Mountain Man's Fake Fiancée

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Mountain Man's Fake Fiancée Page 10

by Kelsey King

  “Do you want to talk about it?” I push.

  “And ruin this good time? No thanks.” He grabs my hand, and we walk across the room and chat with his sister and her husband. Of course, he starts on about his yacht, and I almost burst into laughter. Tate excuses us, and he’s flashing a knowing smirk.

  “Told you, they’re all so predictable, like robots almost.”

  I laugh, but I can still see he’s tense until his grandparents make their way toward us.

  “Tatum,” his grandmother says, kissing Tate on both cheeks.

  “Grams,” Tate replies. Despite the formality, there’s warmth between them.

  “We’re so glad you’re here,” his grandpa says.

  “Me too. Grams, grandpa, this is my fiancée, Brianna.”

  “Aren’t you sneaky,” his grandmother says, looking me up and down. “You’re always keeping things from us.”

  His grandmother pulls me into a warm, welcoming hug, and once she’s done squeezing me, his grandpa gives me a handshake. “We’re happy to meet you,” he tells me.

  “I’m so honored to be here.” I smile, seeing just how much they love each other, and I secretly hope I get to experience the longevity they have.

  “And we’re honored to have you a part of our family,” she replies so sweetly.

  Despite everything that Tate has said about his family, I have been met with nothing but warmth. While it may be a show just for me, I haven’t felt out of place or snuffed. I get treated much worse at the café every day. Just as I have this thought, Tate’s ex-fiancée, Eden makes her way toward us. She’s smiling with flaming red lips, brighter than her hair.

  “Tatum.” She smiles and lets out a long sigh.

  “Eden,” Tate replies coldly.

  The tension could be cut with a knife, and I stand tall and proud, interlocking my fingers with Tate’s. He squeezes my hand, and I know this is the reason why I’m here, the reason why I’m playing his fiancée this weekend.

  “I’m shocked you actually showed up after going into hiding,” Eden bites out. She’s both cold and penitent at the same time. Her words are weighted with history.

  “I wanted my fiancée, Brianna, to meet the family,” Tate says coolly, looking over at me and smiling, shooting me a wink. That look alone nearly has me melting in place.

  “Oh,” Eden says in shock. I see her gaze down at my hand, spotting the ring. Recognition flashes across her face, and I watch as her nostrils flare. “Well hopefully you get to actually see Tatum from time to time,” she says to me with a not so subtle note of scorn in her voice.

  “I do,” I tell her with a huge smile, glancing over at Tate. “It’s just him and me most of the day in the cabin on the mountainside. It’s so peaceful. I love getting to spend every minute of my time with my Tate. Right, sweetheart?” I look at Tate, and he leans over and plants a kiss on my lips. It’s so soft and sweet, I feel as if I may float away.

  Eden narrows her eyes at us, and I can almost see the jealousy leaking from her pores. “Eventually he’ll start disappearing,” she adds, turning her hard gaze toward him. “Just like clockwork.”

  I look over at Tate, and he’s so carefree around her as if her presence doesn’t bother him, but I know better. I’m not the only one putting on a show.

  “I disappear when I have something I need to disappear from,” he says, turning back toward me with a smile. He cups my cheek, making me feel like we’re the only two in the entire room. “I’m hopelessly in love with Brianna. So goddamn crazy about her.”

  I look at him too, searching his eyes but they only reveal the truth. “I’m madly in love with you, too.” I think he notices my shift too and gives me another wink that sends butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

  Eden rolls her eyes and lets out a huff. “If only I would’ve been your priority. Things maybe could’ve been different.”

  I don’t let the smile falter. “Oh, is this your ex?” I look at Tate then back at her as if recognition just flashed across my face. I hold out my left hand, allowing the sapphires and diamonds to sparkle in the light.

  “I’m Brianna. I’ve heard so much about you.” My tone is light and fluffy, and Eden’s furious as she takes my hand, taking a glance at the ring she told Tate she hated.

  “I can only imagine,” she says dryly.

  I see her husband coming toward us from across the room.

