The Predator [2]

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The Predator [2] Page 20

by Brooke May

  “How are you doing, Marissa?” The nurse smiles warmly at my mom. I may not be able to be by her side all day, but I make sure to visit before I go to school each morning, on my way back to Scott’s every evening, and all day, Sundays are spent with the woman I love the most.

  “I am well.” Mom pushes the button on the bed to sit up to drink her breakfast.

  “That’s great. I’m going to grab your vitals and leave you in peace, okay?” The nurse proceeds to do her job and quietly leaves when she finishes.

  “I don’t think I’ll find the kind of love you and Dad had.” I may be sixteen, but I know that shit doesn’t come easily.

  “You will.” She pulls her lips off her straw. “And when you do, nothing in the world will matter; not money or any other fortunes of the world. Her happiness will be put above all else, and you will be the man I raised you to be.” She gives me a pointed look and goes back to her drink. “God made us to have a match; she’s out there somewhere, Chamberlain. He wouldn’t be taking me if she wasn’t.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I toy around with my hat while she finishes. She needs all the nourishment she can get. “I hope I find someone like you then.” I move her table away when she finishes and help wipe the corners of her mouth.

  “I hope so, too. That way I know you’ll be well taken care of.” I cup both of her cheeks and kiss her forehead. “You’d better get your butt to school, mister; I want my son to have his high school diploma.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I laugh before placing a kiss on her forehead. “Remember I love you and you mean the world to me, Mom.”

  “Right back at ya, handsome. I love you.” Her eyes water, and the tears fall ever so slowly. “Always.”

  I wipe her eyes and kiss her once more before grabbing my backpack and heading off to school.

  Little did I know that would be the last time I got to talk to my mom. That afternoon, I picked up her favorite flowers after school and brought them to her only to have my whole world crushed. The attending doctor told me she had passed away an hour before I got there.

  The one day I forgot my phone at Scott’s.

  I walk into the room I’m sharing with Katie and find her still asleep. I smile down at her curled up on my side of the bed. “You would love her, Mom. You too, Dad,” I whisper, hoping they hear me. Sometimes, I think they guided her to me. Entwined us together before we even knew about one another.

  Katie stirs and rolls onto her back while blinking up at me. “Hey.”

  “Hey, panda.” I hang up my clothes and walk over to the side of the bed and run the back of my hand down her sheet wrinkled cheek. “You were out for a couple of hours; do you feel better?”

  She stretches, making the cutest noises, and sits up. “Much.” She crawls off the bed. “What time is dinner?”

  I look at the clock on the bedside table. “Two hours. Is that enough time to get ready?”

  “That’s more than enough time.” She gets up on her toes to kiss me while winding her arms around my neck to pull my head down to her.

  Burying my nose into her shoulder, I close my eyes and hold her tight. “I love you so much, Katie.” I pull back and look into her eyes. “You, Marissa, and any other children we will have will know, without a shadow of a doubt, that my heart belongs to you.”

  “Chamberlain …” I’m pulled back to her; I can feel her heart beating against my chest. “I love you, too, and so does Marissa.”

  “Hey, you two!” Beth pokes her head into our room. “Let her go, you beast! She needs all this time to get beautiful.” Beth playfully bats me on the shoulder and steals my woman from me.

  “How can you improve perfection?” I grin at Katie, whose cheeks darken while Beth snorts.

  “Go, get!” Beth shoos me out. “You take five minutes to get ready. Let me help the process along by getting K.C. ready.”

  “Fine,” I growl, stomping out of the room to join Scott on the couch to watch whatever mindless thing he is watching. I don’t fight the stupid smile on my face.

  Mom, you were right.


  “TADA!” Beth jumps out of the doorway, waving her hands in the air and gesturing at Katie as she walks out.

  “Ho-ly fuck …” Scott whistles when Katie emerges from the doorway while doing a spin for me to see her full outfit. “Ow!” He rubs his arm after my fist slams into it.

  “Watch it,” I warn him, standing to take in Katie. Her dress starts off white with black sparkly shit on the top and slowly fades to black then back to white around the bottom that stops mid-thigh.

