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Boss Games: Boss #7

Page 4

by Victoria Quinn

  The second my fingers touched her soft skin, I imagined placing my lips along the tender spots of her wrist. I wanted to feel her pulse with my mouth, to feel every slight reaction she gave at my touch. My fingers latched on to her hand, and she gave me as firm a shake as I gave her.

  The second our hands broke apart, the images faded from my mind. I saw beautiful women every day, so Ms. Alexander shouldn’t impress me. She was certainly stunning, but not the most beautiful woman in the world. I turned off my attraction the instant it occurred, knowing this was only about business. She had something that I wanted—and I was going to get it from her. “The pleasure is mine, Ms. Alexander. Have a seat.”

  She sat in the cushioned armchair in front of the desk, a chair that was far too comfortable for a business meeting. All the furniture in my own office was wooden because I didn’t want anyone to stay for too long. “I hope Ms. Titan is doing alright. I’ve seen the news.”

  “She’ll make a full recovery.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.” She crossed her legs and rested her folder on her lap. “And it’s nice of you to help her out.”

  “Of course. She’s my…” I trailed away when I realized I couldn’t say what I wanted to say. I had to pretend she was my ex-fiancé, a woman I’d loved and lost. I had to keep up the pretense to this woman, even though she must find it strange that I was there. “It’s no problem.”

  Ms. Alexander maintained the same expression, her thick lips painted red with her lipstick. She had thick eyelashes, olive skin, and she possessed self-assuredness no matter what her position was. She wasn’t afraid to make eye contact with me. Stretches of silence didn’t seem to bother her either. Most importantly, my solid stare didn’t unnerve her either.

  I was the one with the agenda, so I started the conversation. “Ms. Titan is impressed with your innovative work. Your work with solar energy is nothing short of remarkable. You’ve made tremendous leaps in such a short amount of time.”

  “Thank you. That’s a compliment coming from someone like her.”

  I wanted to ask how old she was, but since it was rude and irrelevant, I didn’t. Just because she was young didn’t mean her achievements were questionable. I could probably find all my answers once I Googled her after she left. I hadn’t had the forethought to do it before. “Titan thinks your company would aid her own work with solar energy.”

  “I know it would.”

  Perhaps this acquisition would be easier than I thought. Maybe Ms. Alexander wanted to be bought out. She’d made her fortune, and she would get another fortune from Titan. She could retire and live out her life quietly—and very comfortably. “Which is why she’s prepared to buy your company—and make you a handsome offer.”

  It was the first time her expression changed. The soft smile evaporated from her lips, and her green eyes slightly narrowed on my face. She didn’t hide her displeasure at my words, being utterly transparent with me. “I’m not interested in selling my company.”

  Then what did she think this meeting was for? “If you aren’t interested in selling, what are you interested in?”

  “A partnership.”

  That answer told me everything I needed to know. My first impression of her was completely wrong. She wasn’t the simple type, the kind of woman who just wanted her money and a comfortable life. She was ambitious, driven, and fierce. She wanted more than just her company. She wanted to grow, and she was looking for a powerful partner to help her get there. This was just the beginning for her. She had her entire life ahead of her, and she wanted to make her mark on the world. It made me respect her more. “Your ambition is respectable. Titan is the richest woman in the world because she never stopped. She grew one company then started another. There’s a lot you can learn from her. But she’s not looking for a partnership. I suggest you take her offer and walk away a very rich woman.” I grabbed the notepad, scribbled down the offer, and then pushed it toward her across the desk.

  She didn’t even glance at it. Her gaze was focused on me, a natural light burning in her eyes. They had a gentle smolder, a fire of ferocity that she didn’t let kindle. It was a controlled burn because she was completely in control of her emotions. “My company isn’t for sale.”

  She was either very brave or very stupid. She had no idea how much money was on the table. Titan wasn’t the kind of person to lowball people. She had a strict code of ethics, and she’d never been interested in getting ahead by ripping people off—especially another woman. “I suggest you look at the offer before you turn it down.”

  “There’s not enough money in the world to make me change my mind.”


  “I want a partnership with Titan. I’m the engineer of most of my products. I have a big vision for the future of renewable energy. I’m interested in changing the world, making a difference for all of humanity, not filling my bank account with more money than I’ll ever need. I need Titan to help me grow, for us both to be extremely rich, and for both of us to change the world. The one thing I don’t need is her money—I have plenty of that.”

  My hand immediately gripped the armrest of the chair, not because I was irritated, but because I found her directness sexy. There were lots of women working in corporate America, but none like this. Not only was she beautiful, but she knew exactly what she wanted. She liked money just as much as the rest of us, but she also wasn’t obsessed with it. She knew her worth, and Titan would respect her for it.

  But Titan had her own interests—and I had to protect them. “I respect your decision, but I won’t change mine. As much as Titan is interested in your engineering, she’s interested in being the sole enterprise in this country. Take the money, make a counteroffer, or walk out as her competitor. But let me warn you…you don’t want to be her competitor.”

