Jesus of Nazareth

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Jesus of Nazareth Page 34

by Joseph Ratzinger

  Suffering Servant of God: n. Mysterious figure appearing in chapters 42, 49, 50, and 52 of Isaiah thought to foreshadow Christ's vicarious suffering for the sins of the world.

  Substitution: n. Christ's representing man before the Father and suffering vicariously for its sins.

  Table fellowship: n. Here Jesus' eating with sinners and tax collectors (see Mk 2:15ff) continued in the Eucharist.

  Talmud: n. Commentary on the Mishnah paired with the Bible as the core text of Jewish teaching. See Mishnah.

  Tent of Meeting: n. Tent serving as a movable temple during Israel's desert pilgrimage.

  Theophany: n. An appearance of a god or of God, such as to Moses on Mount Sinai.

  Theotokos: n. Greek for "God-bearer." Title of the Virgin Mary.

  (Throne) Accession Psalms: n. Psalms (e.g., 47, 93, 95-99) featuring the theme of God's kingship.

  Torah: n. The divine Law recorded in the first five books of the Bible.

  Trinitarian: adj. Pertaining to the Holy Trinity.

  Troparia: n. Poetic hymns in the Byzantine liturgy pertinent to the feast of the day. See Byzantine liturgy, feast.

  Vulgate: n. Latin translation of the Bible made by Saint Jerome in the late fourth and early fifth centuries.

  Wisdom Literature: n. Collective title for Ecclesiastes, Job, Proverbs, the Song of Solomon (or: Song of Songs), some Psalms, and, in the Catholic Bible, Sirach, Tobit, and Wisdom. These writings reflect on the great questions of human existence in the light of faith.

  YHWH: n. Transliteration of the consonants of the Hebrew proper name of God.


  As explained in the Foreword, this book presupposes historical-critical exegesis and makes use of its findings, but it seeks to transcend this method and to arrive at a genuinely theological interpretation of the scriptural texts. It is not the aim here to enter into the debates of historical-critical research. I have therefore made no attempt to compile a comprehensive Bibliography, which would in any case be impossible. The titles of works cited in the book are briefly indicated in the text in parentheses; full bibliographical details are given below.

  First of all, the following texts figure among the more important recent books on Jesus.

  Joachim Gnilka. Jesus von Nazareth. Botschaft und Geschichte. Herder, Freiburg, 1990.

  Klaus Berger. Jesus. Pattloch, Munich, 2004. On the basis of thorough exegetical knowledge, the author presents the figure and the message of Jesus in dialogue with the questions of the present time.

  Heinz Schurmann. Jesus. Gestalt und Geheimnis. Ed. Klaus Scholtissek. Bonifatius, Paderborn, 1994. A collection of essays.

  John P. Meier. A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus. Doubleday, New York, 1991-2001. This several-volume work by an American Jesuit is in many respects a model of historical-critical exegesis, in which the significance and the limits of the method emerge clearly. It is worth reading the review by Jacob Neusner of volume 1, "Who Needs the Historical Jesus?" in: Chronicles, July 1993, pp. 32-34.

  Thomas Soding. Der Gottessohn aus Nazareth. Das Menschsein Jesu im Neuen Testament. Herder, Freiburg, 2006. The book does not attempt to reconstruct the historical Jesus, but it presents the faith testimony of the various New Testament writings.

  Rudolf Schnackenburg. Jesus in the Gospels: A Biblical Christology. Trans. O. C. Dean Jr. Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville, 1995. Schnackenburg followed this work, which is quoted in the Foreword of the present book, with a final, small, and very personal publication, Freundschaft mit Jesus (Freiburg, 1995), in which he "puts less emphasis on what can be recognized...than on the effects that Jesus brought about in the souls and hearts of men and women"--thereby, in Schnackenburg's own words, attempting "a balancing act between reason and experience" (pp. 7f.).

