Back to the Future - 2 bttf-2

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Back to the Future - 2 bttf-2 Page 5

by Bob Gale

  Biff: Go ahead, kid. Jump. Suicide'll be nice and neat.

  Marty: What if I don't?

  Biff gets a gun out and points it at Marty.

  Biff: Lead poisoning.

  Marty: What about the police, Biff? They're gonna match up the bullet with that gun.

  Marty looks down again.

  Biff: Kid, I own the police! Besides, they couldn't match up the bullet that killed your old man.

  Marty: You son of a bitch!

  Biff: I suppose it's poetic justice - two McFlys with the same gun.

  Looking down again, Marty jumps off the roof. Biff looks at him with a "what the hell?" look and approaches the roof. He chuckles to himself. Then he sees Marty hovering in mid-air! It turns out that he's standing on the DeLorean.

  Biff: (re: DeLorean) What the hell?

  Doc opens the door of the car and it hits Biff on the head, knocking him out. Marty climbs in.

  Marty: Nice one Doc! You're not going to believe this, we've got to go back to 1955!

  Doc: I don't believe it!

  The DeLorean flies away from the Pleasure Paradise. Cut to Marty and Doc inside. Doc is inputting the date in the time panel.

  Marty: That's right, Doc. November 12th 1955.

  Doc: Unbelievable, that old Biff could have chosen that particular date. It could mean that, that point in time inherently contains some sort of cosmic significance. Almost as if it were the junction point for the entire space-time continuum. On the other hand, it could just be an amazing coincidence.

  The time display changes to JAN 01 1885 12.00AM.

  Doc: Damn, gotta fix that thing!

  He bangs it and it changes back to NOV 12 1955 06.00AM.

  Doc: All right, time circuits on.

  Marty: What do you mean, time circuits on? Doc, we're not going back now?

  Doc: Yep.

  Marty: Doc, what about Jennifer, what about Einstein? We can't just leave them here!

  Doc: Don't worry Marty, assuming we succeed in our mission this alternative 1985 will be changed back to the real 1985, instantaneously transforming around Jennifer and Einie. Jennifer and Einie will be fine, and they will have absolutely no memory of this horrible place!

  Marty: Doc, what if we don't succeed?

  Doc: We must succeed!

  NOVEMBER 12 1955

  The DeLorean arrives in 1955 outside the Lyon Estates billboard and lands behind it (One week ago Marty parked the car in exactly the same place!). Doc and Marty exit the car.

  Marty: Ah, this is heavy Doc. I mean it's like I was just here yesterday.

  Doc: You were here yesterday, Marty. You were. Amazing, isn't it?

  Doc runs to the billboard, Marty follows.

  Doc: All right, sunrise should be in about 22 minutes.

  He goes back to the DeLorean.

  Doc: You go into town, and track down Young Biff and tail him. Sometime today, Old Biff will show up and give young Biff the almanac. Above all you must not interfere with that event. You must let Old Biff believe he's succeeded so he'll leave 1955 and return the DeLorean back to the future.

  Marty: Right.

  Doc: Once Old Biff has gone, grab the almanac any way you can. Remember both of our futures depend on this!

  Marty: You don't have to remind me of that, Doc!

  Doc: Here's some binoculars and a walkie-talkie so we can keep in contact. I'll stay here and try to repair the shortened time circuits. That way we don't risk anyone else stealing the time machine, and I won't risk accidentally running into my other self.

  Note: From now on, when Marty and Doc speak to each other through walkie-talkies, this will be denoted by (w.t).

  Marty: Your other self?

  Doc: Yes! There are now 2 of me here...

  During the following Doc turns to face the camera as if he is talking to the audience.

  Doc: ...and there are 2 of you here.

  Doc runs down the street, Marty follows.

  Doc: The other me, is the Dr Emmett Brown from 1955, the younger me...

  Doc turns around and runs back to the camera.

  Doc: ...that helps the younger you get back to 1985! Remember the lightning bolt at the clocktower?

  Marty: Yeah.

  Doc: That event doesn't happen until tonight, so you must be very careful not to run into your other self. Let me give you some money.

  Doc pulls out a case, and opens it. Inside are various money bills from different times. He finds a note from 1955 and gives it to Marty.

  Doc: Have to be prepared for all monetary possibilities! Get yourself some 50's clothes.

  Marty: Check Doc.

  Marty leaves, then Doc calls after him.

