The Predator [2]

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The Predator [2] Page 16

by Brooke May

  Shaking my head, I watch as round two starts, and for the first minute, Chamberlain continues his act until the crowd begins to chant his name. Even with him feigning hurt, they are still on his side.

  “This gets him going. Fucking ego of ‘Predator.’” I laugh but grow quiet when Chamberlain drops the act and slams a left hook into the side of Rebel, taking him completely by surprise.

  Scott barks another laugh. “His eyes almost popped out.” He slaps his knee while I roll my eyes and look back at the fight. Chamberlain stealthily moves right then left as his opponent tries his best to land another punch but fails.

  He’s got this.

  Like there was ever any doubt about his ability to win this match, especially being so close to the championship. At the end of round two, Rebel isn’t as sure of himself now that Chamberlain is fighting back. When we jump back up to help him, Chamberlain only asks for some water and a kiss.

  “C, I really don’t think the public needs to know about us … yet,” Scott teases as he gets out of the ring before Chamberlain can hit him.

  I laugh and bend down to kiss him. I rub my lips against his as I push the point that he is mine to everyone watching. “Kick his butt, stud.” I breathe and get out of the ring when the referee calls the fighters back. Chamberlain growls and slams his fists together, jumping up and stalking his prey.

  Scott is shaking his head when I rejoin him. “You just signed Rebel’s death certificate.” He claps a hand on my upper back while the bell rings to start the last round.

  Chamberlain wastes no time going in. Powerful punch after powerful punch surges as he weakens his opponent down to kneeling on one knee, and the referee has to separate them to get him back up for the fight to start again.

  I have my fists up, guarding my face when Chamberlain has his up, and jab when he swings. “GET HIM, CHAMBERLAIN!” I find myself screaming, standing on my chair along with the crowd. “Come on, handsome!” I shout again; it stills him in the smallest way and startles his opponent. With him startled, Chamberlain moves in and hands a sharp, powerful right hook to his chin, knocking him down.

  He’s out before he hits the canvas.

  The referee rushes in to check the fallen fighter. He stands, grabbing Chamberlain’s gloved fist. “Winner by knockout, Chamberlain ‘The Predator’ Lawrence!” Chamberlain pumps his fists in the air and turns around in a half circle, eyes landing on me.

  “Come here,” he mouths.

  “Come on, lil’ bit!” Scott climbs under the ropes and helps me up, pushing me to Chamberlain. A big, sweaty arm hooks around my neck, and Chamberlain hungrily kisses me, drowning out all others except for his breathing, his heartbeat against my hand, and the feel of him against me.

  “Time to party it up!” Scott cheers, drawing me back to the venue and the screams of the crowd around us. They are chanting Chamberlain’s fight name. I focus on him and only him as he does the same with me. Not the fans who are cheering for him, but me.

  “Would you like to go out?”

  I haven’t been out in forever, and I know Marissa is safe at our hotel with Fiona. I nod and jump into his arms just as the reporters from different sports stations crowd around us.

  “Predator, rumor has it, it will be you and Iron Man going to the championship. How do you feel going into a fight with such a powerful opponent?”

  “Predator, is it true you are planning to do a fighting movie next year?”

  “Predator, who is this beautiful, young woman?” The last reporter is the only woman out of the bunch.

  Chamberlain turns to the reporters and directs his attention to the three who asked the questions. “I feel great going against him. Noah is a great guy and an amazing fighter; I would be honored to be in the ring with him again.” He focuses on the next one. “I’m not sure what you are referring to. I’m a fighter, not an actor.” When the last one, he pulls me up in his arms and flashes his dimpled smile. “This is my panda, my Katie, and soon, my wife.”

  “Katie, as in your tattoo?” She points at his bare chest and blinks when she catches Marissa’s name on it now as well.

  “Yes, I got her back, and I’m never letting go.” He squeezes me and then lowers me back to the canvas. “Now, if you’ll excuse us, I am going to get cleaned up and take my girl out.” He threads his fingers with mine and pulls us through the crowd and back to the locker rooms where he changes and shakes hands with his now awake opponent. They laugh and talk about how it was a great fight. I know it wasn’t as satisfying for Chamberlain as it could be, but he puts on a good, nice front with the other man.