  In the exegesis of the Gospels I rely principally on the individual volumes of Herders Theologischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament, which unfortunately remains incomplete.

  Extensive material on the Jesus story can be found in the six-volume work La storia di Gesu, Rizzoli, Milan, 1983-85.

  Chapter One: The Baptism of Jesus

  Paul Evdokimov. The Art of the Icon: A Theology of Beauty. Oakwood Publications, Redondo Beach, Calif., 1990. On the theology of icons and patristic texts.

  Joachim Jeremias. "Amnos." In: Theological Dictionary of the New Testament. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1964, vol. 1, pp. 338-40.

  Joachim Gnilka. Das Matthausevangelium. Erster Teil. Herder, Freiburg, 1986.

  Romano Guardini. Das Wesen des Christentums--Die menschliche Wirklichkeit des Herrn. Beitrage zu einer Psychologie Jesu. Matthias Grunewald, Mainz, 1991.

  Chapter Two: The Temptations of Jesus

  This chapter to a large extent comports with what I wrote in my book Unterwegs zu Jesus Christus (Augsburg, 2003), pp. 84-99, on Jesus' temptation. Further bibliography is indicated there.

  Vladimir Soloviev. The Antichrist. Trans. W. J. Barnes and H. H. Haynes. Floris Classics, Edinburgh, 1982.

  Joachim Gnilka. Das Matthausevangelium. Erster Teil. Herder, Freiburg, 1986.

  Chapter Three: The Gospel and the Kingdom of God

  Adolf von Harnack. What Is Christianity? Trans. Thomas Bailey Sanders. Fortress Press, Philadelphia, 1986.

  Jurgen Moltmann. Theology of Hope: On the Ground and the Implications of a Christian Eschatology. Trans. James W. Leitch. SCM Press Ltd., London, 1967.

  Peter Stuhlmacher. Biblische Theologie des Neuen Testaments, vol. 1: Grundlegung. Von Jesus zu Paulus; vol. 2: Von der Paulusschule bis zur Johannesoffenbarung. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Gottingen, 1992-99.

  Chapter Four: The Sermon on the Mount

  Jacob Neusner. A Rabbi Talks with Jesus. McGill-Queen's University Press, Montreal, 2000.

  Joachim Gnilka. Das Matthausevangelium. Erster Teil. Herder, Freiburg, 1986.

  Karl Elliger. Das Buch der zwolf Kleinen Propheten, vol. 2. Vol. 25 of Das Alte Testament Deutsch. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Gottingen, 1964 (5th ed.).

  Erich Dinkler. Signum Crucis. Aufsatze zum Neuen Testament und zur christlichen Archaologie. Mohr, Tubingen, 1967, pp. 1-54 (on the sign tau).

  Bernard of Clairvaux. Sermones in Cantica Canticorum, 26:5. See Bernard of Clairvaux, On the Song of Songs, vol. 2, trans. Kilian Walsh (Kalamazoo, Mich., 1976), p. 63. Cf. on this text and its background Henri de Lubac, Histoire et Esprit. L'Intelligence de l'Ecriture selon Origene (Paris, 1950).

  For Friedrich Nietzsche's critique of Christianity, on which an extensive literature exists, I refer to Henri de Lubac, The Drama of Atheist Humanism, trans. Edith M. Riley (Cleveland, 1963), esp. pp. 18-60.

  For the section "Compromise and Prophetic Radicalism" I am indebted for the essential insights to two hitherto unpublished essays that Professor Olivier Artus prepared for the Pontifical Biblical Commission (Paris, 2003 and 2004). For the dialectic between the two types of law--casuistic and apodictic--he refers particularly to Frank Crusemann, Die Tora (Munich, 1992).

  Chapter Five: The Lord's Prayer

  The literature on the Our Father is vast. For my exegesis I draw principally upon Joachim Gnilka, Das Matthausevangelium. Erster Teil (Freiburg, 1986).

