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Seduced by Pain: A New Adult Paranormal Romance of Shifters & Witches (Rose's Trilogy, #2) (The Seduced Saga)

Page 12

by Kimberly Kinrade

  Rose glanced at Drake and wiped the tears from her eyes.

  I raised my hand toward her cheek, but let it drop an inch away. "Rose, I have to go, but listen to me—"

  "Why should I ever listen to you?"

  "Because, I'm not Blake. Not the Blake you knew. There's more to this than you know. Your mother needs to perform a ceremony to acquire the power of the roses. A ceremony that involves a virgin sacrifice."

  Rainbow crawled toward us. "Stop. She can't know."

  "Silence." I raised my hand as if to hit her, and she twisted into a ball. "Run back to the coven, before I find another witch to do my bidding."

  Rainbow retreated out of sight, taking the other coven members and the rose bush with her.

  I turned back to Rose. "Rainbow has been using blood magic to gain more powers. That's how she brought me from the demon plane to help her."

  "You're… a demon?"

  "Yes. But Rose, there's more."

  She choked back a sob. "More? How could there be more?"

  "Your father, your real father, he was a demon. It's why you're different, and why she wanted you for the ceremony. Without you, she'll be forced to pick another sacrifice."

  "But, who? Who else could she pick who's a virgin?"

  I waited as she made the connection herself. Her jaw fell open, horror on her face. "Jasmine? She's going to use Jasmine?"

  I nodded.

  "You have to stop her. You can't let her kill my sister."

  "I have to go. I'm sorry. I'll do what I can." Yet someone will die, even if it's not Jasmine. I began walking away.

  "No, Blake. You can stay with us. With me."

  I glanced at Rose, and, for the first time, felt a heart full of agony. "No, Rose, I can't. It was foolish of me to ever think that I could."


  The Course of Love


  The course of true love never did run smooth.

  —William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream

  Dear Diary,

  Life is a complicated mix of joy and sadness, love and hate, good and evil. This soup of mixed flavors can sometimes leave a bad taste in our mouth, but then with one bite of the sweetness, we remember why we feast, why we risk it all to sample life's cuisine.

  Derek and his family are my sweetness.

  THE AFTERMATH OF the attack left two of Derek's cousins with broken ribs, an uncle with a concussion, and the rest laid up at their homes, recuperating.

  Fortunately, no one had been killed, but the dug out rose bush looked like a child's grave, and that scar in the land pulled at the stitches that held this family together.

  Several days had passed, and still no one voiced any hope that we had a chance at victory.

  As we sat around the dinner table, picking at a pot roast, David, who didn't seem the type to stay in his melancholy, explained what the loss of the roses would mean for the O'Conners. "We still control the power of the roses, though it's waning. But if the witches succeed in their ceremony, we'll lose everything: our abilities to shift, our magic, our longevity, the foundation of our lives. And it wouldn't be like becoming normal human, it's more like losing your soul. A part of us would be ripped out. We're the guardians of that ancient power, and we've failed at our task."

  Derek squeezed my knee. He'd needed more physical contact than usual lately, not that I minded. Everything around him was falling apart because of my family, but I would find a way to make it right.

  Ocean, Lauren and Tammy sat across from us. Everyone was acutely aware of the one missing family member: Dean.

  Silence hung heavy in the room as we each considered the worst case scenario. No one had mentioned the shocking revelation that I was half demon. I couldn't even wrap my head around it, let alone process out what the ramifications of that was.

  Unable to stand it, I pulled myself away from Derek and stood and paced the room, my appetite gone. "We can't give up. I spent my whole life feeling helpless against the darkness in me, but I finally learned to control it."

  That had been a fun conversation to have with my future in-laws.