  She looks amazing. Her tone, tan legs shine under the dress and are endless. Her black heels have her black painted toes peeking through the ends and straps around the back of her feet. I want her in only those heels, and I want them hanging over my shoulders as I …

  “How do I look?” Katie’s soft, sultry question washes over me.

  “Breathtaking.” I raise my eyes up to hers, answering honestly. Her hair surrounds her face and shoulder in simple waves, and her makeup is perfection; that whole smoky eye thing makes her crystal blue eyes stand out.

  “Really?” She bites her lip around a smile.

  “Absolutely.” I make my way to her, the scent of passion fruit washing over me. “Stunning.” I grab her left hand and bring it to my lips to kiss the ring that I put on her finger and feel a cool metal greet my fingers. I pull back, and a surge of excitement hits me when I see the ‘Always’ bracelet I gave her is on her wrist. “You kept this?” I toy with it.

  Throwing me her own cheeky grin with a wink, she replies, “Always.” She removes her hand from mine and reaches down to pinch my ass. “Get dressed; we leave in a half-hour.”

  “Fine, I’ll go, but only because you look so beautiful, I don’t want to waste it.” I walk into our room and spend fifteen minutes max to get ready. I skip the shave, knowing how much Katie loves my stubble. My tux fits like a charm. I hit myself with one shot of Axe, not wanting to take away from the natural me, tug on my collar, and nod to myself in the mirror.

  Ready to face the crowds.

  I walk out into the living room, mimicking what Beth did. “Tada!” I spread my arms wide and grin at everyone.

  “Daddy, you handsome.” Marissa looks up from her dolls and goes right back to them, not giving me a second thought.

  “Thank you, princess.”

  “No one would know you’re such a beast under that penguin suit.” Beth peeks over her magazine from where she lounges on the couch. “Your beauty is in the kitchen with her momma.” She nods to the other doorway and, like my daughter, goes back to what she was doing before.

  “Thanks.” I head to the kitchen, following the laughter.

  “Shoo, get out of here, you menace!” Fiona bats Scott away with her spoon from the stove where she is finishing their dinner.

  “Come on, Momma. I just want a bite,” Scott whines before turning to Katie. “Lil’ bit, tell her to quit being mean to me and share the goods.”

  Katie’s bare shoulders shake from her silent laughter. “No, behave. You are a total pest. You aren’t any better than you were four years ago.”

  “That is certainly true.” I make my presence known by speaking and walking the rest of the way into the room. Two sets of eyes turn to me; Fiona continues to focus on the food she is tending to. “I think he’s gotten worse with his old age.” I laugh.

  “Have not.” He pouts and slams down into a chair, crossing his arms. “Why are you all picking on me? First, Wildfire out there, and now, the rest of you; you’re supposed to be my family here.”

  “Aww.” Katie walks to him and places a kiss on his cheek before coming to me. “We do it because that’s what a family does, Scott.” She loops her arms around my waist. “Don’t you clean up nice?” She rubs my stomach.

  “Never as good as you, baby.” I pull a hand out of my pocket and put it on the curve of her perky ass. “Ready to go?”

  “Yes. Just let me grab my bag an
d kiss Marissa good night.”


  We kiss her good night and head out the door to the venue where the fight and the banquet are. Anyone and everyone who works behind the scenes of the fights along with fighters greets us. I introduce Katie to fighters ranging from featherweight to my heavyweight opponent, Noah ‘Iron Man’ Stone, who we are seated with along with his pregnant wife, Helena, who is also a fighter.

  “He’s really nice,” Katie whispers to me after I take my seat and proceed to fill her glass with water.

  “He’s a great guy and a lot of fun to fight.” Her hand is warm and laced with some moisture when I put it in my hand.

  “How did he manage to get a beautiful flower like yourself?” Noah points his water glass from me to Katie.

  “Noah,” Helena scolds him.

  “No, it’s fine.” Katie stops Helena before turning her focus to Noah. “We met when we were younger and recently found one another again. We were meant to be.”

