and back. Massaging my breasts one at a time while kissing my neck gets my libido revved up for some morning loving. As if measuring my readiness Dominic slips his fingers down below determining the level of wetness as a go for business. The condom is on and he is inside me once more. It was not just beginner’s luck he really does feel this good. In, out, round, and round I am losing my mind trying to keep up with his movements. When he rolls us both over I am on top of him all my issues come flooding back as he commands me to ride by hitting my backside. I slowly move up and down on him as he bucks his hips up to meet me. Oh that feels really good. I pick up the pace leaving the concerns of my body somewhere in the past.

  I am not sure who I am right now but I know what I want right now. I want to come with him inside me more than anything. That desperation is reflected in my movements as I frantically bounce up and down on him. His appreciation for my moves is evident vocally. I love hearing him moan or groan for me. Yes baby it is all for you. I am congratulating myself on a job well done when his thumb starts to massage me there. Electricity shoots through me so fast I can barely keep moving. The feeling is so intense that I am practically yelling my approval as I continue to bounce up and down.


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