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Warrant Page 13

by S. L. Schiefer

  I lead Remy over to her bed, and tell him to get up there. He does and lies down on her pillow. He takes a deep breath in like he’s savoring the smell. He seems to fall right to sleep, too. I stay standing and browse around her room, looking at all the pictures. There are a lot of her and her roommates. But none of her and her mom.

  She has one pictures of her standing with the Brutus statue that’s on Lane Avenue. Her smile is breathtaking, and her eyes are sparkling. She has on a lady’s jersey, so it fits her curves perfectly. And those jeans. But I’m drawn back up to her smile. That is the smile I want to be responsible for, that I want to put on her face. I want to be able to make her happy. I just hope she’ll let me.

  “Scoot over, dog.” I walk back over to the bed and sit down, shoving Remy out of my way a little. He opens one eye and growls at me. “Oh yeah, asshole? Just remember who feeds you.”

  I try to scoot in around him so I can lie back on her pillow. I think I’m going to take both of them, and sleep with one of them. Creepy? Maybe. Do I care? Nope. Maybe I’ll take a blanket with me too and maybe some clothes. I’ll have to ask one of them to pack me a bag for her, and stuff they think she’ll want once she’s home.

  Better yet, I’ll just move her shit into my house. Because I don’t think I’m going to let her out of my sight for a very long time. I close my eyes, breathing in everything that is Devon. This girl will be the death of me. I should probably call my mom and fill her in on everything. After everything is all said and done with, or maybe before, I’m going to turn my badge in.

  After all, it is illegal for me to be fraternizing with a criminal. I would give everything in my world up for her. She wouldn’t even have to ask it of me. At some point, I’m going to see if she would be okay with moving away. I’ll take her to Alabama, where she can have the family she should have had. Getting her away from all the bad memories in this state will probably help her tremendously.

  But I would move anywhere she wants, as long as she’s happy. I’ll have to make sure she can watch all the Buckeye’s games, though. God forbid that girl miss any games.

  I go to stand up from her bed; I can’t lie here all day. That’ll definitely make me a creeper. Leaving a sleeping Remy, I walk back downstairs to see if they have questions or anything. Making it to the bottom of the stairs, I don’t see the girls in the living room. I look around and see them standing together in the kitchen. I go in there to see them doing shots. Just great.

  “You know she wouldn’t want you guys to dwell on this,” I tell them. “Can one of you pack me a bag of shit she would want or need. I’m taking both pillows and blankets. I want her to be as comfortable as possible at my house.” Looking at each of them, I notice at least there aren’t any tears. I hate when women cry.

  Roni steps forward and says, “I’ll do it for you. Do you want a trash bag for the bed stuff? That way it will preserve the smell.” Huh. She either watches crime shows or she’s just smart. The corners of her mouth lift slightly. “I watch a lot of TV. You learn a lot of shit on those shows.”

  I nod. “Just as long as you don’t tell me anything I can’t tell them. It’s premeditated if you ever murder someone.” That gets me a little bit bigger of a smile.

  “Trust me, if I’m going to murder someone it will be the motherfuckers who have fucked up Devon’s life. But I’m pretty sure you would beat me to that line and be first.” She cocks an eyebrow at me.

  “Fair point. But after Saturday none of that will matter.” Everyone gets somber after that, not really wanting to imagine the reality but not being able to stop. Saturday night I will become a killer. Not something I thought I would ever label myself as.

  Chapter 40


  Three days. I think I’m dreading today the most so far. They think I’m broken. Or at least they’re going to test me today. Trying to see if I’m truly broken. And of course, I’m going to go along with whatever they say. I do have an attitude, but I can suppress it. Especially with this situation. It definitely calls for it. Life or death and all that.

  I finally was able to grab the gun and stash it up on the bed. I have it in a pillowcase, so that way it doesn’t slide off the bed in between the headboard and the mattress. I definitely don’t need that happening while someone is up here.