  "Dean believed that I could free him from the demon plane, which means I can. I'll find a way. Father Patrick and Drake can help. Also, Ocean and I know the coven and that land better than anyone. We can get back the rose bush before the ceremony. We have to. They'll kill my sister if we don't. I won't let you lose your power, and I won't let my sister die. And… after this, if it's too much, having me here, because of the whole demon thing, or even because of the witch thing, I can go. I know this is all my fault. But please, just let me help fix it first."

  Tammy jumped up from her chair and came around the table to hug me. "You're not going anywhere. I've been surrounded by boys too long. I've always wanted a sister."

  Lauren and David joined in the hug, repeating her words. Derek smiled and reached for my hand through the mass of people. "I love you, Rose. Where you go, I go. Always."

  I sent a silent promise up to Dean that I would find him and save him.

  David smiled down at us. "Thank you, Rose, for reminding me of the truth. We can't lose hope. We have plenty of time before the solstice to plan a strategy and get the roses back. It's time to stop allowing fear to dictate our emotions."

  In the middle of that warmth, that love, that total acceptance, a little sliver of hope dug in, refusing to give way to the many fears and doubts that so often crowded it out.

  For where there was love, there would always be hope.


  Look for Seduced by Power, March 2013.

  To learn more about Sam, Drake, Father Patrick and the story behind the Rent-A-Kids, check out The Forbidden Trilogy or get the first book in the series, Forbidden Mind.

  Unlock the Secret to Rent-A-Kid

  If you're a fan of New Adult and Young Adult books with paranormal and fantasy elements, check out these three award-winning novels.


  By Kimberly Kinrade

  Winner of the Forward National Literature Award

  Get The Forbidden Trilogy on Amazon.

  Or start with Forbidden Mind on Amazon.


  "A thrilling, dark and deeply romantic read." ~ Refracted Light Young Adult Book Reviews

  "THE best trilogy I have read EVER since The Hunger Games!" ~ Sharon Hughes

  "The plot is very ALIAS and DARK ANGEL-like with X-MEN as its backdrop (awesome combo!)." ~ Sour Skittles Book Blog

  "Kinrade's talent lies in weaving stories together, telling multiple points of view with clarity and precision while making you love her characters through their humanity and unwillingness to quit no matter what." ~Patti Larsen, Author

  Those inside are special, gifted with unique abilities that make them dangerous to the outside world. Since childhood, they're trained to control their powers and to defend themselves. For years they practice, honing their gifts for one purpose: to be rented out to the highest bidder as a spy, to be used as a weapon against others.

  Sam never questions her role at the secret organization dubbed Rent-A-Kid.

  Until she meets Drake.

  She reads minds. He controls minds. Together, they might get out alive.


  *Award-Winning Book #1 - Forbidden Mind

  *Book #2 - Forbidden Fire

  *Book #3 - Forbidden Life

  *In-Depth Q&A with Author Kimberly Kinrade

  *Extensive Bonus Content (Available ONLY in this Special Edition)

  Get the whole trilogy, plus bonus content and save money... even if you already bought Forbidden Mind. This special edition gives readers the best deal with the best content!

  Get The Forbidden Trilogy on Amazon.

  Or start with Forbidden Mind on Amazon.


  Books by Andy Gavin, creator of the popular video games Crash Bandicoot and Jak & Daxter and fantasy/sci-fi author.


  By Andy Gavin

  Available now on Amazon.

  An Upper YA Time Travel Adventure with Romance!

  "A masterful storyteller, Gavin builds a solid plot with believable characters." -- Kirkus Reviews

  "Andy Gavin has fast become one of my favorite authors." -- Kimberly Kinrade, author of The Forbidden Trilogy

  "A time travel romance-mystery-steampunkish-science fiction-coming of age story with an endearing set of characters." -- Mallory Heart Reviews

  Charlie’s the kind of boy that no one notices. Hell, even his own mother can’t remember his name. And girls? The invisible man gets more dates.

  As if that weren’t enough, when a mysterious clockwork man tries to kill him in modern day Philadelphia, and they tumble through a hole into 1725 London, Charlie realizes even the laws of time don’t take him seriously.

