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Forget-Me-Not Page 12

by Kris Bryant

  “Did you find out what happened tonight with Emma?” I ask Kerry.

  “She was home and in bed. She’s been very uncomfortable the last few days so she was just resting. When she went downstairs to talk to Keagan who was working in the bar, her water broke and all hell broke loose. Everybody at the bar panicked, but Luce, one of the waitresses, who has had a few kids of her own, told Keagan to get the car. She called Da and told him they were headed to the hospital and they should head there as well. Apparently he or my mother called the entire family, hence the reunion here.”

  “Thankfully, she was here and not on the train or something. I can’t even imagine if that were to happen,” I say.

  “Oh, I’m sure somebody would have gotten her to the hospital,” Kerry says.

  “Back home, somebody would have called the police and wouldn’t have moved her at all to avoid a lawsuit,” I say. She interrupts me.

  “Why would there be a lawsuit?”

  “Well, if something happened to her or the baby,” I say, surprised she is surprised.

  “Are you serious? That’s crazy. I would want somebody to get me to a hospital any way they could. I wouldn’t want my baby to be born in the back of a police car by somebody who couldn’t deliver it right.” She says. Her accent is stronger now that she’s around her family and in a stressful situation. I nod in understanding only because I don’t want to get into a conversation about what all could go wrong since her sister-in-law is about to give birth. This is their moment and I’m only here because Kerry is my ride tonight. I do like being a part of this big family, thrown into the midst of this incredible moment. I’ve never been a part of such organized chaos. There are several conversations going at once, but everybody is aware of one another. I see Kerry darting looks at her mom, while keeping the conversation going with her aunt. Her hand is resting against my leg so I know she is paying attention to me as well. Her mother, talking to her father, is aware of the door and of Luke who is pacing in front of it. I watch as she finally reaches out to calm him and draws him into their conversation. It’s such a fantastic dynamic.

  “So, technically, Grace is Emma’s boss,” I hear Kerry say to her aunt. That draws my attention back to them. I hadn’t even thought of that.

  “Not really. The shop seems more of a self-governing thing,” I say. “Emma, Leigh, and Conor are all fantastic workers and just do what needs to be done.”

  “I’m sorry to hear about your aunt. I’ve only ever heard good things about her,” Kerry’s aunt says. We’re interrupted by a very pale Keagan who bursts through the door, silencing everybody at once.

  “Everything’s fine so far. They just gave her the epidural so she’s more comfortable,” he says. His dad clamps his hand on Keagan’s shoulder, his way of showing support. It’s a surprisingly touching moment and tears spring to my eyes as I watch the love pass between this family. “She’s ready for you,” Keagan says, nodding at Emma’s mom. She jumps up, straightens out her clothes and leaves the room with Keagan.

  “Well, it shouldn’t be much longer now,” Kerry’s mom says. Four hours later, everybody is quieter, a little more comfortable, but there is still a level of stress in the room. I’m leaning against Kerry and I don’t even care who sees us. Nobody seems to mind though. I’m tired, still hungry and need to get up and stretch, but I like being this close to Kerry. She’s warm, comforting, and it just feels right. I can’t believe that I’m leaving in less than a day. We hear a yelp coming from down the hall and we all jump up.

  “It’s a boy! We have a baby boy!” Keagan yells all the way down the hall to us. The whole room erupts with laughter and tears of joy. Kerry pulls me into a giant hug and I can feel the stress of the situation leave her body as she relaxes into me.

  “I have a nephew,” she says. She leans down and kisses me soundly. We break apart breathless and smile. She leaves me to make her way to her brother who is in a giant hug with their parents. I cry when I see their emotional exchange. He takes Luke, his parents and Kerry down the hall so he can introduce them to Ian Brann Mulligan. The family celebration leaks out into the hall until a nurse tells us to either stay in the waiting room and keep our voices down, or go outside. Every single person goes outside and one of Kerry’s uncles, Kent Mulligan, passes out cigars. I’ve never smoked one in my life, but it’s so appropriate that I can’t help but partake in this time old tradition. I grab a cigar, but before anybody lights theirs, Emma’s mom finds us.

