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Akane Page 7

by S. Coop

  “Fuck that,” Danny said, puffing out his chest. “You leave, asshole.”

  John shook his head slowly. “If you do not leave now, you will never leave this place.”

  Gwen yanked on Danny’s arm. “Danny, let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  “I’m not leaving, Gwen,” Danny said. “Not for some half-breed freak who—”

  John leapt on Danny and sank his teeth into his neck, shutting Danny up instantly.

  Gwen backed away screaming at the top of her lungs until she bumped into Pony.

  “My boyfriend gave you two ample warning,” Pony said. “And while we are grateful you chose to marry here in Japan, we are sorry to inform you that you will die here, too.”

  Pony grabbed Gwen’s hair and roughly pulled her head to the side, almost breaking it. She sank her fangs into Gwen’s neck and sucked until Gwen had no life left in her. When Pony was finished, she walked over to John sighing because his chest was soaked with Danny’s blood. She looked at what was left of Danny’s body lying on the moss. My boyfriend sucked him so hard he turned into a dried up raisin.

  She kicked Danny’s body aside. “Damn, you’re a natural, but you are far too messy. Every drop counts.”

  John stepped over Danny’s carcass and kissed Pony. Slowly, deeply, they exchanged blood with each other.

  Pony grabbed John’s hand and flew to the top of the Mazda, snuggling into the dent.

  John laid on his back with Pony on top of him. He reached under her dress, ripping her lacy panties off and hurling them into the air.

  Pony unzipped John’s pants and pulled them down. She pulled down his boxers while kissing and biting his hard, defined chest.

  “Mmm,” John moaned, while guiding his penis inside her.

  Pony slowly slid down on it. “You found the right hole the first time this time.”

  John put his hand around her neck and guided her down, biting her neck while she rode him. Their bodies moved in synchronicity, their passion insatiable. John thrust his hips upward, holding it there while he peaked, fiercely erupting inside her as her walls squeezed his penis, contracting as she too reached her peak and released howls heard all over the mountain.

  They embraced each other, their bodies still heaving in the aftermath.

  “That was crazy incredible,” John said. “It’s like our bodies literally became one.”

  “Not bad for a couple of newbies.” Pony laughed.

  John looked at his chest. “Um, I should probably find some water somewhere. I’m a mess and now so are you.”

  “Lake Yamanaka isn’t too far from here,” Pony said.

  “Lead the way.”

  Pony and John soared over Mount Fuji to the lake. They undressed and plunged into the cold depths.

  “Ugh, I feel different,” John said when he came to the surface. “Is something wrong with this water?”

  “It’s the sunlight. It makes us weaker the longer we stay in it.”

  “So this is how you felt that day I took you to Aqua City?” John asked.

  “A little. I’m still not too old, so I can handle direct sunlight better than an older vampire can. Super old vampires avoid the sun at all costs. The sun makes them much weaker than you or me. Still, too much sun can still kill any vampire. We didn’t feel much difference in the forest because the trees block the rays.”

  John floated over to Pony. “I’m feeling so lightheaded. I think …I think I’m going to pass out.” John sank.

  “John!” She dove down—And felt two strong hands grabbing her feet and dragging her deep into the water. She twisted until she freed her legs and swam after him, preparing to make him pay for his childish antics. When she caught up to him, she punched him in the jaw, which had little impact. Punching underwater is difficult, even for a vampire.

  They swam and played, standing and diving off of each other’s shoulders. It was well after dark before they raced back to Aokigahara, with Pony taking a massive lead.

  Pony dashed and leaped through the forest. She used a tree vine and swung to the top of the Mazda. John too, landed on the Mazda but he was holding a squirrel.

  Pony grabbed a bag of clothes from the back of the Mazda and handed them to John.

  “When did you get these?” John asked.

  “I, um, I left you late on the second day,” Pony said. “I was only gone ten minutes.”

  “You left me defenseless in the woods!” John shouted.