  Still, this isn’t all bad. In fact, there’s this girl, another time traveler, who not only remembers his name, but might even like him! Unfortunately, Yvaine carries more than her share of baggage: like a baby boy and at least two ex-boyfriends! One’s famous, the other’s murderous, and Charlie doesn’t know who is the bigger problem.

  When one kills the other — and the other is nineteen year-old Ben Franklin — things get really crazy. Can their relationship survive? Can the future? Charlie and Yvaine are time travelers, they can fix this — theoretically — but the rules are complicated and the stakes are history as we know it.

  And there's one more wrinkle: he can only travel into the past, and she can only travel into the future!

  Get your copy today on Amazon.


  By Andy Gavin

  Available now on Amazon.

  An award-winning dark fantasy

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  "Wonderfully twisted sense of humor" -- Kirkus Reviews

  "This is a story that is rich in visual and verbal treasures. The Darkening Dream is an unbelievable first novel." -- Vampire Librarian

  Even as the modern world pushes the supernatural aside in favor of science and steel, the old ways remain. God, demon, monster, and sorcerer alike plot to regain what was theirs.

  1913, Salem, Massachusetts – Sarah Engelmann’s life is full of friends, books, and avoiding the pressure to choose a husband, until an ominous vision and the haunting call of an otherworldly trumpet shake her. When she stumbles across a gruesome corpse, she fears that her vision was more of a premonition. And when she sees the murdered boy moving through the crowd at an amusement park, Sarah is thrust into a dark battle she does not understand.

  With the help of Alex, an attractive Greek immigrant who knows a startling amount about the undead, Sarah sets out to uncover the truth. Their quest takes them to the factory mills of Salem, on a midnight boat ride to spy on an eerie coastal lair, and back, unexpectedly, to their own homes. What can Alex’s elderly, vampire-hunting grandfather and Sarah’s own rabbi father tell them? And what do Sarah’s continuing visions reveal?

  No less than Gabriel’s Trumpet, the tool that will announce the End of Days, is at stake, and the forces that have banded to recover it include a 900 year-old vampire, a trio of disgruntled Egyptian gods, and a demon-loving Puritan minister. At the center of this swirling cast is Sarah, who must fight a millennia-old battle against unspeakable forces, knowing the ultimate prize might be her very soul.

  Pick up your copy on Amazon.

  Books by Kimberly Kinrade

  Also from Kimberly Kinrade & Dmytry Karpov

  The Seduced Saga

  Seduced by Innocence by Kimberly Kinrade

  Seduced by Pain by Kimberly Kinrade

  Seduced by Power* by Kimberly Kinrade

  Seduced (The Seduced Saga 1-3, Rose's Story)* by Kimberly Kinrade

  Seduced by the Sea (The Seduced Saga, Ocean's Story)

  Confessions of a Splintered Heart* (A Contemporary New Adult Romance by Kimberly Kinrade)

  The Kiss Me Series

  Kiss Me in Paris by Kimberly Kinrade

  The Forbidden Trilogy

  Forbidden Mind (The Forbidden Trilogy, #1) by Kimberly Kinrade

  Forbidden Fire (The Forbidden Trilogy, #2) by Kimberly Kinrade

  Forbidden Life (The Forbidden Trilogy, #3) by Kimberly Kinrade

  The Forbidden Trilogy (Omnibus Edition) by Kimberly Kinrade

  Sunrise & Nightfall by Kimberly Kinrade & Dmytry Karpov *

  Short Stories

  Sapphire Eyes (An Erotic Short Story)

  Only Forever (A Romantic Short Story Inspired by True Events)

  Son of Destiny (An Urban Fantasy Short Story)

  Eye of Newt (A Fantasy Short Story) with Dmytry Karpov

  The Hunter Riley Series

  The Black Thorn (Hunter Riley Series, #1) by Kimberly Kinrade & Dmytry Karpov

  The Fallen Trilogy

  Blood of the Fallen (The Fallen Trilogy, #1) by Kimberly Kinrade & Dmytry Karpov *