  They said they’re going to find a couple girls to bring in here today. I don’t know what they are trying to prove. Anyone in my place would stop fighting, if only to survive. I’ve already done something to a girl once, so I can handle it again. I can handle whatever they throw at me.

  That’s what happens when you’re smarter than the enemy.


  Twenty minutes later and I’m ready to shoot myself in the eyeball. I really hate being confined. I was never very good at being stationary and not entertained. I’ve picked at my fingernails, counted the lines in the ceiling, counted how many steps it takes me to get from one side of the room to the other, and made the bed a couple times. Being bored and I are not great friends.

  I keep hoping Evan will come in here and bring me food, just to have someone to talk to. I mean, not that we can talk about certain things but at least I could ask him about his day. Christ, he could recite the dictionary and I would be significantly less bored.

  And as if my thinking about him summoned him, he appears in the doorway after a short rap of his knuckles on the door.

  “Did you bring me any food?” I scramble to my knees on the bed, my stomach hurting a lot less today, so my movements aren’t as restricted.

  “Wow, getting right to the point. And here I thought you were excited to see me,” he chuckles all while bringing a plate and drink further in the room. Once he places them on the table, I all but fall on the plate trying to see what he brought. It looks like a turkey sandwich with cheese. I’m so preoccupied with the food that I don’t see Evan leave, and I definitely don’t see him return from the hallway with a long garment bag until he’s standing right in front of me.

  I give the bag a look of such disgust. Now they want to play dress up with me? Nope. “No, Evan. Get rid of it.” Food forgotten, I’m glaring at the garment bag that is still dangling from Evan’s hand.

  “Devon. Don’t argue. You don’t have to wear it tonight. But you have to wear it on Saturday for the showing.” He walks over to the one window in this room, and hooks the hanger on the curtain rod. “I picked it out. It’ll be beautiful on you. I just wish it were under different circumstances that you were wearing it,” he says, sighing deeply.

  I take a minute to look at him, really look at him. He looks tired. He has bags under his eyes and his eyes even look tired. If that makes sense. His shirt is wrinkled like he slept in it. And his pants are dirty.

  “Evan,” I say softly, but he doesn’t look at me. “Evan,” I say with more force. And that gets him to stop messing with the bag. “Are you up here for a specific reason?” If they sent him up here again to use me, I would like to get it over with.

  He stills, looking at me. Searching my face. I see his throat working to form a swallow. “Well. They did, but …” I don’t even let him get the rest of whatever he was going to say out. I spin around on the bed and stick my ass out at him. I’m not going to be the reason both of us die right now.

  “Devon,” he growls. “You don’t want this.”

  “You’re right, I don’t. But I have to do what I have to do.” Then in a softer voice I add, “Enzo already knows what I did. And he stuck by me. If he was going to leave, he would have. We all have to do what we must to survive. And right now that’s letting you fuck me so no one catches on to anything.”

  Indecision is clear on his face, but the growing bulge in his pants gives him away. “C’mon, Evan. Just take what you so clearly want.” Turning my head, I give a pointed look at his dick. That seems to do the trick. He hurriedly unbuttons his jeans and yanks them down, pulling his cock free and giving it a couple of hard strokes.

  “God, Devon. You’re ass … I�
�m so going to hell for this.” I feel him come up behind me. I have my head buried back in the blanket so I don’t look at him. The head of his cock is lined up at my entrance, but he doesn’t push all the way in yet. He barely pushes in, and then pulls out again. “Devon … I want …” He’s panting. This really isn’t good that he’s getting that worked up over me.

  “Evan. Focus. This isn’t for fun. This is a means to an end. Just fuck me!” I grind out. Pushing my hips back, I try to get him inside me.

  “I shouldn’t even ask you this. But I want in your ass.” I roll my eyes. No, he shouldn’t be asking me this. He should just take what he can get. But apparently he won’t.

  “Just do what you want. We should make it look believable, right? And you fucking my ass would be something I wouldn’t agree to,” I tell him.

