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Warrant Page 6

by S. L. Schiefer

“It looks like your dog has switched teams. He obviously likes me more than you.” I snicker.

  “The dog knows who feeds him at night. It’s just because you’re a new shiny toy, and you give him too much attention,” he argues.

  Laughing, I lean back into the couch. “So, you finally got me alone. What do you want?” That sounds suggestive, too suggestive. His eyebrows shoot up to his hairline. “I didn’t mean anything sexual by that! I swear!” I’m sputtering all my words out. Now I’m making myself sound too defensive.

  I drop my head into my hands. Why did I ever agree to come over here? It’s not like something can happen. We can’t date or even have sex. Sex with someone real, like him, always leads to feelings. At least with the guys I’m paid to sleep with, there are no emotions involved. It’s just them getting their rocks off and then leaving.

  “You’re too cute when you’re flustered. But in all seriousness, I did want to talk to you.” He turns toward me on the couch. Uh oh, I hate these talks. “Who hit you?” His voice has dropped a few octaves, making him sound more growly.

  “I can’t tell you who did it,” I say, sincerely. His eyebrows pinch in frustration. He surges up off the couch, and starts pacing around the living room.

  “Do you have a boyfriend no one knows about?

  “I don’t have a boyfriend,” I say, softly. I’m sure it doesn’t escape his notice that I’m staring intently into my lap. A statement that proves true when he gets on his knees in front of me. Enzo puts his hands on either side of my legs on the couch, trapping me, effectively pushing Remy out of the way.

  “Then. Who. Hurt. You?” With each word, his head moves closer to mine. Being on his knees put his head at the same level as mine. His eyes captivate me, drawing me in, like they’re holding me in a trance. His lips are so close to mine that I can feel his breath.

  My mind starts to cloud over, causing me to forget everything that he was just trying to get out of me. I instinctively start leaning toward him. My eyelids flutter closed. My lips are now just a breath away from his. And then the doorbell rings, making me jerk back like he suddenly has contracted Ebola. I’m sure the look on my face is a sight to see, because the look on his is nothing short of triumphant.

  He stands up and walks to the front door to get the pizza. I draw my legs up to my chest and wrap my arms around them—I almost want to start rocking back and forth. That was way too close of a call. This was a bad fucking idea. I cannot get wrapped up in him.

  My secrets are just that. Mine. Mine to tell who I want, when I want, how I want. Not for sexy detectives with some kind of hero complex to pry out of me.

  Chapter 15

  She really must think I’m stupid. Now she’s going to force me to teach her another lesson before I had planned. Devon is such an unpredictable little shit. I thought she understood that she isn’t allowed to have outside relationships—they’re too risky. And especially starting shit with a fucking detective. She knows better.

  And this guy. I know more about him than anyone on the outside looking in would guess. I know his parents’ address. I guess I’m going to have to start fucking with his life, since he so clearly can’t control his urges where Devon is concerned. I’ll have to start by making his work life a living hell.

  And people think I can’t control myself. I’ve controlled myself for this long. I’m not going to fuck it up by doing something stupid. This shit will go down the way I have planned. And I plan to be there to watch her fall.

  Chapter 16


  I got another last minute call today. I have to say, I’m really apprehensive with how the last one went. I’m being reassured by Boss that everything will be fine. But he said that last time too. So I’m not too inclined to listen to him.

  And when Boss follows me into the room again, my fear skyrockets. I drop everything I have inside the door and cross my arms over my chest. My favorite defense mechanism.

  “What’s on the list of requirements this time?” I know I sound snippy. I don’t even care at this point.

  “Well, I’m here to teach you a lesson tonight.” His eyes go cold. I’ve only ever seen that happen a few times. Shit is about to hit the fan.

  I know better than to speak unless spoken to him when he like this. It took trial and error for me to figure this out.

  “I need you to strip and sit in this chair.” He’s pulling the chair that usually sits in the corner directly in front of the bed. So, doing as I’m told, I start taking off all my clothes and throwing them into a pile off to the side. I’m surprised when he leaves the room, and comes back in with Kameryn. I’m even more surprised to see that she has tears pricking her eyes.

