The Cliff

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The Cliff Page 44

by Gucker, Christie A. C.

  “This one’s for Dylan’s sexy legs in boxers,” I hooted.

  “Here, here.” Chelsie slammed hers back.

  “You should see under the boxers.” Samantha slammed hers back. Chelsie and I just made faces.

  So the shots were all toasts to someone. Soon I was feeling extremely drunk. I hadn’t eaten since last night. But with all the food I’d eaten, I was probably still fine.

  “I have to do something,” I said.

  “Oh goody. Tell us what you have to do!” Samantha laughed out, while mocking me. She gave me a weird, low, guy voice when she repeated me. Samantha could hold her vodka; drink it like water. Still, I could tell she was trashed, too. Chelsie just giggled from the floor. She had been sitting there with all the liquor, playing bartender, but right now she was leaning against the bed.

  “I have to kick Brianna Stone’s fat ass!” I said. Chelsie giggled some more and held up another shot for me. I grabbed it and downed it. I shivered all over and then grabbed my landline. If I was going to make a call like this, I would have to make sure every word was heard.

  “What are you doing, Lanie?” Samantha sounded concerned.

  “I have to make a phone call.” I smiled and started to look for the number on my desk.

  “Oh, Honey, do you really think it’s a good idea to make that call right now?” Chelsie said from the floor. She was now lying on her back staring at me.

  “Yes, because I am backed by vodka. So I have vodka muscles right now. It’s time,” I said without much confidence at all.

  “No. It’s perfect. She’s right. She’ll be able to answer on the fly. Lanie’s good like that when she’s drunk and fired up. Go for it, Lanie.” Samantha pointed at the phone. I picked it up and started dialing. I knew I’d be okay because the girls would bail me out if I got stuck. Maybe I should put it on speakerphone. I did and it was ringing.

  “Mr. Stone’s office. Good afternoon. May I help you?” I heard a very young woman’s voice on the other end of the phone. I was sure she was pretty, too.

  “Ms. Lanie Rhodes for Mr. Stone, please.”

  “Are you scheduled for a call, Ms. Rhodes?”

  “I’m sure if you let Mr. Stone know I’m on the phone, he’ll take the call,” I said with as much attitude as I could. Chelsie gave me a thumbs-up and Samantha did some silent clapping.

  “Mr. Stone is quite busy this afternoon. If you’d like to leave a number, I’ll be sure …”

  “You will tell Mr. Stone I’m on the phone and you’ll do it now. Do you understand me? Right now.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” Music started to play. The girls waited with me for Mr. Stone to answer.

  “Mr. Stone will be with you in just one moment, Ms. Rhodes.” Her snotty little power trip was over. It was butt-kissing time.

  “Thank you.” I smiled at my girls.

  “Ms. Rhodes. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Stone. I thought it would be appropriate to call and speak with you directly to tell you how pleased I am with our new partnership,” I said corporately, with just a tinge of sweet.

  “Yes, as am I. I was quite impressed with your press conference. You’re a real ball buster, aren’t you?” he mused.

  “Yes, I can be,” I said confidently. Score one for vodka.

  “So, there really is more to this call than just telling me how pleased you are, I’m sure. I’m just like you. You can’t fool someone on a mission. What’s your mission, Ms. Rhodes?” This guy was sharp. And he was a shark. And I had a feeling this would be a lot easier than I thought.

  “Please, call me Lanie.”

  “All right. And you can call me Larry.” I took two shots one after the other. I felt sober, but I knew I was far from it.

  “So as not to waste your time, I’ll get right to the point. I have a large problem with your daughter, Brianna. I’m sorry if that offends you, but I believe you have the right to know how unprofessional she is.”

  “Oh? Enlighten me.” Oh crap.

  “Well, she made some advances toward one of my partners while the contracts were being negotiated.”

  “And that would be with Grant Bennett? Yes?” he said calmly.

  “Yes. It would.”

  “And if it was so unprofessional, why is Mr. Bennett not making this phone call?”

  “Because he’s being a gentleman toward your daughter, although I have no idea why. And I’m sure this news will put our contract on critical status with you. I’m prepared …”

  “Ms. Rhodes—Lanie, does Mr. Bennett partner with you in other ways than your company?”

  “I can’t see how that’s any of your business,” I said, hoping he would go a different way.

  “Really, Lanie, don’t try and bullshit a bull-shitter. It doesn’t become you. Another try?” Now he was starting to sound like a parent. I looked at my girls nervously.

  “Tell him,” Samantha mouthed.

  “All right, since we’re being blunt. Your daughter made advances toward my fiancé and business partner, Grant Bennett. I find it completely unprofessional and honestly it was a shitty thing for her to do. Not only did she show up in his room, undressed, and throw herself at him while I was on webcam with him, but then she pulled another stunt I’m not really willing to discuss. Is this the way you operate your companies, Mr. Stone—Larry?”

