Back to the Future - 2 bttf-2

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Back to the Future - 2 bttf-2 Page 7

by Bob Gale

  Doc: No time for that now, which way did he go?

  Marty: (pointing) East, towards the River Road Tunnel.

  Doc: Get in!

  Cut to the road outside Hill Valley. The DeLorean flies above Biff's car, unseen. Marty gets out the binoculars.

  Marty: (through binoculars) There he is, Doc. Let's land on him and cripple his car.

  Cut to normal view of Marty and Doc.

  Doc: Marty, he's in a '46 Ford. We're in a DeLorean. He'd rip through us like we were tin foil.

  Marty: So, what do we do?

  Doc: I have a plan

  Cut to Biff's car. He drives along, not noticing the flying DeLorean almost right behind him. Biff has the radio on.

  Radio Announcer: (v.o) Repeating tonight's earlier weather bulletin, a severe thunderstorm is heading for Hill Valley.

  The DeLorean - Marty opens the door and puts his left foot on the hoverboard, through the strap. He then takes off and grabs onto the back of Biff's car.

  Radio Announcer: (v.o) Serving Hill Valley and all of Hill County, you're tuned to KKHV, the voice of Hill Valley.

  Biff adjusts the tuning a bit. Marty looks at Doc and gives him a thumbs-up. Doc gives one back and then the DeLorean flies off. Cut back to Biff's car.

  Radio Announcer: (v.o) Turning to the community calendar, the Hill Valley Women's Club Bake Sale will be held tomorrow afternoon from 2-5 at the Community Center on Horace Road.

  Marty appears in the background. During the following Marty moves around the car until he's hanging onto the side of it.

  Radio Announcer: (v.o) For you sports fans out there, there was a lot of action today in college football. Here's what happened in the top 10. UCLA narrowly defeated Washington 19-17.

  Marty sees the Sports Almanac in the back of the car.

  Radio Announcer: (v.o) Michigan State crushed Minnesota 42-14.

  Biff grabs the almanac just as Marty tries to grab it.

  Radio Announcer: (v.o) Ohio State beat Iowa 20-10. Michigan blanked Indiana 30-0.

  Biff is checking these results in the almanac. He's amazed - they're right!

  Marty: (muttering) Shit.

  Biff: Son of a bitch!

  Radio Announcer: (v.o) Oklahoma ripped Ohio State 52-0.

  Biff puts the almanac on the seat next to him. Marty spots his chance!

  Radio Announcer: (v.o) West Virginia lost to Pittsburgh 26-7.

  Marty quietly opens the car door.

  Radio Announcer: (v.o) Maryland defeated Clemson 25-12. Repeating tonight's earlier weather bulletin, a severe thunderstorm is heading for Hill Valley.

  Biff looks around and sees Marty. Marty tries to grab the almanac. Biff turns to face the front again, before suddenly realising who it is and turning round again. He grabs the book, as does Marty, and they are having a tug of war over it.

  Biff: Don't even... give me that book! Let it go!

  Biff kicks Marty, and the almanac flies in the air, landing on Biff's windscreen. Marty is still holding onto the car, and Biff spots some barriers ahead.

  Biff: Let go of the car!

  He drives around in circles, but both Marty and the almanac stay attached to it. Biff drives forward, passing a sign - "Tunnel Ahead". Biff drives towards the tunnel edge, hoping to force Marty off. Marty gets to the back of the car, and the side of the car id dented by the tunnel. Biff looks around - no Marty (he doesn't know Marty is hiding behind the back of the car).

  Biff: That'll teach him.

  Biff tries to grab the almanac, but as he does so he looks in the mirror and spots Marty. Marty makes his way towards Biff. Biff elbows and punches Marty, and then spots a truck approaching in the other direction. Biff drives past, and Marty uses the hoverboard to escape - and then grabs the almanac. Letting go of Biff's car, he stops in the middle of the tunnel. Biff gets to the edge of the tunnel and turns around. Marty looks at the other end - it's some distance away! Marty puts the almanac inside his jacket and sets off. Biff revs up his car, puts his foot on the pedal and sets off after Marty.

  Marty: Argh!

  Biff is getting closer, He pus the pedal down again and laughs evilly. Marty is almost at the end of the tunnel but Biff is almost on him.

  Marty: Woah!

  He's at the end of the tunnel, when the flag pennant trails down and Marty grabs onto it. Doc, in the DeLorean, pulls Marty up to safety. Biff looks up in amazement.

  Marty: Go Doc!

  Doc: Hold on Marty!

  Cut to Biff's point of view. He sees a flying futuristic car and a kid on a hovering board. He's so mesmerised he doesn't see the truck in front of him until it's too late.

  Biff: Shit!

  He crashes into it, and finds it's a manure truck! Cut to Marty.

  Marty: Ha, ha, ha, yeah!

  Cut to Biff.

  Biff: Manure! I hate manure!

  Cut to the DeLorean. It flies to the billboard, and Marty lets go of the flag ribbon. He takes his foot off the hoverboard and speaks to Doc over the walkie-talkies. Note: the lightning storm is starting.

  Marty: (w.t) Doc, is everything all right, over?

  Doc: (v.o) 10-4 Marty, but it's very miserable flying weather.

  Cut to Doc.

  Doc: (w.t, continued) I'm going to have to turn and make a landing from this direction. I'll have to circle round and make a long approach from the south. Have you got the book?

  Cut to Marty.

  Marty: (w.t) In my hands Doc, I got it in my hands!