  “Kameryn here has been playing both sides. And she didn’t think she would get caught.” He roughly grabs her arm, pushing her toward the bed. “Strip.”

  “I-I’m … I’m so sorry. It won’t happen again.” Her sniveling pleas are like nails on a chalkboard as she strips.

  “You’re damn right it isn’t going to happen again.” He turns his cold gaze to me, “She thought she would do a little side work for some coke. And guess who was feedin’ her habit? Huh? You want to tell her? No? A fucking cop was giving it to her.” Spittle flies with his last statement, and he’s so close to her face that I’m sure it’s all over her.

  I want to get up out of the chair and run for it. But I won’t. This is a warning. Someone saw me with Enzo.

  “This little slut likes to open her legs for anyone. I’m going to make her feel like the slut she truly is.” He pushes her onto the bed and then he starts to take his clothes off. He does it slowly. I’m sure every possible scenario is running through her head; I know I am trying to figure out how this will end. I only saw the aftermath of what happened to my mother. That was the last time something happened with one of the girls—that I know of. Everyone follows the rules for the most part.

  That and no one can afford to lose this “job.”

  “Now, Devon. I want you to watch closely. I want you see to firsthand what happens to my girls who step out on me. If you need something, you come to me. You don’t go elsewhere. And you remember the golden rule? Hmm?”

  Like I could forget. “No boyfriends.”

  “That’s right. Now, I need you to not forget it.”

  With that said, he turns his attention back to Kameryn sitting on the bed. Her eyes widen in fear as he moves toward her, making her scramble backward. She can’t make it very far away from him, and for her sake, I hope she doesn’t try anything. It’ll just make this ten times worse.

  “So, my pretty girl. What do you want me to do?” he asks with an odd sort of affection in his voice. This whole thing is scaring me. I’ve already drawn myself as far into the chair as I possibly can. I don’t want to watch the scene play out in front of me. I think there is only one way this is going to end.

  She is crying while he strokes his hand down the side of her face. His hand continues down to her throat and wraps around her neck. I see his hand apply pressure, and she starts struggling. This is all too much. But it’s like a bad train wreck—you can’t look away.

  Boss lifts his other hand and roughly grabs her breast, squeezing until she tries to let out a scream. But with her airway constricted nothing comes out of her open mouth. He keeps his hand around her throat until she starts losing strength. After he lets go of her neck, she starts wheezing air back into her lungs.

  “Better get used to it. We have the whole night ahead of us. Or I could let this be over a lot sooner than what I wanted to,” Boss says. He walks over to the door and wrenches it open, obviously not caring that he is naked. After a hushed conversation, he shuts the door again. Turning around, he latches his hand onto his growing erection. “Devon. Get up and get on the bed. Lie down next to Kameryn. Both of you on your backs.”

  I stand up and walk around to one side of the bed. I drop onto the uncomfortable mattress, and shoulder Kameryn over a little bit to make room for me. I refuse to loo
k at her. I don’t want to see my fear reflected in her eyes.

  “Now, this is how this little party is going to go. Devon, your hard limit is no lesbian play, correct?” I nod my head. “You’re going to eat Kameryn’s lovely pussy. And I want you to fuck her with a special toy I have coming for her.”

  This guy has lost his ever-loving mind! I’ve known my entire life that I don’t swing that way, but I guess I have an advantage. I’ll just do whatever I would like done to me.

  “While you’re playing with her, I’m going to have my way with you. It’s been awhile since I’ve had you, and the fact that those guys got to fuck your ass and I didn’t, pisses me off.”

  Yeah, he’s lost it. I knew all of this would get to him after a while. It just happened a lot sooner than what I thought it would. I finally turn to get in position in front of her. She is sobbing silently. We both know how this is going to go; one of us won’t be leaving this room alive.

  I get in between her legs, thanking Jesus that she shaves or waxes. I don’t know what the fuck I would do if she had hair. Fuck. That.