  The only answer I get is a deep groan. He does push in my pussy all the way now, getting himself slick with my juices. Pulling back out, he drags his dick up and presses against my tight hole. Wasting no time, he starts to push in. I try to keep myself as still as possible, I’ve never been one to enjoy anal. Consensual or not.

  He works himself in and out until he is completely in my ass. He comes to a stop holding himself in me, trying to let me stretch to accommodate him. Which probably isn’t helping our cause.

  “Evan. Just fuck me! Dammit,” I grit out.

  “Are you sure? God, Devon, I … I shouldn’t be doing this, but you feel too good to fucking stop.” He pulls out and slams back into me eliciting a little yelp from me. But that doesn’t deter him. He continues to slam into me, setting a punishing pace. I have to spread my arms out and grip the blankets to hold myself in place with how hard he’s fucking me.

  He’s murmuring nonsense behind me, but I try my hardest to block him out. “Fuck! Devon, you’re too tight I can’t hold back anymore.” Not even one thrust later and he’s spilling himself inside me. “Sorry, sorry, sorry.” He keeps saying it over and over as he pulls out of me.

  I slump down on the bed, trying to catch my breath from that. And get myself under control. So I about jump out of my skin when I feel his fingers penetrate me.

  “Evan, what are you doing? Don’t do this. You really don’t have to.” But he’s already working me with his fingers. Hitting my G-spot, making me squirm. He adds his tongue to the mix. It doesn’t take long for him to have me close, moaning with need. And when I do fall, it’s not an earth-shattering orgasm. More like an easy coast down a hill, but an orgasm nonetheless.

  “Dammit, if Enzo doesn’t kill me after this I don’t know what I’ll do. I won’t be able to ever see you.” He backs away from me and pulls his jeans back up, tucks himself back into his briefs, and turns on his heels and walks out. Um, okay. I really don’t want to see him face-to-face after this anyway. It’ll only bring up bad memories. I’ll be surprised if they don’t lock me up in a mental facility.

  Chapter 41


  Christ. I must be out of my goddamned mind. I should have never volunteered to take the dress to her. But I thought I would be the safest person for the job. Apparently, I’m no different from anyone else that goes up there to use her. Except I didn’t physically hurt her. Who knows what kind of emotional and mental mess she’s going to be when she gets out of here.

  I’m almost running down the stairs, my bare feet not making much noise against the carpeted steps. I was being serious about Enzo killing me. When he finds out that I took her again, he is going to rip my dick off and feed it to me … and then kill me. I would do the same thing if I were in his shoes. And I wouldn’t hesitate.

  Quickly making my way through the house, I head to the room I have called mine since I’ve been here. I turn the locks on the door, locking myself in here once I shut the door behind me. Right after they moved me in here, I had locks installed on the door. When I’m in here, I want to be left alone and I definitely don’t want anyone to be able to barge in.

  I sit down on my bed, and drop my head into my hands. I have gotten so in over my head in here. When this is all over with, I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself. Hell, I might need counseling after this.

  I have no reason to enjoy fucking that poor girl. And she belongs to someone I know. I know he would move heaven and earth to protect her. And I’m in here taking advantage of his trust. Fuck my life.

  Saturday. This will all be over after Saturday. Three more days.

  Chapter 42


  Since I brought Remy back to my house, I’ve been moping. Since I’m technically still on paid leave, I’m not allowed to help with the plan. I’m only allowed to show up on Saturday when I’m told to by her father.

  I’m lying on the couch, with one of her pillows under my head and wrapped in her blanket. Remy has the other pillow on the floor right in front of me. We’re two lovesick fools. One girl, that we really don’t even know, has ruined us for anyone else. I know the poor dog will be excited to have her home, probably as excited as I will be to have her here. All the time.

  I have the TV on. ESPN is talking about Ohio State’s quarterback breaking his ankle or some shit. Poor kid. I remember someone telling me that he tore his ACL his senior year of high school and hadn’t played in a game since then. He’s now a redshirt freshman starting college ball. Only because their first string quarterback had to have shoulder surgery.

