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Akane Page 4

by S. Coop

  The little boy’s eyes widened, and he sat quietly for the rest of the movie.

  I could run a daycare, Pony thought. Nothing to it.

  After the movie, John and Pony went back to his house. They had a silent drive home but held hands the whole time. John parked, hopped out, and opened the passenger door. Pony stepped out, stretched, and shaded her face with her hand. Not too much exposure today.

  John grabbed her hand and led her to his front door. Pony stopped and stepped back.

  “What is it?” John asked.

  I don’t want to go in there, Pony thought. There are too many ghosts in there.

  “I want you to meet my mom and grandpa. I told them about you. They really want to meet you.”

  This house held too many evil memories for her. This was where her mom abandoned her to suffer countless beatings at the hands of her father. This was where she killed her father.

  John’s mom opened the door. She was a petite Japanese woman with thick black hair with gray streaks sprinkled throughout. She couldn’t have been more than five feet tall. She was wearing sandals with loose khakis rolled up at the bottom and a short-sleeved blue and white striped shirt. She gave Pony a strong hug. “Welcome, Pony. I’m Mari, John’s mom. Come in, come in.” She motioned them inside.

  Pony walked in and a rush of hatred, fear, and anxiety overcame her.

  John led her to a couch, where she sat.

  “Some tea?” Mari asked Pony.

  “No thank you,” Pony replied. “I’m still full from the ramen.” And too full of dread. Why does this place scare me so much?

  Mari nodded and poured tea for John and herself. She sat next to Pony. “John told me you are related to the original owners of this house, the Ito’s?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Are you in Japan for school or just visiting?”

  Here we go again. She’s just as nosy as John is. “Just visiting,” Pony replied.

  “Where are your parents? John told me you came from America. Are they here or are they back there?”

  “They’re dead,” Pony said.

  John and Mari looked at each other. “I didn’t know that,” John said.

  “My father and stepfather were murdered and my mother abandoned me, but she’s probably dead now.” No need to tell them I was the one who killed them, and I hate this small talk. Hey, Mari, I love your house. I remember murdering my father in it. How did you manage covering up all the blood spatter?

  “I’m so sorry,” Mari said. “If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.” Mari looked at John. “I need to give your grandpa his medicine. He’s had a rough day. I don’t know how much time he has left.”

  Pony watched as Mari retrieved several bottles of pills from cabinets and the fridge.

  John reached over and squeezed Pony’s hand. He lifted it up to his mouth, kissed it, and blew warm air on it. “You’re always so cold.” He laughed. “After my mom gives my grandpa his medicine, I want you to meet him.”

  Mari came to the living room with a look of profound sadness on her face. She went to the kitchen to put the medicine back.

  “Come on.” John led Pony to his Grandpa’s room. There was medical equipment all over. John’s grandpa was lying on his back, blankly looking at the ceiling. John and Pony walked closer, stopping at his bedside.

  Holy shit, Pony thought. Grandpa John is my John from over fifty years ago! He’s alive. Barely. All this time I thought he was dead.

  “Grandpa John? I want you to meet my girlfriend, Pony.”

  Grandpa John slowly turned his head. The moment he saw Pony, he started crying. He shakily reached out to her, and Pony held his hand.

  “I thought you were dead, Akane.” His tears flowed down his wrinkled face. “I came early that night. Your father showed up and told me you were dead. But here you are, in the flesh. After all these years, I didn’t believe him. I couldn’t believe him.” He violently coughed. “After I found out your father died, I bought this house in hopes that you would return to me. You have finally returned to me.” He kissed her hand.

  “Sorry, Pony, but he’s on a lot of different medications,” John said. “Sometimes he gets confused. We can leave if you feel uncomfortable.”

  A tear escaped Pony’s right eye and slid down her face. I’m crying? I never cry. She leaned over and kissed Grandpa John on his forehead and whispered, “I’m sorry.” She squeezed his hand before leaving the room. She heard him weeping while she and John walked down the hallway.