  “Let’s get out of here.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  THE BAR WE chose is packed when we arrive. Chamberlain tries to talk Scott out of going out, something he really doesn’t do anymore since becoming a professional boxer, but Scott isn’t hearing it.

  “Spend some alone time with your woman.” That’s all he had said before he disappeared into the throng of people. It makes it difficult to keep track of him. I wasn’t kidding when I said he might catch an STD by the random women he hooks up with. He was extremely lucky not to get trapped by Lizzy, thanks to me. He isn’t of sound mind when he’s drinking. The women who are usually around him are barely dressed and painted up like clowns.

  Why do women think that will attract a forever guy?

  When “Acapella” by Karmin came on, I pulled Chamberlain out to the dance floor with me, which wasn’t that packed. As I move to the music, he plants his hands on my hips marking me as his. I’m kept tucked close to him to feel comfortable and ease his tension of another man coming over to me, but far enough away to be able to move. My hips sway to the beat as his hips rock against my lower back.

  I turn in his arm and look up at his stunningly handsome face. I see him shooting daggers around the room at others who have their eyes on us. It isn’t just men staring at me, but women are staring just as intently at Chamberlain. I don’t feel the same possessiveness over him as he does with me. I know now that he loves me and is never letting me go again. I hope he knows I feel the same for him. I will fight if I need to, but I know he is mine.

  I’m glad I chose a pair of jean shorts tonight over the skirt I was tempted to wear. I don’t need Chamberlain freaking out; especially since I don’t think the fight helped him relieve any tension. Rubbing up against him the way I am is probably not helping either. I roll my bottom lip between my teeth as a plan takes root. I’m going to drive my man crazy tonight.

  As “Marry You” by Bruno Mars takes over the speakers of the bar, I move my body in a way against Chamberlain that I know will drive him crazy with lust. I wrap my arms under my hair and flip it off one of my shoulders while rolling my hips back to the beat and fluttering my eyes up at Chamberlain.

  His gaze is hooded, hungry, predatory for me in a way that I yearn for now. I don’t want to be at this bar anymore. I want to be in our hotel suite, in our room locked away from the world, including our daughter, for one night.

  Who are you kidding? One night with Chamberlain is never enough.

  I want to squeal with anticipation from his locked gaze. I drape my arms over his bulging shoulders and smile up at him. His movements aren’t as fluid as they were when we first came out here. He’s on lockdown now; either from my dance moves and intents for him later, or he is making sure every man near us stays away from me. Either way, I think it is hot, sexy, and it’s turning me on.

  “I think I want to marry you,” I sing to him as I stand on the tips of my toes, but I still have to pull his head down to kiss me. His lips press to mine, branding me further as his body heats flows from him to me while we continue to move to the music.

  He breaks the kiss slowly, resting his forehead against mine with his eyes lazily closed shut. “I already know that, baby.” He pushes back but not far. “Soon.” Promising me what waits for us in Vegas in only a couple of weeks. It’s not just the championship, but binding our lives togeth
er permanently. “Come on.” He tugs me off the dance floor and over to the bar where we find Scott with a couple of glasses of water for us.

  “Thank you.” I grab mine and take a sip. I feel cherished with the two of them; Beth, my aunts, Marissa, and Fiona, as well. “I’m glad you remembered I don’t drink.”

  My stomach still turns thinking about how I felt the morning after those two shots he gave me on his birthday. Now that I know Marissa was conceived that night, I’m so thankful the shots didn’t affect her even in that early of a stage.

  “Considering you were underage last time we were in a bar together.” Scott winks at me. “No problem. You were fun, though, when I got you drunk.”

