Deporting Dominic

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Deporting Dominic Page 12

by Lindemann, Renee

  I decide to head to Hillenbrand Aquatic Center in the hopes Dominic is currently practicing. Heading east on 2nd Avenue I make the right turn to Campbell Avenue grateful it’s a short drive to the aquatic center, which has available parking. The campus is surprisingly empty but given most of the final exams are over it is to be expected. I leave my shoulder bag in the car so he does not see what I have been up too. Dominic’s relatives will be here tomorrow from Phoenix, as will my other aunts and uncles for the graduation.

  When I arrive at the indoor training pool I spot Dominic in the water so I take a seat in the bleachers. I watch him swim several laps in his lane in a determined backstroke. His graceful moves gliding through the water look so effortless. I allow myself a few precious moments to appreciate both his form and his body. I can do so I am his fiancée or at least in our world I was. He hadn’t actually asked me yet. When he exits the pool I watch him remove his swim cap and goggles. Immediately he starts talking to some of the other swimmers regarding his time. Dominic talks animated to his friends before spying me in the bleachers. He quickly excuses himself walking over to me looking so sexy in his red Speedo swim trunks.

  “Hey baby is everything okay?” Dominic asked with a panicked expression. I immediately let him know, “Everything is fine. I just wanted to see you practice while I was on campus.”

  Dominic’s face relaxes as I dispel any fears he may have had. His wet hand is on my chin pulling me in for a quick kiss.

  “You missed me already?” The smile on his face is insistent that I answer this the way he wants me too. “But of course baby. I realized I haven’t watched you practice in a long time.”

  “Why did you stop watching me practice?” Dominic shoots me a quizzical look before kissing me again.

  “Uh it was difficult watching you in this little Speedo and not being able to have you.” I replied with pure honesty. Dominic tries to hide his smile but he is happy that’s the reason.

  “Well I am all yours now, Speedo and everything in it. He snickers waggling his eyebrows suggestively at me. I do the usual blushing but this time I blush all over at the thought of my naked fiancé.

  “I can’t do anything with the contents of your Speedo right now,” I huff folding my arms angrily.

  “Oh there is something you can do.”

  It was his turn to blush as I hit him playfully on his arm. Dominic took my hand helping me down from the bleachers. Introductions are made and I am practically levitating with joy that he introduced me as his girlfriend. It was nice to meet some of the newer teammates from both the men and women’s swim teams.

  “Oh LaTonya if you are still looking for an apartment Sam is the person you need to know,” Dominic bragged snaking an arm around my waist.

  “I really need an apartment the residence halls are getting to be too much for me. Next year will be my senior year,” LaTonya admonished, folding her arms.

  “Here take my business card and give me a call later this week,” I replied putting on my best business smile. With four guys and three girls as an audience I answer a series of questions about my company and the available properties.

  “Excuse me Dominic I have the times you requested,” a petite brunette woman interrupts the conversation. Dominic leaves my side to walk with the woman who retrieves a clipboard. I return to my conversation providing them with as much information. Eventually the conversation shifts and we are talking animatedly about graduation and future plans. The swimmers are excited about Olympic tryouts coming up in a few months. I do my best to give them my undivided attention as I try my hardest not to look in the direction of Dominic and brunette. As long as I have loved this man I have spent enough time being jealous. I trust him, its other women I do not trust. I give no indication that I am anything other than totally engrossed in this conversation. So convincing is my performance that I actually do become engrossed in the conversation learning some things about Olympic tryouts that I had not previously known.

  The loud giggling is what gets my attention first. I do not immediately turn my head to determine its source because I already know it’s the petite brunette. I continue the conversation until LaTonya gives a snort of disgust in the direction of petite brunette. She tries to hide the look with a smile but it fails miserably. I turn to see the petite brunette repeatedly touch Dominic as she explains something she thinks is hilarious. Dominic listens tentatively with his arms folded across his sexy chest laughing as her story unfolds. My discomfort is obvious as LaTonya does her best to dismiss the interaction.