  “So you are the Katie tattooed on his chest?” Noah’s eyes twinkle—fucking twinkle. You would never know a big man like Noah would be a romantic at heart.

  I honestly never thought my tattoo would make the amount of fuss that it has.

  “Yes,” I answer. “It took a while, but I found her, and I’m never letting her go again.”

  “So the media—”

  “Doesn’t know shit like usual,” I cut off Helena. “Marissa, Katie’s daughter, is also my daughter.”

  “Meaning you’re planning on adopting her?”

  “No, meaning she is mine, period.” I take a drink of my water. “Blood, she’s my daughter in every way.”

  “That’s wonderful.” Helena has a dreamy look as she rubs her protruding belly. “Isn’t it, babe?”

  “Yes, wonderful.” He nods to his wife. “I would love to meet your daughter. Will she be at our fight?”

  “No, she’s too young.” Katie comes back into the conversation. “But I would love for her to meet you two,” she adds warmly.

  “Better make it until after her daddy is healed up both physically and mentally after I hand him his ass.” Noah raises his glass again, just as dinner is served.

  “We’ll see,” I say with confidence. He may be a friend, but I’m going to be the one to come out as the winner. “We’ll see.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  SO MANY GIRLS dream of their weddings when they are little. Looking like a princess and marrying my prince charming was never something I imagined for myself. It was drilled into me at a very young age that I had no choice. Timothy McGarth the Third was my only option. So I never dreamed of my wedding since it was already figured out. I never was excited like other girls when they thought about their future. And that was just sad; six years old and already knowing my life was over was horrible to endure.

  But my future changed when I finally asserted myself and declared my independence from my parents. I became my own person; I was and still am strong. I was on my way to my own life when I met Chamberlain, and again, my life changed in an instant. I fell hard and fast for him, and now, I know he did with me as well. We have been separated for far too long. No one will interfere with our own happily ever after now.

  Not my parents, who are somehow trying to manipulate realities by pretending they still care for me. Not my sister and whatever vile thing she may try. And not Gwen, who is no longer in Chamberlain’s life. Today, we make our future our present.

  I can do this.

  Piece of cake.

  I push air out of my mouth after inhaling through my nose. I’ve never been so nervous in my life, and I don’t need to be! Today, I cast away the past and my last name to take Chamberlain’s and start working toward a future filled with love and maybe another child or two.

  I wasn’t expecting a full-blown wedding when I woke up this morning, but Chamberlain went above and beyond the call of duty for me. Aunt Jackie and Karmin were waiting in the living room for me with Fiona, Beth, and Marissa when I woke up this morning looking for Chamberlain. He had already left with Scott for their run, and then they were heading to the chapel to get ready. So the girls and I went down to the hotel spa and had our hair, makeup, and even our nails done.

  I was expecting something small—like one of the chapels you get in and out of that are insanely tiny—but not this beautiful place. When we arrived, my mouth hit the ground at its beauty. Yes, it is small, but the beauty of the place takes over. I’m blissful that I’ll be marrying Chamberlain here. It’s hard to believe that just a few short weeks ago, I wanted nothing to do with him.

  When we were at the spa, we told stories and had a few good laughs that helped calm the nerves coiling in my stomach. Chamberlain kept sending me messages to reassure me about different things that came flying through my head. It was as if he had a live feed into my mind.

  Chamberlain: Don’t worry, no press.

  Chamberlain: Just you and me, panda. Oh, and our family. ;)

  Chamberlain: I can’t wait till you are my wife.

  Chamberlain: I love you.

  The last one arrived just as I got to the Chapel of the Flowers. “Mommy, you look bootiful,” Marissa praises me as I fix the tiara in her mountain of curls. I’ll be amazed if they last a half an hour.

  “Thank you, baby doll. You look beautiful, too.” I stand to full length and run a hand down my front as if to push out my nerves.

  I have nothing to be nervous about.

  I’m marrying the man I completely love, and he loves me in return. This is what I always wanted. Love—something I never saw with my own family until Karmin and Aunt Jackie. Marissa will have both her parents united and feel the love I never had.

