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Forget-Me-Not Page 17

by Kris Bryant

  “Tell me all about your trip,” I say as I slip into the driver’s seat of my SUV. I watch as she runs her hands on the leather and touches everything within reach.

  “This is a very nice car. And it’s so big,” she says. I instantly feel a mixture of pride and guilt. “Okay, the trip wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I read some, watched a movie, thought about us.”

  I lean over and kiss her. “I’m so happy.”

  “Take me to your home,” she says. I pull out into traffic and try not to watch her face as she processes the size of the city, the traffic, and the overall environment. We are just getting into rush hour traffic and I know it’s just going to get worse. At least my condo isn’t far from downtown so we will be driving against most of the traffic. “The buildings are so big and bright. And it’s so sunny.” I hand her an extra pair of sunglasses that she gratefully slips on. We reach my condo in thirty minutes. I decide we’re going to stay hidden the rest of the night. We kiss again in the elevator, our passion instantly igniting. By the time we reach my door, my shirt is already untucked and Kerry’s blouse is halfway unbuttoned. I barely turn the doorknob before she is flat up against me, pulling me to her. “I’ve missed you so much.” Kerry pushes me up against the door, her mouth all over me in an instant.

  “I’ve missed you, too, so much. And this. I’ve missed your mouth…” The rest of the sentence is a moan as she pushes my bra up and roughly licks my nipple. I’m completely at her mercy and weak with need. She unbuttons my shirt and reaches around to unhook my bra. I unzip my pants and kick them off. I’m standing in front of her in a red lace thong. She drops to her knees in front of me.

  “You’re so beautiful,” she says as she runs her hands up my thighs, over my panties, and across my bare stomach. I close my eyes and enjoy. When her hands reach up and cup my breasts, I put my hands over hers and squeeze. I’m rewarded with a moan. She leans forward and kisses my stomach, running her tongue on the outer edge of my thong. I lean my shoulders back against the door so that I can thrust my mound closer to her mouth. She grabs my hips and holds me steady. “Where is your room?”

  “Behind you on the left,” I say. She stands and pulls me into her arms. She knows how much I love to be naked when she’s dressed. How the friction of her clothes drives me crazy. We kiss the entire way back to my room while I diligently remove her clothes. She is thinner than before, but just as beautiful. We eagerly get to know one another again, the three weeks since our last visit seems like a lifetime ago.


  “Are you hungry? Tired?” I ask. She’s on her side facing me, her hand holding mine. It’s already after nine o’clock and I know she has to be one or the other or both. She closes her eyes and drops back on the pillow.

  “I’m running on fumes,” she says.

  I jump up. “I’m so sorry. Let me grab some snacks. I’ll be right back,” I say. I hit the kitchen and grab fruit, cheese, and crackers. I bounce on the bed as she scoots over. “I noticed you’ve lost weight.” I point to the tray. “Eat.”

  “I love it when you’re bossy,” she says. We smile at one another. The last time I was bossy, we had an explosive night.

  “I’ve really missed you. I’ve missed us,” I say. Kerry kisses me, softy and deeply. I sigh and melt into her. “You need to eat and get some sleep. Jet lag is awful.” We finish our picnic after she insists that she’s had enough food. I promise her a big breakfast in the morning and order her to sleep. She reaches out to me. I slide into her arms. Even though I’m not tired yet, I lie and enjoy her warmth and the fact that she is in my arms again.

  Chapter Twenty

  “I can’t believe there are so many people here just wanting breakfast. And on a weekday. Aren’t most people working?” Kerry asks. We’re sitting at the little breakfast nook down the street and there’s a thirty minute wait. Thankfully, we have enough to talk about and full coffee cups.

  “I promise you, it’s so worth it,” I say. She surprises me by kissing me in front of everybody waiting. Some people smile at us while others look away. I think it’s great that it’s not even a concern for her.

  The older couple sitting next to us strikes up a conversation after hearing Kerry’s accent. They, too, are immediately taken with her charm. When the restaurant calls the couple’s name, they invite us to dine with them. Kerry thanks them, but declines after explaining that we haven’t seen one another in almost a month and we need quality time together.