  “That’s Mackenzie our team captain,” LaTonya reports as if that clears up why she is frequently touching Dominic while she speaks. I pick up the conversation where it left off. One thousand shades of relief flood over me when Dominic summons me to his side. LaTonya gives me a “girl, go get your man” smile as I excuse myself.

  “Mackenzie this is my girlfriend Samantha,” Dominic introduces. I gingerly shake her hand making pleasantries as I take my position at Dominic’s side.

  “Nice to meet you Samantha,” she smiled politely.

  “You too Mackenzie,” I replied smiling brightly.

  “Did you rent out any apartments?” Dominic said looking down at me.

  “No baby but I may have a few potential tenants. It would be nice to rent one of the bigger houses to members of the swim team.” I proclaim as my business mind starts spinning with possibilities.

  “That would be interesting and a lot simpler for some of us forced to live in the residence hall. It is difficult to have privacy and quiet there.” Mackenzie admits with a bit of a gleam in her pretty blue eyes. I do not like, I repeat, I do not like the way Dominic fidgets underneath that gleam.

  “I missed out on the opportunity to live in the residence hall. I lived at home my first semester and in my own apartment my second semester.”

  “Oh wow how did you manage that?” Mackenzie looks genuinely interested as she asked this question.

  “I had a two month old son when I started. Bryce is three and will be four next month. We moved into a bigger apartment when my parents died and I gained custody of my sister and brother,” I explained. Mackenzie’s eyes light up as she takes in the information. I am a little sad that Dominic hasn’t talked about our family.

  “Wow so much to deal with and your graduating on time? Kudos to you Samantha.” Mackenzie’s voice is shrill as she also gives me the phoniest round of applause ever. I do my best to smile at the so-called friendly gesture. Dominic shifts uncomfortably once more and I take that as my cue to leave. That feeling of uncomfortably is transferring to me.

  “Thank you. Well I just wanted to peek in on a practice babe. I am going to get going I have some work to do at home.” I said pulling away from him as he retains his hold on my waist. He does not want to be left alone with Mackenzie. What is wrong with this situation?

  “Well I am actually done. I was hoping you could walk me to my class.” He feigns disappointment as he tightens his hold on me.

  “Sure baby.” I replied giving him a glorious smile but not feeling glorious at all. My brain is inundated with questions right now. I decide to postpone those questions until he is finished with his last final exam.

  “Thanks I need some good luck for this final.” Dominic gives me a rather unusually timed passionate kiss. I am lost in his lips and tongue while Mackenzie looks on transfixed. When he releases me I am absolutely nothing but gelatin inside and out. Taking my hand Dominic leads me over to the locker room area.

  “Wait right here in this spot for me, my angel,” he whispered against my cheek as he kisses me once more. I have no concern that his swim trunks are still damp as he presses against me. Abstinence is going to be difficult if I have to sleep next to this man.

  When Dominic goes to the men’s locker room I am panting. He has such a hold on me emotionally and physically I forget all about the issue with Mackenzie. I clutch my chest as I try to regain my equilibrium. Mackenzie walks past me towards the men’s l
ocker room before she self-corrects giving a little giggle going to the ladies locker room. Abruptly she pauses then turns on her heel walking towards me.

  “Out of curiosity how long have you and Dominic been together?” Mackenzie questions replete with insincere smile.

  “No offense Mackenzie but I do not see how that’s any of your business,” I respond coolly. My body is done with its swooning over Dominic. It is in full defense mode.

  “I am sorry I wasn’t trying to pry. It’s just I have never seen Dominic so smitten before that’s all.”

  “Well I am equally as smitten with him.”

  I do not offering a damn bit of extra knowledge.

  “I can see you two are really involved…” she said with a hint of sarcasm before I rudely interrupt her.

  “We are in love. I’m not a hook-up. We are in a relationship.”

  When I speak I said the word relationship one syllable at a time.

  “Right a relationship. It’s just we are a close knit team and I wonder why Dominic hasn’t mentioned this relationship.” Mackenzie gives me a hard stare articulating each word.