  “Are you okay?’ John asked.

  Pony nodded. “Yes. I have to go now.”

  “Do you want a ride?”


  It was still daylight outside. She didn’t want to chance getting too weak. She also didn’t have any motivation. Seeing Grandpa John, the boy she once loved decades ago, was hard to handle. The fact that he was alive this whole time saddened her to her core. They could have spent all this time together.

  And now I’m with his namesake, his grandson.

  I knew there was something special about John.

  Chapter Six

  Family Reunion

  Pony waited for John in the trees. He was late. The boy who was always on time was late.

  “Hey, kid.”

  Pony turned around as Morgan and Lasandro came into view. Morgan looked down the hill at the house. “I knew we would find you here. Hope you’re staying out of trouble.”

  “What are you guys doing here?” Pony whispered, her entire face turning beet red.

  “Wow, that’s no way to greet your bro and sis,” Lasandro joked. “So we’re still doing the dysfunctional thing? You are not invited to the family barbecue.”

  Morgan rolled her eyes. “We came to tell you something.”

  The shoji door slid open, and John walked through it and quietly closed it behind him. He did his usual routine and knelt down to pray.

  Morgan looked over at John and back to Pony. “No … way.”

  Pony looked away. “I’m here for my sword.”

  “The one you already have or a different sword?” Morgan asked.

  “I … um.”

  “I never took you for the creeper type.” Lasandro smirked.

  John made his way up the hill.

  “Hey, John.” Pony waved, her face still red.

  “Hey, Pony. You’re wearing the kimono. You look so beautiful!” John embraced her rigid body then noticed Morgan and Lasandro. “Um, who are they?”

  “That’s my—”

  “I’m her sister,” Morgan interrupted, “and this is my annoying boyfriend, Lasandro.” Morgan shook John’s hand.

  “I’m the annoying boyfriend,” Lasandro said, shaking John’s hand.

  “Cool,” John said. “Pony didn’t tell me she had any living relatives.”

  Lasandro laughed. “Yes, her family is getting smaller and smaller.”

  Morgan elbowed Lasandro. “We were … adopted.”

  “Right on,” John said. “How do you like Japan? How long will you guys be here?”

  Pony looked at Morgan and Lasandro. “They were just leaving, right?”

  “Aw, c’mon, little sis!” Lasandro smiled. “We just got here. We have a lot of catching up to do, don’t we?”

  John looked at Pony, Morgan, and Lasandro as a deafening silence fell between them.

  Pony’s got a boyfriend! Lasandro teased.

  Shut up! Pony shouted in her mind.

  He’s very protective of her, isn’t he? Morgan said.

  I know, Lasandro smirked. Do you think they … you know? Eww.

  I can hear you guys! Pony cried.

  We’ll leave you two to do … whatever it is you guys do, Morgan said.

  Lasandro snorted.

  But first you need to know that the AVA are after you. Well, they’re after all of us. Katya got caught, and of course she spilled it all to save her own skin. You have to watch your back, Pony. There’s a Japanese chapter here that has orders to s
earch for and destroy you.

  I’m not afraid, Pony said.

  You really should leave Japan, Lasandro said. No more kissy face for you.

  Shut up! Sis, why didn’t you kill Lasandro when you had the chance?

  I ask myself that question daily, Morgan said. But seriously, kid, keep moving. If you do that, you should be okay. I know we’ve had our differences, but I want to thank you for what you did back at the mansion.

  Pony looked at John and frowned. I did what I had to do, but mainly for me, not for you.

  So … you have to leave your little boyfriend, Lasandro said. That or you can eat him. I’m surprised you haven’t already. You can’t be … you can’t possibly be having feelings, can you Pony?

  Wipe that grin off your face before I wipe it off for you! Pony shouted.

  As I recall, the last time you tried that, half your body ended up inside a wall, Lasandro said.

  Sis, please! Pony begged. Please put the world out its misery and eat this man!

  Lasandro, stop, Morgan ordered. Sis, if you have by some miraculous reason fallen in love with this boy, you need to take his safety into consideration.

