Love in Indiana (American Boyfriend Book 4)

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Love in Indiana (American Boyfriend Book 4) Page 2

by Chance Carter

  You’re on the verge of orgasm, ready to collapse on the floor, and there’s nothing I want more than to make love to you. I don’t just want to make love to you, I want to be yours, and I want you to be mine, forever and ever.

  And, suddenly, I realize this isn’t how it’s supposed to go.

  When you want to spend the rest of your life with a girl, when you know that you love her, inside and out, and you can just tell, you can just feel, that it’s real, you don’t make her cum like this the first time you meet.

  This isn’t how its supposed to happen.

  This isn’t the story I’m going to tell our grandkids.

  When they ask about the first time I went out with you, am I going to tell them this?

  Hell no.

  I let go of your hand and look deeply into your eyes.

  You look back at me puzzled, confused, and a little frustrated. I’m used to that look. People have been giving it to me my whole, entire life. I don’t do anything until I’m good and ready, but when I do it, I do it right.

  “Can’t finish the job, Tony?” you say playfully.

  “Can’t finish something that hasn’t even started, honey.”

  You look even more confused.

  “This isn’t right,” I say. “I’m sorry. You don’t have to do this to get my attention.”

  “Do what?” you say.

  I wiggle my finger which is still inside you.

  You squirm then pull both of our fingers out of your soaking pussy.

  “Excuse me,” you say, offended that I’ve stopped what we were doing. “I didn’t realize I was making a fool out of myself.”

  I grab your wrist and pull your hand up in front of us.

  “Oh, you couldn’t make a fool of yourself if you tried,” I say, and put your hand right up to my mouth.

  I suck your finger. You taste so delicious my cock throbs harder than ever. You feel it pulsing against your waist and look into my eyes.

  “What are you doing?”

  “What am I going to tell our grandkids?” I say.

  You look at me confused. “Our grandkids? You’re crazier than they said.”

  “Sorry,” I say. “I’ve always been so bad at this.”

  “At what?”

  “At speaking to a beautiful woman.”

  That softens you up. You smile.

  “Look, I want this as badly as you do. But you don’t have to give me a teenage fantasy to get my attention. You’re more than just another cheerleader to me. From the first second I set eyes on you, you’ve had my attention. I’ve been thinking about you for months.”

  “Oh, you have? And how was I supposed to know that?”

  “You weren’t,” I say. “I never said anything. But I should have.”

  “Damn right, you should have.”

  “I was afraid I’d blow it. Or I’d lose focus and blow my season.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Look,” I say, “the second you flipped your hair at me at that mixer at the start of the year, ever since that moment, I’ve been yours. I swear to God.”

  I lean a little bit harder into you with my pelvis. I want you to know how serious I am right now. My cock is rigid, pressed firmly against your waist, and you look down and then back up at me.

  “You want me, don’t you?”

  “You’re damn right, I want you,” I say. “I want you right here and now.”

  “But we’re going to behave? For the grandkids?”

  I laugh.

  “Believe me, I know how ridiculous I sound.”

  “Oh, you do?”

  I nod.

  “Are you sure, because as far as I’m aware, we don’t have any kids or grandkids,” you say, teasing me.

  “Not yet,” I say, holding your gaze. “But we will.”

  “You sure are confident.”

  “This is real, girl, and I’m going to do it right. There’s no fucking way I’m telling our grandkids that our first date was me fingering you in the school library. When we get engaged and everyone asks how we met, am I supposed to say, well it all started when I tore open her shirt in the dark of night? No. That’s not what I’m going to say. I’m going to tell everyone about the magical first date we had and I’m going to tell them about how, as soon as I saw you, I knew you were the girl I was going to marry. There’s no way in hell I’m going to jeopardize that. So you listen here, and you listen good. You’re going to take my jersey right now and you’re going to put it on. That’s step one. Anyone who sees that will know you’re mine. You’re going to wear my colors and you’re going to wear my number and you’re going to walk past everyone in this library wearing my shirt. The next thing is, you’re going to go home and I am going to go home.”

  “Go home? Babe, you can’t do that to me,” you say, pressing yourself against me.

  “You’re going to go home and you’re going to wait. I’ll call you.”

  “You better not take long.”

  “I’m going to ask you out and I’m going to take you somewhere nice, because this will not be how the rest of our life begins.”

  “The rest of our lives?”

  “That’s right. You ready to be my girl?”

  Very slowly, you look up into my eyes. You start to peel yourself off me. I step back and you pull off what’s left of your cheerleading top and drop it to the ground. Then you grab the bottom of my jersey and pull it up over my head and then back down over yours.

  “I’m your girl now,” you say.

  “Yes you are. Lucky number six.”

  “You better treat me right, mister.”

  “Oh, I swear, you have no idea.”

  You take my hand and lead me through the library, my number on your back for all to see. Like I said, I’ve got you right where I want you, now and forever.

  Personal Invitation

  This has been a naughty, sexy, sinfully delightful Chance Carter short story. I publish an American Boyfriend story every Sunday, bringing you a new book boyfriend to fantasize and dream about. My goal is to make you feel like the girl in the story.