  “For ten minutes, yes,” Pony said. “Um, I knew you couldn’t be killed, so …”

  John smiled. “Thanks, babe.” John gave her a lingering kiss, before emptying the bag. There was a pair of black skinny jeans, a black long-sleeved V-neck shirt, and a pair of black buckled Goth boots.

  “Get dressed. We are going out.”

  Chapter Ten


  Tokyo Shibuya district was known for its cutting-edge fashion, shopping, eating, and clubbing.

  Pony and John walked hand-in-hand through the district and marveled at a myriad of Tokyo street fashion their possible meals were wearing.

  It was beautiful, fascinating, and mouth-watering, all at once.

  They saw Lolita’s, Gothic Lolita’s, Harujuku girls and boys, men and women in kimonos, and even some dressed like Shironuri, “ghosts” in painted white faces and long flowing clothes.

  Pony and John fit right in. While many stared, none blinked.

  As the two walked through the crowded street, Pony saw how the girls looked at John.

  And it irked her.

  “I feel like a lot of people are staring at us,” John said.

  “That’s because they are,” Pony replied while squeezing John’s hand. “Let’s hurry. We shouldn’t be out anyway.”

  “So, what’s the plan?” John asked.

  “One thing we can do is we can compel. Normally humans will easily bend to a vampire’s will, but with you, it was different and I’m still trying to figure out why.”

  John looked over at Pony and shrugged. “I must not be compel-able or something.”

  “Or you’re just too stubborn for your own good.”

  “That, too.”

  They turned down a small alley and made their way to WOMB nightclub that was nestled away and out of view of the main street.

  “I saw this in a guidebook,” Pony said. “It’s supposed to be a really cool place.”

  “You read guidebooks?” John asked.

  “They’re actually like menus, you know?” Pony smiled. “It’s always good to see what’s on the menu before you feast, don’t you think?”

  “I guess.”

  Pony hoped that Mita didn’t show up at WOMB, but if he did … She’d have to figure out something. “You have to learn to compel. What better time than now?”

  “You’re the teacher.”

  They approached the club entrance. “I want you to compel the bouncer to let us in. You have to be eighteen to get in, and unless you have a fake ID, you will have to compel him.”

  “Here goes.” John opened the door for Pony and then entered.

  A bouncer immediately stepped in front of them. “All right, mates. Show me some ID.” He had an Australian accent and looked like a walking, talking steroid. He was ripped from head to toe, and his veins popped at just about every place on his body.

  John zeroed in on the veins.

  Pony elbowed John. While I am sure he will taste delicious, we can’t eat the bouncer, John. At least not right now!

  John wanted to drain every vein on the guy’s body.

  “ID,” growled the bouncer.

  John looked at the man’s security badge. “May I call you Biff?”

  The bouncer snapped to attention. “Yes. My name is Biff.”

  “Good,” John said. “Me and my girlfriend are going in here without showing you ID. Got it?”

  The bouncer nodded and lifted a set of velvet ropes to let them through.

  “Oh, and by the way, Biff,” John said, “Tell your
buddies we’re getting in for free.”

  The bouncer motioned to a cashier behind a counter.

  “Thank you so much.” John patted Biff on the back. “After we turn that corner and disappear into this club, you’ve never seen us before in your entire life.” John pointed to the guy behind the counter. “Neither did you.”

  They both nodded.

  “Oh, and lay off the steroids, Biff. You look appetizing, but some of your meat is going to be tough and tangy.”

  John and Pony entered the club. Although it looked small on the outside, WOMB had multiple floors. The first floor had a huge dance floor with a blue disco ball, green and yellow moonflower lighting effects, and a huge DJ booth. The dance floor was packed. The overwhelming smell of blood entered John’s nostrils. Pony saw him smacking his lips and sucking in saliva.

  “We pick a couple targets, and we feed,” Pony said. “You have to learn how to feed properly. That last time was pretty bad. When we say ‘eat,’ we really mean drink their blood. Not literally eat them.”