  Doc: Something inconspicuous!

  Cut to Mason Street, Hill Valley. Marty is in view, wearing a leather coat, glasses and a hat - not very inconspicuous at all!

  Marty: (w.t) Doc, come in Doc, this is Marty, over.

  Doc: (v.o) Roger Marty, this is Doc. Are you there?

  Marty looks through the binoculars. He's looking at a house, filled with garden ornaments and a sign - No Trespassers - Violators Will Be Prosecuted. This Means You! We stay on this view as:

  Marty: (w.t, v.o) Yeah Doc, I'm at the address.

  Marty looks at the front door.

  Marty: (w.t, v.o) It's the only Tannen in the book...

  Cut to Marty.

  Marty: (w.t) ...but I don't think it's Biff's house. It looks like some old lady lives here.

  Then to prove Marty wrong, BIFF leaves the house. But to prove Marty right as well, the voice of GRANDMA TANNEN can be heard. The following is viewed through the binoculars.

  Grandma Tannen: (v.o) Biff!

  Biff: Yeah?

  Grandma Tannen: (v.o) Where're you going Biff?

  Biff: I'm going to get my car Grandma!

  Grandma Tannen: (v.o) When are you coming back? My feet hurt and I want you to rub my toes some more.

  Biff: Shut up you old bag.

  Cut to normal view. Biff walks a few yards down the street when a red ball lands at his feet. He picks it and 5 KIDS come along to him.

  Kids: Give us our ball back!

  Biff: What ball?

  Kids: That ball!

  Biff: What ball are you talking about?

  Kids: Give us our ball back!

  Biff: Oh, is this your ball?

  Kids: Yeah!

  Marty crouches behind a car to avoid being seen. Cut back to Biff.

  Biff: Is this your ball, you want it back?

  Kids: Yeah!

  He throws it into a gutter on a house.

  Biff: Well go get it! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

  Biff walks off. Cut to Marty.

  Marty: (w.t) Doc, it is Biff's house, I'm on him. Over.

  Music: Mr Sandman by Four Acres

  Biff walks down a street in Courthouse Square. Marty follows, hiding behind cars. He is not seen by Biff. Biff walks between some kids throwing a ball around.

  Kid: Hey!

  Biff walks over to his car, where TERRY the mechanic has fixed it. It's the same Terry from 2015 who asked Marty to thumb $100 - of course here he's 60 years younger.

  Biff: Looking good Terry.

  Terry: Hey Biff, she's all fixed up just like you wanted, but I couldn't get her started! You got some kind of a kill switch on this thing?

  The camera pulls out to reveal 2015 BIFF behind a tree. He watches as 1955 Biff opens the car door and gets in.

  Biff: Nah, you just gotta have the right touch. Nobody can start this car but me.

  Terry: The bill comes to $302 and 57 cents...

  Biff: 300 bucks?

  He gets out of the car.

  Biff: 300 bucks for a couple of dents? No, hey, that's bullshit Terry.

  Terry: No Biff, it was horseshit, the whole car was filled with it.

  We cut to 2015 Biff as he remembers this.

  Terry: (v.o) I had to pay Old Man Jones 80 bucks to haul it away!

  Biff: (v.o) Old Man Jones? He probably
resold it too! Now I ought to get something for that.

  Cut back to 1955 Biff and Terry.

  Terry: You wanna get something for it? Well, go inside, you can call Old Man Jones and if you want us to give you a refund...

  During the following Marty gets into the back of the car unseen and covers himself with a sheet.

  Biff: It's 300 bucks Terry!

  Terry: Look, I'm only charging you for...

  Biff: If I catch the guy who caused this, I'll break his neck!

  Cut to 2015 Biff as 1955 Biff and Terry enter the Western Auto Stores shop.

  2015 Biff: The manure! I remember that!

  As 2015 Biff walks off, 1955 Biff and Terry come out of the store. Biff pushes past a kid on a scooter. Terry is holding 4 cans. They're in the middle of their conversation.

  Terry: ...4 cans of Valvoline is more than enough.

  Biff: 4 cans for a $300 job?

  Terry: I can't even have lunch in there, it makes me nauseous...

  Biff: I should be getting a case or more out of you for a 300 buck job.

  Terry: It smells worse than the bathroom!

  They keep arguing as Biff throws the cans in the back of the car, where they land on Marty's sensitive bits!