  “If you want to hold the baby, you cannot smoke those,” she says, before leaving. “That boy’s first day on earth isn’t going to be spent smelling smoke.”

  “Smoke them when you all get home later today,” Kent says. One of the cousins breaks into a beautiful song and is quickly joined by others in the family. I don’t know the song but it’s sweet and they are killing it. I take out my phone and record it, knowing that Kerry will want to see this. I don’t even think they notice I’m recording it. When it is done, there are more hugs, some whining about not being able to smoke the cigars, but mostly just a continuous celebration including impromptu dancing, bar type singing, and a fantastic celebration of new life. This kid is definitely going to be spoiled.

  “Tell me they haven’t corrupted you while I was away.” Kerry is suddenly beside me, her warmth welcoming. I turn and slip into her arms and she holds me for a minute. I know this is an emotional night for the entire family.

  “How’s baby Ian?” I ask.

  “Beautiful. A bundle of perfection. Would you like to meet him?” she asks.

  “But there are so many people here who still want to see him. They should meet him first,” I say.

  “Look at them. They are singing, dancing, and aren’t worried about getting in next. When did the Jameson come out?” she asks, referring to the flask someone is passing around.

  “About the time Emma’s mom said we couldn’t smoke the cigars,” I say. She laughs.

  “I told you my family has tons of black sheep. I just didn’t share that they are all here right now.” She slips her hand in mine and we walk back into the hospital side by side.

  “You know, I haven’t held a lot of babies in my life,” I say, suddenly very nervous.

  “Just pretend he’s Abram. You’re pretty good with him,” she says.

  “I’m serious.”

  “You will be fine. I trust you.” She squeezes my fingers. I still feel out of place when we peek into the room. Emma looks tired, but beautiful as always. Keagan is helping her sit up straighter in bed.

  “Grace. I’m so glad you’re here. Come and meet little Ian,” Emma says.

  “Congratulations. He’s beautiful,” I say. Kerry scoops him out of her father’s arms and passes him to me. Good news, he’s swaddled. Bad news, I hope I don’t look as awkward as I feel trying to get him comfortable in my arms.

  “He won’t break,” Keagan says.

  “I told Kerry I’m not a great baby holder,” I say. “I haven’t held a baby since my cousin was born ten years ago.” This probably isn’t true. I finally get him tucked so we’re both comfortable and I look at his gorgeous shock of red hair and tiny red fuzz where his eyebrows will be. He’s every bit a Mulligan and I’m trying hard not to tear up again.

  “See? You’re doing fine,” Emma says. I gently bounce him and walk around the room, no longer worried about others watching me. He tiredly opens his eyes at me, fighting hard to keep them open.

  “He sees your blonde hair,” Kerry says, her voice low. “I’m sure he’s trying to figure out how to grab it.”

  “I’m sure his brain hasn’t learned how to do that yet,” I say. Her face is very close to mine and Ian’s and I hold my breath when she leans down and nuzzles his cheek. It’s a very loving move and I already know Kerry’s wrapped around his little finger. “Well, that didn’t take long.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re already completely smitten by him,” I say. She smiles at me and surprises me by kissing me sof

  “He’s a Mulligan. What’s not to love?” I gently hand him back to her, unnerved by my emotions. This woman is derailing me. The Kerry I met when I first got here was obnoxious, rude, and just pissed me off. The woman before me now is caring, generous, and sweet. She makes my head spin. This whole trip has been one life altering experience. I came here with the intention of selling a business, making a ton of money in the process, and returning to Dallas after a few fun days eating good food and drinking dark beer. Now, I’m dreading my flight out later today. I slipped and fell in love with Ireland and the people here. I need to leave soon and once I do, I should be fine. I will go back to my life of corporate America and shallow friendships. I will hang out with Morgan and we both will settle into relationships that are complacent and predictable.

