Boss Games: Boss #7

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Boss Games: Boss #7 Page 3

by Victoria Quinn

  “Need anything, Tatum?” Vincent asked.

  “No, thank you. I’m fine.” I was still propped up in bed, a large window to my right. I could see the whole city from my floor. It was a nice view, reminding me of the view from my penthouse.

  “My son really loves you.” He turned his gaze on me, his dark brown eyes identical to Diesel’s. “The whole time we were in the waiting room, he could barely talk. He was a mess. I’ve never seen my son so scared in my life. Losing his mother was hard for him, but this was of a whole new caliber.”

  I knew how much Diesel had been hurting. I didn’t need to see him suffer to understand. All I had to do was imagine the situation reversed, and I understood completely. “I know he does…”

  He turned back to the TV.

  “Things seem to be going well with the two of you.”

  “Yeah, they are,” he said. “I’m grateful. I’m glad I got to sit there in the waiting room with him. I’m grateful I had the privilege to comfort him, to be there for him when he needed someone most. I’m grateful I got to be a father to him…after all the time I lost.”

  “I am too.”

  “Thanks to you,” he said quietly. “Perhaps my wife won’t be as angry with me when I see her again…”

  She’d been gone for nearly ten years, but he still worshiped her like their love hadn’t dwindled in their separation. “She won’t be angry with you, Vincent. You’ve more than made up for everything.”

  He wore a small smile, but it only lasted an instant. “I hope you’re right, Tatum.” He changed his position on the couch and faced me, one leg crossed. It was five in the evening, and Diesel wouldn’t be back until much later. “So, do you have any ideas for the wedding?”

  “I haven’t given it much thought.”

  “How about you give it some thought now?”

  “Well…I know I want something small. Just us and a few other people.”

  He nodded.

  “Somewhere that we won’t be photographed like crazy. Maybe in France.”

  “France is beautiful.”

  “All I want is to wear a wedding dress. Everything else doesn’t matter to me.”

  “You’ll be a beautiful bride, Tatum—no matter what you wear.”

  “Thanks, Vincent.”

  “I look forward to it. When do you think this is going to happen?”

  “As soon as possible.”

  “Yeah?” he asked in surprise.

  I hadn’t even asked Diesel, but I knew he wanted the same thing I did. “As soon as I’m back on my feet, I want to be husband and wife. I don’t want to wait around, not knowing what’s going to happen. My day was completely ordinary when I got shot. We think we have an entire lifetime, but we really don’t know how much time we have.”

  “Very true,” he said. “It was an ordinary day when my wife was taken from me. I continue to replay that day over and over in my mind. If I’d just asked her to stay, it never would have happened. She would be here now. She would see her son get married to a wonderful woman.” Whenever he spoke of his wife, it was always full of sorrow, but it also lacked emotion at the same time. He accepted her death, but he didn’t accept his life without her. “Just the way Diesel feels about you. If he’d been there…maybe things would have been different. I’m glad the outcome for him was much different than it was for me.”

  “I’m so sorry, Vincent…”

  “I know you are, Titan.” He sat perfectly straight in his chair, his broad shoulders still carrying the power of someone in their youth. Despite his obvious power, he couldn’t protect himself from the painful sting of loss.

  “You know, you’re still very young, Vincent.”

  The corner of his mouth rose in a smile. “Thank you, Titan. I certainly don’t feel like a man in his late fifties.”

  “You could live another forty years.”

  “I hope I do. Grandchildren are something I’m looking forward to.”

  I smiled. “But there could be a lot more to look forward to…if you had someone to share your life with.” I didn’t want to push Vincent to do anything he didn’t want to do, but he was a handsome man who still had a lot to offer. He had another chance at happiness—if he wanted it. “I’m not trying to offend you—”

  “You never offend me, sweetheart.”

