The Emperor: Secrets Bared

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The Emperor: Secrets Bared Page 3

by Anne Rainey

  Finally, as Gideon walked a circle around her, inspecting her from every side, every angle, he was able to see her hair in all its glory. The honey-blonde mass fell well past her bottom. Each time she moved it teased him by sweeping across that gorgeous ass of hers. As if to say, “just look what I get to play with.” Making him wish he could reach out and play too.

  Lori was gifted with the most lusciously round ass he'd ever seen. Gideon allowed a smile to slip across his face, as he thought of her laying spread out on her stomach, with her hair all around her bare body wrapping him up in its web as he made love to her. He wanted to feel his cock slide down the cleft of her buttocks as he pushed slowly into her from behind.

  "I want you,” he growled.

  She seemed to come to a decision in that moment. “I want you, too."

  "You aren't afraid?"

  "Yes. But I don't care."

  He grinned. “You won't regret it, baby."

  "I know."

  Gideon took her hand and led her to the doorway of his studio. Neither of them spoke another word until they were upstairs in his bedroom. The instant his gaze landed on her at the party, he'd wanted her in his bedroom.

  "It is the most difficult thing not to take you against the door. To shove up that nightgown and play with you until you quiver and plead."

  "Oh god,” she groaned.

  "But you need to be loved, gently, thoroughly, and I can't do that if I take you like a rutting buck. And the first time I make love to you, Lori, I assure you it won't be against an uncomfortable slab of wood."

  He picked her up and laid her down on the bed, then stood back. She looked right there. As if she belonged. There was something pure and special about what he felt for Lori. He just wasn't sure what it was, and he wasn't certain he wanted to explore it too deeply right now.

  "The first time we make love?” Lori repeated. “Are you saying there will be more than one time? And where will they be if not in a bed?"

  Just barely, Gideon stroked the silky length of her honey-blonde mane and said, “You better believe there will be more times to come. So many in fact that you'll think it's easier just to stay in bed ... waiting for me to make love to you.” He moaned. “Hmm, I think I like that idea."

  Lori giggled. “I just bet you do."

  He lay down beside her with his head propped up on his elbow and whispered, “And where you ask? Hmm, let's see.” He paused, giving the idea some thought. “Well, the first place that comes to mind is my rather large and very sturdy mahogany kitchen table. Laying you down on top of it. You on your stomach with your arms outstretched. Your hands clutching the edge, hanging on for the ride. Your sweet ass raised up in the air for me. I'd climb on top of you, ease inside of your tight pussy. Drive into you mercilessly until you come all around me.” He stopped and closed his eyes. “Oh god, Lori, I've had more than a few fantasies about you."

  He licked her earlobe languidly and watched her chest rise and fall in quick spasms. “The next place I could think of would be that purple stool in my studio. You couldn't know this, but I've had that stool custom-made. It has another purpose other than to look pretty.” His voice lowered an octave as he asked, “Want to know what its purpose is, Lori?” As her head bobbed enthusiastically, Gideon nearly jumped on top of her, more than a little anxious to feel her beneath him.

  "It has a retractable headrest, and the seat has a lever that raises it to a more comfortable angle and position, ensuring better ... performance. I bet you'd look sweet as hell on my purple stool, Lori."

  Gideon was on fire. Every nerve ending sizzled with life, and he hadn't even taken off her clothes. He knew that she was feeling it, too, but didn't quite know how to go about getting what she wanted. This only proved to him how inexperienced she was in the bedroom and how totally inept Rick must have been.

  Gideon craved her the way a kid craved candy. And he had a feeling she wanted to see what he looked like in the flesh, what he felt like atop her, skin-to-skin. Yet she was reluctant to move forward. Her shortage of sexual adventure was hindering her from letting go of her inhibitions.

  "I've never done the things you talk about, Gideon,” she admitted softly. “As a matter-of-fact, I'm so far out of my element here that I feel a little like little red riding hood in the wolf's den."

