ancient Greek, 5
Carnival, 152, 249, 254
Church, 70–71, 70, 71, 152, 187–88
as safety valve, 152, 254–55
sexual activity at, 194
Ficino, Marsilio, 24
Fielding, Henry, 193, 215, 254, 329
Fielding, Sir John, 93, 250
Fiennes, Celia, 103, 161
Fifteen Joys of Marriage, The, 283
Finch, Anne, 231
firedogs, 102
fire-fighting, 79, 331
by neighbors, 68, 114–15, 117
tools for, 49
fire-hunting, 241
fireplaces, 63, 101–4, 179
accidentally falling into, 28
banking of, 59, 63, 270
chimneys of, 51, 99–100, 101–2, 274, 293
fuels for, 102–3, 169, 178, 265
kindling for, 102
lighting fires in, 102
as light sources, 103–4
magical protection of, 99–100, 270
open central, 101–2
stoves vs., 102
urination into, 297, 305
fire-priggers, 55–56
fireraising, 54–55
fires, 7, 9, 29, 32, 38, 48–56, 59, 74, 79, 81, 110, 155, 333
candles and, 51–52
chimney, 51
in clothing, 51
cries of “Fire” at, 117
fireplaces and, 51
Great Fire of 1666, 10, 49, 62
in houses, 51, 55
local economies damaged by, 48
lookouts and, 77
nightwatch in prevention of, 79, 85
rats and mice as cause of, 52
and reading in bed, 52
rural, 50–51, 54
smoking and, 79
in thatch roofs, 48, 50, 51
in urban areas, 48–50
winds and, 48, 49
in workplaces, 52
see also arson
fireworks, 69, 211
“first sleep,” 300–302, 303, 305, 308, 311–12, 320, 321, 322–23, 335, 337
fishing, 160, 171, 177, 241
Fitch, John, 114
Fithian, Philip, 297–98
Flandrin, Jean-Louis, 278
fleas, 269–70, 294–95, 295
Fletcher, John, xxxi, 15
flock mattresses, 274, 276
Florence, 44
aristocratic gangs in, 224
carrying weapons banned in, 66
death penalty in, 86
filthy streets of, 27
homosexuals in, 230
night courts of, 85
operas in, 211
plague in, 230
private guards in, 165
public celebrations in, 69
foliots, 18
Fontaine, John, 35
foot-pads, 34
Forbes, Betty, 116
Forman, Simon, 281
fortified cities and towns, 61–89
carrying lights mandated in, 67, 129
carrying weaponry prohibited in, 66, 142, 152
fixed street barriers in, 64, 65, 75
gates of, 61, 62–63, 145, 172, 328
nocturnal disguises prohibited in, 66–67
toll gates of, 63
walls of, 61–63, 76, 327–28
see also criminal justice; curfews; nightwatch; street lighting
Foxton, Thomas, 59
Fragonard, Jean-Honoré, 318
ar cannerez of, 19
armed peasants in, 142
arson by burglars in, 54
barred windows in, 93
cabarets of, 187
charivaris in, 253–54
chauffeurs in, 38
coureurs de nuit in, 245
courtship in, 195
day-laborers of, 157
Demoiselles as insurgents in, 258
dormitoires in, 271
écreignes in, 182
falots in, 125–26
Famile de Guet in, 75, 76
fire-fighting in, 79
fires in, 49
Huguenot Protestants of, 228
magic charms of, 143
millers of, 161
nightwatch in, 75, 79
Paleolithic lamps found in, 5
porte-flambeaux in, 125
public celebrations of, 69
punishments for nocturnal offenses in, 87
rushlights in, 108
servants’ beds in, 277
smugglers of, 243
spinning and knitting bees in, 178, 182, 184
supernatural encounters in, 144–45
thefts in, 33
veillées in, 178, 184
walled towns of, 63
watchdogs in, 95
werewolves of, 19, 143
witch hunts of, 20
wolves in, 171–72
youth gangs in, 245, 248, 251, 252
Francis, Duke of Milan, 226
Francis I, King of France, 226
Franklin, Benjamin, 264, 320
cold air baths of, 306
on fires, 51, 115
two beds advised by, 297
Frappe-d’abord, 190
Freke, Elizabeth, 51, 288
Freud, Sigmund, 313, 316
Frye, Thomas, 105
Fuller, Thomas, 268
fulmars, oil from, 107
funerals, nocturnal, 213
funeral wakes, 194
Fuseli, Henry, 291, 321
Gaelic, xxxii
Gallathea, 323
Gallo, Augustin, 172
gallows (gibbets), 41, 141–42
game laws, 241
games of chance, 72, 186, 189, 189, 221, 235, 328
Gamester, The (Shirley), 224
of burglars, 37, 38–39
of libertines, 224–26
see also youth gangs
“Gardy-loo!” warning, 28
Gauguin, Paul, 4
Gay, John, 44, 125, 134, 143