  Ms. Alexander didn’t shift her position in her chair. With a straight posture and poised shoulders, she held herself like a queen. If a tiara were on her head, it would be sitting perfectly straight. Her tanned skin looked great with that pink blouse, and the classy watch on her wrist gave her another touch of elegance. She had the most beautiful poker face I’d ever seen, and now she used it against me. Her expression was no longer transparent, her thoughts an empty black hole of mystery.

  My hand continued to grip my armrest, anticipating what she would say. Would she stick to her guns and walk away? Would she leave such a fortune sitting on the table? Or would she come to her senses and realize this was the best option she was ever going to get?

  She broke the silence with her beautiful voice. “Thank you for your time, Mr. Cutler.” She rose to her feet and approached my desk. “But I’m not interested in anything less than what I came here for.”



  I walked into the room at ten in the evening, refreshed from sleeping in my own bed and taking a hot shower. I carried the vase of lilies into the room and placed them on the table directly beside her bed.

  The second Titan looked at them, her face lit up with excitement. “They’re beautiful…”

  I’d picked them up on my way home, and I knew they would liven up her hospital room. There was nothing she loved more than a fresh vase of flowers. They were always in her office and always in her home.


  “Your favorite, I know.”

  She sat up in bed, that usual look of adoration in her eyes. “How did you know?”

  The corner of my mouth rose in a smile as I walked to the bed. “Because I know you better than anyone.” I leaned down and kissed her on the mouth, feeling my heart speed up the second my lips were connected to hers. My father was still there, but I didn’t care. I’d almost lost her, and I was going to kiss her whenever the hell I felt like it. I rubbed my nose against hers before I pulled away. “How are you?”

  “Good. Your father kept me company all day.”

  My father rose from the couch and patted me on the back. “Don’t worry, I didn’t tell her too many embarrassing

  “Better not,” I threatened.

  He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. “I’ll see you later, sweetheart.”

  “Bye, Vincent.”

  My father walked out and shut the door behind him.

  I noticed how close Titan and my father had become over the last few months. They seemed to have their own relationship, their own connection. Most of the time, it didn’t seem like it had anything to do with me. Even if I weren’t the connection between them, they would still be compatible. “How was your day?”

  “Good. Thorn came by in the morning. Some of my friends stopped by too.”

  “A lot of visitors then?”

  “Yeah. It was nice.”

  I walked to the couch on the other side of the bed and took a seat.

  “Thorn has been helping me with work. He called me from the office today. He’s been running the show for the past few days.”

  That didn’t surprise me. “That was nice of him.”

  “I know,” she said with a sigh. “He’s a good guy.”

  “I don’t know about that. I just think he loves you.”

  She smiled. “Yeah, true.”

  I moved to the edge of the bed and took a seat, just so I could be close to her. My fingers found hers, and I looked into her pretty face. She hadn’t been wearing makeup for a while, but I preferred the look. I liked it when she was most vulnerable, when she opened up her entire heart to me. “Any news from the doctor?”

  “They’re still observing me.”

  “How’s the pain?”

  “Excruciating when the medication wears off,” she said with a chuckle. “But I do feel better, overall.”

  “You look good.” My hand moved into her hair, and I gently brushed some strands away from her face.

  “You’re sweet.”

  “I mean it.” My fingers trailed down her arm to her elbow. “Anything I can get you?”

  “You already brought everything I could possibly need—flowers and you.”

  My look intensified. It was impossible for me not to stare at her possessively, no matter what the context was. “I can’t wait until you’re better.”


  “Because I can’t wait to marry you.”

  Her eyes softened the second the words were out of my mouth.

  I leaned in and kissed her on the mouth, feeling the comfort only her lips could bring. When we were connected like this, I forgot she was in a hospital room. I forgot everything she’d been through—everything I’d been through. It was just us, and that told me everything would be okay.

  “Is this a bad time?” Thorn walked in, his feet tapping against the tile floor.

  I didn’t pull away from her out of principal. I took another second to finish my kiss before I pulled back. I got off the bed and faced him. “Come in, Thorn.”

  In a navy blue suit and a matching tie, he approached Titan’s bed. Both hands rested in his pockets. “Since you guys are always kissing, I guess it’s always a bad time.” He looked at the vase at her bedside. He probably figured out they were from me because he never asked. “I know it’s late, but I just wanted to stop by before I turned in for the night.”

  She grabbed his arm and gave it a squeeze. “I’m always happy to see you, Thorn—even if I’m kissing my fiancé at the time.”

  “You say that now, but when you’re back at home, you’ll feel differently,” he said with a chuckle.

  I sat on the couch wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I knew Titan would be going to sleep soon, and I would stay awake most of the night watching the silent TV or looking at her. But I’d much rather be beside her than anywhere else in the world.

  “How’d it go with Ms. Alexander?”

  He stared at her for a moment before he released a quiet sigh. “Not well.”