  There was silence on the other end for a moment. I might have just screwed my company out of a huge contract. The girls and I did a shot. I could feel the alcohol truly setting in.

  “Nothing to say, Larry?”

  “Lanie, are you claiming sexual harassment here?”

  “No, I’m not. But if we’re to continue this relationship and make shit loads of money for both our companies, you need to put your daughter on a leash and keep her away from my fiancé. Is that how she closes deals for you? She sleeps with your business partners? Or at least tries to?”

  I was actually wondering what the hell kind of vomit was spewing from my mouth. Oh shit. I was going to blow this whole thing. Chelsie and Samantha noticed the shift in my demeanor and we all waited for his reply, while holding our breaths.

  “Ms. Rhodes, I find your comments to be …” Oh shit, this was it. I shouldn’t have done this. “… refreshing. Not often does an executive have the balls to call me up and tell me bluntly my daughter is a slut. I like your moxie. This is going to be a fun partnership. I’ll put my daughter back in line and make sure your fiancé is well off limits. I’m doing this as a favor to you. I ask in return that, if ever needed, you will handle of my PR personally. I think you’re a shark in sheep’s clothing, Lanie. I like knowing you’re an ally. Do we have an agreement?”

  Chelsie gave a quick fist pump and Samantha got wide-eyed and then silently screamed. I felt a huge amount of relief and then triumphant. I won, shit yeah!

  “Yes, sir. I agree to your terms. And your daughter?”

  “I’ll be switching her to a different company. You’ll no longer have to deal with her, effective immediately, and my apologies to you. She’s always been a bit of a whore. She takes after her mother. That was a big mistake I’m still paying for. If you have a man who didn’t cheat on you with her, I suggest you hold onto him, Ms. Rhodes. Most men crumble at her feet. She’s rather relentless. I see she’s met her match with you, though.”

  “Thank you, Larry. I appreciate your tact in dealing with this matter. I look forward to working with you.”

  “I’m also looking forward to working with you. I have a feeling you’re going to be a major asset for this venture. I’m very pleased. Have a nice day, Lanie.” He hung up the phone.

  As soon as I put the receiver down, my girls and I squealed like little schoolgirls. Holy crap! I did it. I was totally stoked.

  “Lanie, that was amazing. That man was eating out of your hand and he liked you. He actually called his daughter a whore!” Chelsie said.

  “Well she is a whore, a total slut. And now you have exacted your revenge, Lan
ie. Now can you and Grant go back to being happy?” Samantha pleaded.

  “I need to see how this plays out first. But yes, this is a huge step in the right direction.”

  We all rose yet another glass and did our final shots. The bottle was empty and we were all feeling mighty fine. I felt so much better, but I wouldn’t feel my best until I knew Brianna was in hell.

  Not two seconds after we put our glasses down, my cell phone rang. I looked at the caller ID.

  “Holy shit, it’s …

  Chapter 46


  “… Brianna!” I said, staring at the phone.

  “Well, answer it! This is what you’ve been waiting for. You wanted to hear her cry and now you get to. Answer before it goes into voice mail,” Chelsie urged.

  “Lanie Rhodes speaking. Can I help you?” I said in my most corporate tone.

  “Don’t play all coy, Lanie. You fucking know it’s me, you bitch. You called my father!” Brianna spat.

  “You’ve got a lot of nerve pointing fingers. You were supposed to back off from Grant, but you didn’t. I told you if you kept pulling your shit I was calling your father. You didn’t, so I did,” I said calmly.

  “You’re a total bitch, Lanie. My father removed me from that company and is sending me to one I hate. And I didn’t have anything to do with Grant coming to my room. He did that all on his own!”

  “I’d rather be a bitch than a whore like you. Quite frankly, I don’t believe you. I spoke to Grant about the whole thing and I’m quite aware you called him, crying and begging for him to come talk to you.” I kept my cool demeanor. Chelsie was red in the face and kept holding her hand out for the phone. I smiled and shook my head at her. This call was mine.

  “You’re a stupid naïve girl, Lanie. He’s lying to you, like all men do. He was at my door on his own. I didn’t call him. Why would I? And everything that happened between us, he started. And it was so good,” she said, sickeningly sweet. If I had them, my hackles would be up.

  “Oh really? Well, maybe the men you frequent are liars and cheats, but not my Grant. And what exactly are you claiming happened, Ms. Stone? I could use the laugh.”

  “Oh, you want details? He came to my room and told me how sorry he was that he had to pretend to not want me, and how upset I looked. He said he wanted to help me relax. So he started to rub my shoulders, and kept pulling my bathrobe lower so he could touch me more but then he just yanked my bathrobe completely off, fast, and moved right to my tits. He pushed me down on the bed so he could lick and suck on them. It was so fucking good. His hands and mouth are so strong. Then he moved down until he got to my panties and he ripped them off me, with his teeth. He rubbed my ass and then pushed my legs apart and fingered me until I came. I know why you don’t want to lose him. He’s amazing.”