  “C’mon, Devon. Don’t waste my time.” A sharp sting to my ass cheek jolts me, making me jump. I lean down toward her pussy just as I feel his hands behind me, caressing my ass. I feel his fingers penetrate my pussy, coating his fingers. Trying to stifle the moan I shouldn’t be feeling, I bury my face in Kameryn, humming into her before giving her one long sweep of my tongue. Jesus, this is disgusting.

  “I want you to make her come before I come. And with me being in your tight ass, I don’t think it’ll take me long.” Shit! I don’t know if I can do this. I shove two of my fingers into her, and start curling them. I know that this is the quickest way to get me to orgasm, so let’s hope that rings true to her. I circle her clit with my tongue, eliciting a guttural moan from Kameryn. Her hands are fisting in the sheets, she’s trying to fight this. God, I want to fight this. But I also don’t want to die.

  I hear him murmuring words of encouragement from behind me. Kameryn’s hands have found their way into my hair, gripping my loose strands while she tries to ride my face. Boss then impales himself in me and pulls out just as fast. I then feel the head of his cock at my back entrance. He starts to work himself into me, not really taking his time.

  Once he’s fully seated in me, he pulls out and starts to move in earnest. Gripping my hips, holding me still while he fucks my ass. I’m trying to listen to his grunts and moans to keep tabs on how close he is. I start licking and sucking while fingering her pussy. Trying to get her off.

  Her hips are rising off the mattress, her grip tightening on my head. After a few more minutes of working her, I hear her cries of release. I immediately back off and push her out of my way.

  “Not so fast, I haven’t given you the toy yet.” He pulls out of my ass, and I almost miss the sensation. He walks over to the door, his hard-on leading the way. “I have something special for you to use on her.” I turn away from watching him, looking back toward Kameryn instead. She has sweat shining all over her body and she is trembling from the aftereffects from her orgasm. Knowing him, she should be trembling more.

  “Ah, here we go. Devon, I need you to spend extra time getting it ready for her.” I turn around and see that he has what looks like a lead pipe in his hands. Stuttering, I get up off the bed and attempt to get to the other side of the room. But he catches me easily with his long strides. And it’s not like I had a lot of room to move.

  “What’s wrong, Devvy?” He has me plastered against his body, my back to his front. He takes my left hand and places the pipe in it, forcing my fingers to close around it. He takes his right hand and runs his fingers through my folds, coating his fingers in my wetness before putting it all over the end of the pipe. I close my eyes. I cannot do this. There is no fucking way I can do this. The pipe isn’t that big, but it’s something that should be nowhere near someone in this capacity.

  “Now, you’re going to do exactly what I say,” he says with a cajoling tone. “Kameryn deserves this. Remember what she did? Remember how she broke the rules?” I keep shaking my head. No way.

  “If you won’t do it, I will. And I’m sure you both will want you to do it.” He starts to walk us over to where Kameryn lays frozen on the bed. The look of pure terror on her face shatters my heart. No one, no matter what they did, deserves this shit. I don’t care what he says.

  He guides my hand with the pipe down, toward her center. This thing is dirty, rusty, and I’m sure germ infested. I’ve never really cared about germs, but shit, this is going to be inside her.

  “I’m sure you have her wet enough after what you did to her. Just slide it in her.” I feel the resistance of her core when he surges our hands forward. “Just like that, fuck her like she’s fucking us all over by getting involved with the cops. She’s going to know pain like nothing else before you kill her.”

  “Whoa! What?” I screech. “I’m not killing her!” I try to get away, but he has me trapped against his body, holding me in place.

  “Yes, you are. I know who you’ve been hanging out with. I know where he lives, Devvy. If you continue, I will make you watch me kill him and then I’ll kill you,” he says, menacingly.

  He continues holding my hand against the pipe, but he takes over getting it in her. You know the moment it breeches her core. The scream that comes out of her mouth is unlike anything I’ve ever heard in my life. He thrusts the pipe in and out of her at a punishing pace. I glance down just to stop staring at her face and I see the blood the pipe is drawing.