  Titan never panicked in any situation. She could be losing all of her businesses, but she would still remain calm. I’d only seen her lose her temper once—and it was justified. Even when a gun was pointed at her face, she thought logically to solve the problem. That was one of the reasons she was the powerhouse she was now. “What happened?”

  “I made the offer, but she wouldn’t look at it. She said she only wants a partnership—not your money.”

  “What else did she say?”

  “That’s it,” Thorn said. “The conversation was short. I told her to reconsider, but she refused. Then she got up and left.”

  Titan turned to the TV, her face stoic as she considered everything she’d just learned. Her lips pressed together tightly, her chest rising and falling at the same pace. “I would talk to her myself, but I’m in no condition.”

  “Honestly, I don’t think even you could change her mind, Titan. This woman…” He shook his head slightly as he thought about it. “She knows exactly what she wants. She’s not going to change her mind. We either have to fold or let her walk away.”

  She turned back to him. “Thorn, everything I’ve learned I’ve learned from you.”

  He held her gaze, his blue eyes unblinking.

  “Change her mind, Thorn,” she said. “Offer her more money.”

  “How can I offer her more when she wouldn’t even look?” he questioned.

  “Then you don’t make her look,” she countered. “You tell her the number. Then you keep going up until she changes her mind. I need her business in order for this to be a success. Unless I acquire her or run her out of business, my goals will never be reached. She’s reputed to be one of the brightest scientists of our generation. I need her to cave, Thorn.”

  He held his impassive gaze, listening to her without giving anything in return.

  “I’ve already invested billions into this company,” Titan said. “This is the second piece I need for complete domination.”

  Thorn didn’t move. “Having a partnership is out of the question?”

  “I don’t do partnerships,” she said firmly. “You know that.”

  His eyes moved to my face before they turned back to her.

  “That’s different,” she countered. “He’s going to be my husband. He’s the one exception.”

  I couldn’t help but smile at the way she referred to me. Her one exception.

  “I’ll talk to her again,” Thorn said. “But I’m telling you, this woman is different. You haven’t seen her. You don’t know what she’s like. Honestly, she reminds me a lot of you. She’s tiny, but her presence takes up the whole room. She knows what she wants, and she won’t settle for less. For her, it’s not about money. It’s about making a difference. I think this is a battle you won’t win.”

  She stared at him, her gaze hardening just the way it did when she was in a meeting. “Then you win it for me, Thorn.”

  * * *

  The next three days passed by slowly.

  I was anxious for the doctor to give her permission to go home. Not only did I want her all to myself, but I wanted the final obstacle to be overcome. If the doctor said she was free to go home, then that meant she was truly okay.

  We would get through this.

  The worst of it was over.


  I loved hearing her voice, no matter what she was saying. She could speak in a different language, and I would enjoy just listening to her. It wasn’t just the deep and sexy sound of her voice; it was the fact that she was the woman I loved. No one else could soothe me the way she could. Every day we were in that hospital room, she was the one comforting me—not the other way around. “Yes, baby?” I turned my gaze on her, seeing her sit with the sheets pulled to her waist.

  “You should get to the office today. I know you have stuff to do.” She constantly pressured me to go back to work, to get back to my regular routine because the work was piling up. All my meetings were rescheduled, and everything I’d been working on was halted.

  “I couldn’t care less about work, baby.” I hadn’t thought about it once since this tragedy had happened. All I cared about was the woman beside
me. Money didn’t matter to me anymore, not when I had this brilliant diamond in my life.

  “Diesel, I’m going to be okay. I’m going home tomorrow.”

  “Doesn’t matter. As long as you’re in here, I’m in here too.”

  Her eyes tightened with emotion, and a small smile stretched across her lips. “You’re sweet, Diesel. But you really don’t have to stay with me.”

  “I know I don’t have to.” I looked into her beautiful green eyes, getting lost in their vibrant color. I loved staring at them every morning and every night. They were beacons that guided me to happiness every single day. “I want to.”

  * * *

  Her team of doctors finally gave her permission to be discharged from the hospital. She was still on pain medication, along with a serious strain of antibiotics. She wouldn’t need physical therapy because her injury hadn’t jeopardized her mobility. But she was still required to get lots of rest, to spend most of her time in bed, and schedule follow-up visits to monitor the wound in her chest.

  She still had a long road ahead of her until she was back to normal, but everything would be easy in comparison to what she’d already been through. My woman was the strongest and fiercest one in the entire world. She killed the man who attempted to murder her. I had no doubt she could get through this.

  My woman was a badass.

  I got her back to her penthouse, and she didn’t have an issue walking. If she was in pain, she purposely didn’t show it. She walked a little slower than usual, and when we stepped inside the lobby of her building, she purposely looked at the spot where she’d hit the floor after she’d been shot.

  After a short pause, she kept walking.

  We rode the elevator to the top floor and then stepped inside her apartment. It was exactly the way she’d left it, her heels next to the couch along with a glass of scotch. The ice had melted long ago, and now it was just a watered-down drink.


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