of nocturnal labor, 156, 161–63, 174
poor quality of, 110–11, 127
at public celebrations, 69
reading by, 207
rules for use of, 109–10
rushlights, 106–7, 111, 162, 207, 295, 336
as sacrilege against divine order, 72
wind’s dousing of, 127, 131, 134
see also candles; lanterns; oil lamps; street lighting
Ascham, Roger, 232
Ashmole, Elias, 316
assaults, 33, 40, 43, 115
on male intruders in spinning bees, 183
on nightwatch, 83–84, 224, 249, 250, 253
on pedestrians, 45, 47, 139, 224, 225
punishments for, 86–87
sexual, see rapes
by youth gangs, 247–49, 250
Asselijn, Jan, 177
assemblies, 212–13, 328
astronomy, Renaissance, 12
Atheist, The (Otway), 282
Atkinson, Luke, 306–7
Aubrey, John, 110, 150–51, 186, 270
Augustine, Saint, 87
aurora borealis, 10
Austen, Jane, 331
Autumn Harvest (Grape-picking) (Bassano), 169
Babylon, 4
Bacchylides, 191
Bacon, Francis, 120
badges of shame, 151
Badrett, Sarah, 190
Bagbury ghost, 19
Bagnio, The (Hogarth), 221
Bailyn, Bernard, 153
bakers, 52, 158, 161, 175, 278
Baldwin, William, 163, 301
Ballard, Martha, 113, 134, 163
Ballers gang, 225
Ballet de la Nuit, Le (Benserade), 211
Bancroft, John, 51
bandits, 35–36, 137, 143–44
banshees, 19
Barbados, 233–34, 248–49, 257
Barber, Mary, 117
prostitutes in, 65
public celebrations of, 69
removal of dead bodies in, 167
“Barguest of York,” 17
Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 14, 63
Bartoli, Daniello, 60, 180, 203
Bartram, William, 176
Basil the Great, Saint, 20
Bassano, Francesco, the Younger, 169
Bastard, The, 151
bats, 30
Bavaria, 45, 92, 164, 167, 235
Baxter, Margaret, 320
Baxter, Richard, 264, 280, 302–3, 320
bears, 30, 171
Beattie, John, 72
Beck, David, 118, 160, 205
communal sleep of, 296
early winter bedtime of, 265
sleep disturbance of, 291
visiting by, 186–87
writing of, 207–9
youth gang encountered by, 247–48
Beck, Roeltje, 208
Beckford, William, 212, 293
bedbugs, 269–70, 294–95
bedding, 271, 274, 276–77, 277
insects in, 269–70, 288, 294–95
pillows in, 274, 275
bed-faggot, 280
bedfellows, see communal sleep
beds, 274–79, 275, 286, 289
communal, see communal sleep
curtained, 274, 275, 279, 297
elevated, 274, 275, 276
functions of, 276
high value of, 274–76
of lower classes, 276–79, 287, 296, 297, 299
sleep disturbed by, 295–96, 297
straw pallets, 274, 276–77, 287
trundle, 276
of urban poor, 278
of vagabonds, 278
warming of, 270, 294
bed-staffs, 94–95
bedtime rituals, xxvi, 268–73
alcoholic drinks in, 271
banking fireplaces in, 270
bug hunts in, 269–70, 295, 295
family prayers in, 272
magic invoked in, 272–73
nightdress in, 270–71
servants’ duties in, 271
soporific medicine in, 271
warming beds in, 270, 294
bedtimes, 137, 138, 205, 206, 301, 324, 334
early, 263–64, 265
eating before, 271–72
proverbs about, 264, 266
reading at, 52, 281, 310
seasonal variations in, 266
standard, 265–66
beer, 25, 156–57, 161, 164, 173–74, 187, 235
benefits of, 188
Beerstraten, Jan, 50
beggars, 65, 231, 237–38, 318
badges of shame worn by, 151
beds of, 278
Behaim, Frederich, 207
Beham, Hans Sebald, 195
Behn, Aphra, 153
Bella, Gabriel, 71
benandanti cult, 319
Benedictine order, 302
Bennet, Agnes, 191
Benserade, Isaac de, 211, 276
Beowulf, 20
Bergerac, Cyrano de, 42
Berlin Becomes a Metropolis, 334
Best, Henry, 170, 171, 305
Beware of the Cat (Baldwin), 163, 301
Bewick, Thomas, 121–22, 131
Bibb, Henry, 239
Biddle, Francis, 175
Bigot, Trophîme, 108
Bishe, Thomas, 244
black dogs, 15, 96
Black Forest, 55
Blackmore, Sir Richard, 49
blacksmiths, 156, 161, 162, 175
Blackstone, Sir William, 88
blanket fair, 281
blindman’s holiday, 155
boats, 25, 62, 172
nocturnal excursions by, 137
nocturnal labor on, 160
pilfering and, 175
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 193, 220
Boccardi, Lorenzo and Giacobo, 172
boggarts, 18, 140
bogwood, 108–9
Boisseau, Jean Jacques de, 181
Boke of Curtasye, 104
Bond, Jane, 163
bonfires, 29, 55, 69