  My train of thought immediately seized when he used the endearment. My father used to call me that every single day. Thorn called me that from time to time, but it felt different coming from Vincent, a man I viewed as a father figure. “I just wonder if you could be happy again if you gave it another chance. I’m sure your wife would want you to find someone else.”

  “I know she would,” he said simply. “But I don’t know…”

  I didn’t want to push him, not when it wasn’t my place. If I lost Diesel, I probably wouldn’t be interested in love again either. It took me nearly ten years just to give a man a chance in the first place. “You don’t have to force it, but maybe keep the door open.” He spent time with women my age, women who probably only wanted him for his money. If he started dating someone closer in age, he might find a genuine connection.

  “I’ll think about it. But I’ve been alone for so long that I’m not even sure how to be with someone. My flings only last a few months at a time…and I always tell them it’s just a fling and nothing more.”

  “Just keep an open mind…and maybe look for someone your age.”

  “Most of the women my age are married.”

  “Not all.”

  He turned his gaze back to the TV. “Can I ask you something personal?”


  “You don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to.”

  “I know.” I felt comfortable with Vincent quickly. Even if he weren’t Diesel’s father, I’d feel some kind of affection for him. He was a gentleman, a strong man with a sensitive soul. He didn’t need to be ruthless all the time to command respect.

  “How did it feel…to be shot?” He watched me with his strong gaze, but his eyes were slightly squinted with hesitance. “Like I said, you don’t have to answer.”

  I didn’t feel any stress from the trauma. It was a chaotic event, but I conquered it and moved past it. I wasn’t afraid of being gunned down again. When the gun was pointed in my face, I didn’t flinch. I didn’t give in either. I fought to the very end—and I won. “It wasn’t painful. My body must have been in such a state of shock that I couldn’t even feel it. When I lost my blood, I didn’t feel that either. My pulse pounded in my ears, and I didn’t even have time to think. I just knew I had to survive and I was going to do anything to make that happen. So I did what I had to do…and I don’t feel bad about it.”

  “You shouldn’t. He deserved it.”

  “I don’t have any nightmares about it. Firing that gun gave me closure. Now I know my biggest enemy is gone, and I sleep well.”

  “I’m glad that’s how you feel. And thank you for answering my question.”


  “I wish I could kill the guy who killed my wife…but he’s rotting in jail for the rest of his life. I suppose that’s good enough.”

  There was no amount of retribution that would ever console him for his loss, but it was better than nothing. “I’m glad you got justice.”


  A knock sounded on the door, and Thorn walked inside. He was in a new suit, and his hair was styled after a shower. He looked a lot better than the last time I saw him, when he was sleep-deprived and dirty. “Can I come in?”

  “You can always come in,” I answered.

  He came to my bedside and rested his hand on my arm. “How are you feeling? You’re looking good.”

  “Thanks. I definitely feel better.”

  “Color is coming back to your cheeks. You’re smiling. You look like the old you.”


  He turned to Vincent. “Hey, how are you?”

  “Good,” Vincent answered. “Just spendi
ng some time with Tatum.”

  Thorn glanced at the bathroom door, which was open, and then turned back to me. “Where’s Diesel?”

  “He went home,” I said. “He needed to get some sleep and take a shower.”

  “Wow,” Thorn said. “I’m surprised he left.”

  “Tatum had to make him,” Vincent said. “And I offered to watch her.”

  “Oh…makes sense.” Thorn smiled at me. “I figured he wouldn’t leave your side unless he was forced to.”

  “He’s a bit dramatic sometimes,” I said with a chuckle.

  “He is dramatic,” Thorn said in agreement. “But he’s also a good guy—the best.”

  I smiled. “Thanks, Thorn.”

  He pulled his hand away. “Can I bring you anything from the outside world?”

  “An Old Fashioned,” I answered.

  He shook his head. “Nice try.”

  “Then I don’t need anything,” I said. “I have everything I need.”

  “How much longer are you going to be in here?” He placed both of his hands in the pockets of his suit.