  Gideon could see the worry creasing her brow and the tense way she clutched at the blanket. The very last thing he wanted was for Lori to be shy and reserved. He wanted her to let go of her insecurities, to feel free to explore him as thoroughly as he planned to explore her.

  "Baby, don't you know that your inexperience isn't something that turns me off, but something that turns me on?” She frowned at him and he smiled, just barely touching her lips with his. The kiss was light and swift, but enough to elicit just the tiniest moan from her. When he raised his head, he said, “I like that I'll be the first man to take you on a table and a stool and every damned inventive place I can think of. It turns me on to know tonight will be as special to you as I know it will be to me.” He gave her a moment to absorb his words. “Now I'm going to wrap my hands around you, suck on your nipples until they ache while you rise up and down until we both fly over the edge."

  He cupped one breast through the soft filmy material of her gown and rubbed her nipple into a tight peak. When he heard her beg his name, he finished seducing her with his words, so he could let his body take over. “And not to mention the shower. Lathering up your soft silky body until you're all covered in some sweet smelling soap and then watching the shower spray run down your body, rinsing your breasts, your belly, all the way down to just about ... here.” He touched her between her thighs, rubbing her V with his index finger. Her hips arched up off the bed, and she moaned deeply. That was all he needed. All he could take.

  Gideon rose to a seated position and helped Lori pull off the gown. Then he looked his fill. All that stood between him and paradise was a few inches of space. With her hair all around her shoulders and curling around one nipple, eyes half-closed with passion, lips parted slightly and swollen from his kisses, she looked like an offering.

  Gideon left the bed and stripped off his clothes, then reached down with one hand and cupped the silky softness of her mound. He lay back down on top of her and pulled her close, breathing in her scent, feeling the way her heart raced out of control. It was as he was looking into her heavy-lidded eyes that Gideon asked, “Do you want me, baby?” He pushed his arousal against her thigh, proving just how badly he wanted her.

  But when she only nodded, his voice turned harsh. “No, damn it, that's not good enough. I asked if you wanted me. I want to hear you say it, baby. I want to know what you want."

  "I do want you. I want it all, please.” She cried out, squirming under him.

  "That's right, baby. That's a good girl.” He cooed, as he leaned down, rewarding her with a light teasing kiss.

  He rose back up and made her beg some more. “I want you, too, and you'll give me what I want, won't you, sweetheart?"

  "Yes, Gideon. Oh, God, yes!” Lori screamed. Pleaded. Beyond caring about propriety.

  The time for words was long past. He leaned his head back down to the pillowy softness of her breasts and squeezed them both with his hands, first kissing one then licking the other, relishing their fullness. He nuzzled his face in the valley between, and she whimpered. Gideon inhaled her sweet scent, deliberately driving himself mad. She was a powerful mix of heat and aroused woman.

  He didn't think he could wait another second to be inside of her. He wanted to give her as much pleasure as he could. He wanted to give her something she couldn't get with any other man. If he pleased her well enough, she'd come back for more. Need more.

  Gideon reached down between their bodies and caressed her tiny bud. She moaned and he watched her twist and thrash as his fingers continued their torture. He delved his middle finger into her wet opening, letting his thumb slide over her swollen clitoris. He heard her scream. Gideon couldn't believe how resp
onsive she was. Every moan and shudder drove him higher and higher. Her pussy tightened around his finger, and he closed his eyes, reveling in the delicious torture. He ached for his cock to feel that squeeze.

  "Christ, you're tight.” He wasn't sure who would be the one begging by the time they were finished. Then all thought fled as she began bucking wildly beneath him. Gideon pulled his finger free of her and put his mouth to her instead, aching for a taste of her tangy juice. He licked and teased her with his tongue, and when she plunged her fingers into his hair and shouted out her climax, he nearly came with her.

  He kept his mouth to her until the spasms subsided. Then he lifted up and touched his index finger to her lips. “Taste yourself for me.” Gideon watched as she sucked his finger into her mouth and licked it clean. “Mmm, see how sweet you are?” Not waiting for an answer, Gideon twisted around and grabbed a condom from the bedside table, then positioned himself at her cleft and waited. His voice was a strained command. “Open your eyes. I want you watching."

