Campione 08

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by Trials of the Devil Kings

  "After finding out something like that, I gave up my long time search. At the end of the day, it is impossible to maintain indifference towards the destruction of the world. I am not slow or insensitive, after all... Unlike you Campiones."

  "— What's that supposed to mean!?"

  Lucretia smiled knowingly in response to Alec's anger while Alice shrugged.

  However, after saying the joking first sentence, Lucretia continued with the following:

  "In truth, there is still a point of doubt. Is the 'King who manifests at the end of eras' really King Arthur? As my research dug deeper, I began to notice that it should be a much more ancient existence that transcends oriental and occidental divisions."

  The woman who was once fellow researchers with the Divine Ancestor sighed at this point.

  "I suppose I count as an Arthurian novice. The thought of finding out that the long sought king in my heart was someone else... This was the biggest reason why I stopped the search."

  "However, that Divine Ancestor believes in it firmly, right?"

  "Yes. She calls herself the same name... as the queen consort who betrayed King Arthur and had an adulterous relationship with Sir Lancelot. Well, the King of the End's identity is still uncertain at this point. If that fellow turns out not to be Arthur, I wonder what that Guinevere would do?!"

  Black Prince Alec, Princess Alice, and Divine Ancestor Guinevere.

  The scene of their first gathering basically happened like that.

  At the very least, neither Alec nor Alice would have expected the fates of the three to remain bound together even after eight years had passed.

  Chapter 5 - World is not enough - The Daily Life of Kusanagi Godou

  Part 1

  Kusanagi Godou was a guy who did not have any unspeakable secrets in his private life.

  No lovers that had to be hidden from friends, nor any fetishes that could not be made publicly known. There were also no secrets regarding his birth.

  That is why when Mariya Hikari had asked him, he had immediately answered.

  "Umm, Onii-sama. You've mentioned before that you occasionally work part-time, what kind of job is it?"

  "I do a few of them, but all of them are normal ― "

  It was a comfortable autumn Saturday morning.

  Kusanagi Godou, before heading for his part-time job at noon, had paid a visit to Nanao Shrine.

  By chance, his workplace was Toranomon. He had some time to kill before reporting to work, and anyway, he would be able to meet the Mariya sisters if he went to the shrine grounds.

  "Physical work, customer service, behind-the-scenes support for example, just some simple work."

  Godou recalled the past jobs that he had done.

  Among those, were also jobs that were a little specialized. But in truth, after trying them out, he found that they were also rather normal. Of course, this was all in the context of part-time jobs.

  It would be really troublesome if he had to explain and elaborate further upon those points.

  "Your workplace is around here today, right? What kind is it exactly?"

  The one who asked him was Yuri.

  Her gesture of gently leaning her head to the side, really resembled that of an elegant ojou-sama.

  "An acquaintance of my grandfather and my deceased grandmother owns an old bookstore around these parts. Normally they use light truck for logistics purposes, but they are not able to do so due to a hip injury. Because of that, I've been asked to help out."

  In actual fact, though it may be called a 'job', the wage was minimal.

  Rather, because it was his grandparent's acquaintance, Godou had not cared much about the monetary rewards, and promised to lend his aid.

  Even so, it was better than nothing.

  Like this, he could broaden his connections, who could possibly then introduce more part-time jobs to him or help him out when he is in a pinch.

  For example, during the summer this year, the multiple jobs that he had worked at to save up for his trip to Sardinia had been from these connections he had made.

  Even on the magic side, as a Campione, Godou had been helped many times by Erica, Yuri, Liliana and Ena, they were reliable friends and connections.

  Once again, Godou felt that these connections were extremely important to him.

  "Actually, I've never had a part-time job before."

  Yuri said, somewhat shyly.

  "But, don't you work here at the shrine?"

  "That is merely my duty as a hime-miko.... it's just that, I'm a little envious."

  The beautiful hime-miko confessed.