  “Well it could be the better part of discretion. If he was forthcoming in the past perhaps that hindered the progress of those relationships. This final time I guess he wanted to protect our love.”

  “Wow that’s great,” she enthuses, “I mean with school, swimming, and your kids it’s a lot to keep under wraps dontcha think?”

  Did this heifer just mention my kids? Oh she is ready for me to get hardcore with her.

  “Wow you’re very interested in Dominic’s personal life. I have been his best friend for almost four years and you were never mentioned and I’m okay with that. Is there something I am missing?” I purposely answer her question with a question.

  “Oh I am sorry I just take an interest in my team. Like I said we are very close knit,” she explains nodding her head for affect.

  “Well I guess he gave you all the information he wanted you to have then.”

  My foot begins to tap with impatience at this line of questioning. Who the hell does she think she is to question me about my relationship with Dominic?

  “That does say something for sure.” Mackenzie purses her lips as her index finger taps at her temple. She is trying to come up with an answer to her own query.

  “I am guessing since I am not just another notch on his belt he wanted to make sure our relationship progressed without outside interference. If you want I can ask him why he has been so mum on our relationship.”

  “No that’s not necessary, I am sure he just wanted to keep it to himself like you said. So no one would ever know.”

  Mackenzie gives a broad smile as if she has just discovered the wheel.

  “That might be true. You know what in bed tonight I will ask him,” I exclaim, “That’s if we aren’t too busy. You know what I mean.”

  I give her arm a nudge before offering a high five. She does not accept my high five but gives me a look of contempt as a replacement gesture.

  “My angel you ready?” Dominic interrupts snaking his hands around my waist giving me a quick kiss on the neck.

  “Yes baby. Mackenzie it was nice to meet you, enlightening actually,” I smile and extend my hand. Once again she declines any physical contact with me offering a quick wave instead before stalking off.

  “What was that about?” Dominic asked in a forced voice of sincerity.

  “Your inability before me to keep it in your Speedo,” I respond walking briskly away from him. Dominic catches up to me quickly resuming his hold on me.

  “Sammie please it’s not like that with Mackenzie.”

  I push open the exit door letting the oppressive Arizona heat hit me in the face. I am not so keen suddenly on walking him to his class. I would rather walk back to my hot car.

  “Well she seems to think you should have shared our relationship with her. Even going so far as to said you are keeping it a secret like you are ashamed,” I proclaim pouting. Dominic redirects my steps away from the parking lot march toward Enke Drive, in the direction of his class. I want to be a big baby and change my mind on walking him to class but I do not.

  “Mackenzie is nothing to me,” he sighs not denying that they were intimate.

  “So you did have sex with her.” I am trying to contain my fury as I glower at him. Dominic reluctantly shakes his head up and down and I feel like crying.

  “It was one time. She came into the men’s locker room and it just happened,” he said defensively. That’s why that skank pretended to walk towards the men’s locker room.

  “Wow Dominic! How about we make a list of the girls you haven’t slept with on campus. That would be a shorter list?” I demand storming off not even realizing where I am.

  Catching up to me Dominic pleads his case. “Sam you are being unreasonable. I am not tallying the list of dudes you slept with and holding it against you.”

  My hands are on my hips as I give him a most incredulous look. “Oh that long list of three, which may have been longer if you hadn’t blacklisted me as a busy hag not worthy of dating.”

  “You know everything there is to know about me Samantha. Everything before you no longer matters. I am crazy madly in love with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and our children. So please stop walking away from me and walk with me to my class,” Dominic shouts as he stretches his arms wide inviting me to join him. I want to walk away, I want to run away, and cry because I am so emotional when it comes to anyone questioning our relationship. I am emotional when it comes to other women and Dominic. I’ve waited almost four years he is mine.

  Hesitantly I walk towards him pouting like a child the entire distance. Wrapping his arms around me I childishly try to retain some of my anger because I hate being so easy to persuade. Dominic gives me yet another jaw dropping passionate kiss as other students walk past. A few students cheer as we deepen the kiss. When the kiss ends he puts his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer. Externally I am not smiling. Internally I am doing cartwheels in rapid succession. The effect this man has on me is confusing. I want to stay mad that he fucked the captain of the girls swim team but he made it obvious to all around I was his girlfriend. Geez! I still have so much to learn about relationships.

