by Reja
Copyright © 2019, Reja
All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without permission in writing from the copyright owner, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper or broadcast.
Published in India by Prowess Publishing,
YRK Towers, Thadikara Swamy Koil St, Alandur, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu 600016
ePUB ISBN: 978-1-5457-4817-6
Mobi ISBN: 978-1-5457-4818-3
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication
Bad Omen
A Wondering Worrier
The Unknown Next Morning
First Battle With Band Of Hawk
The Next Morning
A Second Step Toward The Dream
The Next Battle After The Knighthood
Inside Building
The Fight With Immortal Zodd
The Injuries In Body And Hearts
The Meeting With Princess Charlotte
The Secret Meeting
This is the start of the story of a worrier who born in this mad world and changes it absolutely.
Year 265,
Krim’s & his mercenary band moving towards fort Agviana after winning the last battle. They are still in the way when they see the terrifying seen of what the enemy did to the people of the village they attack.
‘All men are bound up together with the carts & wall for target practice. Every single body is penetrated with at least 20-30 arrows. The way the arrows penetrated it look like they were playing games of who will get the most accurate shot & hurt most them without killing them. By the look of the body, they have played the games for a few days to a week. But this is not the most terrifying thing we saw there.
Just in front of these captive men we see women bodies or I say broken bodies of dead women. By the look of these bodies, we can easily understand these men were killed after the attackers get bored from all these women’s bodies and screams.
In there, all ages & types of women are present even pregnant ones. They were all raped by at least 100’s mans every day for at least 4-5 days without food or water. In women’s bodies, there are many cuts and bite marks that are visible and in few bodies burn marks are also present, which shows they are also tortured. The look of the body says they even don’t give time to rest one after others they continue to rape them until they die, even after dead look like the few psychos continues to rape bodies cause the dead bodies didn’t have a single piece of cloth on them.
For them will it’s the best thing they died if they don’t, who knows what the attackers would have done to them after that.
After walking just a few steps we were able to discover the answer to our question just a little distance we saw a tree where naked girls are hanging with the rope in neck maybe they are those that even survive after all this horrible torture but still after that they hang them for fun and left them there for dying a miserable death. When we are still seeing the bodies we saw a body of a pregnant woman who was in the last month of her pregnancies.
We saw that there was something is moving is in her belly after a few seconds the child’s body come out of her. but in her belly, it is not only the child’s body that was there, but there are also worms too that are eating the woman’s body from inside & semen’s of many men how raped her. When we see down to her legs the only thing we see was mud, blood, & semen of man maybe 100 or even more from all these bodies & in them a child who just born with the worms.’
We all are seeing this seen when we suddenly notice that Hesta Krim’s woman who just lost his child just 2 days ago cause of miscarriage running toward this dead child.
She goes to the child and takes it in her arms and starts hugging it. She brushed all the worms and start touching gently child’s face. We all know that there is no way that this child is can be alive after all this. But we don’t have the courage to tell the Hesta and then suddenly Krim’s right-hand man Tim comes to Krim’s and said to Krim’s “You have to stop her that child is dead ”.
Krim’s- “I know ...... but”.
Tim – “Then......stop her now or...... she will take that child body with us ...............and if that happened that became more problematic go and take her and throw the body”.
Krim’s –“ok!!!”.
Krim’s step-down from his horse and starts walking towards Hesta. Krim’s put his hands on Hesta shoulder and tell her that the child is dead and she has to throw it.
Then suddenly a sound stared to echoing in the surrounding.
After hearing this Hesta tightened the grip of her hands and started hugging it more tightly by looking it, we can understand she doesn’t want to throw it cause she finally found a, her child ....but we all of know that we can’t take a dead child with us Krim’s harden his heart and grip the Hesta hand strongly and draw towards himself. A Sudden pull imbalanced her and she lost her grip on child and child falls in that mud again.....We all think this is the end of all this at last and we all started leaving.
We were all confused and started to look around for the source of the sound. Then we suddenly realize and saw the miracle happened that.....the dead child started crying.
We all became stunned, shocked we don’t know what to say suddenly someone in the crowd shouted - “The child is alive” after hearing him we all start realizing it too.
‘under the dead body of its mother, the baby made its birth cries...... cradle of the mire of blood, semen worms and after birth’
After hearing the cry Hesta flicked Krim’s hand start running towards kid take it in her arms and before anyone can say anything she returns to her wagon and start breastfeeding the kid. Everyone was shocked & stunned from it. Few moments after we realize what happened.
Tim came near Krim’s and said: “Are u going to allow it Krim’s”.
Krim’s saw Hesta. It’s been days when Hesta looks this calm.
He took a deep breath and replay to Tim “Hmm...... hell I care she can do whatever she wants....