  John shrugged and gave Pony a guilty look. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I was messy when I was starting out, too.”

  Pony and John danced to techno music for a while. Several people were drawn to them, dancing around them like a swarm of wasps.

  “I’m fucking starving,” John said.

  Pony grabbed his hand and led him past the second floor’s restaurants and shops and up to the third floor rooftop filled with black leather couches lit by faint neon lamps. There were small groups of people scattered about. Pony counted about ten people.

  “Feeding, one-oh-one,” Pony said. “Feed in the palm. It’s supposed to be less erotic, but I don’t know if that will be the case for you. I at least hope it will be. Feed for about five minutes, slowly. Taking too much blood will kill a human, or if you take way too much, you can turn them into a vampire. There are laws about that, you know.” Not that I’ve followed them lately.

  “I do now.”

  “So go for the wrist. The wrist is the safest place.”

  “Okay, wrist only,” John agreed eagerly. “Whom do we feed from?”

  “Just wait.” Pony smiled. “We will just sit here until they come to us. We’re like magnets.”


  Pony and John waited only two minutes before a drunk Japanese couple walked toward them as the rest of the people shuffled away. The girl was dressed in a sleek style, wearing all black, nothing like some of the more outrageous styles they had seen. Her short black hair with auburn highlights cupped her face.

  Pony read their thoughts. They were close but not a couple, and the guy had his sights set on John, and the girl wanted Pony in the worst way.

  The woman sat next to Pony and introduced herself and her friend. “Hi, I am Hana, and this is my brother, Hachirou.”

  Hmm, brother and sister? This should be interesting. “Hey,” Pony said.

  “Let’s switch,” John said.

  Pony rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers, sending Hana and Hachirou into zombie-like states. “Umm, Food is food, John. When you were human, did you care what sex the animal meat you ate was? Anyway you weren’t worried about that at the forest.”

  “I know, but that guy was a dick. This guy wants my dick. Totally different.”

  “You feeding off men doesn’t mean you’re gay, John.”

  “I know, but I also like the way your girl’s blood smells.”

  “Their blood smells exactly the same!”

  John looked at Hachirou. He had dyed blonde spiky hair, a black leather jacket with rolled up sleeves, and sagging blue jeans with a gold chain hanging from his belt to his back pocket.

  His blood does smell good, John thought. “Let’s switch anyway.”

  “Why do you want her so bad?” Pony asked.

  “I just do.” John smiled. “Are you jealous?”

  “Of course not,” Pony said.

  “I can tell you’re lying.” John said.

  “John, feed on his wrist. He’s already compelled so feed on his wrist and try to be gentler this time.”

  John shook his head. “I want her.”

  Pony frowned. “Then starve. I’m not giving her to you.” She wrapped her arm around Hana and brought her close to whisper in her ear. The girl giggled shyly while Pony grabbed her wrist and bit into it, slowly sucking the red, oozing substance while John watched.

  “Really?” John said.

  Pony looked up and nodded. “Mmm.”

  John looked back at Hachirou, who seemed to be salivating over him. He grabbed Hachirou’s hand and brought it to his mouth while looking into his dark brown eyes. John bit down ferociously, making Hachirou jump at first. John continued to suck, savoring the salty taste of his blood.

  Pony detached from Hana, running her fingers through Hana’s bob and playfully throwing her legs onto Hana’s lap.

  Pony looked over at John who seemed to be siphoning Hachirou’s blood like gas. “That’s enough, John.”

  John ignored her and chomped down on Hachirou’s wrist, this time sucking even harder. Hachirou jerked, still compelled.

  “John, stop!” Pony ordered.

  John didn’t stop.

  Hachirou's head went back and he passed out.

  “Fuck!” Pony shouted.

  Hana didn’t noticed because she was good and compelled. Pony went to the side of the couch John was on and grabbed his head, pulling with all her strength. John reluctantly detached but took a huge chunk of Hachirou's wrist with him, greedily devouring it.