  “Congratulations on your marriage, Eden. The two of you deserve each other.”

  “It could’ve been you and me, but you ruined that,” she says in a hushed tone.

  “You ruined it by fucking my best friend,” Tate replies nonchalantly. “But I guess I should thank you considering I found the love of my life from your betrayal.”

  Thomas, Eden’s husband walks up, and Tate smiles. “There he is, the man who was supposed to be my best friend and fucked my fiancée instead. Nice to see you again.” He’s still smiling as if this is a happy reunion. Thomas’ mouth goes into a straight line.

  “Yeah, I didn’t think you’d have anything to say,” Tate adds with raised eyebrows.

  Thomas grabs Eden’s hand and basically forces her to the other side of the room.

  Tate’s in better spirits than before, and I feel as if we’re floating. After we run into his brother, who’s had a little too much to drink, Tate takes my hand and leads me out of the ballroom to a secluded hallway.

  “You were fucking amazing in there,” he whispers against my ear, feathering kisses on my neck. My breathing increases as he hitches up my dress and tingles fly up my spine when I feel his arousal against my stomach. “I don’t give two shits about Eden, and I haven’t in a long time, but I was worried I’d have conflicted feelings when I saw her again.”


  “But nothing. I’m so goddamn crazy about you that no one else matters to me.”

  “I want you, Tate,” I tell him, nearly begging. His hands are exploring my body, teasing me and making me crave every inch of him.

  “I meant what I said, Brianna.”

  Blinking, I look into his eyes and see the sincerity in his gaze.

  “I’m hopelessly in love with you. I know it’s unconventional and quick, and I hope I don’t freak you out but…”

  “I meant it too,” I blurt out, cutting him off. “I’m madly in love with you, which sounds insane when you consider all the factors, but there’s no denying it.”

  “No baby, there isn’t. No fucking way,” he growls, taking my mouth again.

  We can’t keep our hands, lips, or bodies off each other. The thought of fucking against the wall in a secluded hallway turns me on, and my hands fly to his pants to unzip them, needing to feel him deep inside me. I stroke him and he’s already hard as a rock and before I know it, he’s lifting my ass with his hands, pulling my panties to the side, then entering me in one swift movement. I hold onto him for dear life as he continues to give me every inch of his length. I want him, all of him, and I can’t stop the moans from escaping my lips as the orgasm builds and rocks through me.

  My arms wrapped around his neck keep us in place but I know it won’t take long before we’re both unraveling.

  “Fuck, Brianna. I’m going to come,” he whispers eagerly against my mouth. “You feel so goddamn good. It’s hard to control myself with you.”

  “God, yes. I’m so close,” I encourage him, and as soon as he feels my pussy tighten around his cock, he releases inside me. We’re both gasping and panting as we come down from our high. We relax against each other but know we can’t linger for long because anyone could find us here. Tate releases me to my feet so I can adjust my dress and cover my body. Tate pulls his pants up and zips while putting his shirt back in place. He pulls my face into his hands and kisses me so sweetly and softly that it nearly takes my breath away.

  “I actually love having you as my fiancée,” he whispers against my lips.

  “I love being your fiancée,” I admit with a smile.

  He kisses
me again. “You have no idea what you’re doing to me, Brianna. I’ve gone completely crazy over you.”

  “I think I know the feeling,” I tell him, feeling the same way. Tate takes my hand and leads me down the hallway. Guilt and pleasure are written all over our faces as we walk back into the party as if nothing happened.



  After the anniversary party, I couldn’t keep my hands off Brianna. We made love until the sun came up and eventually fell asleep in each other’s arms. We took an early flight home, and there was a somber feeling in the air. The deal was over, and Brianna would go back to her normal life. I just wasn’t sure if that life included me or not. I know things escaladed in Chicago and the lines between business and pleasure blurred, but I have no regrets. I want Brianna in my life and hope she wants me in hers, too.

  Until the plane lands in Whitefish, I hold Brianna’s hand, and I don’t want to let go. I don’t want to let her go. What we have is real, and I’d be a dumbass to walk away from her—from this connection we share.

