by Annie Jocoby
The other attorneys and observers in the court laughed when the judge said this, and I got a chuckle out of it as well. "No, your honor," the prosecutor said. "There's nothing in her background that would make her a flight risk."
I felt a bit surprised about that, considering that Margot actually did flee to New York City after she killed Hugh, but, of course, I kept my mouth shut. "Okay, then, bail is set for $10 million." He banged the gavel, and I left the bench with Margot.
"What's next?" she asked me.
"Slade posts your bond and you go home."
She took my hand and squeezed it. "Thank you."
"Of course."
I got out into the hallway, and Slade was waiting for me. "I guess she got a bond?"
"Yeah. $10 million, which seems a bit excessive."
He shrugged his shoulders. "Not a big deal. I'll call my accountant and have him pay the bond." He shook his head. "Thank god I got Phil, my accountant, to release all my assets and cash from the trust I constructed when I thought I was going to prison." He then got on his phone and called his accountant while I sat next to him.
"Okay," he said, getting off the phone. "It's all set. Now, let's get back to my home. I think that you and I have some catching up to do, if you know what I mean."
I did know what he meant, as he had hinted around about his playroom. He said that he had standard equipment in there, so I wasn't necessarily expecting anything grand, but I was looking forward to it all the same.
I was still worried about his mother, of course, but that particular stressor was just going to have to wait. There wasn't much that could be done about it right at that moment anyhow.
We drove back to his house, and he led me straight back to a locked door. With a turn of a key, I was inside. I was impressed with what I saw inside, but he was right - there wasn't anything that was out of the ordinary. It was just a beautiful room, much more beautiful than other dungeons I had seen in my time in New York City. The walls were red, of course, as they usually were, but, in the middle of the room was a beautiful bed with four posters and a canopy-like top overhead. On one of the walls was a St. Andrew's Cross, and there was a spanking bench, and handcuffs on the walls. In the corner of the room, peculiarly, was a baby grand piano, much like what he had in one of his rooms upstairs.
He raised his eyebrow. "I don't think that I've sufficiently punished you for what you did in getting that videotape without my knowledge," he said. "I think that it's way overdue."
"I couldn't agree more," I said. "I did go against your wishes, and I think that I need to take whatever you have to give."
I felt completely excited as he unzipped my skirt and unbuttoned my blouse. He turned to my bra and flicked it off with one finger. He looked down at my feet. "Those shoes can stay," he said, pointing to my red high-heeled Christian Louboutin shoes. "But the hose have to go."
He gently pushed me down on a plush red chair and raised my legs. He slowly and sensuously rolled my panty hose down from my waist, inch by inch. With every millimeter he rolled down my hose, he covered that area with little nibbles, licks and kisses. He rolled down my hose to my thighs, and he licked, caressed and nibbled the area that was previously covered by the hose. Then down to my knees, and did the same. Down to my calves, and, finally, they were off. My legs were covered with his gentle mouth all the way down. This felt amazing, so amazing that I tried to contain my orgasm. I knew that, since we were in play mode, he was going to force me to contain my release, so I was going to have to have some self-control with it.
Next was my panties. He made his way back up my legs, leaving trails of kisses, sucks and nibbles which burned my skin completely. His deft fingers tugged on my panties as I leaned back in the chair. I wrapped my legs around his back, and he slowly rolled my underwear off of me. He returned to the area, his mouth and tongue teasing my inner folds and clit. I once again tried to contain myself, but it was no use. I had my first ecstatic release of the evening, and Slade looked at me. "You're going to pay for that," he said. "You have to control your orgasms until the very end of this." Then he put my high heels back on my feet. "Those shoes are sexy," he said. "So I'd like you keep them on."