  Marty: Oomph!

  Biff: (sarcastically, he's not really listening) Yeah, yeah, yeah...

  Terry: The stench is never going to go away, Biff. Never going to go away.

  Biff opens the door.

  Biff: (sarcastically) Yeah, thanks a lot.

  Terry: That's the last time I ever do you a favour! Last time!

  In the background, LORRAINE and her friend BABS leave Ruth's clothes shop. They have a box and are laughing happily. Lorraine opens the box and pulls out the dress she will wear to the dance that night. Biff is watching them.

  Babs: It's perfect Lorraine! You're gonna look so good!

  Terry drives off as Biff goes over to the girls.

  Babs: You're going to look...

  Biff: Well lookie what we got here. Pretty nice dress, Lorraine.

  Biff lifts up Lorraine's skirt.

  Biff: Although, I think you'd look better wearing nothing at all.

  Lorraine: Biff, why don't you take a long walk off a short pier?

  Biff: Hey listen, Lorraine. There's that dance at school tonight. Right now, my car's all fixed. I'd figured that I'd cut you a break and give you the honour of going with the best-looking guy in school.

  Lorraine: Well, I'm busy tonight, Biff.

  Biff: Doing what?

  Lorraine: Washing my hair.

  Biff: That's as funny as a screen door on a battleship.

  Cut to Marty in the back of Biff's car.

  Marty: (under his breath) It's "screen door on a submarine," you dork.

  Cut back to Lorraine, Babs and Biff.

  Lorraine: Look Biff, someone already asked me to the dance.

  Biff: Who, that bug George McFly?

  Lorraine: I'm going with Calvin Klein, OK?

  Biff: Calvin Klein?

  He grabs Lorraine by her shoulders and turns her to face him.

  Biff: No, that's not OK. You're going with me, understand?

  Lorraine: Get your cooties off of me!

  Biff: When are you going to get it through that thick skull of yours Lorraine, you're my girl!

  Lorraine: Biff Tannen, I wouldn't be your girl even if... (pause) even if you had a million dollars!

  Irony, although Lorraine doesn't know it! She kicks Biff in the leg.

  Biff: Argh!

  Then she hits him over the head with the box.

  Biff: Oh!

  Lorraine and Babs run off. Biff runs into the middle of the road, causing a car to swerve slightly to avoid hitting him.

  Biff: Yes you will, Lorraine! It's you and me, Lorraine!

  A car narrowly misses Biff.

  Car Driver: Watch your back!

  Biff: It's meant to be! Someday you'll marry me! Someday you'll be my wife!

  Biff turns to his car after Lorraine and Babs run off to see 2015 Biff in his car. 1955 Biff doesn't recognise him as his future self.

  2015 Biff: You always had your way with women, Biff.

  1955 Biff: Get the hell outta my car, old man!

  2015 Biff: Do you want to marry that girl, Biff? I can help make it happen.

  1955 Biff: Oh yeah. And who are you? Miss Lonely Hearts?

  2015 Biff: Just get in the car, butthead.

  1955 Biff: Who are you calling butthead, butthead?

  2015 Biff starts the car. 1955 Biff is surprised.

  1955 Biff: How did you know how to do that? Nobody could start this car but me.

  2015 Biff: Just get into the car, Tannen. Today's your lucky day.

  Cut to the Tannen driveway. The car, driven by 2015 Biff, drives up towards the garage. The backs of the heads of both Biffs are visible.

  1955 Biff: (v.o) Hey, hey, hey, hey, watch where you're going old man! If you break this car I'm gonna kill you!

  The car enters the garage and 2015 Biff stops it. His face is visible, 1955 Biff is facing away.

  1955 Biff: This cost me 300 bucks!

  2015 Biff: Would you shut up about the car?

  1955 Biff: Ay, and another thing, how do you know where I live?

  2015 Biff: Let's just say we're related Biff, and that being the case I got a little present for you.

  During the following Marty peers up from the back of the car to witness what's going on - he is not seen.

  2015 Biff: (continued) Something that'll make you rich. You wanna be rich, don't ya?

  1955 Biff: Oh yeah, sure, right, that's rich, ha ha, you're gonna make me rich!

  2015 Biff: You see this book?

  Marty ducks down again.

  2015 Biff: (continued) This book tells the future. It tells the events of every major sports event til the end of the century. Football, baseball, horse races, boxing....the information in here is worth millions, and I'm giving it to you.