  Kerry holds baby Ian close to her chest, close to her heart. He nestles against her warmth, the trust between these two people immediate and true. I feel my own heart swell and threaten to burst at the love I witness. I wipe away the tears that are on my cheeks, their presence a reminder that I am vulnerable. Kerry kisses him good-bye and hands him back to Keagan.

  “I’ll send the others in one by one. We’re going to take off. I need to get Grace back to the shop to get ready to fly back home,” Kerry says.

  “You are leaving already? I thought you were staying until the weekend,” Emma says. I lean down and give her a hug.

  “My boss asked me to come back sooner. It was such a pleasure to meet you. I’m so happy for your family and baby Ian,” I say. Keagan even gives me a hug. I tell myself not to cry again, but I fail miserably.

  “What an emotional night,” I say, grasping at anything to say.

  “Definitely. I know I will be exhausted. In about an hour, it will be light out. Come on, I want to watch the sunrise with you.” Kerry and I head back to the car after sending some of the family up to the room. The rest are perfectly happy being unruly, singing, and dancing in the parking lot. Back home, they would have been arrested. Here, their celebration of new life is left alone. We spend most of the drive talking about Ian and first babies in the family. She pulls onto a dirt road and drives for a half of a mile, ruts and divots completely ignored. I wonder how often she needs to replace her shocks.

  “The sunrise is gorgeous. Not as fantastic as the sunset, but I think this is a great way to leave Ireland.”

  “I’m pretty sure half of my guts are back there on this makeshift road,” I say, pointing behind us.

  “Yeah, I’m sorry about that. It’s hard to see the road in the dark,” she says. This is a road?

  “So how do you know this place?”

  “This is actually my uncle’s property. He won’t mind. He never comes here. I hate for it to go to waste.” We finally park under a few trees. I get out and stretch, thankful that even though I got bounced around, I made it in one piece. Kerry hands me a flashlight. “I just need to get something out of the trunk.” She grabs a large blanket and heads toward me. “Let’s go.” She offers no explanation, only her hand. I grab it and walk next to her in the dark, the shaft of light bobbing with every step I take.

  “How far are we walking?” I ask. I’m bummed that I’m not wearing my comfortable boots.

  “Not far, but you might have to climb a bit. I hope that’s okay,” she says.

  “No worries. I’m a tough girl.”

  “Of course you are,” she says. We hit our destination in only a few short minutes. Kerry fans out the thick, wool blanket and sits down, patting the spot beside her. “Have a seat. It gets cold just sitting here without it.” I sit down and she wraps the corner around me so that we are both holding an end over our legs. I shiver a bit, excited to be alone with her again and so close. She’s deliciously warm, and I’m trying hard not to scoot closer to her.

  “Why do you have so many secret hiding places?”

  “They aren’t really hiding places, just places I love to be. Sometimes I need absolute quiet or just the ocean and having lived here my entire life, it would be a shame if I didn’t have a private place to go.” We are quiet for a bit, watching the sky lighten off in the distance.

  “Thank you for everything you’ve shared with me, Kerry. Your time, your family, and your special places.” I smile at her, my way of keeping it simple even though my stomach is quivering and my heart is galloping in my chest.

  “Grace.” That’s all she says before she pulls me closer to her and kisses me. It’s not a simple, sweet thanks for staying with me tonight kiss. This is an all-consuming, take my breath away kiss that makes me moan when she deepens it. She leans up and over me, never breaking the kiss, to settle between my legs. I forget about being cold. Her heat instantly warms me and even though I’m trying not to seem desperate, I can’t help but pull her into me. I run my hands up and down her body, feeling the softness of her curves and the sharpness of her hips as they dig into me. I’m going to come before she even touches me if she continues to grind against my clit. I hold her firmly against me. I have never given myself to anybody so completely, so purely before. Maybe it’s because I’m leaving today and I don’t have to think about seeing her again, or maybe it’s because I know I won’t. She reaches over and pulls her half of the blanket over us. I don’t even care that it’s cold or that the ground is hard beneath us. I only feel her. She breaks the kiss to shed her jacket, then pulls me up by the lapels of mine to take mine off, too. Her energy is fierce and I’m taken aback by it. Her stare is intense and I shudder believing that I am the only person who matters to her at this moment, even if I’m not. This aggressive Kerry makes me whimper with need. I want her to touch me everywhere. I lift my hips up to greet her as she returns to me, my body greedy for friction. She takes the opportunity to slip a hand beneath me, her thumb only inches from my wet core. I reach down and pull her sweater up, excited to feel her skin for the first time. It’s smoother than I imagine and I smile at the chill bumps that race against my touch.