  “At least five more days…unfortunately.” I couldn’t wait to go home. At least I could get some work done while I was in bed.

  “My parents want to stop by tomorrow. Is that okay?”

  “Of course it is. I would love to see them.”

  “They’ve been pretty worried about you,” Thorn said. “When I told them you were going to be alright, my mom cried for ten minutes.”

  “Aww…she’s so sweet.”

  “My dad is relieved too. You’re like a daughter to them.”

  They’d always made me feel that way. “I know…”

  He pulled a deck of cards out of his pocket. “You wanna play a round of poker?”

  He and I used to play whenever we tried to kill time on the plane. “Thorn, I know you’re busy. Just stopping by and saying hello is more than enough.”

  He pulled up a chair and situated the table in between us. “Just because we aren’t getting married doesn’t mean we aren’t family. So there’s no place in the world I’d rather be than here with you.”



  I knew Titan well enough to understand how important work was to her.

  She gave workaholic a whole new definition.

  It wasn’t about money. It was about respect and power. She needed to keep her status as the richest woman in the world because of the prestige it provided her. It changed the landscape of female empowerment, and she took it upon herself to be that champion.

  I understood all of her businesses because I’d watched them grow from the ground up. So I was the best one to manage them in her absence. I didn’t tell her what I was doing before I did it. Knowing her, she would tell me not to worry about it because I had my own businesses to handle.

  So I would just do it anyway.

  I went to her main office, which was just a few blocks from her penthouse. I checked in with Jessica at the front and told her I would be running the company in Titan’s absence. She didn’t bother checking with Titan because she knew I had the authority to do it.

  It would make more sense for Diesel to be handling this since he was marrying her. But I knew he didn’t care about work right now.

  Titan was the only thing he cared about.

  I sat in her elegant office, a new vase of flowers on the corner of the desk even though she wasn’t there. The white wood of her desk was smooth to the touch, and her white Mac sat exactly where she’d left it. The gray couches on the white rug complemented the matching walls on either side. Her office looked more like a living room in a Pottery Barn catalogue.

  She had great taste.

  I answered her emails, looked through the reports that came across her desk, rearranged her schedule, and handled her meetings.

  Jessica knocked before she walked inside. “Titan has a meeting with Ms. Alexander in thirty minutes.”

  I looked away from the screen and gave her my attention. Jessica was a young redhead, someone Titan described as amateur but full of potential. From the strong way she carried herself and her eloquence, she’d obviously grown a lot working under a powerful woman like Titan. Now her confidence was unmistakable. “What is it regarding?”

  “Ms. Alexander owns one of the biggest solar companies in the country. She specializes in green and renewable energy, and I believe Titan is interested in buying her out, but I’m not completely sure. Since Titan is unavailable right now, perhaps I should reschedule.”

  This wasn’t as straightforward. I could handle the meeting, but I needed to know exactly what Titan wanted before I acted on her behalf. It would be wrong to take charge of the situation when it wasn’t clear. “Let me call her.”

  “Alright.” Jessica walked out.

  I called Diesel.

  He answered immediately. “Hey, what’s up?”

  “How’s she doing today?”

  “She’s good. Ate all of her breakfast.”

  “Because you made her?” I teased.

  Diesel didn’t rise to my humor. As long as she sat in that hospital bed, Diesel wouldn’t be in a good mood. “Maybe. Are you coming by?”

  “Actually, I need to talk to her. Can you put her on?”

  “Hold on.” Diesel transferred the phone to Titan.

  She spoke with her deep and powerful voice. “Hey, Thorn. What’s going on?”

  “Long story short, I’ve been taking care of stuff for you at the office.”

  “You have?” she asked in surprise.

  “I know you’ve been thinking about work the whole time you’ve been in that bed. Let’s not pretend otherwise.”

