The Pleasure Cruise

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The Pleasure Cruise Page 2

by Red Rose Publishing

  “Lucky?” Raine shook her head.

  “Yeah, lucky! I mean, if I won a hundred thousand dollars, I know I’d feel lucky!”

  Raine couldn’t help but to stand in awe at the woman’s admission. I just won money? I got the thrill of my life and I won some? This cruise can’t get any better than this!

  “See, I told you we we’re lucky together.” He gave her wink and sucked the remaining of her nectar from his lip.

  “I guess you were right?” she agreed.

  “You’ll see I’m right about a lot of things.”

  She arched her eyebrow. “We’ll see.”

  “Yes, mama, we sure will see.” Miguel kissed her cheek and she inhaled his cologne.

  “You smell good,” she whispered.

  “Not as good as you taste,” he countered. “Come on, let’s go cash in your chips.” In one sweep of his large hand, he swooped them in a plastic bucket and then handed them to Raine.

  Holding her winnings had Raine a bit hypersensitive, but walking next to Miguel calmed her. Her shoulders tensed as they walked past a group of drunken men. Miguel wrapped his big arm around her, shielding her from their glances.

  “Don’t worry,” he said, standing behind her. “I got you.” He slapped her ass playfully.

  Raine moved up in line. She enjoyed his hand resting on her hips.

  “So what’s next, big papa?”

  “I’m thinking exploration of the island tomorrow after breakfast. How’s that sound?”

  She put the bucket on the counter and pushed it towards the woman.

  “Wow, big winner!” the woman said, not even looking up from her digital counting machine. “How would you like this money -- cash or stored on your travel card?”

  “Can you split in half?”

  “You mean fifty thousand on your travel card and the same amount stored in cash in the vault?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I want.” Raine smiled. Never had she enjoyed having such a windfall of money. The thought exploring the island with Miguel tomorrow made her nub tingle.

  After the transaction, they moved off so the people behind could approach the counter. Miguel slid his arm through hers. “Let me walk you to your room, okay?”

  She loved the way he took control. “Okay, but you’re not coming in.” She wagged her finger at him.

  “Yeah, all right, not tonight, but tomorrow’s a different story.”

  As they walked down the narrow, dimmed hallway, they laughed and joked. Even in the shallow light he looked so handsome. He dwarfed her small frame and his shoulders seemed to take up the entire length of the corridor. If he’s right and we do end up having sex, he’s going to suffocate me! She swallowed a small giggle.

  “What’s so funny?” he asked.

  “Nothing, it’s a private joke.”

  He nudged her and they both shared a laugh. Raine stopped at her cabin and flashed a pearly smile.

  “This is me,” she stated touching the door.

  “Really? That’s funny.” He looked up at the ceiling.

  “Why is that?” she asked leaning her back against the doorframe. She glanced up, trying to follow his gaze.

  “What are you staring at, Miguel?”

  “Well…” He braced his body with his hand as he leaned closer to her. “It looks like I’m on top.”

  “On top of what?” Raine asked, sensing his longing for her.

  Again he glanced upwards.

  “Oh, I get it.” She chuckled. “You’re really in the room above mine?”

  “Yep, I’m hoping you moan loud enough so I can get a preview.”

  “Well, I guess you’re going to have to wait and see. I am a woman of many surprises.” She spun around and swiped her keycard. “Goodnight, Miguel. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “For breakfast?” he asked, his eyes sparkling at her.

  “Maybe.” She flashed him a smile then gently shut the door.

  How funny is that, our cabins are not that far apart. It’s almost kismet. I wonder what it would be like if he were “on top”!

  Raine slipped out of her clothes and after a long shower, she jumped in the bed. She smiled when the slow R&B music filtered out from her stereo, filling her room. Slowly, she closed her eyes and started to drift off to sleep.

  Chapter Three

  The next morning, Raine awoke feeling refreshed. She could feel the wings of butterflies tickling her stomach. Why am I so nervous?

