Dead Worrier

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Dead Worrier Page 4

by Reja

  ‘Ohhh...fuck body is really in very bad shape .....I got two broken ribs ....arrow wound in chest .....I m cold and lost too much blood when I was unconscious .....didn’t know where I m and ..........where I m going anyway........wouldn’t it would be easier just to.... Lie down there in that cold snow .....and die a painless death ....there’s nothing anymore in this world for me .....the only thing that world has for me is just bad stuff where ....can I go??’.

  Kaal continued walking without looking where he is going the only thing he was able to see was the reflection of his face in the frozen lake. Kaal continued walking forward without knowing direction when he crossed the little snow hill he saw a few white snow wolf and stopped for a moment. Kaal saw wolfs they were looking thin maybe they were not able to get anything to eat for many days their hunger can be seen in their eyes. Now there is a prey in front of them a prey they can eat and satisfy their hunger. Kaal and wolf’s eyes meet each other they both can see the Beast in each other’s eyes one was hungry and one was injured.

  *woo* wolf howled.

  with the wolf leaders howl the pack of wolf started their attack. Kaal was still standing there without any hesitation or fear. It was like that he has lost his will to live. The wolf started to getting close to Kaal very quickly but Kaal is still in his thoughts

  ‘So...This is it .... its..over ......finally is going to over now ’.

  Wolf attacked Kaal but Kaal killed it without wanting or knowing. His hand moved on his own on his instinct. Kaal realized what happened when the dead wolf started pushing him to ground

  ’Eh..? What happened he died ....cause of hunger there is blood did I killed him but..... Why ....I don’t want to live anymore why???’

  In between all his thought, the second wolf jumped on him, like the first the second wolf also lost his life from the Kaal’s sword without knowing. After seeing two wolf death the other wolf stopped for a second but when they saw Kaal’s breathing heavily and barely able to stand the started there attack again. Like before Kaal killed all the wolf who attacked him with only on his instinct but still wolf continued their attack and also continuously died one after one. Until they were able to understand that they can’t win against Kaal and started running away. Kaal’s body also at its limits so after the wolf ran away Kaal also felled on his knees and lost his conscious. Even in his this state he still calling Krim’s name “”.

  When Kaal was laying in the ground this time he was sure that it would be his final moment but like before he survived, it was like some invisible force didn’t want to let him die. At the place where Kaal laying it was the main route of the nearby fort where a battle just ended and a mercenary band was on their move toward the next place. The mercenary band stopped after seeing Kaal and move toward him to see him.

  Band members talking “Hey!!..look....there is a kid!!...”.

  “Is he alive??”.

  “Yeah... he is still alive but he is in... pretty bad shape ....hey looks at that sword it is covered in blood and these wolf bodies ....did this kid killed all these wolves....??”.

  “No way .... It can’t be possible ”.

  “Well ...whatever ...either way, this kid got some good luck... don’t u think .....getting found by us in the middle of this wildness..... Where even animals are hardly seen ”.

  “Good luck?.....with mercenary like us?


  “Well whatever, oh yeah ...Angus was saying he needs another man in his squad...maybe he could get in some use”.

  “But still I m thinking about, what would have happened to him?? And his chest wound.... didn’t it look like an arrow wound?? ”.

  “Who knows, maybe he was a runaway slave or something like that. The world is a strange place ......” and band members took Kaal in there care and made him a member of their band.

  In sleep Kaal

  ’Krim’s ....Krim’s don’t go’



  Four years later

  Kingdom’s royal knight and the mercenary band are fighting a battle together for the fort, the battle was very intense both armies were giving their best.


  suddenly a large sound occurred and the fort door was get destroyed and foes started to get inside fort.

  Commander knight of attacker army “Go!!......make your ways through the enemy’s dead bodies!!! .....and whoever brings me the enemy general’s head gets all rewards he wants!!”.

  After hearing about reward every soldier started their attack towards were the enemy commander was present, but most of them didn’t know there was still a man standing between them and the enemies the last line of defense.

  That man killed every man who tried to pass him he was a giant figure man with full-body armor with a war ax in his hand and within a minute he killed tens of attacker’s man.

  Suddenly someone from the army recognized him and shouted “Its Bazuso!!!” And started trembling with fear.

  “The grey knight Bazuso!!!....”.

  Another man “Bazuso!!! ...U means the man who killed thirty men at once?”.

  “I heard he had also killed a bear unarmed!”.

  Commander knight “What happens... where are archers ... tell them to shoot down that fatso”.

  “Sir... They are still outside the castle gate ...”.

  Bazuso “No one going to get passed me!!...anyone who wants to get this ax in his head can try”.

  Commander knight “Argh!!... What r u all waiting for.... defeat him and make yourself famous... What r u all scared... and you all call yourself knights??...

  stop wasting time and charge!!! ”

  Band members “Hey...... We are not knights we are just mercenaries... It is easy for him to say like this”.

  “ Hey why don’t we let him do it .... he is our commander...