  Her long pause was a confirmation of my accusation. “Well, that’s not all I’ve been thinking about. But you didn’t need to do that, Thorn. I appreciate it more than I can say…but you still didn’t need to worry about it.”

  “I don’t mind. You would do the same for me.”

  “Of course.” She was obviously touched by what I’d done. When she said very little, her stretches of silence spoke louder than words. “I know you have your own company to take care of. I’ll be back on my feet soon. I always have Diesel too.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I can handle it. Diesel shouldn’t have to worry about it either.”

  “Well…thank you.”

  “No problem. But I do have a question.”

  “Fire away.”

  “I have a meeting with someone named Alexander in, like, twenty minutes. Apparently, she has a solar company you’re interested in. I know you’re expanding your projects in solar energy, but I’m not sure what you want from this person.”

  Titan immediately switched into her executive role. “I want to buy her out. Offer whatever is necessary to acquire it. With her technology and expertise, I know I’ll be able to grow my company exponentially and be the leading solar technology company in the country. I’ll be able to monopolize the market. Ms. Alexander is a brilliant woman who’s not only scientifically inclined, but she has a strong business presence. Don’t underestimate her.”

  “She shouldn’t underestimate me either. But are you certain you don’t want to reschedule and handle this yourself?”

  She paused as she considered it. “I won’t be out of here for a few more days, and even then, I’ll probably be in bed for a while. I don’t think it’s the best time for me to handle such a big task, but I also don’t want to put it off either. I have no doubt you can handle this. I’ve learned everything from the best—and the best is you.”

  I couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across my face. “Alright. I’ll bring this home for you.”

  “Thank you, Thorn. But remember what I said, don’t underestimate her.”

  “Have you met her?”

  “No,” Titan answered. “But her reputation precedes her.”

  * * *

  Jessica spoke through the intercom. “Mr. Cutler, Ms. Alexander has arrived.”

  “Send her in
.” I was familiar with Titan’s projects and goals. She viewed solar energy as the future of all business. By converting to a power source that didn’t cost money, she would cut her business expenses all over the world. Her entire buildings were going to run on the new form of energy, which wouldn’t cost her a dime. According to her books, it would save her nearly ten million dollars every year. By making the energy source more affordable, it would be an incentive for other businesses to convert. If she were the only company in power, she would get all the business—from the entire world. She’d even convinced me to change all my offices and factories to solar, and that construction would begin soon.

  Jessica opened the glass door and allowed Ms. Alexander inside.

  The second she stepped into the office, I couldn’t hide my surprise.

  She was not what I pictured—at all.

  I’d expected a middle-aged woman, someone who wore glasses to go along with her nerdy appearance. I didn’t expect her to have any confidence or social skills at all. But the woman I saw looked nothing like that.

  She was young.

  Younger than me.

  She had jet-black hair, which was long and thick. It reached just past her perky tits. Her pink blouse fit snugly around her chest, stretching slightly over the womanly curves. The blouse hugged her slender waistline, curving inward until it disappeared under her skirt at her hips. A gold necklace was around her throat, a circular pendant in the center.

  Her black skirt reached just above her knee, hinting at her toned legs underneath the fabric. Her heels were sky-high, but she handled them like sandals on the soft sand of some beach. She held a folder in one arm, a rose gold watch sitting around her wrist.

  She stopped at my desk, staring at me like she wasn’t nearly as surprised to see me as I was to see her.

  I forgot to rise from my chair, thrown off by the gorgeous woman who had just stepped inside the office like she owned it. I got to my feet, straightened my tie, and stared at her face without blinking. In fact, I hadn’t blinked once since she’d walked into the office. There was too much to look at.

  She extended her hand and wore a soft smile on her lips. It wasn’t the wide and flirtatious one women sometimes flashed my way, the kind that was so big it compensated for their nervousness. Hers was absolutely confident, indifferent to my opinion of her. “Mr. Cutler, it’s a pleasure.”


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