  He passes the book to 1955 Biff. Obviously 1955 Biff thinks this is a load of rubbish.

  1955 Biff: Well, that's very nice, thank you very much. Now why don't you make like a tree and get out of here?

  2015 Biff gives 1955 Biff a slap across the head.

  2015 Biff: It's leave, you idiot! "Make like a tree, and leave." You sound like a damn fool when you say it wrong!

  1955 Biff: Alright then, leave!

  1955 Biff throws the book in the back of the car. 2015 Biff catches it.

  1955 Biff: And take your book with you!

  2015 Biff: Don't you get it? You could make a fortune with this book, let me show you.

  2015 Biff turns on the radio. During the following he's looking through the sports almanac to find the result.

  Radio Announcer: (v.o) UCLA trail 17 to 16! It's 4th and 11 with only 18 seconds left of this game. I'd say it's all over for UCLA!

  2015 Biff: Bet you a million bucks UCLA win at 19 to 17.

  1955 Biff: What, are you deaf old man? He just said it was over! You lost!

  2015 Biff: Oh yeah?

  He turns the volume up.

  Radio Announcer: (v.o) Here comes Decker with the kick, it's up, it looks good folks, it looks very good, field goal! UCLA wins 19 to 17!

  As the announcer keeps talking, 1955 Biff looks at his future self in amazement.

  1955 Biff: Alright pops, what's the gag?

  Cut to Marty in the boot.

  1955 Biff: (o.s) (continued) How did you know what the score was gonna be?

  2015 Biff: (o.s) I told you, it's in this book!

  Cut back to the Biffs.

  2015 Biff: (continued) All you gotta do is bet on the winner, and you'll never lose.

  2015 Biff hands the book to 1955 Biff.

  1955 Biff: Alright, I'll take a look at it.

  He throws it in the back, it lands near Marty. Marty is about to grab it when 2015 Biff grabs the book 9without seeing Marty).

  2015 Biff: You damned fool!

bsp; The two get out of the car.

  2015 Biff: Never, never leave this book lying around! Don't you have a safe? (realises) No, you don't have a safe. Get a safe! Keep it locked up, and until then keep it on you like this.

  He puts the book in 1955 Biff's back jeans pocket.

  1955 Biff: Hey, what're ya doing?

  2015 Biff: And don't tell anyone about it either. Oh, and there's one more thing.

  During the following , 1955 Biff closes the garage door, and the Biffs leave the garage.

  2015 Biff: (continued) One day, a kid, or a crazy wild-eyed scientist who claims to be a scientist is gonna come around asking about that book.....

  They walk off, continuing their conversation. Cut to Marty. He tries to open the door - but it's locked! And we see the outside padlock to prove it. Marty looks up at the windows, but they're far too small for him to climb out of.

  Marty: I'm trapped!

  He gets his walkie-talkie out.

  Marty: (w.t) Doc, come in Doc!

  Cut to Doc at the DeLorean.

  Doc: Marty, what's the report?

  Marty: (v.o) Biff's gone!

  Cut to the garage.

  Marty: (w.t) He's got the book, the old man's gone too. I'm locked in Biff's garage.

  Cut to Doc.

  Marty: (v.o) You've gotta fly the DeLorean over here and get me the hell out of here.

  Cut to the garage.

  Marty: (w.t) The address is 1809 Maple Street.

  Cut back to Doc.

  Doc: I can't take the DeLorean out in the daylight, but don't worry Marty, somehow I'll get over there.

  Cut to the garage.

  Marty: (w.t) Whoa Doc, wait a minute Doc. Hey Doc!

  No answer, Marty puts away the walkie-talkie and sighs.

  Marty: Perfect!

  Later that evening, it's dark. Biff leaves his house.

  Grandma Tannen: (v.o) Biff! Biff, where're you going now?

  Biff: I told you Grandma, I'm going to the dance!

  We cut to the garage, where Marty is listening.

  Grandma Tannen: (v.o) When are you coming home?

  Marty: The dance!

  Biff: I'll get home when I get home!

  Biff enters the garage. Marty hides in the back of the car.

  Grandma Tannen: (v.o) Don't forget to turn off the garage lights!

  Biff gets in his car and drives off. As he leaves the Tannen house, Doc rides past on a bicycle. Doc rides up the driveway to the empty garage and rings the bell.


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