Harder (The Unit #3)
Page 9
Like a waterfall, his emotions flowed over him and into his body. Still holding her by her shoulders, he lowered his hands down her arms slowly to her back. Deepening the kiss, he pulled her body tighter to his. His tongue sought out every corner of her mouth, and just as he remembered, she formed a seal around his tongue with her lips and sucked as if tempting him with what was to come. She tilted her head to his left as he tilted his to the right. He kissed her passionately, with all the feelings that were consuming his body and spinning his head.
As she reached her hand up to trace his cheek, she took her turn deepening the kiss. She pressed hard against his closed lips and held hers to his to convey all her love in that moment. He held perfectly still, not allowing himself to move. All he could do was absorb the love she was showing him. Then she pulled back, looking up into his eyes. She was daring him. He liked this playful side of the woman he knew as a girl. He laughed and tilted his head back, looking up to the ceiling.
“You. You’re amazing.”
“Don’t get too rambunctious, cowboy. I’m not the girl you remember.” She opened and then closed her mouth, struggling to find the words as she felt his stare. She rubbed at her neck with her good hand, trying to loosen the tension built up there. “I’m sorry. Maybe that kiss shouldn’t have happened.” She was so frightened that her heart, her heart that she worked so hard to mend, would get broken again.
“What the fuck do you mean? You wanted it just as much as I did. I still know you.”
“That’s just it. I’ve changed, you know. I’m not going to throw myself at you and make a fool out of myself again.”
“Don’t say that. You never made a fool of yourself. We shared something beyond special.”
Jules felt a tightness in her chest. It felt like home to kiss him. She felt, for only the second time in her life, like she belonged. “Look, when we get back to shore, we’re going to have a lot of work to do to track where they’ve moved Martin to and to prepare to get him back. Let’s concentrate on that.”
“What about us? You can’t just leave me hanging like this. I know you still feel something for me.”
“I don’t know what I feel. Let’s just say goodnight. I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” she said as she moved past him easily this time. She opened the door and looked back before leaving. She saw the devastation in his eyes as he lowered his chin to his chest and stared down at his feet. She had hurt the warrior, and that tore her up inside. She turned and walked out of Tony’s cabin, closing the door behind her.
Once back to port, where they docked the ship, the remaining members of the Unit—Tony, Michael, and Rob, along with Tyrrell and Jules—loaded into a parked SUV, courtesy of the Israeli Defense Forces. They followed the lead SUV, driven by a member of the IDF, to the warehouse where the Unit had set up shop to find Martin and Jules. Now that they had Jules, they could focus on the mission at hand: Martin.
“How long will it take to locate him?” Jules asked, looking to Tony.
“We have to work in much the same way you do when you track down a lead. Talk to sources and informants. Hopefully, we can get to him before the final ransom demand has been made.”
“What happens if we don’t?” Jules asked, already knowing the answer. They would kill Stanley Martin III, and once again she would have done nothing to stop it. Should she confide in Tony of her responsibility to Stanley? She had to. It was important that he know the kind of person she was, even though confessing this secret part of herself made her feel vulnerable. He needed to know the reason why rescuing Stanley was so important to her. Mustering her courage, she said, “I killed his son, you know?”
Everyone in the car jerked to look at Jules. She felt her face heat from the stares she was receiving.
“What did you do?” Tony questioned in a deadly serious tone.
“I was on a date with Stanley’s son. I made him stop the car and got out. It got T-boned in the middle of the road by a tractor-trailer. His car was pushed into a lake, and I couldn’t save him,” she confessed, turning her head to look out the window.
“Jules,” Tony said in a comforting manner as he reached for her arm. She jerked away from him, still conscious of the eyes upon her.
“I couldn’t save Adam because of my fear of water, but I certainly could save myself. I got in the water and let you take me to safety away from the terrorists. What kind of person does that make me?” she rambled. Her chin started to quiver. She relived that night each time she told the story. Now the story was made worse by the fact that she overcame her fear of water to save herself, but couldn’t overcome it to save Adam.