  Lori's eyelids fluttered open. “Don't hurt me."

  Gideon heard her fear, and he saw the weariness in her eyes. He was taken aback for a second. But then it dawned. “Sweetheart, have you been with anyone since Rick?"

  She shook her head, and he cursed himself for not asking sooner. He kissed her lightly then slid his tongue down her chin to her throat. He tasted her erratic pulse and felt her excitement. He made a leisurely path farther down and licked one nipple. He nipped at it and sucked it into his mouth tasting her sweet skin. But it wasn't enough. He needed to know her thoughts; he wanted to be inside her mind when he took her to heaven.

  Slowly, Gideon lifted his head and spoke more gently this time. “What I'm going to do won't hurt. Do you trust me?"

  In a breathless whisper, she said, “Yes, Gideon."

  Gideon saw trust in her eyes, and it made him feel ten feet tall. He responded by slowly pushing into her narrow passage. “God, you feel so good. So damn hot and tight.” As she shuddered, Gideon swiftly let down the wall inside his mind he'd been holding firmly in place and allowed himself the luxury of drowning on her wildly erotic thoughts.

  They came at him in spasmodic and fragmented bits and pieces. He nearly exploded at the excitement Lori was feeling. He pushed a little farther into her; her pussy squeezed him beyond reason. He had to stop or he wasn't going to last. As she became accustomed to his size, she started to push her hips against his, driving him mad.

  "If we don't slow down, I'm going to come,” he admitted.

  She devoured him with her gaze. “Isn't that the plan?"

  Overcome by tenderness, Gideon leaned down and pressed his lips to her throat. “Yes, but not so soon."


  He continued to tease her jumpy vein with his tongue. She shuddered beneath him and moaned his name. “Are you okay?"

  "You're a little bigger than average, but I'm fine."

  Her voice was breathless, and it urged him on. He pushed a little farther inside, her body clenching around him like a fist. They both whimpered. “Is bigger a good thing?"

  "Oh my, yes."

  Her lips parted. The pink flush over her cheeks and neck spurred him on. He started moving in a sensual rhythm, sliding in and out, taking his time, filling her to the hilt. It wasn't enough, would never be enough. He rose up and hooked his arms beneath her knees and spread her wider, then thrust in hard, fast.

  He never took his eyes from her, never left her mind. When her lashes started drifting down, Gideon's harsh growl, “No!” caused her to open them wide. “I want you to watch what I do to you.” He gentled his tone. “I want you to know who's going to make you scream with pleasure. Once I'm done fucking you, there'll be no doubt that only I can make you feel this damn good."

  * * * *

  Lori heard his words and watched the strain on his face. He was holding back, maintaining control. He was giving her gentle, but she wanted rough.

  Lori wrapped her legs around his hips and arched her bottom off the bed. The motion pushed his cock inside her so far she felt impaled. She let loose a whimper of pleasure and threw her head from side to side. The feel of him buried so deep was overwhelming.

  "God, baby, I'm going to lose it if you don't stop,” Gideon growled.

  The muscles in his neck were straining, and his sinewy arms were anchoring her to him, effectively keeping her in place, forcing her to submit. It was as Gideon reached between their bodies and caressed her clit with one talented finger, stroking her wet heat that she came undone.

  Lori's eyes widened in surprise, and she shouted out his name as an explosive climax rushed over her. That was all it took. He drove into her fast and hard, pumping like a man gone mad. Then he joined her, pouring every ounce of his seed inside of her tight sheath.

  They lay sweating and exhausted with Gideon still inside of her for several minutes before he finally left the bed and went to the bathroom. That's when she noticed a four inch long scar running down his right shoulder blade.

  "What happened to your back?” she asked as he reentered the bedroom.

  "An accident when I was a kid."

  "It looks painful."

  He lay down on top of her. “Not anymore"

  She started to ask for details, but he spoke over her. “Why did you push me?"


  "Don't play coy. I wanted to make love, slowly, but you didn't. Why?"

  "Because you were deliberately holding back and I didn't want that."