  Befitting of a Yamato Nadeshiko like sheltered young lady, perhaps this was one of her modest wishes.

  Understanding her point of view, Godou could not help but smile, and Yuri returned his smile with her own quietly. Like this, the two of them exchanged smiles.

  "Ah. Then this time, why don't you tag along and work along with Onii-sama, Onee-chan?"

  The one who had abruptly suggested that, was none other than Hikari.

  "On your first part-time job, you get to spend more time together with Onii-sama, isn't that a good thing? At a family restaurant or any other eatery, for example, wouldn't that be nice? And then, I'll drop by, and keep Onii-sama company!"

  "Hikari! Don't just say whatever you like."

  The elder sister rebuked the young sister. However, she looked at Godou with an air of nervousness.

  "Ah ― ... I see. A part-time job, together with Mariya, huh..."

  "S-sorry about that, Godou-san. Hikari had said something irresponsible. ― B-but."

  Yuri faltered, looking embarrassed, and her expression was very cute.

  "If, it is possible, that there was such an opportunity, of course I would not be opposed to experiencing something new... W-what do you think?"

  Working part-time with this ojou-sama.

  It wouldn't be too ― No, this might become a very enjoyable event.

  Just as Godou wanted to say [Then this time's a good opportunity], he noticed something.

  "Come to think of it, the work I'm doing, it's not suited for a girl at all."

  "Aah, is it a job that only men can do?"

  "No, although the job is not strictly men-only, it's just that the job is ill-suited for a girl to do."

  While answering Hikari, Godou scratched his head.

  Although the tasks of this job were normal, it would be awkward to ask Yuri to join him. As he thought, he had to think this through.

  "The [normal] that you've mentioned, cannot even be fundamentally believed."

  It was past ten o'clock in the evening.

  Finishing his work, Godou had returned to his home, located in the shopping street of the third district of Nezu.

  He had run into the daughter of the sushi bar's owner, his childhood friend Tokunaga Asuka, on his way back who had told him this.

  ".... That was out of the blue. To have described me as someone without any common sense."

  Godou responded dishearteningly.

  Being told something like that, as the first thing upon meeting. Expectedly, he was annoyed.

  "You know, if you are asked [What have you been doing up till now?], you should say [a part-time job at an old bookstore]. And if I asked [what kind of job? Hmm. How much do they pay?], to which you should reply [moving a large amount of old books in half a day, for 3000 yen]. For [Isn't that too little!?], it should be [That's not the case at all. Isn't that normal?]."

  Outspokenly, Asuka energetically continued.

  Though her features were a little fierce, she was quite the pretty young girl. Her long-hair had twin-pigtails sprouting out from both sides. This was a hairstyle that she had had for the longest time.

  While his childhood friend was taking a breather, Godou took the chance to interject.

  "I, didn't particularly say anything strange, did I?"

  "It was strange."

  He was instantly struck down.

  Part 2
  The next day after that kind of incident had happened, a Sunday.

  The usual gatherings of the Kusanagi household were usually comprised of Godou, his sister Shizuka + their grandfather, just the three of them. The mother was very busy with her work and private affairs and hence was often absent, whereas the father, after the divorce, had separated from the household.

  However, the lunch that day was a tad more crowded than usual.

  The rarely present parents ― were not here, but rather it was a sudden addition of three people.

  "Uwa ―, this ham is great ― !"

  Gobbling down the thick ham steak, Kouzuki Sakura complimented.

  Because the ham that was used was of high quality, not much skill was needed to bring out the outstanding taste in it.

  "This is something Mayo had brought back. That child doesn't eat at home very often, isn't that such a waste? Today, it's good that I could let Sakura-chan and you all have a taste of it."

  The person who had said that in a gentle tone, and who also prepared the ham, was Kusanagi Ichirou.

  He was not someone who would obligingly interfere in the affairs of others. However, he would casually lend his aid to others, this was his forte.