  For the various interdisciplinary references some initial indications may be found in Florian Trenner, ed., Vater unser im Himmel (Munich, 2004).

  On the Jewish background: Meinrad Limbeck, Von Jesus beten lernen. Das Vaterunser auf dem Hintergrund des Alten Testamentes (Stuttgart, 1980).

  Jakob Josef Petuchowski and Michael Brocke. The Lord's Prayer and Jewish Liturgy. Burns & Oates, London, 1978.

  From the great wealth of spiritual commentary I would single out the too little regarded late work by Romano Guardini, Gebet und Wahrheit. Meditationen uber das Vaterunser (Wurzburg, 1960; Mainz, 1988 [3rd ed.]).

  Reinhold Schneider. Das Vaterunser. Herder, Freiburg, 1947; 1979 (6th ed.).

  Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, S.J. Der osterliche Weg. Exerzitien zur Lebenserneuerung. Herder, Freiburg, 1988, pp. 63-104.

  Carlo Maria Martini. Non sprecate parole. Esercizi spirituali con il Padre nostro. Portalupi Editore, Casale Monferrato, 2005.

  Among the commentaries on the Our Father by the Church Fathers, one of which I am particularly fond and which I therefore quote quite often is the one by Saint Cyprian of Carthage (c. 200-258), De dominica oratione, in: Thasci Caecilli Cypriani Opera Omnia, CSEL III 1, pp. 265-294. For an English edition, see The Fathers of the Church: A New Translation, vol. 36, trans. and ed. Roy J. Deferrari (New York, 1958).

  On Revelation 12-13, cf., for example, Gianfranco Ravasi, Apocalisse (Casale Monferrato, 2000 [2nd ed.]), pp. 108-30.

  Chapter Six: The Disciples

  Andre Feuillet. Etudes d'exegese et de theologie biblique. Ancien Testament. Gabalda, Paris, 1975.

  Rudolf Pesch. Das Markusevangelium. Erster Teil. Herder, Freiburg, 1976.

  Heinrich Schlier. Der Brief an die Epheser. Ein Kommentar. Patmos, Dusseldorf, 1958 (2nd ed.).

  Eugen Biser. Einweisung in das Christentum. Patmos, Dusseldorf, 1997.

  Chapter Seven: The Message of the Parables

  Joachim Jeremias. The Parables of Jesus. Trans. S. H. Hooke. SCM Press, London, 1963, rev. ed.

  Adolf Julicher. Die Gleichnisreden Jesu. 2 vols. Mohr, Tubingen, 1899; 1910 (2nd ed.).

  Charles H. Dodd. The Parables of the Kingdom. Nisbet, London, 1938 (4th ed.).

  Helmut Kuhn. "Liebe." Geschichte eines Begriffs. Kosel, Munich, 1975.

  Pierre Grelot. Les Paroles de Jesus Christ. Introduction a la Bible, Nouveau Testament, 7. Desclee, Paris, 1986.

  Saint Augustine. "Sermon 2." In: Sermons 1-19. Trans. Matthew O'Connell. New City Press, Hyde Park, N.Y., 1991.

  Chapter Eight: The Principal Images of John's Gospel


  Rudolf Bultmann. The Gospel of John: A Commentary. Trans. G. R. Beasley-Murray. Blackwell, Oxford, 1971.

  Martin Hengel. The Son of God: The Origin of Christology and the History of Jewish-Hellenistic Religion. Trans. John Bowden. Fortress Press, Philadelphia, 1976.

  Martin Hengel. The Johannine Question. Trans. John Bowden. SCM Press, London, 1989.

  Rudolf Pesch. Antisemitismus in der Bibel? Das Johannesevangelium auf dem Prufstand. Sankt Ulrich, Augsburg, 2005.

  Henri Cazelles. "Johannes. Ein Sohn des Zebedaus. 'Priester' und Apostel." In: Internationale Katholische Zeitschrift Communio 31 (2002), pp. 479-84.