  “Even when you turn people down, they still love you.” She laughs. “Yep, you’re going to do well here. All that Irish charm,” I say. I’ve already noticed a lot of people staring at her. Last night, after a five hour power nap, she woke me up the way I want to wake up every morning, spread wide with her warm mouth all over me. It was a delightful surprise to say the least. This extended weekend will be sprinkled with short and long naps, meals in bed, and her in control of me during all waking hours.

  “How was work this week?” she asks. I love that even though she’s curiously looking around at the restaurant and the people, when she talks to me, her eyes are always focused on mine.

  “Well, I didn’t get scolded anymore,” I say.

  “I can’t wait to meet Morgan and see what she’s like,” Kerry says. After breakfast, we’re going to my office so that she can see where I work. Morgan has invited us to her party on Saturday night. It’s an open invitation. I wouldn’t commit us because I don’t know what we’re going to be doing Saturday.

  “Please don’t hurt her,” I say. “She needed to kick my ass because my head was still in Ireland with you.” She kisses me again.

  “Since when have you known me to lose my temper?” Her angelic look is endearing, but doesn’t fool me.

  “Never. Not you, you sweet Irish lassie,” I say with my best Irish accent.

  “Very nice. You’re an excellent student.” She lifts her eyebrow. I shiver knowing full well what she means.

  “I have the best teacher.” Here, in the middle of this busy restaurant, I want her. She can turn me on with just a look, a soft touch, a word. Thankfully, or not, we’re called to be seated. I take a deep breath and follow the hostess to a table by the window so we can see downtown. We review the menu while our waitress runs to get us fresh coffee. “If you have any questions, let me know. Everything here is delicious and I do expect you to eat well today.” I settle for French toast, and Kerry orders an omelet with potatoes and toast.

  “Satisfied?” she asks, referring to her order.

  “Not yet.”

  That perks her interest. “Oh, really? I thought for sure you would be for at least a few more hours. We can eat fast and go home.”

  “Tempting, but I promised you a quick tour of my town and my work. Then we can stay sequestered for the rest of your time here.” She nods.

  After forty-five minutes of catching up on Howth and Dublin events and stories about the people I know there, I pay the check and we head over to my office. It’s a beautiful day, not too hot yet, so we decide to walk the four blocks to Shumer & Bristol. Again she surprises me by holding my hand as if it’s the most normal thing in the world. I’m not sure how she is going to be once we get to the office though. I’ve never brought my private life to work before so I’m sure this is going to get people gossiping. I find that I don’t mind. I like my relationship with Kerry. I’m not embarrassed by it. She’s beautiful, smart, and headstrong. I bet that most of my colleagues will be jealous after meeting her.

  “Late start today, boss?” Billy, the building’s security guard, razzes me a little. He’s fierce, yet adorable, and always softens for me.

  “I’m actually not on the clock today. Billy, this is Kerry. She’s visiting me from Ireland.” Billy strikes up a conversation about his recent trip to Ireland and Scotland. After five minutes, I interrupt only because I’m bored and selfish and want her back. She is nothing but kind to him and he, in turn, is smitten with her. “I love that you’re very sweet to everybod
y. It’s an endearing trait.”

  “He’s completely taken with you, too. He just loves beautiful women,” she says. We grab the elevator and take it up to the twenty-fourth floor. The doors open to hustle and bustle already in progress.

  “Welcome to my hell.” We dodge a few interns scurrying around. I wave hello to a couple people as we make our way around to the back where the executive offices are. I’m in jeans, boots, and a button-down linen shirt with my hair loose. Most employees probably don’t recognize me. I’m never this casual.

  “Grace, I thought you weren’t coming in today.” Alisa finds me immediately. “Oh, I’m sorry. Hi, I’m Alisa.” She shakes Kerry’s hand. Her smile is friendly and genuine. I introduce them and suddenly it clicks for Alisa. I almost see the lightbulb turn on. “Oh, oh. Okay, um, we can talk about it next week. No worries.” She leaves in a hurry.

  “Was it something I said?” Kerry asks.