  She threw the blankets back and went into the bathroom to take a shower. Dressed in a pair of jean shorts with a sparkly tank top and sneakers, she slid the keycard into her back pocket and headed out the door. Once in the hallway, she realized she didn’t know where to meet Miguel for breakfast. Oh, that’s just great! After all that flirting I forgot to ask him! As the thought sank in, her eyes caught the image of a big, bulky figure walking towards her. In seconds, she knew it was Miguel.

  “You waiting for me, mami?”

  “Nope,” she lied.

  “Well, that’s good. I wouldn’t want you waiting for a long time.” He winked at her. “Here ya go.” He placed a beautiful wildflower behind her ear. “It adds to your outfit.”

  “Thanks.” She touched the flower. Its scent reminded her of fresh strawberries.

  “Are you hungry?”

  “Famished,” she replied.

  “Great, let’s get a nice breakfast and then head out. We’re in Cozumel now and we could visit the Mayan ruins, if you’re interested?”

  “I definitely am interested.” She smiled and then walked down the hall. Her heart fluttered when she realized he was following her.

  They sat and ate breakfast together, their laughter coming easily. After breakfast, the two took off to explore the pleasures and excitements that the island paradise had to offer.

  Miguel and Raine stood with a small group of cruisers, listening to the natives telling them about the recreated ruins. The couple stood nearly at the back of the crowd. She felt Miguel’s warm fingers tracing along her lower back, tickling her skin.

  “Come on,” Miguel whispered, slightly tugging at her arm.

  “Where?” Raine asked absently, listening attentively to the guides.

  “Come on, let’s lose those guys and go exploring ourselves.”

  “And if we get lost, then what?”

  “Then we’ll find our way back, promise.” His green eyes flickered.

  Raine looked at the crowd, then at her Spanish hottie. She exhaled and threw her cautions to the wind.

  “All right, Miguel, you better be right.”

  “No worries, mami,” Miguel said, slipping his arm around her shoulder tightly. She loved his use of the endearment. The way he said it sounded so sexy and made her hold onto him as if she needed to be protected.

  “Yeah, no worries, papi,” she joked as they walked together.

  Soon they found themselves lost in the Mayan jungles of Cozumel. Miguel smelled like Drakkar Noir, her favorite male cologne. He wore a white tank with a striped, buttoned-up shirt over it. She looked down at his rock-hard calves and suddenly thought about being alone with him. Everything on his body is big. I wonder how large his package is? She enjoyed being close to him.

  As they walked the trail, Raine nuzzled up against him and Miguel turned her towards him. Hours in the jungle felt like being lost in a corn maze. They walked and walked while getting deeper into the woods. Raine swatted away a plethora of blood-sucking insects as her eyes darted for an escape route.

  ”You are beautiful. I have seen many women, but never have I gazed upon a woman who looks so exquisite.”

  Raine blushed and shook her head. “You’re just trying to get laid,” she said jokingly, attempting to change the subject.

  “Well, maybe, but right now I am being honest. When we get back to ship, come dancing with me tonight.”

  She loved his heavy Spanish accent and when she looked into those green eyes, she felt as if she were all alone on the planet with him. H
er body shivered slightly. Of course I’ll go to dinner with you, but I’m not gonna let you know how bad I want to go! She wasn’t stupid; instead, she liked to play hard to get. To play, flirt, chase, was very fun and Miguel was clearly interested in playing along.

  “That’s if you can get us back to the ship,” she said, winking at him, then sauntered down the trail.

  “Naw, mama, I will get us back,” he whispered as he came up behind her, rubbing his hands slowly against her. “Come on.”

  He grabbed her hand. Crazy thoughts of the cruise leaving without them filled her mind as they walked through the lush green leaves. Her heart pounded with each step Raine took, so consumed she was by her thoughts. Maybe if she hadn’t watched all those funky horror movies, she wouldn’t be so paranoid right now. Yet to her utter surprise, Miguel had led them right onto a main road. He turned to her and smirked self-assuring.