I nodded my head, knowing that it was going to be impossible to do as Slade was ordering me to. Then, when he picked me up and bent me over the spanking bench, securing my hands with the handcuffs that were attached to the underside of the bench, I knew that I was going to have problems containing myself. Once again, I was helpless as I couldn't move, and I had no idea what was coming. But Slade apparently was determined that I wasn't going to be able to cry out, because he put the ball gag over my mouth.
I was on this bench, my wrists firmly secured to the bench, my head dangling down. The anticipation on what was going to happen was killing me. Slade was deliberately quiet, and I knew that this was part of his game - he was going to tease me by making me sweat, not knowing when he was going to strike or what he was going to do. My adrenaline was going haywire by this point, and every single synapse in my body was on high alert. There was absolute silence in the room for the longest time, but then I heard music playing. It was a Beethoven piece and it sounded like it was live.
I looked over and Slade was sitting at the grand piano. I swallowed hard, wondering when he was going to come over and give me my punishment for defying me, and realized that this was all part of his game. I was starting to feel uncomfortable in this position, and I craved for him to come over and attend to me. Still, he sat at the piano and his fingers were pounding the keys feverishly. I had to admit that I was impressed by his talent on the instrument, for it seemed like he was classically trained. He started to hit his crescendo, his eyes closed, and his breathing coming hard.
Then he looked at me and realized that I was staring at him and he smiled. He came over and put a blindfold over my eyes and I heard him starting to play the piano again. I knew that was his way of controlling what was going to happen, and I had to admit, after he out the blindfold over me, everything became much more intense. He started another dramatic piano piece, one that I recognized as being by Tchaikovsky. I didn't know the exact piece, but I did know the different flourishes that were signature to all the great composers, and it was unmistakable that this particular piece was by the Russian composer.
It was almost agonizing for me to be in that position, with no idea whatsoever when he was going to come back over to me. I lifted my head, because in the position that it was in, all the blood was rushing to it and it was starting to give me a blinding headache. I swallowed hard, but I had to admit that waiting there, while Slade played this exquisite and complex piano piece, was extremely difficult.
He finally finished this piece, and that made the anticipation heighten again. I, once again, started to feel anxious about what was going to happen and when. All this waiting was becoming more and more agonizing for me, but, I had to admit, it also was getting my juices flowing. My adrenaline was heightened by the fact that Slade had stopped playing the piano, yet he still wasn't going anything. He knew just what he was doing in making me wait, because it was truly becoming excruciating.
He must have been walking around silent as a cat, because I never heard him come up behind me. But he apparently did, so, when the paddle thwacked my buttocks, it was a huge surprise and this caused the sensation to drive me absolutely wild. The pain that this whack was causing me was nothing compared to the psychological torture that followed, because, after he whacked me that one time, I didn't feel anything again for several minutes. These minutes, however, felt like hours, as time seemed to stand completely still.
He was teasing me as a cat might tease a mouse. I had never before experienced such a psychological rush as I did while I stood over that bench with the blindfold over my eyes. I tried to control my breathing, because I found myself almost hyperventilating.
I finally felt him spread my legs and secure them to the floor. I desperately hoped that this was a precursor to what he was going to do,
and I wasn't disappointed. I felt the whack of his paddle three times in rapid succession, each time stung worse than the last. He wasn't going easy, as he was putting all his might every time the paddle hit my bare buttocks. The sting of the wood brought tears to my eyes, although I wasn't quite sure if these tears were from pleasure or pain.
Then, just like that, it was over. He unhooked my feet from the bottom of the bench, my hands from the top, and took off the blindfold. My legs felt unsteady as he removed the ball-gag and looked me right in the eye. "There it is," he said. "Don't go against my wishes again."
I nodded my head weakly. I had to admit, his toying with me before he paddled me was more torturous than the actual pain of the wood. It was also something that I had never before experienced. I didn't tell him that I would never disobey him, though, because I knew that I would be lying. I would take the punishment every time, however, and I loved taking it. It was exhilarating.