  These traits were displayed through his expressions and tone.

  "By the way, Sakura-chan. Coming here today, did you have anything you needed from our Godou?"

  "Nope. I was coincidentally free, so I dropped by. Recently, my friend Fuyuhime-chan had also said that she wasn't busy with anything, and if I'm feeling lonely, I can always pay Godoh-kun, Shizuka-chan and Grandpa a visit, and I like you guys, too."

  "Is that so? That's good to hear. Ah, if you'd like, we also have some pretty good cheese."

  "Eh, really!? Ufufu, somehow it seems like a dinner party, the menu Father has when having wine!"

  Grandfather and Sakura were chatting together harmoniously.

  Since the start of September, his cousin Sakura had been visiting the Kusanagi household frequently.

  The siblings Godou and Shizuka need not be mentioned, but even the grandfather had been nonchalantly watching over this relative's young girl, and helping her out.

  ".... Just a little bit more, if it were someone with an ordinary way of life, huh."

  Godou murmured to himself, softly.

  However, someone heard him. Shizuka, who was seated directly next to him, did.

  ".... Though I fully agree, the shelves in Onii-chan's heart are easily capable of storing staggering amounts. Directly throwing various things out, or drawing them in."

  ".... What are you trying to say? Don't describe your big brother as some strange guy."

  "..... Hmph. Onii-chan is plenty strange, as a perso ― n."

  The siblings whispered to each other.

  Though the little sister liked to nag, and the older brother did not understand his sister, the two of them got along very well.

  On an unrelated note, what Sakura had said earlier, the comment [seems like a dinner party], was absolutely correct.

  Today's lunch, with the smoked ham and sausages, and the cheese imported from overseas, were all [tributes] to the mother Kusanagi Mayo, which she had brought back home. Together, with wine and brandy of famous brands....

  These had all been gifts from men, a true display of her title as [Femme Fatale].

  Furthermore, the father Genzou had sent picture postcards addressed to the siblings.

  Though it did not state what he had been up to, it had been sent from the southern hemisphere, from Cape Town. Upon it was written [Wherever I go, I wander, lost. But I will always be here, friends]. No one had understood what he meant by that.

  "Father, what kind of person is he exactly... ?"

  Reading the postcard that was left on the table, Liliana murmured to herself.

  "I have a feeling that there is some kind of message behind it.... but to the inexperienced me, I am unable to decipher even a single bit of it as of now."

  "It's fine. Because even we don't understand it."

  "Anyway he's someone who only thinks about acting cool. You don't have to care about it."

  The siblings instantly responded, to which Liliana responded with a, "Huh?".

  Her silver hair tied in a ponytail, the fairy-like East European bishoujo.

  Structurally altered it may have been, but with the pure Japanese style of the Kusanagi house, she could not have been said to look in place with it. However, recently, because of her incessant coming in and out of the house, the feeling of being out of place has all but disappeared.

  "But, Onii-chan has levelled up greatly, too."

  In the Kusanagi house's living room. Everyone was encircled around the dining table. Godou was sandwiched between his sister on the right, and Liliana on his left ―

  While looking cynically at Godou's position, Shizuka murmured.

  "Openly bringing back one of the girlfriends to have lunch with the other members of the family. Did Grandpa even do something of this level in the past?"

  "You idiot. Since when did you get all these weird misunderstandings?"

  "Kusanagi Godou. I cannot agree with your verbal abuse to your blood-related kin. Though that may be the case, it is the truth that Shizuka-san has some improper impressions of the situation."

  Against Shizuka's cynicism, Godou and Liliana did a combination retaliation.

  In the first place, their grandfather had not brought back many females with whom he shared an intimate relationship to the house, because of his guilty conscience. Please do not compare me with him.

  ".... If you are planning on explaining yourself, I'll listen."