  “Did you have any troubles with the … you know?” Beth whispers to me with a raised brow. Much to her dismay, I dressed myself. I didn’t want any help. I would have let Beth, but I just wanted to do something on my own.

  “Yes, I figured it out.” I look down to make sure what I have underneath my dress is well hidden. Wearing black under white isn’t the smartest, but the material of my dress is thick enough that the black doesn’t bleed through. Maybe that’s why my nerves are hitting so hard. Chamberlain and I haven’t had sex in a long time. What if nothing is the same as it was before? What if I’m not enough for him now?

  Snap out of it!

  I chastise myself and shake those thoughts from my mind.

  “I’ve got this,” I reassure myself. Aunt Jackie and Karmin arrive before us to help Chamberlain and Scott out in the pavilion. Chamberlain made sure no one let me in to see what it looked like; he said he wanted to take my breath away like I do his every time I step into a room. I had no clue he could be so romantic. “Do you have your flowers?” I ask Marissa as the coordinator gets us into our lineup.

  “Right ‘ere!” She lifts her basket and smiles over her shoulder at me.

  “Okay, go out to Daddy right after Aunt Beth.”

  The soft music starts, letting us know that it is finally time. The doors open, and Beth walks out with her usual stride that exudes her confidence and her beauty. Marissa follows her out, skipping and throwing flowers over her head, giggling. The doors close again, but not before I hear Marissa. “Daddy! Mommy is a princess!”

  I laugh.

  “She’s right.” Fiona comes up next to me and threads our arms together. The corner of her eyes well with tears. “You look stunning, K.C.”

  “Thank you.” I lean my cheek into her warm hand that cups my face. “I’m so glad I have you here.”

  “There isn’t any other place I would rather be than by your side, my girl.” She turns me, making sure she has a good grip on me. “Who else is there to give away the bride besides the lady who raised her?”

  “And I’m so glad you did.” I get myself ready to make the walk to the man I love. My something old, something borrowed, and something blue all came in the form of a necklace that belonged to Chamberlain’s mom. I’m not sure ho
w he got it here so quickly from Boston, but I’m honored to wear it. Even though I never got the opportunity to meet Marissa or Rocky, I can feel their presence here with us. My something new is the corset, heels, and dress. Besides those, I am wearing a pair of simple tear drop earrings, my engagement ring, and my ‘Always’ bracelet.

  “I Won’t Give Up” by Jason Mraz starts to softly play. It’s time. “Let’s do this.” I grin over at Fiona when the doors open, and we start to walk out.

  A sharp intake of air overtakes me as I falter, stepping out into a black and white dream. The guest seating, though mostly empty with the exception of our family and Noah and Helena, who we invited last night, has giant black bows hanging from each row of seats with white sparkles that the light catches as Fiona and I continue. The pavilion is white with the same black bows hanging beautifully from above and surrounding it is white flowers, everywhere and every kind.

  A smile rips from between my teeth to the point that my cheeks almost push my eyes closed. I see Marissa bouncing in her spot next to Beth, but my eyes are pulled away and up to the beautiful deep blues of Chamberlain’s eyes. And just like that—the music, the worries and nerves, and even the people here for us drift away.

  There is only Chamberlain and me.

  From my chest, I feel a pull toward him, like an anchor that is being brought up from the depths of the ocean to be secured to the ship again. He is my anchor, my everything; the father of my daughter and hopefully more children to come, and my first and only love. I can’t get to him fast enough.

  Fiona tugs me to slow me down and lets out a low laugh. “Calm down, K.C. He isn’t going anywhere.” I fall back into step with her and shudder when we reach the end of our journey.

  My eyes flutter, and I convince myself this is all real; the feelings, the man, my life are all real. Chamberlain stays unmoving, eyeing me up and down. His chest rises and falls steadily before coming back to my face. He’s so handsome in his own rough, manly way. “Who gives this woman to this man?” A disembodied voice nearly breaks the enchantment for me. A woman in a silver, ankle-length dress steps forward.


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