  Trust me, Pony said. I’m not in love, sis. Wait a minute. Why would it be so miraculous?

  Lasandro laughed.

  Morgan held back her own laughter. I’m just saying. She narrowed her eyes at Pony. You have really changed, haven’t you? You do love him. Did you tell him what you are?

  Not yet.

  Maybe it’s best he doesn’t know, Morgan said. Lasandro and I will be around for a few more days, but after that we’re leaving.

  Where are you guys going? Pony asked. I won’t tell if I get caught, sis. I won’t let them take me alive.

  New Zealand, Morgan said. Take care, sis.

  You, too.

  “Nice to meet you, John.” Morgan and Lasandro vanished into darkness.

  “They were nice.”

  Pony left the comfort of his arms. “Yeah.”

  “What’s wrong?” John asked.

  “I have to leave.”

  “Okay. Are you coming back tomorrow?”

  Pony looked away. “No, John. I have to leave Japan.”

  “Wait. What did your sister say?”


  “Well, was it what my grandpa said earlier? He’s old and losing his mind. Don’t take anything he said seriously.”

  “It’s not that.”

  “Then what is it?” John raised his voice.

  “If I tell you, you’ll freak out.”

  “Try me.” John walked over to Pony and embraced her. He lifted her chin and planted a kiss on her cold lips.

  Pony felt an electric sensation shoot throughout her body, warming it up. She moaned against his lips. She had never been kissed like that.

  John squeezed her hips and brought her closer to him. Pony could feel his erection poke her through the kimono fabric while their tongues urgently collided together as if in an intense session of fencing.

  Pony pulled away reluctantly. “I can hold my own but with you, I feel protected. Your house—these trees— they have become home to me.”

  “Then stay,” John whispered.

  “I can’t. It’s too complicated.”

  “It’s complicated or you’re making it complicated? I know you’re different and that’s okay. I don’t understand why you can’t be open with me.”

  “I already told you why. I said you’ll freak out. Remember what you said about Aiko and how she was a mean girl?”

  “Yes, but you’re nothing like her.”

  “No, John. I’m worse than her. I’m a really mean girl and that’s just for starters.”

  “I don’t believe that.”

  “Why not?”

  “You’re not mean. You’re perfect.”

  Pony shook her head. “I’m far from perfect.”

  “Well, you’re perfect to me. And I told you to tell me. Anything you say won’t matter.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because I love you, Pony. That’s how I know.” John said.

  “Love someone else.”

  Pony disappeared in a blink.

  Pony heard John calling to her in the distance. It was hard leaving him, but this was for the best. She hadn’t planned on any of this … happiness. She only wanted her sword and the kimono. She didn’t plan on falling in love and she didn’t plan on finding out the guy she once loved was the grandfather of the boy she loved now. It didn’t surprise her that her asshole father lied about John being dead. Anything that made her happy, her father made sure to take it away from her. Leaving was the best thing. She knew how the AVA operated. If those hitmen found her with John, they would kill them both.

  Goodbye, John. Thanks for the necklace and the ramen.

  Chapter Seven

  The Heart Wants What It Wants

  Pony stomped down to Tokyo’s Kabuki Cho, the red light district, to blow off steam and try to forget about John.

  By killing someone. It always relaxed her whenever she was stressed.

  Entering the Shangri-La host club, she spied the prettiest Japanese men she had ever seen doting on women over glasses of sake. She wore her kimono with her sword safely hanging from her hip, tucked inside the fabric. When she entered the club, people saw the fancy kimono she was wearing and figured she had plenty of yen to spare.

  Pony heard about these clubs in documentaries and online forums. She knew the attention these men lavished over women was purely money motivated. She never needed a reason to kill anyone, but she figured no one would miss a host that much. Besides, she was thinning out the competition for the rest of the guys. This was a good thing.

  The club owner immediately greeted her and was quick to grab her hand, kiss it, and lead her to a large leather booth with a square, shiny black and gray marbled table. He laid a menu down and asked if she had anyone specific in mind.