  Tears of the Fallen (The Fallen Trilogy, #2) by Kimberly Kinrade & Dmytry Karpov *

  Flight of the Fallen (The Fallen Trilogy, #3) by Kimberly Kinrade & Dmytry Karpov *

  The Chronicles of Corinne

  Death by Destiny by Kimberly Kinrade & Dmytry Karpov

  Myths of Magic by Kimberly Kinrade & Dmytry Karpov

  Paths to Power by Kimberly Kinrade & Dmytry Karpov

  The Reluctant Familiar Series

  The Reluctant Familiar (The Reluctant Familiar, #1) by Kimberly Kinrade*

  The Egyptian Queen (Prequel) by Kimberly Kinrade*

  The Three Lost Kids Series

  Lexie World (The Three Lost Kids Special Edition Trilogy - Illustrated)

  Bella World (The Three Lost Kids Special Edition Trilogy - Illustrated)

  Maddie World (The Three Lost Kids Special Edition Trilogy - Illustrated)

  The Three Lost Kids & The Death of the Sugar Fairy

  The Three Lost Kids & The Christmas Curse

  The Three Lost Kids & Cupid's Capture

  Bits of You & Pieces of Me by Kimberly Kinrade

  * Coming Soon


  First and foremost, thank you to my husband, Dmytry Karpov. He's part story consultant, part editor, part formatter, part cover artist and 100% inspiration for the juicier parts of this book. I couldn't do what I do without him by my side.

  A huge thank you to all my amazing fans who have supported my work and joined me in celebrating the launch of this series. You've shared this book, told your friends, and been so amazing on this journey. It's for you that I write these books.

  To my parents, who are still proud of me even though my books have sex in them now. (I know you're reading this, Mom!)

  Oh, and a note from the author: I have the best parents and most amazing family. The extreme dysfunction in this book is not based on real life. I get to make stuff up, remember?

  Finally, my deepest gratitude to Vickie Dold of IO Book Tours and Daring Books Design & Marketing for supporting my work and looking for ways to give my books more visibility, and to Jan Rippingale, for believing in me even when I didn't believe in myself.

  About Kimberly Kinrade

  Kimberly Kinrade was born with ink in her veins and magic in her heart. As a child, where others saw shapes in clouds, she saw words. But she was also an entrepreneur at heart. So when her business arrangement with the Tooth Fairy ended, she went pro by writing her fantastical stories and selling them to all her neighbors.

  Fast forward… um… many years and many college degrees later… and she is now a published author after a long career as a journalist and freelance writer.

  Though she has written in many genres and fields, she's most passionate about the world of romance, paranormal and fantasy where she writes award-winning books for children, teens and adults.

  When Kimberly's not writing, editing and writing some more, she runs Daring Books Design & M
arketing with her husband.

  Kimberly lives with her three little girls who think they are princess ninjas with hidden supernatural powers, her two dogs who think they are human, her two cats who think they are gods (and probably are) and the one man who is her husband, soul mate and writing and business partner—Dmytry Karpov.

  Find her at

  On Twitter: @KimberlyKinrade

  On Facebook: /KimberlyKinrade

  And subscribe to her newsletter for special perks. For a fun fan-based experience, check out and become an Agent-in-Training with International Paranormal Investigations.

  Available Now from Kimberly Kinrade


  An erotic short story

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  We are pulled to each other like magnets. Or moths to a flame perhaps? Let's hope the burn doesn't scorch too badly. Can you handle the heat?

  Time and space disappear and we are alone. The where is irrelevant. Only the who is of any consequence. You and I. For now. Until such a time that there is no you and I to speak of. Bodies merged into one.

  And then we dance.


  Escape into this erotic short story by award-winning, bestselling author, Kimberly Kinrade and get lost in the seduction that can happen between heartbeats.


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