  *he he*

  .... he would be stronger than us right... it would be best .....

  *he he*”.

  just by hearing the soldiers words and only thinking about fighting Bazuso commander started getting cold sweat on his feet’s and started thinking

  ’Unbelievable ... How they can call them self worriers ... And they want me to fight with that baboon... They must be kidding’.

  When the commander was in thoughts a young teen boy started to move towards the front where the commander and Bazuso were present.

  Commander suddenly saw him “!!...Oh???”.

  It was a teen boy still below twenty without any strong muscular body but his eyes are like some beast, he had his sword in his hand and was ready to fight. In a moment he was standing right in front of Bazuso.

  The soldier started chattering “Hey ... what?.... who is that boy? ...”.

  “ His clothes and armor are not very good... like ours... is he a mercenary?”

  “...He looks pretty young ...”

  “Hey.... Look at the sword on his back... ”.

  Everyone got stunned when they looked the sword on that boy back it was a long sword who is nearly equal to his height and sword thickness was covering about half of his back. It was a big sword.

  “Whoa!!! What a huge sword this kid really can swing that thing around? ”.

  “That ......little punk .......he is just showing off ....this fool going to get himself killed..”.

  Commander knight “Lad ... are you saying you can defeat the fatso... Bazuso??”.

  Without letting the commander finish his talk the boy asked “How much?”.

  Commander was confused for a second “Wha....what??”.

  The boy replied to commander “For that fatso baboon ... thirty man-killer or whatever ...... What do I get....”.

  “I m mercenary ...unlike u classy knight I can’t live on the glory or something like that. I get paid, .... get money for these works...... got it ?”.

  Commander knight “Hm... Very well... In that case... If you managed to kill hi
m, then I will give you... five pieces of gold”

  Boy “Ten”.

  Commander “Seven and not one more!!”.

  Boy “ahh well...ok”.

  Bazuso “Huh...huh you will regret this offer, kid..... you are going to lose your head for seven gold coins...

  .... A greenhorn like you on battlefield.... must mean your side is stared running out of proper soldiers....or maybe in your side, the only left is only some cowards who’re hides behind the shadow of children...?” Kaal started attacking Bazuso before he finishes talking.

  Kaal covered distant between them instantly and started his attack with a jump and big swing from above Bazuso’s head. Bazuso blocked the attacked somehow but it left a clear mark on the Handel of Bazuso’s ax to let him see the difference in power.

  Bazuso “Wha...what??”.

  ’How can a kid ... could attack with such power... from that puny body?’

  Kaal continued his attack, he attacking Bazuso furiously without giving a moment to fight back both their weapons clashed numbers of times.

  The crowd started chattering “Whoa....look at that ....

  that kid’s fast!!!”

  “ How can he attack fast ...where’s this power coming from ...” Kaal attacked Bazuso again with his power and pushed Bazuso back.

  “ Hey... look getting pushed back... tha...

  that kid pushed Bazuso back?.....

  I can’t believe my eyes...!”.

  The last attack angered Bazuso a little too much now he also started attacking Kaal head-on with his ax, they both attaching each other with all their strength.

  “ ahhhhhh!!!”

  *clash *

  Their weapons clashed with each other a made a huge sound. But in a clash sound, another sound also occurs sound of broken weapon. After a few seconds after everyone realized that what happened Kaal’s sword was able to cut Bazuso ax a little and got stuck in it.

  ’ What ... the hell?... how can my ax ’

  Bazuso was still in thought when Kaal took his sword out from ax and started attacking.

  Bazuso saw the attack and moved a little backward and attack Kaal’s head with his ax. Both their weapons are aimed at each other and are swing with all their power. Bazuso’s weapons got reached first at Kaal’s head and strike it with his full power. But like before everything didn’t go like what Bazuso was expecting the cause of the last clash the ax got a little crack on in it and when it collided with the Kaal’s headwear it got broke and was only able to take his headwear off in place of his head.

  On the other hand, Kaal’s attack got on Bazuso’s body and ripped his gut off. After this attack Bazuso felled on his knees and passable conscious.

  Kaal took this chance and move forward towards Bazuso to finish his job. Bazuso started shouting at him to stop “Wait ...s...stop...... ”

  But this didn’t affect Kaal and he attacked Bazuso’s head and broke it into two and killed him. Kaal heads were bleeding a little cause of the last attack, it did minor injury in his head. Kaal calmly took out his sword from Bazuso’s head and moved away from him to recover his headwear.

  Kaal took it from the ground and wear it again, the whole battlefield was in a deep silence cause of the shocking result of the fight but suddenly with the voice of the commander, everything changed.

  Commander knight “Now the enemies are faltered.... it’s time to attack... and mob them all up!!!”.

  And with this shout, the battle begins again. Everyone started attacking the enemy except for Kaal he was still standing his place, he was checking his head so know how serious the injury is but when he was checking it an enemy soldier suddenly appeared behind him and attack him. Kaal dodged the attack and do the counter-attack and killed him with his long sword. After killing him Kaal continued to move forward toward the enemy.