  "I wanted to pleasure you. Hell, you deserve to be pleasured."

  "It was pleasurable.” He frowned. “I may be shy, but I know what I want, Gideon, and I didn't want sweet."

  "You wanted rough."

  He wasn't asking, but she answered anyway. “Yes."

  He slipped down her body and kissed her belly. Her body was so attuned to his touch; she came alive in an instant. As he made his way between her legs, she stiffened. “What are you doing?"

  "You got what you wanted. Now, give me what I want."

  He pushed her legs wide and stroked a finger over her labia.


  "Hush, baby. It's time for me to play.” As he slipped his tongue inside her body, she gave in and let him have his way.

  She'd never once had multiple orgasms. She'd figured she wasn't capable. Apparently she'd been wrong. Who knew?

  She had to hang on to him for support when his mouth leisurely licked up and down between her swollen folds.

  "Gideon,” she pleaded, unsure what he expected of her. When he hummed against her wet clit, wrapped his arms around her hips, and clutched her bottom, she melted. She tried to wriggle free, aching to open her thighs for him, to give him better access, but he held firm. Sinking his tongue in, he laved at her, restless, as if starved for her flavor. Tremors built inside her core when his talented mouth found her clitoris. He suckled the little bud. Lori came undone. She clutched at the sheets and held tight as she rode out another wild climax.

  After she settled down, her legs weak, Gideon shifted his body so he lay next to her. He pulled her in tight. She felt cherished and protected. It'd never been that way with Rick. Usually she felt like crying. Sad because once again she'd let him down. Everything about Gideon was different.

  "I love the way you shout out your pleasure.” He cupped her chin and turned her toward him for a kiss. His tongue plunged deep inside her mouth, tongues touching, teasing. She tasted herself on his lips, and it made her crazy for more.

  He lifted an inch and said, “I've never seen another woman let herself go the way you do. It's fucking beautiful."

  Her cheeks heated. She shouldn't be shy, her mind knew that, but for some inexplicable reason she couldn't talk about sex quite as casually. Maybe it was the difference between men and women. She suspected it was the difference between a man used to having a casual fling and a woman who wasn't capable of equating sex with anyone she hadn't already handed her heart to. She didn't want to think of all that now. Sh
e wanted to enjoy the moment. After all, wasn't that the purpose of being spontaneous?

  Determined not to punish herself for feeling pleasure, Lori turned away, pleased when Gideon wrapped one arm around her middle and pulled her in close so they were spoon fashion.

  "This isn't casual."

  Her heart nearly stopped. “What did you say?"

  "I know you're probably thinking this is routine for me, but it's not. You're different. Remember that."

  Butterflies flitted through her stomach at his words. “Thank you."

  "For what?"

  "For making this night so special."

  He smoothed his palm over her stomach. “Don't start thinking I'm done with you. I've got lots more planned, sweetheart."

  She giggled. “I know, you told me. The shower, the table, the stool."

  "Yeah, all that and more.” She felt his lips pressing into her hair. “Go to sleep, baby. I've got you."

  As if he had so much command, her eyelids grew heavy. Her last thought was how good it felt to be held.

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  Chapter Five

  Gideon got up early, aching to get to the sketch. Lori grumbled about not being a morning person, but he won her over with a hot shower that lasted far longer than he intended. Afterwards, he helped her blow dry her hair. He loved her hair. He could spend hours playing with it.

  He instructed her to wear the purple gown again. At first she refused, but he eventually talked her into it. Gideon suspected it had more to do with her enjoying the way she felt when she wore it and less about his coaxing. She turned into a confident sex goddess, and it was stunning to watch the transformation from shy wallflower to vixen.

  They had a quick breakfast of bagels and juice, and now he stood in his studio savoring the sight of Lori's womanly curves. He heard her thoughts inside his head as easily as if she'd spoken them aloud.

  What if he finds me lacking, and he sends me on my merry way?

  He responded impulsively. “You could never be found lacking, Lori, and you're sure as hell not going anywhere.” Too late, he realized he had answered a question she hadn't asked.


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