  “What the fuck, John! You weren’t supposed to literally eat him!”

  “But the flesh tastes good, too,” John said, licking his lips.

  Pony listened for a pulse. “He’s only got a faint pulse. We have to kill him.”

  “Why?” John asked.

  “Because if we don’t, you may become a Maker! You’ve taken way too much blood!” Pony grabbed Hachirou’s head and jerked it to the side, quickly snapping it before grabbing John’s hand and jumping over the side of the building, landing feet first on the concrete. They quickly shuffled through the crowded street.

  “We need to get out of here.”

  “Why?” John asked.

  “You’re not ready for this.” Pony looked to her side and John was gone. Again! People surrounded her and none of them were John. The garish, colorful lights from the tall buildings shined in her face, making it hard for her to find him. She finally zeroed in on him, panicking when she saw he had a woman up against the glass of a clothing shop. In a blur, Pony ripped John from the woman, snapped her neck, grabbed him with all of her strength, and dragged him back to the forest.

  Chapter Eleven

  Only the Oni

  When they returned to the forest, Pony paced back and forth. Her frilly dress bounced up and down while she cussed up a storm.

  “John, we already have all of Japan after us! I’m your Maker, for fucks sake! Why aren’t you listening to me?”

  “I don’t know. I just get this overwhelming urge to eat them.”

  Pony shook her head, “You have to fight for control, John. We are already being hunted. We don’t need to leave a huge trail of bodies!”

  “I’m not the one snapping necks,” John said.

  “I wouldn’t have to if you wouldn’t feed so damn hard! What is it with you? Ugh! Why are you like this?”

  I don’t know,” John sat in the moss-covered grass and looked at his blood-soaked shirt. “My grandfather told me something once.”

  Pony stopped pacing. “And?”

  “I didn’t think too much of it, just like I didn’t believe him when he said he knew you. He told me that my mother was raped by a Yōkai, an Oni of some sort. She was pregnant with me when it happened.”

  “Yōkai!” Pony’s eyes widened. “You’re telling me Mari was raped by a demon?”

  John stood and ran his fingers through his hair while looking away. He was embarrassed about what he was sayi
ng. Disgusted, he took his shirt off and threw it out of sight. “Yes. It shape-shifted into the form of my father and had sex with my mother. My father walked in on them. Could you imagine walking in and seeing yourself having sex with your wife?”

  Pony stared at him. “No, I couldn’t.”

  “My father grabbed a blade, but the Yōkai fled. My grandfather told me that my dad was afraid I would be some kind of grotesque creature when I was born. I came out fine, but he still left us because he thought I might one day become a monster.” John shook his head. “I thought my grandfather telling me this was to ease the pain of my father abandoning us. Now, everything wild he has told me has come true.”

  “Why Mari? Did she ever mention any of this to you?”

  “Nope. Never.” John shrugged. “I don‘t know why it chose her, and that’s not exactly something you call the authorities and report. I think she didn’t tell me to protect me, but this explains why she went straight to supernatural about you.”

  “That makes you a quarter demon and three quarters vampire. That has to explain why I couldn’t compel you when you were human and why I can’t control you now.”

  “I guess so.” John said.

  “You said your father stayed until you were five. I wonder if something happened then to make him leave? Like maybe you shape-shifted into something?”

  “My grandfather never said I did anything like that,” John said. “But I remember something happening when I was ten.”

  “What happened?” Pony asked.

  “I honestly thought I was dreaming when I did it.”

  “Did what?”

  “I remember it was night and I was running through the house. Not like on two legs. I was running on four legs. I stopped at my grandpa’s room and climbed up on the bed. My grandfather looked so big, like five times his normal size. I remember him patting my head and telling me to go back to bed.”

  Pony’s mouth dropped wide open.

  “I did as he said and went back to bed.” John shrugged.

  “So you shifted into a four-legged creature. Hmm, probably a mouse or something because your grandpa looked so big to you. Wow. You don’t remember how you did it?”


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