... She is not my wife... she is just a bitch to me .... my bitch...
... she is free to do whatever she wants.... if...
... she keeps sleeping with me.....other than that I don’t care”.
Some men from back start to talk with each other. They look scared of something and trying to tell something to Krim’s but not able to take courage to say it, suddenly a man says something to Tim...
Tim replayed “I don’t know about”.
The person replies “Yeah.....”.
Krim’s hear this and ask Tim “What is it”.
Tim replayed “Picking a kid at a place like this”
“It is a bad omen isn’t it”
Krim’s think some time and reply to Tim “...What ............are u guys scared of it ...that little kid...
after killing hundreds of men with your hand you are afraid of ....that little shit....”
Tim replied, “...No... but”.
other people also replied “Scared with that punk ..........ya! ...u got to be kidding ......”
Krim’s say “*suss* U guys .........well u don’t have to worry about it, it will die anyway do u think after all this,” he pointed his sword the dead bodies ...
“ That kid can survive so
let’s leave it .....Until kid dies let it be the Hesta’s little toy to console her”.
Krim’s ordered his man “Come on ....let’s get out of here and stop babbling nonsense”.
Krim’s slowly turns his head to see the tree and start thinking about what his man said
‘A bad omen let’s see’
Three years past
The Krim’s band is fighting a battle again for the fort. Some distance apart from the battlefront in the campsite of Krim’s band in the commander Krim’s tent.
The 3-year-old kid came inside the tent..... in dark his eyes are shining like a beast that is looking to his prey ....
A sudden scream from the tent “aaaaaaaaaaaa” a really painful scream ...
When the kid gets inside he saw Hesta in the bed screaming continuously and some other women who are trying to help her...
A woman suddenly shouted, “Hold on Hesta .............. ”.
“Kaal!!!... ”.
“get out of here!!!”.
“She got plague .....If u got infected it will end your life too!!”.
Kaal looks Hesta.
Hesta was so much pain that she is barely conscious. She looks Kaal and tries to speak to him but the cause of pain is too difficult for her to speak. She extended her hand to three-year-old Kaal and screeches his name “Kaal.......!!”
After hearing Hesta’s screech Kaal gets stunned and stands there like a statue for a minute looking Hesta’s face without saying anything. After a few moments, Kaal hears the voices of a woman who is taking care of Hesta.
The first woman asked another “Where is Krim’s”.
Second woman reply “He is in the middle of the siege of the fort. He won’t come”.
The first woman flick his tongue and said “pathetic!!!....shameful!...
don’t u think a man should be with her woman at her dying moment”?
Second woman reply “let that go ........ Lets first put something between her teeth or she will bite her tongue”.
Kaal still standing and looking Hesta’s face. After snapping out he moves forward where Hesta is by making his ways between those women. He comes to a distance where Hesta’s hand can reach to Kaal. The woman gets surprised and shouted at Kaal “Hey! ..What are doing go away!!”.
Hesta looked into Kaal eyes extended her hand and screech his name again “Kaal!!!!!......
Kaal ........”.
Kaal has a terrified look on his face his hand is trembling like a dry leaf. But he takes his courage and extended his hand to Hesta’s hand and holds her hand with his both hands tightly
The women are staring at Kaal with pity eyes and called him “Kaal...” and became silent.
They realize that Hesta is not screeching anymore and her trembling cause of pain is also gone. Before they can say they know that Hesta is not going to survive but they stay silent and keep looking at Hesta face cause after knowing so many years of Hesta this is the first time she is making this type of face. This is the first time in many years she looking calm & happy cause of Kaal. After a few minutes, Hesta passed away with a smile on her face. We all became silent and just constantly staring at her face.
Three years later
Krim’s & his band are engaged in another battle. On the battlefield, the Krim’s and his men are fighting with foes. They are now fighting for days. In the middle of the battle, the Kaal is also present. He can’t fight with foes like others but he still contributes in battle by delivering the weapons or shields for those who need it.
In the middle of the battle, Krim’s shouted “Hey ...Kaal....give me the spear”.
Kaal gives the spear to Krim’s.
Krim’s shout again “come on don’t just sit there pass the spear quickly” and take the spear from Kaal and penetrate it to the enemy horseman’s chest. Enemy horseman losses balance and fall on the Kaal. Kaal gets buried to the ground by his weight the blood keep flowing from the dead enemies wound and in few second the Kaal get covered in the blood of the enemy. Kaal somehow pushes the body and able to get up. When he is still trying to stand Krim’s thrust his spears back end on Kaal’s face and hit his face pretty hard and shout on him “What are u doing ....don’t just stand there”.
“Are u trying to get me killed ......damn it who the hell do u think to feed u”.
“ If I die.....u will also be a corpse on side of the road or maybe be worst”.