Boorde, Andrew, 264, 305
Boothe, Chester, 10
Borde, Marquis de la, 106
Boscawen, Fanny and Edward, 134
Boswell, James, 70, 95, 118–19, 145, 150, 282
communal sleep of, 280
disguises worn by, 219–20, 222
dreams of, 316, 317, 322
low debauchery enjoyed by, 219–20, 222
on sleep, 267, 268, 270, 287, 304
weapons carried by, 142
Bouchet, Guillaume, 285
boulster lectures, 283, 283
Bourne, Henry, 140, 180, 254
Bovey, James, 310
Bovier de Fontenelle, Bernard le, 12, 153
boxing, 190
Bradbourn, Twisden, 143
Bradwell, Stephen, 271, 276
Bräker, Ulrich, 90, 123–24, 145, 176, 202, 290
Bramer, Leonaert, 231
Brand, John, 19
Brannam, Dennes, 36
“Brave Men at Fires” (Franklin), 115
Bravos, 44
Breton, Nicholas, 91, 151, 182, 267, 323
breweries, 52, 156–57, 161
Brewerton, Jane, 237
briganti, 36
British Magazine, 151
broken sleep, 300–311, 339
ficial illumination and, 303–4, 334–35
Church practices and, 302–3
class differences in, 304
in communal sleep, 308
darkness and, 303–4
in early classical literature, 303
“first sleep” in, 300–302, 303, 305, 308, 311–12, 320, 321, 322–23, 335, 337
in non-Western cultures, 303, 304
reproductive fertility enhanced by, 308–10
“second” sleep in, 301, 303, 306
broken sleep, wakefulness interval in, 300, 301, 303, 305–11, 335
criminal activities in, 306–7
dreams and, 322–23, 334–35
excretory needs in, 305
magic in, 307
personal reflection in, 310–11
prayers in, 307–8
protection in, 304, 322
semi-conscious state in, 311
sexual activity in, 308–10
work done in, 305–6
brothels, 218, 220, 226, 244, 245, 253
homosexual, 230
Brouwer, Adriaen, 118, 127
Brown, John, 170
Brown, Tom, 152
Browne, Sir Thomas, 261, 286, 312, 313
brownies, 18
Buckhurst, Lord, 223
Bugles gang, 225
bulkers, 29, 278
Bullein, William, 272
bull’s-eye lanterns, 125
bundling, 197–202
chaperonage of, 200
chastity protected in, 199
conversations in, 200, 202
enduring popularity of, 201
functions of, 201–2
garments removed for, 199
illegitimacy rates linked to, 200
parental permission for, 199, 201
physical contact in, 200–201
privacy afforded by, 201
rules of, 199
sexual activity in, 200–201, 202
as “sitting up,” 198, 199, 201
trial period provided by, 202
bundling boards, 199
Bundschuh disturbances, 54–55
bunters, 160
burglaries, burglars, 36–42, 76, 88, 94, 95, 99, 128
arson of, 54
candles as deterrents of, 101
daytime, 38
death penalty for, 87
definition of, 36–37
ghosts impersonated by, 41
in large gangs, 37, 38–39
magic used by, 41, 42
quick rewards of, 37–38
rural, 38–39, 39
seasonal variation in, 39
smugglers impersonated by, 243
unusual noises and, 34, 37
violent, 37, 38, 40
watchdogs and, 96, 97
burials, nocturnal, 213, 229, 237
Burke, Edmund, 3
Burkitt, William, 157
Burnap, John, 143
burning daylight, 109
Burt, Edward, 92
Burton, Robert, 289, 292
Butler, Peter, 172
Butler, Samuel, 18
Butzbasch, Johannes, 239
Byng, John (Viscount Torrington), 137, 270, 295–96
Byrd, William, II, 109, 298, 317
caban unnos, 238
Calfhill, James, 16
Campbell, Thomas, 18
Campion, Thomas, 97, 213
candle coal, 102–3
candle-lighting, 109, 122, 138
Candlemas, 69
candles, 5, 40, 51, 59, 104–7, 105, 109–11, 142, 192–93, 210, 214, 333
beeswax, 69–70, 104–6
burglars deterred by, 101
at Church festivals, 70
clipping with, 101, 101
cost of, 106
fires caused by, 51–52
in lanterns, 67, 68, 73, 74, 124–25
magical properties of, 100–101
for nocturnal labor, 156, 162, 163
reading by, 207
servants’ use of, 52, 109–10
in shrines, 71–72
in Spanish Holy Week processions, 70
spermaceti, 104–6
as street lighting, 68
tallow, 68, 106, 107, 162, 207, 336
taxation of, 106
wasting, 109–10
windows illuminated by, 63–64, 68–69, 199, 254
candlewood, 104, 108–9, 162, 236
Cannon, John, 205–6, 243, 314
Canterbury Tales, The (Chaucer), 163, 282, 301
Caraccioli, Marquis de, 314
Caravaggio, 225
Carbonnier, Jean, 84, 85
Cardano, Girolamo, 310, 315