  “I am sorry about all this extra stuff Dominic. I mean I am not apologizing that you and that Speedo can’t seem to stay out of trouble but this wasn’t the time for that. I want you to do well on your final exam, worry about the rest later,” I insist sweetly.

  “I shouldn’t have left you out there with her. I also should have told you about her. If the tables were turned I know I would be very angry. Samantha there is no woman you have to worry about where we are concerned except Halle Berry of course. But other than her you do not have to worry. I love you so much,” he declares just as sweetly. I swoon more at his declaration loving him more if that is possible.

  “I love you Dominic. Now go make mama proud and ace your final exam.” I kiss him softly on the lips brandishing a broad smile afterwards. Dominic gives me a huge hug and I feel all the love he has for me. Go suck an egg Mackenzie!


  Work at home or get a mani and pedi? Mani and pedi wins out as I walk back to my car happy to purchase a bottle of water along the way from a street vender. I am rather parched after all the walking in the sweltering heat. Happiness unfolds as the air conditioner works instantaneously in my new minivan. The drive to Tucson Mall is much more pleasant with the air blasting on me. I am debating which color I should get my nails and toes polished as I sing along to the radio. American Idol I am not!

  I feel inspired for some reason perhaps graduation excitement has finally caught up with me. Inside the nail salon I am pampered from head to toe. I opt for additional services that included eyebrow and leg waxing. My bikini area is still quite content and for once I am grateful that I am incapacitated in that area right now. I choose a soft pink color for both my nails and my toes called Frenc
h Rose, as it looks so feminine. Leaving the nail salon feeling renewed I am sucked into a nearby premium hair salon. The young woman standing outside asked me, “When was the last time you had your hair cut?” I was at a loss for an answer and went downhill from there.

  After washing my hair and giving me the best scalp massage I have ever had in my life. Several rounds of “please do not cut my hair too short”, I finally relent and allow Amy to cut and style my hair. I am beyond nervous as she layers my hair and clips my ends. Amy reassures me throughout by showing me the amount of hair she removes. When she is finished I hardly recognize the woman in the mirror. My curly ebony locks are now in layers that resemble pretty waves.

  “Oh my goodness Amy it’s beautiful. I love my hair great job,” I admit covering my mouth slightly beset by the beauty that is my hair. I promise Amy I will be back in two weeks and happily pay the money for my hair with a nice tip. I will bring Morgan back after her gymnastic camp ends.

  My cell phone rings and I answer with glee. “Hello baby.”

  “Hey baby. I just arrived home and you were not here. Where are you,” Dominic implores.

  “I decided to pamper myself as a graduation gift. I am getting all girlie’d.” I laugh not wanting to reveal exactly what I have done to myself.

  “Do you want me to pick up the kids?” He knows I am still peeved from earlier and is working to get on my good side.

  “Yes that would be great! Baby, how did your final exam go?”

  I feel light-headed from all the fumes I have been exposed to in the last few hours. I realize that I really need to eat. Immediately I make my way over to one of the chain restaurants for some much needed sustenance.

  “I did great. I told you that final was a no-brainer. I am officially done with my undergraduate studies.” Dominic sounds excited as the tension of the last few weeks is finally released. I just hope that if we have to discuss what happened earlier it will not lead to another huge fight.

  I order a chicken sandwich with a side salad at a local restaurant. I look over my nails and down at my toes while I wait for my waitress to bring my food. It occurs to me that I should get a nice outfit to wear to graduation. It will be the first time that I will be introduced to Dominic’s family as his girlfriend, not just his best friend. I take out my checkbook and log my expenses of the day. Carefully I calculate my remaining balance and give myself a quick spending budget. I am satisfied that I am in a safe place financially to make additional purchases. I am more than satisfied when my waitress brings my food. With ravenous fervor I devour my chicken sandwich and salad.


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