  “I wasn’t that drunk.” I take another sip of my water, this time a longer one. I’m thirsty. “That was also the night I figure we conceived Marissa. You know—”

  As if he isn’t tuned into our conversation at all, Chamberlain cuts in. “No drinks,” he growls at Scott, making us both laugh. Drinking made me extremely anxious to get into bed with Chamberlain that night. “No.” He gets into my face, bending over slightly to look into my eyes. He can easily read my expression.

  “But it was fun last time.”

  “I know it was,” he whispers to me, moving my hair away from one of my ears as I’m pulled between his legs. “But considering I’m not making love to you until you are my wife, it wouldn’t make for a fun night tonight.”


  I rear back, feeling jilted and as if I’ve been slapped. “You’re kidding? After yesterday… how you’ve been acting today …” I stare at him in disbelief.

  He pulls me back to him. “Believe me, it’s a fucking pain in the ass, but I always keep my word.”

  “Word to who?”

  “Everyone, including myself.” He takes a drink of his water.

  “But yesterday—”

  “Technically, that wasn’t sex,” he finishes for me. “I have no problem getting you off, Katie. But that’s it—for now.” He brushes the pad of his thumb across my bottom lip as my mouth hangs open.

  This is unbelievable.

  I’m pretty sure if it wasn’t for the interruption yesterday, Chamberlain would be singing a different tune right now. I’m one hundred percent that he would be. I pull my mouth closed; it forms a straight, pursed line as I stare at him with determination.

  Game on, Lawrence.

  I have gone four years without an orgasm up till yesterday; I can wait. It’s going to be so much fun watching his resolve break down. I know I can handle going without, I did, but Chamberlain is a man, after all. Sooner or later, he will crumble.


  I’M NOT REALLY sure where this vixen has come from, but I think I like her. I was celibate for four years. What’s a couple of more weeks? Maybe I just need to prove Chamberlain wrong about waiting. I could really wait if I wanted to.

  For the rest of our time at the bar, every chance I got, I dragged Chamberlain out to the dance floor when a song would come on that had a great beat to grind on him. “Dirty Love” by Ke$ha is now getting ready to wrap up when his calloused hands wrap around my wrists to still me.

  “You are driving me. Fucking. Crazy.” He growls.

  “What?” I bat my lashes at him, going for innocence.

  “Just don’t, Katie. It’s hard enough as it is.” He groans, taking me back to Scott.

  “I’m sure it is,” I mutter under my breath but loud enough for him to hear.

  “What was that?” He lowers his gaze to me.

  “You heard me.” I meet his gaze head-on, challenging him with a lifted brow.

  He frowns at me before turning his attention to Scott. “We’re leaving,” he barks at him, not waiting for him to respond or follow us.

  In no time at all, Chamberlain has us back at the hotel. Scott falls behind as Chamberlain literally hauls me up over his shoulder and strides to the elevators. I’m not dropped even when he gets us into an elevator. I manage to maneuver myself to see Scott standing outside the door Chamberlain is holding open.

  “I’m going to the lounge.” He points to the left and offers us a wave as Chamberlain lets the doors close. Chamberlain slams the button for our floor, and then I’m deposited on the floor and smashed against the wall.

  His mouth is on me in a rush, but I barely close mine with his when he moves to my ear; biting and pulling down on my lobe before dragging his nose and his hot breath down my neck. I try to lift my hands, but he has my arms pinned down, my palms flat on the cool metal of the elevator. It’s almost a shock to my heated system. But it doesn’t last; his body heats mine so much that I’m sure I could possibly melt through the metal.

  He shifts his thick thigh between my legs, pushing against my wet, aching core, and lifts me off the ground by raising his knee. The movement forces wonderful pressure, leaving me whimpering and biting down on my trembling, swollen lip.

  And just as sudden as his attack occurred, he was gone. I’m placed back down, my palms and arms shaking as I try to hold my body up. “Ch-Cham-berlain.” My eyes are closed; I don’t feel or sense him near me. He isn’t in my space. I open my eyes, seeing the elevator door opened without my knowledge. Chamberlain is walking down the hallway, pulling the card out of his back pocket to open our suite.


  The elevator doors start to close. I force my body to move and take after him on stiff yet unsteady legs. “What was that all about?”