Carlyle, Alexander, 132
Carnival, festival of, 152, 249, 254
carpenters, 157, 161
Carter, Landon, 113, 170, 236–37, 240, 256
Carter, William, 40
Cassiodorous, 75
Castel of Helthe (Elyot), 265
Catalonia, 66
Catholic Church, 61, 69–72, 206, 330
British recusants of, 229
canonical hours of, 137
of Counter Reformation, 70
dreams as viewed by, 318
early morning prayer encouraged by, 302–3
extramarital sex prohibited by, 191
festivals of, 70–71, 70, 71, 152, 187–88
heretics vs., 151, 228
illuminated shrines of, 71–72
in Ireland, 194
magic banned by, 64
night’s darkness as sacred in, 71, 72, 74, 155, 335
sacraments of, 69–70
Catlin, John, 245
Cats, Jacob, 120, 205
Cavendish, Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle, 214, 220, 316
cave shelters, 278
Ceba, Ansaldo, 191
Cereta, Laura, 202, 208
cesspools, emptying of, 165–67
Chagga people, 303
Chalkers gang, 224
Chamberlayne, William, 62
chamberpots, 27–28, 271, 296–97, 305
Change in the Village (Sturt), 337
Channel Islands, 242
Chapman, George, 220–21
Charivaris, 253–54
Charke, Charlotte, 95
Charles I, King of England, 265
Charles II, King of England, 29, 226, 253
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 219
Charles VI, King of France, 210, 226
Charlton, Jasper, 171
Chateaubriand, François-René, Vicomte de, 207
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 130, 163, 193, 282, 301, 311
Chevet, Robin, 180–81
children, 109, 278, 308–10
abandoned, 237
fear of darkness in, 3, 5–6, 119–22
illegitimate, 149–50, 200, 237, 281
magic and, 143
night games for, 122
nightmares of, 292
nocturnal excursions of, 118, 119–22, 123–24
parental intimidation of, 120–21
phases of the moon learned by, 128–29
witches’ sabbaths and, 21
see also infants
chimneys, 51, 99–100, 101–2, 274, 293
Chlotar II, King, 75
Christian II, King of Denmark, 226
Christian IV, King of Denmark, 226
Christianity, xxvi, 15, 20, 65,
119, 191, 228
ghosts in, 18
God’s creation of light in, 4, 69
in magic charms, 99, 142–43
Satan in, 21
see also Catholic Church; Protestantism
church bells, 69, 90, 133
curfew rung by, 77–78
evil spirits frightened by, 70
as fire alarms, 79
Church Fathers, 59
Churchill, Charles, 217–18, 227–28
Church of England, 70, 229
Church of Scotland, 198
church towers, 138
lookouts in, 77
as solitary retreats, 203
churchyards, 16, 51, 237
ghosts in, 140
mishaps in, 24
sexual activity in, 190
Cibber, Colley, 297
circadian rhythms, 14, 174–75, 334
Clap, Margaret, 230
Clare, John, 129, 227, 255
Clarendon Code, 229
Clay, Samuel, 128
Clayton, Rev. James, 158
Clayton, Rev. John, 60
cleanliness, personal, 135
Cleaver, Robert, 110
Clegg, James, 119
Clifford, Mary, 277
clipping, 101, 101
clocks, 138, 264
close-stools, 275, 297
“Clothier’s Delight, The,” 162
cloth workers, 156, 160, 164, 173, 174
clubs, social, 329
coal, 102–3
Coalbrookdale, iron foundry, 327, 327
coal gas lamps, 331, 332–34, 332, 335, 336–37
Cobbett, William, 107
cock-crow, 138, 140
Cock Lane Ghost, 325
Cocq, Capt. Frans Banning, 82
Coe, William, 24, 185
Cogan, Thomas, 262, 263, 274, 310
Cokburne, Jon, 301
Coke, Sir Edward, 36, 92, 241
Cole, Rev. William, 112
Collier, Mary, 163, 306
collieries, 24
Collinson, Humphrey, 40
colts, 18
Columella, 168, 173
comets, 10, 11, 326
communal sleep, 278–84
advantages of, 280–81
broken sleep in, 308
designated positions of, 278–79
fear of darkness allayed by, 280
guests in, 279, 296
illnesses spread by, 288
intimate conversations in, 280, 281
marital relationship in, 282–84
proper behavior for, 279–80
of servants, 281–82
sleep disturbed by, 296
solitary sleep vs., 281, 297
violence in, 282, 283–84
Compendium Maleficarum (Guazzo), 307
Complaint, The, or Night Thoughts on Life, Death, and Immortality (Young), 153, 207
Complaints of Poverty, The (James), 298
Compleat Gentleman, The (Peacham), 218
concoction, 263
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