"Come here," he said, leading me over to the bed. He put my blindfold back on me and turned me around so that my stomach was on the bed. He put some soothing balm on my buttocks, and the cooling feeling was a great relief because it took away most of the sting. Then he started to massage my back, which also felt great, because, in my position over that spanking bench, my back was starting to kink up, causing me a great deal of pain. He was softly singing a song while he rubbed my back, and, while I didn't recognize the song, I loved it.
He soon was kissing my back, and I could feel his manhood right near my inner folds. I sighed as I waited for him to enter me. I wriggled around on the bed, wanting to feel his soft skin against mine. I needed for the heat of his body to meld with mine. I was craving that.
He continued to tease me, as his commanding and strong hands moved from my back to my thighs and calves. With circular motions, he made his way down, and I knew that this was another way that he was trying to torture me. It was almost painful to me not to have him inside of me. My clit felt like it was on fire, and I wanted to touch myself because I was so turned on by what he was doing.
I finally realized what I was craving, as his manhood slowly entered me. The fire inside me grew from the embers to a raging inferno, and I cried out in ecstasy. "Holy hell!" I cried as I bucked up on the bed. My orgasm started the second he entered me, and it spread throughout my body like a conflagration that was out of control.
He flipped me around, sat down on the bed and picked me up. He lowered me down on his hard cock, and he rooted deeply inside me. His lips found mine with an urgency that made me come hard again. He thrust into me again and again, and I threw back my head and screamed out loud.
“God, Serena, you feel so amazing,” he said as he stroked in and out of me with a sense of urgency that bordered on desperation.
I had no words for what I was feeling. It was that powerful. All that I knew was that I had to always have him with me. If I didn’t, I would be absolutely devastated. Absolutely devastated.
After some length of time, which seemed like hours, he finally had his own release. He breathed hard as he kissed me and lay me back down on the bed. His hands went through my hair as his tender mouth found my own again and again. I groaned, feeling completely and totally sated.
He smiled. “Let’s go upstairs to my bedroom, and we’ll continue this.”
I nodded, again at a loss for words.
At that, he picked me up in his strong arms and I realized that he had an elevator. That was something that I hadn’t noticed before, as it was somewhat hidden in the corner. We rode the elevator to his bedroom level and he carried me to his bedroom and lay me down on his bed.
He lay next to me, and stroked my body until he was hard again. As I felt his manhood enter me again, I knew that my life was complete. I had to live for every passing moment, because these moments were all that we had. Until he committed to me and to our future, we only had moments.
I hoped and prayed that we could always be together, but, in the back of my mind, I definitely had my doubts.
Chapter 11
The next day, we went to the jail to pick up Margot. The poor woman looked like she was beaten down. She was a slight woman anyhow, and it seemed as if she had shrunk even more after her experience in jail. My heart broke, because I knew that Slade’s heart was breaking. I could see it in his eyes as he watched her frail frame coming towards our car, and, when I closed my eyes to tune into his vibrations, I felt the infinite sadness that was roiling throughout his soul.
We walked back to Slade’s SUV, Margot walking slowly. “Oh, come mom, it wasn’t as bad as all that,” Slade said, doing his usual habit of trying to make light of serious situations. “I know that you got a gourmet meal in there.”
She shook her head. “I can’t go back to that,” she said with a small voice. “You’re right, being in jail for a night wasn’t that bad, and thank you for bailing me out. But I can’t go back to that.”
I closed my eyes and tried hard to tune into her vibrations to see how stressed she was. And, what I picked up on alarmed me. I felt that she was grieving because she didn’t believe that she would beat this charge, but I also felt something else.
I felt that she was literally going to kill herself if she had to go back to prison. I could feel that as strongly as I had felt anything in my life.
Slade was still trying to cheer her up with jokes, but it was clear that she wasn’t having it.
“Oh, come on, what more could you ask for? You get three hots and a cot, and all the free time you could possibly ask for.” He smiled at his mother, but, when he looked at me, the worry in his eyes was palpable. I didn’t even have to try to tune into his vibrations to know that he was as devastated as his mother upon seeing her.