geese, as watchers, 96
Gelasius, Pope, 69
Gelsi, Giovanni, 235
broken pavements of, 27
burglaries in, 38
city gates of, 63
murder of domestic intruders in, 87
night’s darkness as sacred in, 74
nightwatch of, 82
vagrants in, 65
Gentleman, The (Steele), 218
Gentleman’s Magazine, 166–67, 216, 324
George II, King of England, 321
Germany, 15, 16, 23, 97
Beisetzungs in, 213
bundling in, 198, 202
Bundschuh disturbances in, 54–55
burglaries in, 39, 41
candle magic in, 101
Diebeskerze in, 42
fireraising in, 54–55
lichtbraten in, 162
murders in, 43
Nickel List gang in, 41
nightwatch in, 76
passion plays in, 70
rushlights in, 108
Schlafdrincke in, 271
Sperrgeld in, 63
spinning in, 164
Spinnstuben in, 178, 179, 183, 195
Strassen räubers in, 36
werewolves of, 19
te witchcraft in, 98
Wirthaus of, 187
witch hunts of, 20
youth gangs in,246
ghettos, Jewish, 65
ghosts, 16, 17, 20–21, 64, 120, 140–42, 246, 280, 336
abodes of, 19
agendas of, 18–19
declining belief in, 325–26
of dogs, 19
at gibbets, 141–42
in haunted houses, 19, 140–41, 325
impersonation of, 41, 243, 256
ghost stories, 3, 5, 120–21, 180, 256
gibbets (gallows), 41, 141–42
Gillot, Claude, 22
Ginn, Richard, 92
“giving the wall,” 45
Glasgow, 48, 113
glass makers, 73, 125, 161
Glorious Revolution of 1688–89, 68–69, 228
glovemakers, 156
Glückel of Hameln, 114
goats, eyes of, 90
goddesses of night, 4
Godly Forme of Household Government, A (Cleaver), 110
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 26, 71, 154, 160
Goffe, Thomas, 217
Goldsmith, Oliver, 231–32, 267
goldsmiths, 156
“Good Ale for My Money,” 189
Gordon Riots, 330
Gowing, Sarah, 192
Graf von Redern, Sigismund Ehrenreich, 322
Gratarolo, Guglielmo, 265
gravediggers, 167–68
grave robbers, 237
great cloaks, 136
great coats, 136, 137, 242
Great Unwashed, The, 334
Greeks, ancient, 4, 5
Greene, Robert, 14
Gregory, James, 112
Gregory XVI, Pope, 335
Grendel, 20
Grisoni, Giuseppe, 215
Grocers’ Company of London, 186
Grose, Francis, 140
Grunewald, Matthias, 17
guardiani di notte, 76
Guazzo, Francesco Maria, 307
Guernsey, 126–27, 178, 195, 247
guilds, 64, 75, 252
nocturnal labor prohibited by, 156
Guillaumin, Émile, xxvii
G/wi people, 303
gypsies, 55, 63, 232
hackney coaches, 137, 193
Hale, Sir Matthew, 16, 85
Haler, Batt, 193
Hales-Burley gang, 38
Hall, Joseph, 262
Hamilton, Dr. Alexander, 217, 244
Hamilton, Dr. Andrew, 296
Hamlet (Shakespeare), 140
Hamlet, William, 94
hand-rattles, 77
Hands of Glory, 41–42
Hanging, Not Punishment Enough, 37
Hanover Succession Crisis, 228
Hanway, Jonas, 15, 330
Hardy, Thomas, xxvii, 91, 237
hare sleep, 267–68
Harrison, William, 95, 96, 152, 274, 277, 301
Harrower, John, 294
harvest, 169–70, 169, 171
harvest moon, 171
harvest suppers, 254–55
Harvey, Audley, 116
Harwood, Hiram, 168
haunted houses, 19, 140–41, 325
“Haunted Mind, The” (Hawthorne), 311
Haven of Health, The (Cogan), 263
Hawkhurst gang, 242
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 311
Heap, Moses, 180
hearing, sense of, 9, 132, 192, 292
Heaton, Hannah, 291–92, 321, 323
Hectors gang, 225
Hegen family, death of, 268, 269
Heimbach, Wolfgang, 212
Hélias, Pierre-Jakez, 181–82
hell, 8, 16, 316
Heller, Isaac, 280
Heming, Edmund, 72
Henry III, King of France, 216, 226
Henry IV, Part 1 (Shakespeare), 226
Henry V (Shakespeare), 286
Henry VIII, King of England, 213, 216, 230
in aristocratic gang, 226
bedtime ritual of, 271
Heraclitus, 300
Herbert, George, 9, 84, 151, 268, 298, 306
heretics, 151, 228
Herrick, Robert, 130
Hervey, James, 44
Heylyn, Peter, 192
Heywood, Rev. Oliver, 10, 25, 33, 118, 229, 312
Hicks, Mary, 136
highwaymen, 34–36, 39, 40, 141
Hill, Thomas, 313
Hilleström, Pehr, 159
Hippocrates, 265, 271, 313
History of the Pleas of the Crown (Hale), 85
Hobbes, Thomas, 31