  I grab my phone, pulling up the browser. I go to the ticket sales website one of buddies told me to use. I search for tickets for when Ohio State plays Michigan. That is the game to go to every year. If she’s feeling up to it, I’ll take her, but if not, I’m sure one of the guys will gladly take them off my hands.

  There is one thing before all this is said and done that I have to do. Before I go to the house on Saturday, I’m going down to the station to talk to the captain. I’m going to hand in my badge. I’ve thought long and hard over this, rehashing all the pros and cons in my head. Over and over. I’m sure that my involvement with Devon will all be overlooked for the greater good. But I want to operate with my own set of rules come Saturday. I will still be fired after all of this, for a gentler reason than being with a prostitute.

  No way am I going to follow police protocol on anything. If any of those motherfuckers get in the way of me getting my girl I will shoot them point blank. I am going in unarmed at first. I have to wait until the raid begins to have a weapon. I can’t very well go into enemy territory with a weapon. That’s a surefire way to get killed.

  After scrolling through the tickets, all of them in my opinion ridiculously overpriced. But I’m now seeing why my papa does whatever my mama wants without question. Doing whatever it takes to put a smile on her face. I grin like a fool. Jesus, I’m going to love every minute of spoiling that girl.

  Chapter 43


  Everything is coming along smoothly for Saturday. I’ve had more confirmations of attendees come in, which is thrilling. I’m more than excited to show off Devon. I’m sure everyone in here cannot wait for her to die. But no pussy will compare to hers. This is going to be the ultimate revenge.

  I could die a happy man.

  But no one is killing me off just yet. I still have a lot to accomplish in this world before I kick the bucket. I lean back in my office chair, looking around. Relishing in the quiet. There is no crisis that needs my immediate attention at the moment. Everyone else is taking care of Saturday, leaving me time to relax. I laugh. I almost don’t know what that word means.

  There are pictures on my desk and hanging on the wall. A couple of myself and Preston, all the others are of me with high-society clients. A few of them will be attending, eager to see the one person who can rile me.

  Maybe I’ll go up and see her. I’m thinking I need to fuck her across my desk, and have her suck the dick of whoever walks in here and needs me first.

  Standing, I push the chair back and walk around my cherry desk. The wood such a dark contrast against the walls and carpet. Lea
ving my office, I make my way up the stairs to her room. Apparently I cannot get enough of her. I find myself going to her room more than necessary.

  When I get to her room, her door is open. She usually has it shut. Odd. When I walk through the doorway, I find her sitting on the floor in front of the window, with the window opened a tiny bit. When she sees me, she jumps up so fast.

  “I swear to God I wasn’t trying to escape! I just miss the fresh air. It’s been so long since I’ve been outside.” She’s stuttering over her words. How cute.

  “Devon. Stop it. Come with me.” I turn on my heels and walk back out of her room. I hear her heavy footsteps following behind me, trying to keep up with my quick pace. We head back down the stairs and down the hallway to my office.

  When we make it just through the door, Preston comes walking in the front door, two girls with him. Hmm … “Perfect timing, son. Bring them in the office.” Nothing like a little girl-on-girl action to warm us up.

  “Devon, lay down on the couch.” Without question, she walks over and lays down. She squirms for a minute trying to get comfortable. When she’s satisfied, she looks up at me as if asking for direction. Good girl.

  “Girls, I need one of you on her face, and one of you eating her out.” I glance over at Preston. He already has his cock out of his pants, stroking himself. So I follow suit. I turn my attention back to the girls.

  The girl eating Devon’s pussy is going at it with vigor. And Devon is eating the other girl just as well. Moans coming from each of them, making me all that much harder. And it doesn’t take long for a few more of the guys to trickle in. News travels fast among them.

  Preston makes his way over to Devon and takes one of her hands and places it on his dick. She starts stroking him furiously. He rips the girl off her face and shoves her in my direction. She falls to her knees in front of me and eagerly takes my hard dick in her mouth. He stands the other girl up and lays her down right on top of Devon. They start making out, and if I could get any harder that would do it right there.


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