  Peter Stuhlmacher. Biblische Theologie des Neuen Testaments, vol. 1: Grundlegung. Von Jesus zu Paulus; vol. 2: Von der Paulusschule bis zur Johannesoffenbarung. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Gottingen, 1992-99.

  Ulrich Wilckens. Theologie des Neuen Testaments. Neukirchener Verlag, Neukirchen-Vluyn, 2005, esp. vol. 1, pt. 4, pp. 155-58.

  Ingo Broer. Einleitung in das Neue Testament. Die Neue Echter-Bibel, Erganzungsband 2/1. Echter, Wurzburg, 1998.

  From among all the literature on Saint John's Gospel my principal source has been the three-volume commentary by Rudolf Schnackenburg, trans. David Smith and G. A. Kon (New York, 1982), from Herder's Theological Commentary on the New Testament.

  C. K. Barrett. The Gospel According to St. John. SPCK, London, 1978 (2nd ed.).

  Francis J. Moloney. Belief in the Word: Reading John 1-4. Fortress, Minneapolis, 1993.

  Francis J. Moloney. Signs and Shadows: Reading John 5-12. Fortress, Minneapolis, 1996.

  Francis J. Moloney. Glory Not Dishonor: Reading John 13-21. Fortress, Minneapolis, 1998.

  Raymond E. Brown. The Gospel According to John. 2 vols. Doubleday, Garden City, N.Y., 1966-70.


  Photina Rech. Inbild des Kosmos. Eine Symbolik der Schopfung. 2 vols. Otto Muller, Salzburg, 1966.

  Rudolf Schnackenburg. The Johannine Epistles. Crossroad, New York, 1992.

  Rudolf Schnackenburg. The Gospel According to St. John. Trans. David Smith and G. A. Kon. Crossroad, New York, 1982, esp. vol. 2, pp. 151-57.

  Hugo Rahner. Symbole der Kirche. Die Ekklesiologie der Vater. Otto Muller, Salzburg, 1964, esp. pp. 177-235.


  Besides the abovementioned commentaries on the Gospel of Saint John and the work by Photina Rech, I should like to refer especially to helpful articles by Peter Henrici, Michael Figura, Bernhard Dolna, and Holger Zaborowski in Internationale Katholische Zeitschrift Communio 35, 1 (2006).

  On Isaiah 5:1-7: Otto Kaiser, Isaiah 1-12: A Commentary, trans. John Bowden (Philadelphia, 1983).


  Christoph Schonborn. Weihnacht--Mythos wird Wirklichkeit. Meditationen zur Menschwerdung. Johannes-Verlag, Einsiedeln, 1992 (2nd ed.), esp. pp. 15-30.

  C. S. Lewis. Surprised by Joy. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York, 1942, esp. pp. 223-24.


  Joachim Jeremias. "Poimen ktl." In: Theological Dictionary of the New Testament. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1968, vol. 6, pp. 499-502.

  Karl Elliger. Das Buch der zwolf Kleinen Propheten, vol. 2. Vol. 25 of Das Alte Testament Deutsch. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Gottingen, 1964 (5th ed.), pp. 168-77.

  Frits van der Meer and Hans Sibbelee. Christus. Der Menschensohn in der abendlandischen Plastik. Herder, Freiburg, 1980, esp. pp. 21-23.

  Chapter Nine: Peter's Confession and the Transfiguration

  Rudolf Pesch. Das Markusevangelium. Zweiter Teil. Herder, Freiburg, 1977.

  Karl Jaspers. The Great Philosophers, vol. 1. Trans. Ralph Manheim. Harcourt, Brace & World, New York, 1962.

  Pierre Grelot. Les Paroles de Jesus Christ. Introduction a la Bible, Nouveau Testament, 7. Desclee, Paris, 1986, pp. 174-205.

  Bernhard Welte, ed. Zur Fruhgeschichte der Christologie. Quaestiones disputatae, 51. Herder, Freiburg, 1970. Of particular importance here is the article by Heinrich Schlier, "Die Anfange des christologischen Credo," pp. 13-58.