  “Have you had enough, my sweet girl? Do you want us to stop?” he murmurs.

  “God! Yes! P-p-please, stop. No more!” she cries.

  “Ok, Devvy. Here’s the fun part. We’re going to bash her face in.” I feel my eyes widen in surprise and fear.

  I’m not given much time to anticipate his next move. He quickly rips the pipe out of her and pulls his hand back, taking my hand with him. He lets his hand fly forward and it’s like time slows down.

  Her eyes widen, almost bugging out of her head, when she realizes what’s happening. She screams and I scream. There is a thud, then a sickening crunch, and then no sound except for my heavy breathing. I look at what is left of her face. The bones under her forehead just shattered under the pressure of the lead pipe.

  I feel myself start to shake; I’m sure I’m going into shock. Despite everything I’ve done, I’ve never wanted to kill her! Christ!

  “Devon. You listen to me.” He dips his hips, and takes a hand and guides himself inside of me again. I’m completely void of any emotion whatsoever. “If I catch wind of you hanging out with the cop again, I will follow through with my threat. Now, to remind you who is in charge here, I’m going to fuck you, while all you have to look at is her dead body. I want you to remember what she looks like now. Because if I have to kill you it will be much slower and so much more painful.”

  He’s thrusting in and out of me. And all I can do is stare at Kameryn’s face. A face that is now frozen in fear. Her family will never know what happened to her. Her friends will constantly wonder where she went.

  No one will know what she did for a living. She’ll simply … disappear.

  Chapter 17


  I’m just finishing up some paperwork from a drug raid we did earlier this week when my cell phone beeps at me. I drop the pen down on my desk and snatch my phone up to check the caller ID. An unknown number. Mentally shrugging, I swipe the screen open to read what it says.

  Unknown: This is Devon. I got a prepaid phone. I need to see you. Someplace where no one will be able to follow or trace.

  What the fuck? Sitting up straighter, I type out my reply.

  Me: Muñeca, is everything okay?

  Devon: No, it’s not. I need to see you. ASAP.

  Shit. Where can I send her that’s private? I think one of the guys has a cabin out near Alum Creek. I just need to track him down. I’m sure it won’t be a huge deal.

sp; Me: One of the guys has a cabin. Give me a few and I’ll get the address for you.

  Devon: Okay.

  I surge up from the desk, papers scattering from the force. I stalk around my desk, almost breaking out into a jog. I pass a couple people and ask if they’ve seen James, and they all tell me to head toward Evidence in the basement. So I go to the stairs, forgoing the elevator, and run down two steps at a time.

  I burst through the door and frantically search up and down the aisles and find him in the very last one. He’s been over a box of drugs, tagging all of it.

  “James!” I’m slightly out of breath when I talk to him. “I need to borrow your cabin for the night, man. It’s important.”

  He startles and drops everything that he has in his hands. When he realizes it’s me, his eyebrows draw in. “Yeah, sure. What’s going on?” He’s already taking his keys out of his pocket to find the key to the cabin.

  “I don’t know yet. But I need to meet someone there. Without anyone realizing that we’re there.”

  The grin that splits his face is impressive. He is huge by guy standards and really doesn’t smile too much.

  “Dude, you’re going there to meet up with some chick! Clean up after yourself. I’m not going to try to explain that shit to Elaine.” Shaking his head, he hands me the key and rattles off the address for me. I yell a “thanks” over my shoulder. I’m already up the stairs when I pull my phone out and text Devon back.


  In the thirty minutes it takes me to get out to the cabin, I think of every possible scenario has gone through my head. She has to be in some sort of trouble to go through all this to get me alone. There is just no other possibility that makes sense to me.

  I tear into the driveway of the cabin and get out of my truck. I run up the front steps and unlock the door. I walk in, turning the lights on as I go. I spend the next five minutes pacing a big loop around the living room. Finally, I see the headlights of someone pulling into the driveway. Staring at the front door that I left open, I wait for her to come inside.


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