Beautiful Chase

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Beautiful Chase Page 13

by MJ Nightingale


  Blaze was thrilled with her confidences. She was opening up, talking about her mom and her aunt, and letting him know how tragedy had struck her not once, but twice this past year. He knew it was three times, but he didn't expect her to mention the robbery. He confided in her about the loss of his parents as well.

  He was surprised when he choked up a bit in the telling, as it had been so long ago. She came and sat beside him on the porch and they shared a tender kiss.

  Eventually they got around to discussing their past experiences. After pouring another glass of wine for each of them, he spoke first. He'd told her about Nicole, about finding her sleeping with someone else. He admitted it didn't bother him when he caught her with a woman, but it hurt so badly because she was a close friend to them both.

  Bella told him about Anthony. The initial attraction had faded quickly, and even though she dated him over a year, she knew rather quickly he was not the person she could spend her life with. He was too immature, had no direction, and needed to be constantly surrounded by people and attention. She liked quiet times, just two people being together.

  Blaze didn’t know why he asked his next question. It just came out. "What kind of man do you see yourself with in the future?" He needed to know, and he didn't know why. He was beginning to think of a future with her possibly in it. It terrified him.

  He could see the buildup of moisture in her eyes, and knew this would be a hard question for her. He was sure she was picturing her life alone.

  When she didn't answer, he asked another question hoping it would encourage her to tell her tale. It didn't. She shook her head, and looked down, wiping the tears from her eyes.

  "I'm sorry Bella. I probably shouldn't have asked. I don't know what this is between us, but, I do like you. I like you a lot. I just want to get to know you better." He didn’t want his questions to hurt her, but he could see they had.

  "Please stop, Blaze. I'm enjoying this time with you very much. More than you will ever know . . . but there is probably no future for us. You don’t even live in this area, and this is where I’m making my life." Her voice got stronger as she spoke, and she was able to meet his eyes eventually. She didn’t want to mislead him. She wanted to be as honest as she could.

  It pained him; she was using the past tense like he was gone, and already preparing for him to leave her life even though he understood why. It still bothered him, but he wanted to give her hope.

  "Bella. I'm not that far. I think I'd like to keep in touch, maybe we can. . ." She was shaking her head.

  "No, please, can we just enjoy the here and now, and let the future take care of itself.” Getting up and brushing the debris of the porch off her pants, she'd had to stop him. She didn't want to give him false hope. She knew she was falling for him, and didn’t expect him to fall for her and make promises she couldn’t let him keep.

  "Okay, Bella." Blaze knew when to quit, but he was surprised at how hurt he felt. She had turned from him, and was rubbing her hands up and down her arms. The night air had a chill tonight, and he hadn't realized the wind had picked up some. He smelled electricity in the air, and a second later, he felt the first plop of rain. Then a clap of thunder roared, and lightening sizzled directly overhead in the night and brought lightness to the dark.

  Bella jumped at the booming crescendo. These summer storms came up suddenly in the hills, and they still frightened her as if she were a child. She turned around and flung herself against Blaze. He immediately grasped her, shocked at first, and held her close as he steered her inside. He could feel her heart beating in her chest. "Are you afraid of storms, Bella?" How easy it was to call her by that name. It was how he always thought of her, and she was beautiful. His Bella.

  "Yes." She shivered against his chest, hanging on for dear life.

  "Can I do something to make you forget about the storm outside?" he whispered into her hair. And the storm inside your heart?

  She looked up at him, flashes of blue meeting green, like two oceans colliding, and then came her response. "Yes. You can.” She reached for him and slipped her hands into his hair pulling his face to her. She pressed her lips against his until he opened for her and soon the only electricity they noticed was what happened every time they touched.

  He'd seen the stark need in her eyes, and he wanted to fill it. Allowing her to plunder, ravage his mouth, he began to unfasten his buckle, and his pants, and then he began to work on her clothes while walking her backwards. He kissed her back, and only broke it to tear her shirt over her head. Then he gave her his mouth once more, while he reached to clasp one breast and caressed it, teasing her nipple to keep her distracted from the growing claps of thunder and lightning. The storm was beginning to rage, and so was she—so was he.