  Kaal didn’t know that someone from the enemies was seeing the whole thing far from the shadows.

  The men’s seeing Kaal started talking with each other “Wow... did u saw that..... looks like this time even enemies also got some good one with them too”.

  “ What do u think ...Who would be the stronger one, you or him?”.

  “I don’t think... that.... there is any need for comparison... man, right, Griffin?”.

  The person stayed silent for a moment and then replied “...... this... the castle is done for... it can be taken down at any minute..... so let’s get out from here... while we still can”.

  The battle ended after some time and everyone started to look after casualties they got in battle. After that it’s time to receive the payment for war, Kaal played an important part in the war so he got the first one who received the payment through knight.

  Commander knight “Here... here are yours half a year’s wages and the reward for this battle.... count it ... yourself...... ”.

  “ Hey, you... I must say.... you were fabulous ..... can’t say it was luck or not.... but to think a young man like you... took done.... someone likes that... Bazuso..... well! ... frankly..... I m shocked !!”.

  After giving Kaal’s money commander knight started showing authority and his knighthood to Kaal and in his apprentice. commander knight continued saying “how about you .... want to try to start serving me officially ..... well, I would ..... like to have u, the pay would be three times ..... what I have already paid you and .... if you want I can promote u to squad ....” Commander knight suddenly noticed that Kaal was not paying any attention toward him and just checking the gold with his teeth for knowing its purity.

  For a sec commander knight got shocked and for a second crumbled his high-class attitude but he got control over himself again and continued saying “Well is maybe once a lifetime chance for a mercenary like you .... so what do u think about it??...” Commander was still talking to Kaal but Kaal started to move after verifying his payment.

  Kaal replied to the knight “the contract was up today right?.... and look like the fight around here is also done so .....”.

  Knight tried to talk to him again “Hey...h...hold on...a second.....why are you keep throwing yourself into dangerous battlefields...?! .....I ... I can give you everything status, money, security ... anything u like ......!!!..... at least stays here as my guest... for today!!” and commander knight caught his hand to stop him from going but from his touch, Kaal suddenly started to remember the incident of his first battle.

  Due to memories Kaal’s violently throws commander’s handoff from himself and shouted: “Don’t touch me!!!!!!!!”.

  Commander was unable to understand what happened he became confused “Ehhh...”.

  Kaal replied again with a sharp look in his eyes “Don’t you ever touch me again!!”.

  Commander got stunned after hearing Kaal and stayed there for few second and Kaal moved forward on his way.

  After a minute commander recovered from the shock and started shouting on Kaal “You blasted little fool!!..... go and die like a dog on some unknown battlefield then!!...” and Kaal left the camp and started walking with the road.

  Kaal walked for quite a long time. when he was walking a man saw him from the hill, on the right side to a road and tell his friend “Hey .. look somebody is coming!!!”.

  “ Ahhh?”..

  “ Oii!! ... look... didn’t he is the guy who killed Bazuso yesterday!!!.... right”

  “ What the hell is he doing here .... alone?”

  “ He is an enemy isn’t he???”

  “ Well, that didn’t have to do anything to us now .....”.

  “ But I bet he would have made a lot of money from last battle .....didn’t he?.....he would have got a huge reward from killing Bazuso... isn’t.... well what once lost is found you know?...... how about it Griffin?”.

  A young man with a beautiful face and normal physic replied: “ whatever you want”.

  The man laughed and ordered his man “....*he he*......alright guys come with me ....”.

  “ kill him, corks?”

  *he he*

  a girl sitting on rock laughed.

  The man asked the girl “What??... what’s so funny, Casca?”.

  Casca replayed “Corkus, ...Are you going to kill him?”.

  Corks “..... hm... we’ll see about that”.

  “ Well I was planning on killing Bazuso one day and getting famous myself with it but he steals it from me........ and you think I m going to sit back and let this bastard go.......... at least we’re going to get that gold from him .... ”.

  Casca “You will die!!!”.

  Corkus “Well we will see ....”.

  Another man “That’s Corkus...... hey ... Griffin!!!.... are you sure about this?” Griffin didn’t answer.

  On the other hand, Kaal walking on the road suddenly stopped he sensed some danger and started looking for it, after searching for a few minutes he thinks

  ’Maybe ... that was just my imagination...’

  And about to start his journey again he heard sounds of few horses and men coming toward him and shouting something. Kaal saw them for a second and think

  ’Hmm.... highway robbers!!!!’

  And instantly prepare himself for the fight

  Corkus “Go get him Deni” and one of them attacked Kaal with his sword, Kaal dodged the attack and cut him down.

  After receiving Kaal’s attack the fell from the horse and died. Kaal distanced himself from the corpse and again take his defensive position. The second attacker attacked him this time it is giant with a big body and chained mace. He attacked Kaal with lighting fast speed but Kaal dodged it somehow and countered him and cut off his arm and make him bleed to death.


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