  “Yes, but nothing to worry about,” I say. I lead her back to my office and after introducing her to my assistant, Tina, I usher her in and lock the door behind her. “Finally. I didn’t think I would ever get you up here.”

  She walks over to the floor to ceiling windows. “This is a great office with a nice view. Buildings everywhere, people everywhere. Why were you overwhelmed in Dublin? It’s not even close to this size.”

  “I’m not familiar with Dublin, but I’ve lived in Dallas for the last eight years so it’s what I’m used to.” I walk up behind her and put my arms around her waist and rest my forehead on her shoulder. “I’m so happy you’re here.”

  She turns in my embrace, lifts my chin toward her, and places the sweetest kiss on my lips. “I’ve missed you, too. I know long distance is hard.” My heart stops and panic flutters in my chest. She doesn’t elaborate. Is she okay with long distance or not? Before my full blown fear takes over, we hear a knock at the door.

  “Just a minute.” I unlock the door and am greeted by Morgan’s happy face. She pushes right past me and heads straight for Kerry.

  “Hi. I’m Morgan. I heard there was a beautiful redhead in the building. I had to come meet the girl who stole Gracie’s heart,” she says. I kind of want to throat punch her right now. “Oh, my. I can see why.” She hugs Kerry hello. I’m still trying to calm down over Kerry’s long distance comment.

  “Hello, Morgan. I’ve heard interesting things about you,” Kerry says.

  Morgan laughs. “Hopefully not all bad.”

  “No, quite good actually. Grace is very fond of you,” she says. I shoot Morgan a look not to say anything else revealing. She apparently gets the hint.

  “So what are you lovelies doing here?” Morgan asks.

  “I wanted to show Kerry where I work since I spend most of my time here,” I say.

  “This office is very impressive with a great view. I don’t know that I would go home every night. And it’s so large.” It is quite the office. I have three desks: one for everyday work, a conference desk for more intimate meetings, and a drafting table. I’m also one of the few people who has a private bathroom. It’s not much, but enough. Kerry thinks it’s because I’m important. I know it’s because Sherry doesn’t want me away from my office too long.

  “When did you get in?” Morgan asks. She knows the answer to this, so I’m assuming she’s asking only to stick around. I sigh and sit down on my couch. This could be a while. Surprisingly, they are getting along pretty well. Of course, they are only discussing niceties so I expect both to behave. “If you want something to do tomorrow night, you can always come to my party. It’s not going to be wild and crazy. Just a few friends, some wine, some barbecue, and good music. Think about it. Okay, I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone. It was nice to meet you, Kerry, and I hope to see you tomorrow.” She gives Kerry another quick hug and winks at me, ignoring my death stare. My heart jumps into my throat when I see Kerry lock my door after Morgan leaves.

  “Does this thing really work? Or is it for show?” she asks.

  “Oh, the lock works.” I’d ask why she wants to lock the door, but I think I already know the answer.

  She walks over to me and sits down on the couch.

  “What a comfortable couch you have here.” She runs her fingers across the back of the couch. She reaches my neck and traces her fingertips softly across my skin. I close my eyes and tilt my head back to give her better access. She scoots closer and I feel her warm, soft lips press against my neck. One hand slips into the opening of my shirt to touch my shoulder, the other tilts my head closer to her. She kisses me softly, yet possessively and I yield. She guides me beneath her and presses herself between my legs. Her hips push into me and I lift up, greedy for friction. She slips her hand between us and rubs my clit through my clothes. I clutch her closer not wanting this to happen so quickly, but the excitement of being in my office, having her here with me is too much and I greet my orgasm quickly and quietly. “Well, that was faster than I expected,” she says. She smiles at me and my face flushes with a mixture of embarrassment and desire.

  “I needed you.”

  She answers me with a soft kiss. “Have you always been this sexual?” she asks quietly.

  I’m confused by the question. “What do you mean?”

  “Don’t get me wrong, I love that you are, but have you noticed that we have sex a lot?”

  “Is that a problem?”

  “Are you kidding me? I love it. I didn’t think there was anybody else out there like me.” She kisses me again, erasing my doubts.

  “We do have fantastic chemistry. It’s just too bad that we’re worlds apart.”