  He pinched her nipple until she cried out, and he swallowed her cry, breaking the kiss to take her nipple into his mouth. He soothed it, and then bit it again. He would make her forget. Forget about all of it. At least for a little while. She was moaning and gasping, and shivering in response. He took her down to the floor. The bedroll was waiting for them. When he had her on her back, he teased the other nipple, taking turns biting and sucking, as she gripped his hair and moaned his name.

  Blaze’s teeth and tongue were driving her wild. He was biting her hard, then licking and teasing and sucking, and she couldn't believe the sensations it was evoking within her. She had already forgotten the storm outside. He was sending currents of sizzling heat from her nipples to her pussy already beginning to clench with desire and anticipation. She almost cried out when he abandoned her breast, but he began to trail and nuzzle her abdomen, and that too felt strangely exciting, and her abdomen fluttered in response to his ministrations.

  His tongue bathed a trail all the way down to her panty line. And she gasped at the excitement building up in her, when it finally dawned on her what he was about to do.

  She tightened up, "No."

  He pushed her back down, using one hand, and then distracted her by playing with her nipple. "Yes," was his guttural response as he used his other hand to yank and tear away the cheap cotton panties she wore.

  Bella was scared and excited at the same time. No one had ever done this before. She and Anthony had regular sex, as far as she was concerned. It had been nice and all, but Blaze knew and did things she'd only read about in books. He was definitely more experienced.

  She felt him part her, she felt so incredibly vulnerable with his face inches away from her exposed womanhood. When his hand left her breast, she experienced another moment of panic, but Blaze didn't stop. He just encouraged her to relax, and asked her to part her legs wider. She did, allowing either leg, bent at the knee to flop sideways, but the moment his tongue darted into her pussy her body reacted with a mind of its own and she jolted up off the floor.

  Blaze briefly looked up, "You okay?"

  "I've never done this before," she admitted between clenched teeth.

  His smile lit up the room. "Well, you just keep telling yourself to relax. Try holding onto the sheets or my hair if you like. I promise, you will like it. And breathe." He winked at her and then disappeared. When his tongue darted at her once more, she jumped again, but not as intensely as before. She remembered his words then forced her body to relax, as he began to lap at her slowly at first. The sensations were strange, but soon she could feel her excitement building. His tongue was soft, and as he licked her clit. He would drag his tongue across it, and then he would release and repeat the motion again increasing the pressure each time. Sometimes he would dart his tongue around it, and then other times he made direct contact that caused her heart to beat abnormally. Her breath was coming faster and she felt herself getting wetter and wetter. She felt a warm tingling from deep within her beginning to build. She desperately wanted to close her legs, but left them open, as his tongue licked her clit, over and over again. Bella felt his finger parting her folds, and he was stroking her inside her pussy, first with one finger and then there we
re two. The added pressure intensified her excitement. Her hands at first clenching the sheets on either side of her, were now in his hair, and she was panting, holding him closer, and pushing her pelvis to his face so she could have more—she was going crazy. And all of a sudden, she felt the explosion coming. Fast. She was going to come.

  "Oh, my god, Blaze, Blaze, yes!" she screamed. Her pussy convulsed around his fingers, and he continued to lap at her until the spasms ceased. Eventually he settled her back down onto the make shift mattress below them. Bella could not believe how fast and how hard she had come. She didn’t think she would ever be able to catch her breath.

  It seemed Blaze wasn't through with her. He gripped her ass, and continued to stroke his fingers in and out of her, and he continued to suck on her clit. This time he was going slower. His tongue was circling her clit, round and round. Then just as quickly as before, she felt herself coming undone again and again while he feasted and lavished her pussy with his tongue.