  I grab our bags from baggage claim and head toward the truck. Once we get in, I turn and look at Brianna, but she doesn’t look happy.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask.

  “Nothing.” She gives me a small smile, but I know it’s not nothing. I feel the same anguish.

  We continue with small talk, chatting about my family and Chicago, my old life, and my new one. Though we spent weeks trying to get to know each other, now we randomly ask each other questions. I look forward to them.

  “So will you move back to Chicago at some point?” she asks. “I overheard your mother mention something about you moving back.”

  I chuckle. “Is that what this is about?”

  She nods.

  “I’m not going anywhere, Brianna. Montana makes me happy, and I’m staying here for the rest of my life. My heart is here. You’re here.” I bring her hand up to my lips and kiss her knuckles, confirming my words.

  Her eyes stay locked on me, and as much as I want to pull over and tell her how much I’ve grown to need her over the past month, I don’t. We’re so close to my cabin at this point that I drive faster so we can continue this conversation.

  Once the cabin comes into view, I let out a breath of relief. I left Shark at a kennel and have to go pick him up tomorrow. I park the truck and we get out. I grab our suitcases and carry them to the door. Once we’re in the cabin, I shut the door and turn to her.

  “This is real, right? What we shared wasn’t just acting?” I ask.

  A tear falls from her cheek. “It’s more than real. All I’ve been thinking about all day is how you’ll write me a check, and I’ll never see you again.” She covers her face with her hands, and I pull her into my arms, and she holds onto me tightly.

  “Oh, baby. I’d never do that. I don’t want you going anywhere.” I stroke her hair, trying to comfort her. She pulls back, and I kiss away her tears. I hate to see her so upset over nothing because I’ll be damned if I let her go, not after what we shared.

  “You promise?” She looks up at me.

  I press my lips against hers, pouring all my emotions into it. She reciprocates, and before things escalate, I stop, needing to tell her how I feel.

  “I’ve never felt so strongly about anyone so quickly, Brianna. I know what we have is more than a business deal or high school crush. It’s much more than that. I’m in love with you and even admitting that scares the shit out of me but I’m not letting you go,” I tell her.

  “Thank God,” she whispers, choking out a relieved laugh. “I’m sorry for not being as secure as I should be. This just feels all too real and perfect, and scares me, too.” She looks down at the sapphire diamond ring on her finger, twists it off, and hands it to me. The light from the bay windows makes it sparkle. I look at Brianna and realize how much I need her. It’s stronger than want at this point. Glancing back at the ring, then at her, I do the craziest thing.

  I drop to one knee and hold the ring for her to see. She tilts her head and looks at me like I’ve lost my mind and if I have, she’s to blame.

  “Brianna Carson. I know you’re going to think I’m nuts, but I’m thinking more clearly than I ever have. I can’t imagine you not being in my life. I know what we have is real, and I’d be an idiot to let you slip away. I want to give you everything you’ve ever dreamed of and more. I want a life with you, and I hope you do too. Will you marry me and make me the happiest man alive?”

  She swallows hard as her eyes widen in shock. “You’re serious?”

  “As serious as a heart attack,” I tell her, feeling overly vulnerable.

  She tucks her lips inside of her mouth and nods. “Oh my God!” She gasps. “Yes!” She clasps both hands over her mouth, tears in her eyes. “I can’t believe this!”

  “I promise to make you the happiest woman in the world,” I tell her as she kneels in front of me and wraps her arms around me, pressing kisses to my lips.

  “You already have,” she tells me as I slip the ring on her finger right where it belongs. Tears of happiness stream down her face, and I stand and pull her up with me. The smile on her face may never fade, and I hope it stays there permanently.

  The close proximity, feeling her chest pushed against mine, and the fact that I have her alone, all to myself, gets the best of me. I grab her face with my hands and kiss her passionately. I’m having trouble controlling myself, and don’t want to hold back. Her moans against my mouth fill me with desire even more.