  She is quiet, but only for a few moments. “That just means we have a lot of time to make up for when we’re together.”

  I nod. “I like that logic. It works for us.” She kisses me again and pulls me back into a sitting position.

  “I’ve wrinkled you.” She smoothes out my wrinkled shirt.

  “So worth it. And we weren’t interrupted once.”

  “Does anybody know you are here besides Morgan and Alisa?”

  “Are you kidding me right now? I show up with a knockout redhead and lock myself in my office with her and you think nobody noticed? I bet half my staff is on the other side of this door trying to hear what’s going on in here.” Kerry smiles because she thinks I’m kidding. I smile back because I know I’m not. She gets up from the couch and stretches her long body, working out a few kinks from being in a strained position for the last five minutes.

  “I would seriously look out of my office at least two hours a day if I had this view,” she says. I walk up behind her again and put my arms around her waist. I don’t like to not touch her when she is this close to me. We won’t have this luxury most days. I run my hands up her stomach and back down to her hips. Her body is so tight and hard. She surprises me by grabbing my hand and moving it to the apex of her thighs. I moan my approval and stroke her mound up and down, moving steadily and with purpose. “Do you think anybody can see us right now?” she asks. I stop only to unbutton her jeans and unzip her fly. She gasps when I slip my fingers down the front of her panties, her wet core swollen with need. I move closer so that I’m flush behind her, giving my hand more room. She reaches out to steady herself against the window and widens her stance.

  “If they can see us, they are probably enjoying this as much as we are. You’re so wet.” I don’t realize that I’m pushing my hips into her every time I dip my finger low in her folds. I focus on her clit and massage it, slowly at first, then faster with more pressure. I stop only to pull her jeans and panties down to her knees, surprised that she doesn’t stop me. I have full access to her now and waste no time. From behind, I slip two fingers inside of her. Her moan is delicious and rather loud, but I don’t care. She bends over more, pressing both of her palms against the window and pushing herself into my hand. I place my free hand on her hip to guide her into me. She rocks against me, fast and hard and I can feel her slick walls tighten against my fingers, her impendin
g orgasm within reach. She comes hard, but quietly, gritting her teeth as each wave crests. I slow my movements as her body trembles and twitches, and stop when her hips still. We are both very quiet. I lean forward and slowly slip out of her. She turns to me, grabs my face, and kisses me breathlessly.

  “Christ, Grace. That wasn’t supposed to happen,” she says.

  “Are you kidding? Of course that was supposed to happen. My office will never be the same.” I will never be the same, I think to myself. “You are incredible, Kerry. Simply the best thing.” She kisses me again and pulls up her panties and jeans. She leans back against the window.

  “I really hope these are privacy windows. If not, we just gave all of downtown Dallas quite the show,” she says. She is still shaking so I hold her in my arms and we stand there for a moment while we collect ourselves. We are interrupted by a knock on the door.

  “Go away,” I say quietly. Kerry laughs. “I’m not here.”

  “Grace, Grace are you in there? I have a quick question for you.” It’s Sherry. Great. My office smells like sex and my boss is about to enter. Kerry runs for the little bathroom and I look for the hand sanitizer.

  “Just a moment,” I say. I straighten my shirt and unlock the door.

  “I know you aren’t supposed to be here, but I have a quick question about the pancake account.” She walks in and heads for the conference table, spreading out boards and diagrams. I head to the table and try to look interested. Sherry stops when she hears the water running in my bathroom. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you had somebody in here.” Kerry walks out looking refreshed and beautiful.

  “Hello. I’m Kerry.” She reaches her hand out to shake Sherry’s.

  “Oh, are you Grace’s friend from Ireland?” Sherry asks. Face palm. I cringe at my boss. She’s talking to Kerry like she’s twelve. I shoot Kerry an apologetic look. She winks at me.

  “Yes. Grace has talked about Dallas so much that I decided to come for a visit. I’ve never been to the United States before.” My boss starts going on and on about things we should do while Kerry is here. Kerry is so patient and sweet and gives Sherry her undivided attention. I decide to focus on the account so that I can answer questions and we can all get out of my office.


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