  "What? What? Oh my God!” Bella panted. She was going to come again. She could feel it building. And he was ramming her with his hand, fucking her with his fingers, and rubbing his face on her clit furiously. "Holy mother, yessss," she screamed. This time it seemed like it was never going to stop. Wave after wave of pure bliss washed through her. Her body was racked with an orgasm so powerful it left her dazed as she collapsed limply onto the bed roll. It took quite some time before her heart returned to normal and she realized Blaze was now beside her, holding her body close until the thundering in her subsided.

  Blaze was thrilled he had been her first at something so special and intimate.

  He’d cleaned himself off using his shirt, and took her in his arms. His Bella. He knew he has beginning to care too much, but she was easy to love. He wanted her to be his, and even though he knew he shouldn't think of her that way, he did.

  He felt her come down from her high as she began to stroke his chest and kiss him softly while he held her.

  "Bella," he whispered not wanting her to stop, but needing to say it. "It’s crazy this thing between us, but I think I'm falling. . ."

  "Please don't," she murmured, interrupting him and felt horrible for stopping him in what she felt was going to be a poignant confession of some sort. She couldn’t let him make any promises. She couldn’t say anything to hold him to her. It wouldn’t be fair. She continued to kiss him to soften the blow. Her hand slipped inside his underwear and she began to fondle his cock. It was already at rigid attention. "Tomorrow, we can talk. Tomorrow. Just give me one more day with no worries. Tonight just love me." He nodded past the tightness he felt in his heart, and agreed to her conditions. He already suspected tonight he would love her, and tomorrow wouldn’t be any different. Or the day after that.

  Blaze knew he wanted to give her the world. And because of that, he just might be fucked.

  Bella woke feeling surprisingly refreshed. The storm had raged overhead, and Blaze had kept her quite distracted all night long.

  She was up before him, and decided to make him breakfast. He'd stocked her kitchen so fully, she had plenty to choose from and wanted to do something special for him in return. The first thing she did was plug in the two cup coffee maker he'd purchased. This was something she’d missed. While it brewed, she prepared the makings of a veggie and cheese omelet. She waited for the sausage links to cook, then poured in her egg mixture into the pan, and covered it to let the egg cook. After two minutes she layered the egg with thin slices of zucchini, and mushrooms, and a slice of American cheese.

  The aroma of the coffee woke Blaze. "Mmm," he murmured winking one eye open. "Smells good.” He watched Bella puttering around the kitchen wearing his t-shirt and nothing else. “You look even better,” he smiled.

  “I was trying to surprise you,” she laughed as she flipped the omelet.

  “Thank you,” he replied as he sat up and proceeded to get up the rest of the way. He was completely naked and Bella blushed as he made no attempt to cover himself. She quickly turned to focus on her task at hand.

  Blaze laughed at her modesty, but took his time reaching for his boxers and the pants he'd worn yesterday.

  As he began to pull them on, Bella couldn't help but sneak a peek and admire his body. He was literally amazing. He had the best chest, and chiseled abs of anyone she'd seen on the Florida beaches she loved to frequent. She looked lower, and saw a fine trail of dark hair descend down his torso.

  "Like what you see," he teased, catching her staring.

  Bella blushed once more and apologized.

  "Don't apologize. There is nothing to be ashamed of. You can look at me like that anytime."

  Bella felt like she was a peeping tom caught in the act. She could feel her cheeks burning. Once more she turned and tried to change the subject. "Breakfast will be ready soon, why don't you go freshen up?"

  Blaze laughed again, but as he rubbed his hands over three days’ worth of bristle, he couldn’t help but adding, "God, what I wouldn't give for a shower and a shave."

  That gave Bella an idea. She carefully checked her omelet one more time. The cheese was nearly melted. She needed to figure how to lure him to where she wanted to take him. “I can warm some water for you to shave,” she offered.