  Damn, he’s fine!

  “And?” she asked, strutting past him, trying not to let him know how thankful she truly was.

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought,” he chided from behind her.

  Miguel loved to watch her walk away. Her body was amazing. Raine was short but her body was quite unique, especially the color of skin. She’d told him she had African and Cherokee ancestry, which produced her cocoa complexion and slanted brown eyes. Her hair was black as a starless night and hung straight down her back. Her full lips only accentuated her beautifully bright smile. Miguel loved the fact she was so small. He had been with many women, but this one was different.

  She was virgin-like.

  He had so many tricks he was going to show her. She needed a freak in her life, and he was glad as hell to be the one to make her freak flag fly high. Absolutely!

  She elbowed him playfully as they boarded the cruise ship. “What are you thinking about?”

  “I am thinking about what you’re going to wear…when we go out tonight?” He walked backwards towards the elevator.

  She shook her head and then shrugged her shoulders. “What time?”

  “I will come get you at nine. Be ready, mama.”

  Back in her cabin, Raine undressed and jumped in to the shower. The hot water felt great against her skin. She ran her hands over her body, loving the softness of her skin. As she turned and let the hot water massage her back, her thoughts turned to Miguel. He was gorgeous and he smelled good, even in the middle of a damn jungle! She giggled washing her hair.

  Raine knew her time to rest and get ready was limited so she didn’t stand underneath the steamy water for too long. She quickly got out and wrapped her fluffy, red towel around her torso. Still having no idea what she was going to wear, she rushed to the closet to check out her wardrobe. She paced back and forth for a moment. I didn’t pack any sexy clothes for meetings with hot guys. She rummaged through all of her clothes until she found a little red number.

  She pulled it off the hanger and held the dress up to her chest. The sexy red dress made her dark skin glow. Wonderful. Raine tossed the dress on the bed and donned on her sheer, red matching bra and panties. She admired her tight butt as she tugged up her underwear. She turned around, adjusted her breasts in the bra, and bit her lip. Before she could second guess herself, she slipped into the dress.

  After admiring the dress again, she walked into the bathroom to do her hair. In mid-stroke she heard a light tapping on the door. Damn. She checked herself out, sprayed her favorite perfume, then went to open the door.

  Chapter Four

  Miguel had changed from his earlier attire into a black shirt that was opened just enough to make a woman wonder what was going on inside it. His pants were also black and tight enough to show his rippled leg muscles.

  He stood there in awe of Raine’s beauty. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. Though he’d seen her earlier in the day, tonight it seemed as if he were seeing her for the first time. Miguel licked his thick lips, making a low, smacking noise like he’d just finished a stack of pancakes covered in maple syrup. He couldn’t take his eyes off this dark-skinned beauty. The brilliant crimson color of the dress made her glow. I wonder if she tastes like chocolate. He fought the urge to rip the material off of her.

  “You look good,” he said appreciatively.

  “Well, thanks.” She backed up, making sure he could see her clearly.

  “Come on, let’s go,” he said, pulling her out the door.

  When they got into the elevator, Miguel could not keep his hands off her. Raine stood with her back against Miguel’s chest as he kissed her exposed shoulders.

  “You smell good too,” he murmured, gently kissing her neck. She arched her back a little, then slightly turned her head to him.

  “So do you,” she replied in a seductive voice.

  Miguel grabbed her face and kissed her passionately on her soft lips. While he kissed her, she rubbed her firm ass against his hard member. He pulled her head backwards and began licking her neck while his hands moved teasingly down her dress.

  Raine started breathing harder. She nibbled on his ear as the elevator door opened. Her face blushed and she buried her head under Miguel’s neck. The new people giggled and chatted excitedly about trying their luck at the casino, but Miguel paid them no mind, sliding his hand inside her panties.

  Raine gasped as he slowly rubbed her exposed clitoris. He held her body against his with one of his large hands while the other continuously rubbed her wet jewel, causing her to moan softly.