Tim shout “enemy incoming........... All of u attack”.
Kaal staring in Krim’s face silently.
Krim’s asks “... ahh... what are you staring at?”
“U got a problem then I can throw u out now ...........right now in the middle of this battlefield”
*flick* “that bitch Hesta sure pick some pesky little bastard”.
Kaal still staring at Krim’s. After few second Kaal spilled the blood and a tooth from the mouth and for a few minutes, he stares his tooth.
After that, day’s battle ended every one gathered at the campsite this is time for relaxing for now but still Krim’s and Kaal doing sword practices. Kaal and Krim’s are having a mock battle.
Krim’s talking in between battle “let’s go kid”
*sword clash*
“Come on .....Kid ..... Come at me with all the power u have”
*sword clash*
“Is that it’s all u got”
*sword clash*
Kaal attacked Krim’s but he dodges it and kicked Kaal.
Kaal “*cough*”
Krim’s “come on kid fight kid we are not playing here”.
Suddenly Tim says “come Krim’s you’re going too far he is still 6-year-old kid u can’t teach him to brutal world fight just like that”.
Krim’s reply “he can’t keep on eating free meal forever .....We are mercenaries, after all ...mercenaries”
“He has to learn how to fight”
“He has to learn how to earn his food ”.
Kaal was in pain from the kick he pukes on the ground *ahhh!!!*
Tim replied “that’s fine but...... Kaal why don’t u use the sword of more of your size ...why u r using the sword of our size”.
Kaal says “no!! Dame it ”.
He refuses to give up. He stands up again and tries to attack Krim’s with a sword but the sword is too heavy for him he starts to fall back again cause of weight but he somehow balances himself.
Tim replied “oh!!! he is such a pig head he knows he can’t win but still fighting.....hmm...... what a stupid kid”.
Krim’s reply to Tim “we don’t keep the kid’s weapon here ....we are mercenaries band not some kids toy shop owners ....don’t u think!”.
Kaal attack again with his full power*ahh!!!*
*sword clash*
Krim’s still teaching Kaal “not good kid....use your hip more and attack full power......
....not enough power
.....not enough projection”.
The crowd cheering Kaal “go kid”
“ come on getting him, kid”
“ just a bit more and u will make it”.
Suddenly Krim’s attack Kaal “There kids now my turn ”.
He only inflects minor but painful wound in Kaal hand. But this did not make Kaal fall he stand against the attack and start looking for a chance to counter-attack when he saw an opening he just thrust his sword with all his strength and able to inflect a minor cut on the Krim’s face. For a second Krim’s got surprised but he was a trained worrier so he is quickly able to come back to his sense and counter-attack with his full power shouting in Kaal “you!!!!........... runt .........”
and inflict a wound in the Kaal nose and Kaal falls from the shock. Everyone became shocked by Krim’s behavior and shout “Krim’s?????”.
Everyone runs to Kaal to see his wound and shouting in Krim’s “Hey Krim’s u r gone too far he is just a kid”
“Hey kid!!....are you alright!”.
p; Krim’s was still standing there without saying anything.
Tim saw the wound “It’s awful cut all way to bone ...he lucky if it is 1 inch deeper it will be problematic”
Other men pick Kaal and move him to a tent.
One of the men says to Krim’s “that’s a bit childish don’t u think .........Krim’s ...aa....boss”.
Krim’s replay “yeah ....I think I push it a little too far”.
Inside the tent, Kaal was trying to sleep’s too’s like my face is in fire nose is clogged with blood .....My head is too heavy....I can’t breath, Suddenly he hears the voice of someone outside the tent “Hey how long he plans to keep that kid anyway”
“Did u hear where that comes from?”
“Yeah!! ....I heard he born from the corpse”
“For peoples like us who put our life at risk ...........that”
“Yeah that a bad omen....he will bring us bad luck”
“I bet it also his fault that Hesta died by plague........”
“Yeah, that must be the cause of his bad luck”.
Kaal became terrified by hearing all of this talking, he starts trembling he start finding anything that claims him down and let him sleep, but in the tent, there is only one thing present and that was his sword. He just grabs his sword tightly with both hands and sleeps with it.
Next morning ...
Kaal wakes up early in the morning for his training. Kaal keeps practicing his sword strike “ninety-eight .....
Ninety-nine .........
After the intense training, he lay down in the grass and start taking deep breaths and start thinking
When I m swinging this sward I don’t have to think about anything else
Kaal saw his hand became red and gets covered in rashes all over the palm cause of swinging that heavy sword.
Suddenly Krim’s came near the Kaal and says “u are taking quite a long time for drawing water from the river”.
Kaal snapped out of his thought and look Krim’s and reply “Krim’s!”