I put my arm around him. He needed my support more than ever at that moment. My touch seemed to be just what he needed, because he stopped trying to make dumb jokes and got quiet.
I then went over to Margot and put my arm around her. She seemed to crumple, and she put her face on my shoulder and started to cry.
Slade looked over at her, and shook his head. I knew that Margot was tearing him up inside, but as always, he worked hard not to show it. He went to his SUV without a word, and I got in with Margot in the back.
That night, we ate dinner in an uncomfortable silence. None of us had words, because all of us were fearing the worst for her.
Especially me.
The next morning, I knew that I had to have a talk with Slade. I woke up next to him, and found him lying there, just watching me with a longing expression on his beautiful face. “I found a new San Diego house for my mom to live in,” he said. “She’ll be moving in tomorrow. I know that we need our alone time.” He nuzzled me. “Don’t you agree?”
“I couldn’t agree more.”
He kissed me and I reveled in the way his lips were slowly and sensuously gliding over my own. “Slade, we better go,” I said. “We need to get to the office so that I can start preparing your mother’s case.”
But Slade had other ideas. He continued to kiss me, and I felt myself melting into him. I reared back my head as his tongue circled my nipples and his hands roamed down my stomach and onto my nether-regions. His finger entered me, and his manhood was rock-hard. I could feel him just outside my opening. I spread my legs eagerly, and Slade put two of his fingers inside of me. He then picked me up and carried me across the room. He sat down in his chair and straddled my legs across his lap.
He put his hands on my back, and lightly ran them across it. I felt the tingles on my skin as his gentle touch soothed me. I felt cleansed by the way he was stroking me. He wrapped his arms tightly around me and rocked into me slowly and deliberately. I groaned as I felt his manhood fill me up. He stroked in and out for what seemed like an eternity, while his gentle lips glided skillfully over my own.
I felt him come inside of me, and I had my sweet release at the same time. We usually used condoms, but we didn’t this morning, and that was okay. I had started taking birth control pil
ls, so, even though I was nervous because I hadn’t gone through an entire cycle yet, I thought that the odds were in our favor. He kissed me some more, and I moved off of him. “That was amazing, as usual, but we really do have to get going.”
“Always the scold,” Slade teased. “But you’re right. I’d love just to stay right here with you all day long, but we have things to do and things to discuss.”
“Like Charlotte. We need to discuss her.”
Slade shook his head. “I don’t know what’s up her sleeve. I think, and don’t quote me on this, but I think that I have her cowed. But with her, you just never know. All that I know is that I’m in a really bad position with her, because I don’t know what will happen if she finally gets a wild hair and decides that she doesn’t really care, after all, about the fate of her own career. If she ever decides that, then she’ll be dangerous indeed.”
“Why do you think that she’ll get to that point?”
"I think that she’s contained, but then again, how can you contain somebody who is literally crazy?”
“That’s the age-old question, isn’t it?”
“Always. Anyhow, that’s where we left it.”
Slade picked up on my reticence, because, after a few minutes, he put his arms around me. “There’s something you’re not telling me.”
“Yes.” I took a deep breath. I hadn’t actually talked to Margot, but I knew what she was planning. Still, I was going to tell him a white lie, because he would never believe it if I told him that I picked up on Margot’s vibrations and knew what was going on. “Margot talked to me yesterday. She said some things that concern me greatly.”
Slade looked worried. “What sort of things?”
I went over to the bed and sat on it, and I pat the seat next to me. Slade came over and sat down. He looked worried, and I felt just as worried. “She implied to me that she might kill herself before she goes back to prison again. If she’s found guilty, she might not make it to prison. She knows that if she’s convicted, she probably wouldn’t ever see the outside of a prison cell again. So, if I lose this case, I’m really afraid that she’s going to do something drastic.”