  Raine turned her head to stare him in the eye. Miguel smiled at her and pushed his finger inside her. It took all of her strength not to groan out in pleasure. She looked around at the strangers surrounding them. They didn’t suspect Miguel’s thick digit would soon be covered with her crème.

  Miguel thrust his finger in harder. She moved her thin waist around, pushing down on it. He bit her back as she exploded. She leaned her head against his chest as her breathing became steady again. Slowly he took his hand out of her panties.

  As he did, the elevator doors opened and the people flooded out, leaving them alone once more. She felt as if she were about to jump out of her skin with desire. That was the hottest thing I’ve ever done. He stood there staring at her while licking her sweet juices from his fingers.

  Raine tilted her head to the side. Throwing any inhibitions she had to the wind, she kissed him with all the fire that burned inside her.

  Miguel held her as she pressed her body hard against his. She wanted him to take her right here in the damn elevator. But once again, the doors opened. This time, she pulled him out and dragged him towards the club.

  Raine could hear the salsa music playing loudly in the dance hall. This was going to be great! she thought as she pulled him onto the dance floor.

  They glided across it, their bodies intertwining gracefully together. She drew closer to him, almost as if she were going to kiss him, but then at the last moment she’d pull away. They teased each other all night, enjoying their little sexual secret.

  It was very well after two in the morning when the duo walked out of the club and onto the exposed upper decks to breathe some fresh air. The black, starry skies went on forever; with nothing blocking the view, darkness consumed everything in its path. She closed her eyes as the breeze cooled her hot skin.

  Miguel came up behind her, pushing her against the railing.

  “I didn’t know you could dance like that,” he said, running his hands down her thighs.

  “Well, I am full of surprises.” She shook her ass teasingly.

  She turned and wrapped her arm around his neck, bringing him closer to her awaiting lips. Miguel undid his pants and rubbed his thick, engorged flesh against her nub. She gripped the railing tighter as he pulled her already wet panties to the side, ripping them slightly. She moaned when he began pressing his bulge against her. His throbbing rod slipped up and down, tickling her clit. She gasped lightly as she felt the tip inside her.

  “Right here?” she asked looking around nervously.

Yes, right here,” he said as he thrust himself deeper inside.

  She moaned louder. His hands were on her breasts, pinching her perky, brown nipples.

  “You like my cock inside you, don’t you?” He squeezed her tightly, thrusting his cock harder.

  “Yes. Don’t stop!” she exclaimed through halted breaths. Miguel leaned over to kiss the back of her neck. She loved the way he made her feel.

  He started whispering sweetly to her in Spanish. Electric sensations shot through her body as he began bucking harder. Distorted voices found their way to her ears; but with fiery passion burning through her, Raine couldn’t help but moan louder, not caring who heard them.

  “That’s what I want,” Miguel groaned, rubbing her clitoris once again. She ground against him, pushing down on his throbbing rod. She shivered as one of the biggest orgasms ravaged her body.

  “That’s good, mama,” Miguel whispered as he kissed her sweetly.

  She ran her fingers through her hair as he slowly took himself out of her.

  “Come back to my room with me,” she begged him.

  “Anything for you.”

  Chapter Five

  Miguel let her pull him to the elevator. They stopped along way, groping and kissing each other as if they’d reverted into reckless teenagers.

  He pressed her body against the wall with his as his lips searched for the weak spots on her bare throat. She tried to wrap her arms completely around him, but they weren’t long enough.

  “I still want to taste you,” he mumbled in the crook of her neck.

  “I bet you do,” she replied, pressing the button to summon the glass elevator. This time there was no way in hell they were letting anyone else board. As the big doors parted, the couple unglued from one another and stepped inside. Once the doors clamped shut, Miguel leaned her back against them. As the lift started to rise slowly, he began to slide down on his knees. He looked up at her with a very mischievous grin on his handsome face.


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