  If you’d like a new book boyfriend every week, Sign Up for my email list. I send out daily emails that are fun, flirty and sexy. Let me brighten your inbox with a little sexy romance.


  Chance Carter

  Also by Chance Carter

  Don’t miss the original erotic adventure in my Bad Boy Series, the story of Jackson and Faith.

  Bad Boy Daddy

  He wanted a baby. I needed a man.


  The first time I saw Jackson, I hated his guts. He was everything I could never have. Pure, panty-wetting, manhood. And I was trapped in a loveless relationship with his worst enemy. I never would have dreamed he craved my womb so badly he was willing to do anything for it.


  My father's death taught me a lot of things. Most importantly, I needed a child. I had to have a son before my enemies caught up with me. So when Faith came begging for protection, I knew exactly what I wanted. I yearned for her body. Lust raged through me like a wildfire. I longed to make her pregnant with my child. I gave her an offer she couldn't refuse. A life for a life. My protection, in exchange for everything she had to offer. I'd die for her, but she would give me a son.

  I took her womb. I never suspected she'd take my heart.

  Chapter 1


  The first time I saw him, I hated his guts.

  He was the sexiest creature on God’s green earth, and he was all the things I would never have. He was cocky, arrogant, and confident, but in none of the ways I was used to with Wolf.

  He walked into the Los Lobos hangout like he owned the place. He was late for his appointment and for a brief moment, I wondered what he told the guards for them to let him past. I was the only one still in the bar, enjoying a rare moment to myself.

  “I’m looking for Wolf,” he said.

  I shrugged. “You’re la

  I was different in those days. I wasn’t happy with the hand life dealt me, and I took it out on whoever I could. I’m not proud of the way I was, but things were getting desperate for me and I was too afraid to admit I’d made a mistake. Wolf Staten was my mistake—a cruel, brutish mistake—a mistake I could never unmake.

  “Well, whatever you do, don’t trouble yourself,” he said, an arrogant smile on his lips.

  Was this jerk taunting me?

  The truth was, I was sick of Los Lobos and their smooth-talking, tattooed musclemen. The fact that this one had arms like Mark Wahlberg and a smile to match didn’t change that. He was a criminal, just like the others, and if he wanted to speak to Wolf, he could damn well show up on time like everyone else.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was supposed to jump to attention every time a guy like you walked in.”

  “You always this friendly to your potential partners?”

  “You’re not my potential anything,” I said.

  “You don’t know that.”

  I looked into his eyes. Something about his confidence bugged the crap out of me. I couldn’t say what. Usually when people came to Los Lobos, they were scared to death. This guy looked like he was on a morning stroll through the park.

  “Yes, I do,” I said pointedly.

  He held me in his gaze, then shrugged. “You might be surprised.”

  “Might I? I doubt it.”

  “Stranger things have happened.”

  He was infuriating.

  “Forget it,” I said. “Whatever you’re thinking, forget it. Then forget what you forgot. You look like the kind of guy who could manage that.”

  He let out a laugh.

  My eyes glanced over his chiseled chest and torso, visible through his tight shirt. God, he was sexy.

  “Anyone ever tell you you’re touchy?” he said.

  “I’ve got my reasons,” I said defensively.

  “I bet you do,” he said, looking around the bar.

  I didn’t know if he was agreeing with me or challenging me. I didn’t know how to read him. He was frank and direct, didn’t play games, and in the world I lived in, games were the only thing that mattered.

  “We could do this all day,” I said, “but I’m not in the mood for banter.”

  “Have it your way. You know where I can find him?”

  “Who?” I said, knowing full well who he meant. I was prolonging our interaction without even realizing it. Was I that lonely for real contact?


  “I’m sorry, is there something about me that gives you the impression I’m his secretary?”

  “Jesus. What is it with you? Just tell me where he is.”

  “Fine. He’s gone. They all are. You missed them.”

  “Shit,” he said.

  I nodded. “So, you know, don’t let me keep you.”

  I’d become a bitch and I knew it. He knew it too, but he took it as a challenge. He was one of those guys who wanted what he couldn’t have.

  He looked at me and a smile crossed his face that drove me mad. He was so sexy I had to bite my lip. I won’t say what I really wanted to bite. It wasn’t every day I was alone with a guy like this. Wolf was too jealous to allow it. The way this guy looked at me made my heart speed up.

  “Girl, you’re lucky I don’t come over there and teach you some manners.”

  A mental image of him bending me over the bar and spanking my naked butt flashed before my eyes. It made my cheeks flush.

  He was charming as hell. He was my type too, sexy, the bad boy look, muscles, a raw attitude that exuded confidence. I wanted him to leave so I wouldn’t be reminded of all the things I couldn’t have.

  I already knew he was nothing like Wolf. This guy would be good to his girl. He’d treat her right. He wouldn’t hit her. I had experience in that department, and I could tell. The truth was, this guy was everything I’d given up forever by getting involved with Wolf, and it was torture to see it.

  I wanted him to turn around and walk out the door, but another part of me was desperate for him to stay.

  “Manners?” I said.