“Is that why saving Martin means so much to you?”
“Yes. I’m responsible for his son’s death. I won’t be responsible for his as well.” She pinched the skin on her arm with her fingernails, causing marks.
“Jules,” Tony said, slapping her good hand away from her arm. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“You should have let me die back there, Tony. I caused another to die.”
And that was precisely the reason Tony had turned off his emotions. He knew he could never live with the guilt. The problem was that they were both incredibly good-hearted people.
“What happened to Martin’s son—was not. Your. Fault. You have to stop blaming yourself. It will only bring you harm. Why did you make him stop the car?”
“It’s so stupid looking back at it now.”
“Just tell me the reason. I’m sure it was a good one.”
“It was only our first date, but he was touching me.”
“Touching you where?” Tony asked as his rage intensified. His heart pounded in his ears and his vision clouded. He blinked rapidly to clear it. He felt edgy, ready for a fight. Adrenaline coursed through his system at the thought of someone touching his Jules without her permission. This was exactly how he used to feel when her father would abuse her. This was exactly how he felt when he fought her father, trying to take him down, trying to beat some sense into him so he would stop abusing Jules.
Jules looked down to her lap and Tony knew. He balled his fists, feeling the need to hit something. “Jules,” he said with determination, “you need to listen to me now and listen good. No one has the right to touch you without your permission. You did the right thing in getting out of the car. It’s not your fault that a truck hit his car. It’s not your fault that your father tried to drown you and caused your fear of water. You were the victim, Jules.”
“I’ve been told that many times, Tony. I just have a hard time believing it. That’s why it’s so important for me to help rescue Stanley. Can you understand?”
“Yeah, I understand, but it wasn’t your fault.” Tony brought his hand up to her head and stroked her hair, pressing his hand down her back in a calming manner. She leaned back into his touch, and he relished it.
“We’re here,” Tyrrell said, breaking the moment between Jules and Tony.
They unloaded into the warehouse and got straight to work.
“Who do we have on the ground?” Michael asked the member of the IDF assigned to the Unit. “We need someone with intimate knowledge of the ATG, someone they trust. Which asset do you have on the ground who can help us?”
The IDF member, named Asher, answered, “We have Ranit Kantor. He’s loyal to the ATG but likes getting paid by us. He should be able to tell us anything new that is happening with the ATG for the right price.”
“Great. How do we find Kantor?” Tony asked.
“He won’t be cheap.”
“Don’t worry about the funds. We have plenty. The insurance company stands to lose a great deal more with his death than they gave us to rescue him,” Michael informed his Israeli counterpart.
“Can you bring him in, or do we go to him?” Tyrrell asked.
After a phone call with his commanding officer, Asher said, “I’ll bring him in. That will be much safer and keep your presence here a secret.”
“How mu
ch can we trust this Kantor? How sure are you that he won’t tell the ATG we’re here looking for Stanley?” Jules chimed in.
“He’ll take the money and keep his mouth shut. We use him for intel all the time. He is loyal to the money. We pay him well. Your presence here will be kept a secret until you want it known.”
“Great. Get him,” Tyrrell instructed.
“I’ll be back soon with Kantor.”
“Jules, can I talk to you for a minute,” Tony said, motioning for her to follow him to a private area of the warehouse. He couldn’t stay away from her. He knew he had to protect her on this mission, yet he couldn’t deny that not touching her was causing him physical pain.
Once inside the abandoned office, Tony shut the door and turned to face her. “I have to be honest with you. I don’t want you on this mission. I care for you too much.”
“Don’t say shit like that to me. I know you don’t mean it. How could you after what you did to me?”
“You have to believe me. I did shut off my emotions so I could make it through SERE school and my missions, but I have always thought of you. I have always thought of you as mine.”