  Pony nodded and flipped to the first page of the menu. Geez, these guys look like an anime show and a samurai had babies. She flipped a couple more pages before a host named Ryu caught her eye. He had black hair with a patch of blonde in the front. She pointed to his snapshot and watched as the owner raised his hand and called him over.

  Ryu shot up from a barstool and strolled over to her table. His robust cologne drifted toward her, assaulting her nostrils. He bowed and took her hand, mimicking what the owner did as the owner patted him on the back and walked away to greet more potential customers.

  “You look lovely tonight,” Ryu said. “What’s your name, beautiful?”

  “Akane.” Pony said.

  Ryu kissed her hand. “You angry, darling? Ryu can fix that for you. “He slid into the booth with her ready to recite his usual script verbatim.

  Pony covered her mouth and giggled. Is he really referring to himself in third person? I’m going to enjoy killing him.

  Ryu drank glass after glass of sake while bragging about how well traveled he was and all his sexual conquests. “Trust me. They were begging for more and wanted Ryu to stay, but there’s only one Ryu to go around. Ryu has swum in every ocean in the world. Perks of the job of course.” He winked at Pony.

  “Of course.” Every ocean? Will his blood taste especially salty

  “Even from all the exciting travels, home is where the heart is. There is nothing like Japan and Japanese women. So many beautiful women, so little time.” He roared with laughter.

  Pony fake laughed, growing more annoyed by the minute. Women actually pay for these guys? I don’t get it. He’s handsome, yes, but he fucking talks too much.

  He stood, stumbling from the gallon of sake he consumed, and offered Pony his hand. “May Ryu have this dance, darling?”

  Pony and Ryu danced in slow motion. She could smell the alcohol on his breath, and it reminded her of the times her dad got shit-faced and came home yelling at her and hitting her. Ugh. He stinks!

  The song finished, and Ryu guided Pony to another table wedged in a da
rk corner of the club. The only light was the flickering of the dim dance floor lights.

  Hmm. This must be the place for those “intimate moments.”

  Ryu put his arm around Pony and tried to pull her close. “Ryu likes feisty girls.” He placed sloppy, sake kisses on her neck.

  Pony jerked away. “Don’t do that.”

  Ryu laughed and grabbed one of Pony’s breasts. “C’mon. Ryu will—”

  Pony grabbed his hand and quietly broke every single one of his fingers. Twice.

  She spied the look of shock on Ryu’s face while waiting for the scream.

  The scream never came. Ryu passed out from the pain.

  Pony slapped his face hard several times until he came to. She covered his mouth and smiled. “Is Ryu in pain? Poor Ryu. Maybe Ryu should keep his hands to himself.” She lifted his hand to her mouth. “I’ll kiss it and make it better.”

  She bit his thumb and started slurping the blood that oozed out. “What’s wrong, Ryu? Nothing to say now?”

  Ryu’s face began to turn pale.

  Pony sucked harder until she heard his heart stop beating. His limp body slumped over in the booth.

  “Ah, Ryu’s no fun.” She giggled while sitting him upright. She grabbed him by that blond patch and forced his head backward. “Look at you. Already passed out, and the night is still young. You really shouldn’t drink so much.”

  Pony got up and left through the back exit of the club. Two hosts were outside smoking. She walked by them. They followed her while jeering and whistling.

  One of the guys flicked his cigarette at her. “Hey you. Where you going?”

  “Hey, Geisha! How much?” The other guy laughed. “Hey, whore.”

  Pony turned. “Whore? Isn’t that your job, whore?” She pointed at the first one. “You are hereby Whore One.” She smiled at the other host. “And that would make you Whore Two.”

  “Hey, fuck you, bitch,” Whore Two said.

  “Not happening,” Pony said.

  She dashed toward them, grabbed their heads, and crashed them together. She threw Whore One against a trashcan, breaking his back.

  Whore Two tried to crawl away as blood spurted from his ear.


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