  I run my hands down her body, exploring every curve. I brush my fingers along her shoulders to her arms then her back and her breasts. She clutches my biceps, and I love the feel of her soft hands on my skin. I reach down to her thighs and bring my fingers up along her inner thigh and feel that delicious space right between her legs. She’s wet, and I can tell that she’s as filled with lust as I am. I explore her further, then take my fingers and place them inside of her panties, feeling her sensitive nub. Brianna cries out as I continue to play with her clit and we don’t make it to the bedroom before she’s undressing urgently.

  Within moments, she’s completely naked in front of me, and we make our way to the couch. Brianna lies back on the cushions, eyeing me and inviting me to join her. I rip off my shirt and take off my jeans in no time. Soon my body is covering her Is, exploring her body with my tongue and hands. I make my way to her clit, and I take Brianna in my mouth, enjoying the taste of her. I love the way she tastes, and I can tell she’s close. Brianna arches her back and cries out. She comes, hard, her body convulsing as the orgasm rocks through her, but we’re not done yet.

  I hover above her, making eye contact, as I enter her.

  “Oh, God.” She moans, and I plunge myself deeper inside her which only causes her to scream out in pleasure. I want to take it slow and enjoy it all, but I can’t. She feels so damn good. I could do this all day, every day, for the rest of my life, and now I will.

  “More,” she whispers in my ear. “Don’t stop, Tate. Please,” she begs, digging her fingers into my biceps.

  “You’re driving me fucking crazy,” I grunt, my words strangled.

  I continue thrusting in and out of her, and soon our bodies are covered in sweat. A total feeling of dominance comes over me while I caress her soft, beautiful breasts. The pleasure of it is so intense that Brianna runs her fingernails down my back.

  “Harder,” she begs, and that’s all that I need to hear. I pick her up again from her position on the couch and bring her onto a chair, where I pull her on top of me and grab her hips tightly, guiding her up and down. I watch her as she’s fucking me, and I’m amazed by her beauty.

  She pinches her nipples, and her head falls back as she comes again. It becomes too much and my body tenses right before I lose all control. Feeling my release, she picks up her pace and rides me until I can barely take any more. Brianna collapses on top of me, and I wrap my arms around her, holding her tight. I get up from the chair and carry her in my arms to the b
edroom then place her in the bed and cover her with a blanket. I lie beside her and wrap my arms around her. We enjoy the silence and repose for a while; the hazy bliss that comes after the amazing experience we shared.

  Our hands are intertwined in one another’s, and when I see the engagement ring on her finger, my heart swells.

  “I’m happy this is mine,” Brianna says. I look at it, examine her face with love and tenderness, and I place my hand behind her head.

  “I’m happy it is too,” I say. “I couldn’t imagine you leaving. I can’t imagine you not being here.”

  Silence. Brianna stares at me before a smile covers her face.

  “I love you, Tate,” she whispers. “Thank you.”

  I pull her closer to me until her lips are just inches from mine. “I love you, Brianna. So damn much.”

  She dips down and kisses me, and it brings me so much joy to know that I’ll get to do that forever. It’s crazy to feel so strongly about her, but she’s my other half, the one I’ve been searching for all my life. We fit together like two puzzle pieces and when you find your person you just know. Your body, mind, and soul knows, and only a fool would run from that.

  The woman of my dreams finally has a face, and it belongs to Brianna Carson.




  Padding barefoot down the hallway, I quietly reach the nursery and peek inside. There’s a nightlight near the crib, and as I tiptoe inside, I hear Bella breathing steadily.

  Reaching her, I adjust the blanket and make sure she’s comfortable. It’s hard to believe she’ll be turning one in just a couple days. She has dark hair like Tate and me, but she definitely takes after her daddy in the personality department. She has my freckles and lips, but everything else is Tate. I love it.

  “How’re my girls?” Tate’s warm arms wrap around my swollen belly as he rests his chin on my shoulder.

  “Shh…” I remind him, covering his hands with mine. “She’s so peaceful when she sleeps.”

  “Yeah, so let’s not wake her up, because then all of us will be crying.”


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