  “Are you cold?” I ask, leaning in for another kiss from her wet mouth.

  “I’m on fire. It’s your touch that is doing this to me,” she says. I pull her down again and wrap the blanket around us anyway. She moves down to my neck, sucking hard enough to make me moan. I want to feel her teeth against my skin, scraping the tenderness raw. I selfishly press her head into me, telling her I want more. When her teeth dig into me, I buck into her, my hands grabbing her hips, holding her close. I hiss my approval as she continues to nip and suck all the way down to my cleavage. I release her hips and reach up to unbutton my blouse, slowing my movements when I feel her lips and tongue on my fingers. It’s such an erotic feeling when she sucks my finger into her mouth, her tongue circling it slowly then rapidly. It’s driving me crazy. I run my thumb over her bottom lip, dying to have the fullness inside my mouth again. She releases my finger and we instantly kiss, both of us needing that connection again. This time she helps me with my buttons, tugging the shirt out of my slacks, just as anxious to feel me as I am to feel her. I lean up so that I can take my shirt completely off at the same time she rips off her sweater. I take a moment to look at her in the budding light. Her skin is alabaster, a pale creaminess I’ve never seen or touched before. I run my fingertips from her sternum down to the top of her waistband. I unfasten her top button and slowly unzip them, never breaking eye contact. When I see her shiver, I assume she is cold and I pull her down. She grabs the corner of the blanket again and covers us, shifting so that she is more to my side than on top of me. I miss the comfort of her weight and turn to face her.

  “I like you between my legs,” I say. Her response is a very passionate kiss. I moan with delight as her hand slides down my stomach and over my slacks to touch my very wet, very swollen center.

  “I like being there, too, but it’s hard to touch you. Now I can do whatever I want,” she says. I don’t disagree. Instead, I put my hand on top of hers and press her into me. She is unleashing a side of me that I don’t recognize. Her fingertips massage
my swollen clit through my pants and in a move of desperation, I slide my pants down to my knees just enough to give her access. My panties are still on, but that doesn’t deter her. She pulls them to the side and I gasp when she slips two fingers inside of me. She’s not gentle and it’s such a turn on. I greedily push my hips into her, my body torn between the pleasure of her touch and the pain of her slamming into me. I claw for release, pull her into me, and push her away again. She breaks the kiss to move down my body, her tongue finding the waistband of my panties. She tugs on my hips and I lift myself just enough for her to pull the panties down. I cry out when I feel her warm mouth envelop my throbbing clit, the relief almost instantaneous, the build-up inevitable. My pants prevent me from spreading my legs, but that doesn’t slow Kerry down. Her fingers find my pussy again while her hot mouth focuses on my clit. I crash into my orgasm hard and fast, not stopping until I come again. She slows down when she feels my legs shake, knowing I can’t take any more. She gently pushes my legs down and stretches out beside me. I can’t look at her. I need to catch my breath and try hard not to dissect what just happened. She is quiet beside me, her hand resting on my stomach, waiting for me.

  “I love Irish sunrises,” I say, finally finding my voice. It’s a little hoarse from my constant moaning and the cold air. I feel her body vibrate as she softly laughs. She lifts her head to look at me. I reach up and touch her face.

  “Did you even look out from beneath the blanket?” she asks, placing a soft kiss on my lips. I peek out for a moment, then throw the blanket back over my head.

  “It’s gorgeous,” I say. “And very bright.”

  “It really is beautiful. I’m sorry you missed it.”


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