  He stills, card getting ready to drop into the slot and a hand on the handle. He takes a breath and then proceeds to open our door. “Chamberlain?” I rush in after him. “What is wrong with you?” I whisper harshly to him, following him into our room through the darkened suite. He holds the door open for me and then closes it behind him, all while he removes his shirt and shorts.

  I fall to the bed, watching him move around. “Do you not want me anymore?” I try to control my voice so I don’t sound so broken. I look down at my hands and never see him stalk toward me. I don’t know why I think this way. I know I’m being irrational …

  “Does this feel like I don’t want you?” He grabs my hand and roughly places it over his straining erection. “I want you, Katie, but I want to wait.” His teeth are clenched as he drops my hand and starts to help undress me. When I’m only in my boy shorts, he pulls one of his shirts over me.

  “Why?” I’m relieved to know he still wants me, but it’s so frustrating that he is prolonging what we both want.

  “I don’t know.” I feel better hearing him sound just as frustrated. “It sounded like a good idea in my head when I first thought of it.”

  “So let it go?” I advise wishfully as I follow him into the bathroom to brush my teeth, clean my face, and remove my contacts.

  “No.” He starts brushing his own teeth. “I’m sticking with it. It’s only a couple of more weeks. Actually, it’s only a week and a half away.”

  I groan and go about doing my own thing, deciding that trying to talk him out of it will get me nowhere. Chamberlain is a stubborn man. He leaves me in the bathroom to finish my nightly routine of cleaning my face and applying lotion before I join him in bed.

  He’s resting against the headboard; the only light is the moonlight coming in through the cracked blinds. The light creates a mouthwatering vision of Chamberlain’s bare chest.

  “Come here.” He pats my side of the bed where he so nicely folded the sheets down. I crawl into the cool bed and pull the covers up while resting against his warm side. We lay in the dark with my arms wrapped around his strong mid-section and his fingers combing through my hair. “Just think of how special it will be. Like the first time all over again, Katie.” He places a tender kiss on the top of my head. “Let’s just enjoy each other before we indulge in one another, okay?”

  My heart melts.

  How could I deny that?

  “Okay.” I cuddle into his side. I love that he likes to cuddle. I naturally get cold, even in the Florida heat, so having him as a
natural heater makes cuddling that much better.

  “Good.” He holds me close. “Besides, I have a surprise for you tomorrow, and even if you were pissed about not getting in my pants, you wouldn’t be mad at me for long.”

  “What surprise?” I try to look up at him, but he doesn’t allow my head to move.

  “Just something I know my beautiful woman wants.” He kisses me again. “Go to sleep, panda.”


  FOR OUR FLIGHT to Dallas, Marissa stuck to Uncle Scott’s side through security and insisted on sitting with him on the plane. The five of us occupied our own little corner of the plane; Fiona behind Chamberlain and me while Scott and Marissa were in front of us. We laughed and sounded like a typical family on vacation, and that’s just what we are. Minus being on vacation.

  I settle into listening to my loved ones laugh and joke around while I read through some things that I’ll need to know for the league meeting we will be attending in Dallas. By the time we land, I’m pretty sure I know what to expect at the meeting, but I’m not sure why I even need to attend. Chamberlain says it is because he doesn’t have an agent; by having me there, I can possibly catch something that isn’t right if he doesn’t.

  After we get our bags from baggage claim and Scott gets us our rental, we head out, and I frown up at Chamberlain when what we are driving pulls up. “A van?”

  “We need the room this time.” He nods at Scott who finishes helping him load all our stuff into the back. “We’ll see you at the hotel.”

  “Right.” Scott grabs a small whiteboard out of his bag before he tosses his bag to Chamberlain.

  “What are you two doing with that?” I point at the board, confused.

  What is going on?

  Scott holds the board up with a hip cocked and a cheeky grin crawls across his face. ‘Ms. Martin’ is written across it.

  Wha- why … huh?” My shoulders sag as I look back and forth at the two grinning giants.


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