“You’ll forgive me if I don’t believe you. I’ve had years to think about it.”
“So have I. You’re the only one I want. You always have been.”
“Are you telling me you haven’t been with anyone else? I know that’s bullshit, Tony.”
“I’m not saying that. It’s just, well, they never meant anything to me. You’re the only one who has ever captured my heart and soul.” He reached out to touch her cheek with the back of his fingers. He grazed her skin, and once again she leaned in to his touch. “I need you. I have to be touching you. I cannot put your life in danger. Please don’t make me.”
“Sorry, Tony, but I’m going on this mission and nothing you can say or do will make me stay here while you’re out there.”
“Jules, I don’t think you understand. I want you.” He stepped closer. “I need you.” He stepped closer still until there was only an inch separating their lips. “I care about you.”
He crushed his lips to hers as he held her firm, voluptuous body against his. The touch of his lips to hers sent a jolt through his body. And, apparently, hers too because she jumped. He felt like he was floating, suspended above the room looking down at them kissing. The experience with her was surreal. He kissed her with the intent of bearing his soul to her. As she parted her lips, he slid his tongue inside her warm mouth. She used her tongue to touch his. They mingled and danced a lover’s dance. When she brought her lips together, he sucked in her bottom lip, biting down gently. He released her lip and pressed his lips against hers for an eternity. Intending to show her that he meant every word he said.
He couldn’t believe he was kissing her again after all these years. This time, he wasn't letting go. He deepened the kiss by opening his mouth again. She kissed him back with equal fierceness. It was hard, crashing, soul-stealing, and passionate. Reaching up, he twisted his hand in her long, dark locks and pulled her head back to angle up to him. She moaned as he felt her fingernails run down his back, but she was pressing into his flesh hard. He would have marks. She made her way down to his ass and squeezed hard. Everything was hard and passionate. This was long overdue. He wanted her.
Then there was a rap at the door. “Tony, we need you out here.”
He pulled back from the intense kiss. He painfully separated their bodies and removed his hands from her soft skin. “Fuck.”
She didn’t know where to look. Surely she communicated that she still wanted him with that kiss. It took her by such surprise. Her breath caught at the thought of what just happened. She didn’t want to give in so easily and couldn't believe that he could get past her defenses so easily.
“To be continued?” Tony asked with hope-filled eyes.
“We’ll see,” she said before pinching her bottom lip with her good fingers.
Back in the main quarters of the warehouse, Tony awaited the arrival of Kantor. Finally, someone to provide information that they wouldn’t have to torture.
Just then, the door opened and in walked Asher escorting a Middle Eastern man who stood about five foot six inches tall. The man was dressed in a nice business suit, not what the Unit was used to seeing. The man, Kantor, approached Tony and extended his hand. “I hear you have business with me,” he said as he grabbed Tony’s hand and gave it a firm shake.
“Yes, what can you tell us about a yacht that docked sometime last night? Had a hostage on board by the name of Stanley Martin III, an oil tycoon being held for ransom by the ATG.”
The man began to back away from Tony slowly. “I know nothing of this.”
“That’s not what Asher says. Asher says that you are an informant. And right now, I need you to inform. Name your price.”
Kantor looked around the room, most likely taking in the sheer size of the men. They all stood at least six inches taller than him. Their muscular bodies showing through the shirts that were stretched across them. He was outmanned and outmuscled. “For the information you seek, I want fifty thousand American.”
“Do you know where the ATG is currently holding Martin?” Michael asked, walking over to his duffle bag that lay on the floor beside a table.
“I know where Martin is. Money first. Then you get your information.”
“We also need to know how many men are holding Martin. We need all the intel you can provide.”
“Yes. Fifty thousand American will get you all of that information. But, so we’re clear, my name stays out of this.”
“We aren’t interested in you, only Martin.”
“Okay then, do we have a deal?” Kantor asked, looking around the room to each man.