  “I don’t believe you.” I cemented my stand. Of course this whole time I’m picturing everything in my head and the insecure part of me is freaking out. Samantha noticed my face. She put an arm around me and shook her head no.

  “Well, it’s the truth. He kissed me hard, it was so hot. Then he took his clothes off and got in bed with me. He pushed right up against my back and I felt how hard he was for me all night long.”

  My blood was boiling. I needed to stay away from Grant for the rest of the day. Not because I believed her, but just hearing her saying the words was enough to rile me up and take it out on him.

  “What’s the matter, Lanie? Nothing to say? Your man was all over me. He kept telling me how it was the best he ever had. But there was so much more.”

  “You should write porn. You can make it up so easily. Please, be my guest.”

  “He held me all night. Every once in a while he’d rub into me or grab my tits or kiss my neck. Then he got worked up and he slid himself between my legs and started to dry hump me. Oh I helped him out too and this time he let me. And when I came again? He held me until I stopped. And then I gave him something. I sucked him so good, he came in seconds, and then I sucked some more. He’s a loud one when he comes, isn’t he?”

  Lies! Lies! Lies! I couldn’t stand to listen to her lies anymore. But I had to contain my anger until this call was over. I had to make sure she didn’t know she was getting to me.

  “Brianna, your father and I have an agreement. You are no longer working with our company and you are no longer to have any contact with Grant. Not that you can, anyway.”

  “If you think we haven’t been in contact since he left, you’re out of your mind. I’m very well aware your engagement is off. And I’m not to contact him for business purposes. However, personally, I can do whatever the hell I want. And if you think for one minute I’m giving up on him now that he’s free? You’re even stupider than I thought.”

  “Ms. Stone, this conversation is over. Don’t call me again. And stay away from Grant. Our engagement is perfectly intact, so, I’m not sure where you’re getting your information. Good bye and fuck off.” I hung up and threw my phone on the bed.

  How the hell did she know Grant and I were not presently engaged? Had she been talking to him? No. It wasn’t possible. She was just trying to get my goat and she was good at it. I was even madder than before. I wanted to punch her in the face, rip her hair out.

  I filled the girls in on every detail of the call. Every single exact word said verbatim with the same tone she used. Samantha looked appalled, which I found amusing for some reason. And Chelsie looked like she was going to kill someone. I swear I saw steam coming out of her ears.

  “Are you kidding me? Who the hell does she think she is? I can’t believe you stayed so calm through that whole phone call. What the hell, Lanie?” Chelsie shouted.

  “I needed her to think she wasn’t getting to me. If I let her know anything she said was bothering me, then she won. And that bitch is not winning.” I was so fired up. I wanted to go talk to Grant, but I knew I’d only get upset with him because her words hurt me so much. What I should do is go over there and remove rule number two for the whole night. But I needed to cool down first. For one, I was trashed, and I needed to sober up a bit. If I let my emotions run wild, then something was bound to go wrong. I knew myself better than that.

  “I need to go take a shower.” I got up and started to walk out of the room.

  “You’re going to go shower? Right now?”

  “Yes, maybe a bath. Yeah, I think I’ll take a nice, long bath.” I heard Chelsie say something about calling Grant. It was fine with me. He’d find out about the call, anyway. I headed right to my room and closed the door. I sat down on the edge of my bed and stared at the picture of Grant and me on my nightstand. How the hell did this all get so messed up? Our whole lives we knew each other and nothing like the past few months had ever happened. Were Grant and I cursed? If we were together, would everything always be a struggle?

  I sighed deeply and headed for the bathroom, started my water and poured in way too much bath salt and bubble bath. I hoped I’d float away to a happier place. I undressed and stepped in. Immediately, I could feel my muscles begin to relax. I took in a deep breath and tried to let it all go when I exhaled.

  It was not going to be that easy. I thought about what she said. Then I thought about why I got so mad last night. Damn it. This was just screwing with my head. Last night was nothing like she described. Grant loved me. He wouldn’t touch her. Well, he did touch her, but nothing like she said. I closed my eyes and tried to clear my mind. I just thought of the color black; emptiness, nothingness.

  Soon, I heard a small tapping noise. I dismissed it. My mom would never bother me during a bath. Must be Woof. Then I heard the door open. I kept my eyes closed, waiting for someone to let me know they were there. Nothing. Not even breathing. I opened my eyes and jumped.

  Grant knelt beside the tub and his face was only inches from mine. He scared the shit out of me.

  “Never sneak up on someone like that, especially when they’re naked and in the bath. I could have drowned.”

>   “You could have drowned?” He laughed at me.

  “Yes. What are you doing here? Not that I’m not happy to see you or anything. I am.” I said the last two words softly.

  “I hear you’ve had a busy day. Some good and some not-so-good.” He sounded sympathetic.

  “Something like that.”

  “Chelsie told me everything. I’m so sorry, Lanie.”


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