hobgoblins, 16, 23
Hogarth, William, 29, 35, 219, 221, 251, 277, 289
Holberg, Ludvig Baron, 31, 50, 79
Holcroft, Thomas, 122
Holland, 38–39, 186–87
Homer, 3, 303
homes, 36–37, 63–64, 74, 90–117, 118–19, 131, 201, 203, 220, 334
alarm devices in, 94
arsenals of, 94–95
artificial illumination in, 100–111
curfews in, 233
defensive function of, 91–97; see also burglaries, burglars
door locks of, 37, 79–80, 92–93
doors of, 91–93, 99, 293
folk magic practiced in, 97–101
gateposts of, 99
geese in, 96
hiding places in, 94
landlords of, 85
lanterns outside, as street lighting, 67–68
mishaps in, 28
murder of intruders in, 87–88, 95, 199
navigating in darkness of, 110
night noises in, 34, 37, 291, 293–94
night-spells and, 98–99
nocturnal labor in, 158, 163–64, 173–74, 178–84, 305–6
partitioned rooms in, 274
plague and, 230
privacy in, 150
rats and mice in, 52, 293
religious faith in, 97
sacramentals at entrances of, 99
shutting in of, xxxii, 91–93, 138, 268
of squatters, 238
thresholds of, 92, 100
valuables in, 93–94
vandalism of, 246
watchdogs of, 95–97
see also fireplaces; neighbors, mutual support of; windows
Homo Homini Demon, 31
homosexuals, 230, 231, 281
“Honest Ploughman, The,” 128–29
honor, male cult of, 44, 217
Hood, Thomas, 130
Horneck, Rev. Anthony, 306, 307
Horse Dance, The, 211
horses, 18, 24, 26, 34, 64, 131–32, 137, 170
horseshoe amulets, 98, 99
housebreaking, 37, 38, 87, 96
“How Five and Twenty Shillings were Expended in a Week,” 295
Howitt, William, 140, 178–79, 181
Hubert, Francis, 312
hue and cry, 75, 115
Hügel, Conrad, 183
Hugo, Victor, 336
Huguenots, 228
Hull, John M., 132
Humphry Clinker (Smollett), 212
Hungary, 19
hunter’s moon, 171
Husbandmans Calling, The (Steele), 8
Hutton, William, 103–4, 145
Huygens, Constantijn, 120
“Hymn to Darkness” (Yalden), 282
Iago, 48
people, 4
Iceland, 109, 178, 181
Ignatius, 59
ignis fatuus, 18
Iliad (Homer), 4
illnesses, 16, 112–14, 270, 297
doctors and, 64, 65, 113
dreams and, 316
feigning of, 249
medications for, 112–13, 305
ministers and, 113
moon’s influence on, 12
from nightfall’s noxious vapors, 12–15
of respiratory tract, 14, 288
shut windows and, 14–15
sleep disturbed by, 288–89, 297
sun’s impact on, 14
watchers of, 113–14
as worsened at night, 14–15, 288–89, 290
immune systems, 14
Indians, American, 95
candlewood used by, 109
English visit of, 225–26
and fear of darkness, 5
fire-hunting of, 241
industrialization, 6, 327–28
Industrial Revolution, 6, 84, 110
infants, 21, 26, 278
births of, 113
conception of, 183
crib deaths of, 292
maternal abandonment of, 237
stillborn, magical properties of, 41–42
unborn, extraction of, 42
see also children
influenza, 14
Ingham, Abram, 297
inns, 187, 223, 242
clientele of, 188
insects, 288, 294–95, 295, 297–98
Interpretation of Dreams, The (Artemidorus of Ephesus), 313
Ireland, 146
anti-Irish street mobs and, 254
aristocratic gangs in, 224
arson in, 55
banshees of, 19
bundling in, 198
castle sentries of, 79
communal beds in, 278–79
communal labor in, 178, 179
earthen floors as beds of, 276–77
fairies in, 18
folk magic in, 98
funeral wakes in, 194
Gaelic of, xxxii
insurgents in, 257, 258
peat as fuel in, 103
pilfering in, 240
robberies in, 34
rushlights in, 111
St. John’s Eve in, 140
storytelling in, 179, 180
tallow candles in, 106
thief’s candles in, 42
iron foundries, 161, 175, 327
Irving, Washington, 247
Isham, Thomas, 247
Isle of Man, 162, 242, 328
Italy, xxxi, 14, 20, 42, 43, 69
andatores di notte in, 32
aristocratic gangs in, 224–25
armed peasants in, 142
bad roads of, 26
beccamòrti of, 167
benandanti cult of, 319
briganti in, 36
carrying weapons banned in, 66
communal labor in, 177
fishing in, 171
forests of, 23–24
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