  “Mmm, sounds good. I do have my kit. Right after breakfast though. I’m starved, and that really does smell delicious.” He approached her from behind and pulled her to him. “Good morning, Bella. He kissed her cheek, and then swatted her ass playfully. Yup, still no underwear. His morning hard on got harder and he pressed it into her backside enjoying the sensations.

  “Hey, now. The eggs will get cold.” She laughed as he began to caress her ass cheek, and nuzzle her neck. She felt his cock pressed up against her and was tempted to dump the eggs in the sink.

  “Okay, but maybe after I shave, then?” He pulled back to her green eyes sparkling.

  “Maybe,” she teased in return whipping her spatula before her. She really enjoyed this playful side of Blaze. He was serious when he needed to be, but also caring and attentive in everything he did. But his lighter side brightened his whole countenance and disposition. She wanted the whole day to be like this. It’s what she’d always fantasized a relationship should be like. She would always cherish the time they had together, however brief it might be.

  Blaze gave her one more kiss on the cheek, then picked up his duffle and headed to the bathroom to do as she suggested. That gave her time to finish preparing breakfast and then plan how she would make his dream of getting a shower a reality. He was planning on cooking for her for dinner tonight to celebrate the Fourth of July, but they had all morning and afternoon. She felt bad she hadn't gotten her shower and plumbing fixed yet, but this she knew would be expensive. She was fine with her baths for now, but she had also discovered, on her property, a beautiful hidden waterfall in a secluded nook on her property.

  She decided after breakfast she would suggest giving him a tour. She had over forty acres. She’d bring a blanket and inside she’d put two towels and some body wash she purchased from Clara. If he asked about the blanket, she’d say it was in case they got tired and needed to sit down and have a break. They were both still recovering from ankle injuries after all. Yes, she thought happily, as she plated the omelets, Blaze would get both his shave and a shower. Quite a spectacular one.


  Two weeks ago, she’d needed some fresh air and a break from all of her work indoors, so she’d set off to explore the limits of her property as indicated by the paperwork she’d found in her mother’s safe. On the very outer edge, along its western border, she discovered a stream, and she’d followed it to its source. She'd been amazed at her discovery. The small stream lead to a pool of water formed by a breathtaking cascade of water pouring down from the top of a cliff. It was probably a good fifty foot drop in her estimation. It was a modest cascade by any means but for a quick, cold, albeit refreshing shower it would do the trick. Blaze could have his shower. Thankfully, it was summ
er and the water was cool, but not so frigid it made one’s teeth chatter. She knew at these elevations in the winter it would be quite frosty. She was looking forward very much to surprising Blaze.

  She’d gone there herself and showered twice and found it to be quite invigorating.

  It was secluded and would provide them with a nice outing, and an interesting way to spend the day. She blushed at her sinful thoughts just as he emerged from the bathroom.

  The omelets were done to perfection and she brought them to the table as he joined her. He reached for the coffee pot and filled the mugs she had placed beside the plates.

  "I'm glad you like coffee. I live off the stuff, but didn’t know if the coffee pot would be useful. That’s why I only bought a two cupper. Everything looks great,” he added, already picking up his fork.

  "That’s one of the purchases I'm so glad you made," she admitted. She still wasn't comfortable with all he had done for her, but the small coffee pot was something she didn't regret. She’d kept meaning to buy one, but every time she went to the thrift store she always forgot.

  “I’m glad I did too.” He was digging in. Bella’s omelets were delicious. She was a great cook, and she was full of surprises. It made him want more. More in his life. Like Bella.


  "You gotta pretty big place here, Bella. What are you planning to do with it all?" Blaze asked as they walked along what appeared to be an old horse trail. He was curious how she planned to support herself. The aunt had paid the taxes for the next ten years, he'd noticed when he'd read Angela's report. But, he knew she couldn't have brought much cash. Her accounts had been frozen, and she only had a few thousand in her own. Perhaps her mom had given her some before she passed, and she may have had some money at home lying around and possibly jewelry she planned to sell. He could see she lived frugally. She’d mentioned a small inheritance, but he had no idea where the money had been kept.


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