  His grin stretched from ear to ear. “The manners your daddy should have taught you.”

  I couldn’t resist. “You wouldn’t have the nerve,” I said and, despite my intentions, gave him a sly smile.

  That got his attention. He looked at me again as if seeing me for the first time. His eyes drank me in from head to toe, staring at my ass and tits longer than was necessary.

  “Try me,” he said.

  “Trust me, you don’t want to get mixed up with a girl like me.”

  “Are you that dangerous?”

  “Let’s just say, if you messed with me, you’d be taking your life in your hands.”

  I don’t know what got me talking to him like that. It wasn’t like me to flirt with the lowlifes that did business with Los Lobos. I despised all of them. But everything about this guy was different. He had balls. In all the months I’d been with Wolf, this was the first time I’d met anyone who seemed to have the nerve to rival him.

  “Don’t you know?” he said, “Some things are worth risking your life for.”

  “Some things?”

  “Sure. Some things,” he said and looked down at my ass again as if assessing me, checking if I was one of those things worth taking a risk for. Cocky prick.

  The way he looked at me made me feel the need to prove myself. I realized I was sitting up straight in my seat, shoulders back, breasts pushed forward, the way my mother had always wanted me to sit when I was a kid. For the first time in months, I actually cared what someone thought of me.

  He melted my resistance. I struggled not to show it. I couldn’t let this go anywhere. As tempted as I was to flirt, I would be literally taking my life in my hands if I did.

  “Let’s you and me go for a walk,” he said.

  I laughed. “A walk?”

  He winked. God he was arrogant. I loved it.

  “What makes you think I want to go for a walk with you?”

  His eyebrows rose. “Shapely legs, tight ass, I bet you can walk the fuck out of those pumps.”

  I burst out laughing. “Walk the fuck out of my pumps?” I repeated out loud. I couldn’t believe he’d said it like that.

  “Girl, I can tell an assassin when I see one.”

  If Wolf ever overheard anything like this, there’d be hell to pay. He’d string me up and have his thugs beat the shit out of me. But he’d left for Vegas.

  “An assassin?”

  “An assassin of the heart.”

  That did it. I burst out laughing even louder than before. I laughed harder than I had in months. He was playing, being intentionally ridiculous, but it worked. If it hadn’t been for the threat of Wolf’s jealousy, I’d have gotten on the back of his bike and ridden with him wherever the hell he wanted. I’d always been a sucker for a cocky bad boy with the guts to let me know what he wanted from me.

  “I’ve never heard anyone use that line,” I laughed.

  He was smirking now. He knew he’d won me over. “It’s not a line.”

  “Isn’t it?”

  His eyes crawled over me, lingering on all the hotspots. He had some nerve. I had to give him that much. He knew how to walk into a room, spot what he wanted, and go for it.

  “Well, before you get carried away, you ought to know I’m Wolf’s girl.”

  “Is that a warning?”

  “I’d just hate to see anything bad happen to you.”

  He took a seat at the bar next to me. It was a bold gesture given that every other seat in the place was empty.

  “Why would anything bad happen?” he said.

  “Well, you seem to be getting ideas.”

  “What sort of ideas?”

  I looked away. He was trying to goad me. “You know what I mean.”

  He looked right at me with those intense eyes. His jaw looked like it was cut from marble. I wanted to rub my
hand against the shadow of his stubble, just to feel its roughness.

  “What if I told you I don’t care whose girl you are?”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “What if you got on my bike right now, and rode back with me to Rio Secco?”

  “Wolf would kill you,” I said.

  “Wolf can go fuck himself.”

  No one spoke that way about Wolf. Was this a test? Had Wolf sent this guy to see how I’d respond? I wouldn’t put it past him.

  “Who are you?” I said.

  “Listen, I’m not kidding. I can see you don’t like this shit hole. I don’t blame you. Your boyfriend’s scum. You’re too good for him. Los Lobos are heartless bastards. There’s something better, and it’s just a ride away.”

  “As easy as that?” I said.


  “We’d go back to your place?”

  “Yes we would.”

  “What then?”

  “Then we’d fuck like rabbits.”

  “Charming,” I said, but I wasn’t as unaffected as I put on.

  My lip quivered with emotion that seemed to rise from nowhere. It was raw, a mixture of anger and sorrow. I wasn’t angry at him. I was angry at the situation I was in, and the fact that I couldn’t take him up on his offer, no matter how right he was about my life. I wanted to cry but I held it in.

  “Don’t think, just do it,” he said. “We’ll be in California before Wolf even knows you’re missing.”

  “Just do it?”

  “I’ll show you what it’s like to be with a real man.”

  For a second I lost it. I slapped him across the face. That surprised him. It had seemingly come from nowhere. Where did he get off? Did he honestly think I’d throw myself at him for saying something like that? Even if I could? He was insane. I put force into that slap, really hit him hard. I knew it hurt.

  “What was that for?”

  “Don’t ever speak to me like that. I’m not perfect, but the least I deserve is respect. You don’t even know me.”

  “Don’t I?” he said, trying to lighten the mood again, but I wasn’t having it.


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