  Jean-Marie van Cangh and Michel van Esbroeck. La primaute de Pierre (Mt 16:16-19) et son contexte judaique. In: Revue theologique de Louvain 11 (1980), pp. 310-24.

  Hartmut Gese. Zur biblischen Theologie. Alttestamentliche Vortrage. Chr. Kaiser, Munich, 1977.

  Jean Danielou. The Bible and the Liturgy. University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, Ind., 1956.

  Harald Riesenfeld. Jesus transfigure. L'arriere-plan du recit evangelique de la transfiguration de Notre Seigneur. Munksgaard, Copenhagen, 1947, pp. 188f.

  Since this book is dedicated to the figure of Jesus, I have deliberately avoided offering a commentary on the statements regarding primacy in the context of Peter's confession. I refer in this connection to Oscar Cullmann, Peter, Disciple, Apostle, Martyr: A Historical and Theological Study (Philadelphia, 1953).

  Rudolf Pesch. Simon-Petrus. Geschichte und geschichtliche Bedeutung des ersten Jungers Jesu Christi. Hiersemann, Stuttgart, 1980.

  Rudolf Pesch. Die biblischen Grundlagen des Primats. Quaestiones disputatae 187. Herder, Freiburg, 2001.

  Joachim Gnilka. Petrus und Rom. Das Petrus bild in den ersten zwei Jahrhunderten. Herder, Freiburg, 2002.

  Martin Hengel. Der unterschatzte Petrus. Zwei Studien. Mohr Siebeck, Tubingen, 2006.

  Chapter Ten: Jesus Declares His Identity

  Ferdinand Hahn. The Titles of Jesus in Christology: Their History in Early Christianity. Trans. Harold Knight and George Ogg. James Clarke & Company, London, 2002.

  James M. Robinson. A New Quest of the Historical Jesus. SCM, London, 1959.

  Rudolf Schnackenburg. Jesus in the Gospels: A Biblical Christology. Trans. O. C. Dean Jr. Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville, 1995, pp. 52-60 (regarding the Son of Man).

  Rudolf Schnackenburg. The Gospel According to St. John. Trans. Cecily Hastings et al. Burns & Oates, London, 1980, esp. vol. 2., pp. 79-89 (the origin and meaning of the ego eimi formula) and pp. 172-86 ("The Son" as Jesus' self-designation in the Gospel of John).

  Heinrich Zimmerman. "Das absolute 'Ich bin' in der Redeweise Jesu." In: Trierer Theologische Zeitschrift 69 (1960), pp. 1-20.

  Heinrich Zimmermann. "Das absolute ego eimi als die neutestamentliche Offenbarungsfor
mel." In: Biblische Zeitschrift NF 4 (1960), pp. 54-69, 266-76.

  Regarding the context of biblical and conciliar Christology, I refer to the seminal work by Aloys Grillmeier, Christ in Christian Tradition, vol. 1: From the Apostolic Age to Chalcedon (451), trans. John Bowden (New York, 1965).


  Published in the United States by Doubleday, an imprint of The Doubleday Broadway Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York.

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  Copyright (c) 2007 by Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Citta del Vaticano

  Copyright (c) 2007 by RCS Libri S.p.A., Milan

  All Rights Reserved

  Simultaneously published in Germany as Jesus von Nazareth. This edition published by arrangement with RCS Libri S.p.A., Milan.

  English translation copyright (c) 2007 by Doubleday

  All Scriptural quotations, except for author's original translations, are from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright 1952 [2nd edition, 1971] by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission.

  Excerpts from A Rabbi Talks with Jesus, by Jacob Neusner, copyright (c) 2000 by McGill-Queen's University Press, used by permission of the publisher.

  All rights reserved.

  Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file with the Library of Congress

  eISBN: 978-0-385-52434-6



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