  "Explain? I'm not going to do that. Liliana and I, as previously said, we just get along really well, it'll be good if you think of us as good pals. Because it's that kind of relationship, coming to the house and meeting with the family is normal, isn't it?"

  "Yes, like the two inseparable wings of a bird, we will not part ways from each other."

  A splendid coordination. The breaths were closely synchronized with each other's.

  Tightly following the direction of his gaze, to inform him of immediate problems, and offering her advice. Of course, also following up with appropriate actions, bringing a decisive force to the frontlines.

  To the team commander, to the King, Liliana might be the perfect aide.

  Recently, that was what Godou had thought.

  "Because it is completely natural for us to be together, I do not even have the slightest bit of guilty conscience about it. Our thoughts are pure. On the contrary, for thinking that we have an immoral relationship, isn't Shizuka-san the one with improper cognizance? Do understand this.... Ah, that reminds me."

  Liliana suddenly whispered to Godou.

  "This coming Monday, let us use the ingredients that I have been given to prepare lunch. I'll handle Mariya Yuri, and as for Erica ― I'll have Karen inform Arianna who prepares her meals. Once in a while, please have a taste of my very own personal handmade dishes."

  Liliana's cheeks were slightly reddened, softly speaking as though she were telling a secret.

  That innocence and gallantry combined, looked really cute.

  Regarding the ingredients, that referred to their grandfather at roughly an hour ago, he had told the frequently visiting Liliana, 'These are some souvenirs', and had given her some of the tributes meant for the mother.

  The silver-haired knight had changed from before; she no longer tried to obtain leadership over the kitchen of the Kusanagi household.

  Already, she had become more gentle, a girl who made others feel good with her presence ― she would surely become a good wife and a good mother, Godou thought so vaguely.

  "Hmm. I got it, I'll be looking forward to it."

  "Yes, please do."

  "Ugh, ku ― h. Furthermore, before the family, to the extent of openly discussing the management of his circle of girlfriends!"

  "Fufufufu. Godoh-kun sure gets along well with everyone, it seem
s so fun!"

  While Shizuka was at a loss for words, Sakura smiled cheerfully.

  In addition, about one month back, Godou had explained [Liliana had returned to Milan because of some circumstances with her family!] to his cousin.

  However, their abrupt meeting once again caused Godou and Liliana to be flustered, but Sakura had regarded it absent-mindedly.

  "I, due to certain changes in various circumstances, have once again returned to Japan!"

  "Ah, I see ―. Again, I'll be in your care ― "

  In response to their sloppy ad-libbing, the overwhelmingly beautiful hearted cousin had accepted it with a smile.

  It seems Liliana too, had understood how to handle Sakura. Even if she continued to pester them with a [I want you to teach me magic ~], they would be able to brush it off skillfully.

  ".... Although it's always like this, this household sure is lively, isn't it...."

  The childhood friend Tokunaga Asuka murmured to herself softly.

  Yes, there were three guests today. And the third guest was Asuka.

  "Though it's not that there are any noisy people in particular, but everytime this house leaves me feeling at ease...... Really, I can't decide whether I'm for or against this."

  The sushi bar that the Tokunaga house managed was named [Toku Sushi].

  The lady boss (Asuka's mother) had sent their daughter here to deliver some things.

  It would not be good if they were only to accept the superbly self-prepared, seasoned quality lean meat tuna from the sushi bar owners.

  Hence they invited Asuka to join them in the living room, and gave her some souvenirs as well.

  "Well ―, as I thought I'm kind of an ordinary person..... although one-on-one I can deal with Godou and Grandpa pretty well, but the entire Kusanagi family, if you get along that well with each other, the situation looks really terrible. Somehow, Shizuka-chan too, is letting her inner willfulness out."

  Quietly observing the members inside the living room, Asuka said earnestly.

  Even though she was always so aggressive, this girl could only be stupefied before the entire spectacle of the Kusanagi family. Earlier when they had asked her the reason, she instantly replied [I'm tired].


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