  Doc: (v.o) Burn it!

  Marty: (w.t) Check!

  Marty kicks up the hoverboard and spots an old bucket. He puts the almanac in the bucket and takes out the matchbox he took from Biff's Pleasure Paradise. He lights a match and starts to burn the book. He then looks at the matchbox. The words are starting to change! Eventually they change from "Biff's Pleasure Paradise" to "Biff Auto Dealing". Marty then pulls out the newspaper. The headline changes from "George McFly Murdered" to "George McFly Honored".

  Marty: (w.t) Doc, Doc, the newspaper changed! Now my father's alive! That means everything's back to normal, right?

  Cut to Doc. He pulls out the newspaper he had. The headlines change from "Emmett Brown Committed" to "Emmett Brown Commended", "Nixon To Seek Fifth Term" to "Reagan To Seek Second Term" and "Biffco Builds New Dioxin Plant" to "Mayor Wilson Vetoes Zoning Bill".

  Doc: (To himself) Mission accomplished.

  Cut to Marty.

  Marty: (w.t) That means Jennifer's OK and Einie's OK, right?

  Cut to Doc.

  Doc: (w.t) That's right Marty! It's the ripple effect, the future is back. Now let's go home!

  Cut to Marty.

  Marty: (w.t) Right Doc, let's get our asses back to the future...

  Lightning strikes, bringing down a tree.

  Marty: (w.t) Doc, Doc, are you OK?

  Cut to Doc.

  Doc: (w.t) That was a close one Marty, I almost bought the farm!

  Cut to Marty.

  Marty: (w.t) Be careful, you don't want to get struck by lightning-

  But Doc does. The DeLorean is struck, causing it to spin around and accelerate until it reaches 88mph. With a flash the DeLorean disappears.

  Marty: Doc? Doc? (w.t) Doc, come in Doc. Doc, do you read me? Do you read me Doc? Come in Doc!

  The pennant, which had been attached to the DeLorean, lands on the floor.

  Marty: Oh no!

  It starts to rain.

  Marty: He's gone!

  In the background, a van is approaching Marty. He doesn't notice.

  Marty: The Doc's gone!

  Marty turns round and sees the van pulling to a halt. A man gets out.

  Western Union Man: Mr McFly?

  Marty turns around to see the WESTERN UNION MAN. He's wearing a hat and a trenchcoat and looks very mysterious.

  Marty: Huh?

  Western Union Man: Is your name Marty McFly?

  Marty: Yeah?

  Western Union Man: I've got something for you. A letter.

  He pulls the letter out.

  Marty: A letter for me? That's impossible.

  Marty hides the walkie-talkie away.

  Marty: Who the hell are you?

  Western Union Man: Western Union. Actually a bunch of us guys at the office were kinda hoping maybe you could shed some light on the subject. You see, we've had that envelope in our possession for the past 70 years.

  Marty starts opening the letter.

  Western Union Man: (continued) It was given to use with the explicit instructions that it be delivered to a young man with your description....

  He gets his umbrella out.

  Western Union Man: (continued)...answering to the name of Marty, at this exact location, at this exact minute, November 12th 1955. We had a little bet as to whether this Marty would actually be here - looks like I lost! (laughs)

  Marty: Did you say 70 years?

  Western Union Man: Yeah, 70 years, 2 months and 12 days to be exact. Here, sign on line 6 please, here you are.

  He gives Marty a clipboard and Marty signs on line 6. He reads the bottom of the letter - it says "'Doc' Emmett L Brown, September 1st 1885"

  Marty: It's from the Doc! (reading) "Dear Marty, if my calculations are correct you will receive this letter immediately after you saw the DeLorean struck by lightning. First let me assure you that I am alive and well. I've been living happily these past eight months in the year 1885. The lightning bolt-" 1885?! (at bottom of letter) "September 1885!" Argh!

  Western Union Man: No wait kid, wait a minute, what's this all about?

  Marty: He's alive! The Doc's alive! He's in the old west but he's alive!

  Western Union Man: Tell me kid, are you all right? Do you need any help?

  Marty: There's only one man who can help me.

  Cut to 1955 Doc at the clocktower. He's on it holding the cables. He watches the DeLorean from the first movie, with 1955 Marty inside, approach the clocktower. Doc finishes connecting everything and then slides down the rope.

  Doc: Argh!

  The DeLorean hits 88mph and lets off blue flashes - it's about ready to travel through time. Cut to Doc. Doc gets the cable out of the branch. Lightning strikes it, and the lightning causes electricity to go down the cables, which Doc reconnects just in time, getting himself a slight electric shock as he does so.

  Doc: Ahh!

  The lightning enters the flux capacitor. 1955 Marty gets sent back to 1985. Doc dances with delight because the experiment was successful.

  Doc: Yoo! It works! Ha, ha, ha!

  And then he turns to the Courthouse. After looking at it, he turns to his car - and 1985 Marty (the one we've been following through this film) comes running up to him.

  Marty: Doc! Doc! Doc!

  Doc: What?

  Marty: Doc!

  Doc turns and sees Marty.

  Doc: Argh! A ghost!

  Marty: OK, relax Doc, it's me, it's me, it's Marty!

  Doc: No it can't be you...I just sent you back to the future!

  Marty: I know, you did send me back to the future, but I'm back, I'm back from the future!

  Doc: Great Scott!

  He faints, and Marty bends down to tend to him.

  Marty: Doc. C'mon Doc, wake up.....

  We zoom out from Marty and Doc, and we see the words:


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