“We have a deal,” Tyrrell said, grabbing hold of the man’s hand and shaking it. “Michael, get him his money.”
Michael placed the large duffle bag on the table and reached into it. He pulled out a wad of cash and sat down to count it. “Why don’t you count with me, Kantor? Save some time.” Kantor sat opposite Michael and counted the cash with him.
“Now you have your money. Give us our intel,” Tony said with a scowl on his face. He didn’t trust this man. Of course, other than his brothers and Jules, he didn’t trust anybody.
“Last night a yacht docked down in Haifa. It was told to me that it contained six ATG fighters and your man, Martin. They are currently held up in a fish processing plant in Tirat Karmel.”
Jules and Tony exchanged looks.
“What do you know about this plant? Do you have a name?” Tony asked.
“It’s the Karmel Processing Plant. It’s about fifteen minutes from Haifa. They run three shifts, so they are hiding Martin among civilians.”
“Wouldn’t the civilians alert the authorities?” Jules inquired.
“The workers wouldn’t even know he was there. They have him stashed someplace out of the way. Maybe in the basement? Look, I don’t know where in the plant they have him. Just that he is in the plant,” Kantor informed the group.
“How many men are holding him there?” Tony asked, looking Kantor directly in the eyes. If Kantor was going to lie about something, this would be it.
“I heard this morning that there were at least ten men there sitting on Martin. He is a high-value asset to the ATG.”
“Let me make something very clear to you, Kantor,” Tony said, leaning down so that he was inches from Kantor’s face. Tony could feel Kantor's increased respiration against his skin. His breath was horrible. “If any of this intel is bad, if Martin isn’t there, or if there are more than ten men, we will find you. And you don't want us to find you. Understand?”
“I understand, and I swear, the information I’m giving you is good.”
“Thank you, Kantor. You may go,” Tyrrell said, looking to Tony.
Tony had Jules, the love of his life, to worry about. The rest of the Unit didn’t. Still, he knew Michael and Rob would protect her with their lives.
Kantor got up to leave, but before he could, Tony grabbed ahold of his arm, hard. “Remember what I said." Kantor jerked his arm free of Tony’s grasp and walked out of the side door.
“I don’t know about this, boss. How sure are we that we can trust this guy?” Tony questioned.
“What other choice do we have?” Jules said, running her hand down Tony’s arm. The heat of her touch made his toes curl. He had to admit, she had a point. They didn’t have any other options. They had to check out Kantor’s story.
“I want everyone dressed in full combat gear. Vests. Helmets. Assault rifles. Do you know how to shoot?” Tyrrell turned his focus to the only noncombatant in the room.
“I’ve shot a Glock before at the range. It was part of my training. I had to learn how to shoot, but I don’t know anything about assault rifles,” Jules confided in a whisper that only Tyrrell and Tony could hear.
“Tony, take her back and show her how to use an assault rifle. And don’t come back until she knows what she is doing,” Tyrrell said, handing him an M4.
“Ladies first,” Tony quipped, motioning for Jules to take the lead. Tony followed close on her heels to the back of the warehouse. On one end of the large, open space, he placed the soda cans he had gathered from the front area. Then he walked back to where she stood at the other side of the warehouse about one hundred fifty feet from the soda cans.
Jules felt the heat from his body as he pressed against her from behind, and her breath caught in her throat when his cock rubbed against her ass. She butted the end of the gun into the crook where her arm met her shoulder. Placing her right index finger on the trigger, she supported the weight of the gun with her left hand. Tony placed his hands over hers as he moved her hands into the correct positions. “Never place your finger on the trigger until you’re ready to fire.” Moving her hands to right places, he moved her long hair over her left shoulder and then took up the same stance behind her as before. His hot breath against her neck was doing delicious things to her body. Her senses were heightened. His body thrummed with the rhythm of his breathing, and her core pulsated with each exhale onto her skin. Her hands grew sweaty. She didn’t know how much longer she could resist him.