On to Victory

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by Mark Zuehlke

  11 Frost, 436.

  12 Roy, The Seaforth Highlanders of Canada, 420.

  13 “1 CDN INF DIV OPS From R. IJssel to R. Emm, 11 Apr-5 May 45,” RG24, vol. 10896, Library and Archives Canada, 3.

  14 “Diary Charlie Coy Seaforths,” 247.

  15 “1 CDN INF DIV OPS From R. IJssel to R. Emm,” 3.

  16 Seaforth Highlanders of Canada War Diary, RG24, Library and Archives Canada, 16.

  17 Stevens, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, 237.

  18 Frost, 438-39.

  19 “1 CDN INF DIV OPS From R. IJssel to R. Emm,” 3.

  20 48th Highlanders of Canada War Diary, April 1945, RG24, Library and Archives Canada, 7.

  21 Kim Beattie, Dileas: History of the 48th Highlanders of Canada, 1929-1956 (Toronto: 48th Highlanders of Canada, 1957), 746.

  22 Ibid., 744-45.

  23 Ibid., 745-47.

  24 Ibid., 747-49.

  25 “The 48th Highlanders of Canada, Report on Ops, 11 Apr-19 Apr 45,” RG24, vol. 10896, Library and Archives Canada, 2.

  26 Beattie, 750-51.

  27 G.R. Stevens, The Royal Canadian Regiment, 1933-1966, vol. 2 (London, ON: London Printing, 1967), 189.

  28 Jeffrey Williams, The Long Left Flank: The Hard Won Way to the Reich, 1944-1945 (Toronto: Stoddart Publishing, 1988), 282.

  29 Ontario Regiment War Diary, April 1945, RG24, Library and Archives Canada, 8.

  30 “The 11th Canadian Armoured Regiment (Ont. R.),” 141.4A11, Directorate of Heritage and History, Department of National Defence, 1-2.

  31 “Draft Outline of Ops of I CDN Corps in Clearing of Western Holland April 1945,” RG24, vol. 10796, Library and Archives Canda, 5.

  32 “Comment on Operation ‘Cannonshot’ by Major General H.W. Foster, DSO, GOC 1 CDN INF DIV,” RG24, vol. 10896, Library and Archives Canada, 1.

  33 “The Royal Canadian Regiment Report on Ops, 12 Apr-18 Apr 45,” RG24, vol. 10896, Library and Archives Canada, 2.

  34 Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment War Diary, April 1945, RG24, Library and Archives Canada, n.p.

  35 Royal Canadian Regiment War Diary, April 1945, RG24, Library and Archives Canada, 9.

  36 Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment War Diary, April 1945, n.p.

  37 Brandon A. Conron, A History of the First Hussars Regiment, 1856-1980 (n.p., 1981), 138.

  38 Robert Tooley, Invicta: The Carleton and York Regiment in the Second World War (Fredericton, NB : New Ireland Press, 1989), 350.

  39 Carleton and York Regiment War Diary, April 1945, RG24, Library and Archives Canada, 8.

  40 “WNSR Report on Operations in Holland, 1945,” RG24, vol. 10896, Library and Archives Canada, 4.


  1 “Comment on Operation ‘Cannonshot’ by Major General H.W. Foster, DSO, GOC 1 CDN INF DIV,” RG24, vol. 10896, Library and Archives Canada, 1.

  2 Royal Canadian Regiment War Diary, April 1945, RG24, Library and Archives Canada, 9.

  3 “The Royal Canadian Regiment Report on Ops, 12 Apr-18 Apr 45,” RG24, vol. 10896, Library and Archives Canada, 2.

  4 “1 CDN INF DIV OPS From R. IJssel to R. Emm, 11 Apr-5 May 45,” RG24, vol. 10896, Library and Archives Canada, 5.

  5 G.R. Stevens, The Royal Canadian Regiment, 1933-1966, vol. 2 (London, ON : London Printing, 1967), 190.

  6 “The Royal Canadian Regiment Report on Ops,” 2.

  7 Strome Galloway, “55 Axis,” With the Royal Canadian Regiment, 1939 -1945 (Montreal: Provincial Publishing, 1946), 201.

  8 J.T.B. Quayle, In Action: A Personal Account of the Italian and Netherlands Campaigns of ww II (Abbotsford, BC: Blue Stone Publishers, 1997), 207-08.

  9 “1 CDN INF DIV OPS From R. IJssel to R. Emm, 11 Apr-5 May 45,” 5.

  10 Loyal Edmonton Regiment War Diary, April 1945, RG24, Library and Archives Canada, 7-8.

  11 James Riley Stone, interview by William Thackray, May 13, and 20, and June 3, 10, and 17, 1980, University of Victoria Special Collections.

  12 G.R. Stevens, A City Goes to War (Brampton, ON : Charters, 1964), 344.

  13 Reginald H. Roy, The Seaforth Highlanders of Canada, 1919-1965 (Vancouver: Evergreen Press, 1969), 426.

  14 Ibid., 426-28.

  15 “Diary of Major Durnford,” RG24, vol. 20405, Library and Archives Canada, 134.

  16 “Diary Charlie Coy Seaforths, 23 Apr 44-9 July 45,” RG24, vol. 20409, Library and Archives Canada, 249-50.

  17 “1 CDN INF DIV OPS From R. IJssel to R. Emm,” 6.

  18 Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry War Diary, April 1945, RG24, Library and Archives Canada, 16.

  19 Loyal Edmonton Regiment War Diary, 8.

  20 “1 CDN INF DIV OPS From R. IJssel to R. Emm,” 6.

  21 Stevens, A City Goes to War, 344.

  22 Loyal Edmonton Regiment War Diary, 9.

  23 C. Sydney Frost, Once a Patricia: Memoirs of a Junior Infantry Officer in World War II (Ottawa: Borealis Press, 2004), 442.

  24 G.R. Stevens, Princess Patricias Canadian Light Infantry: 1919-1957, vol. 3 (Griesbach, AB: Historical Committee of the Regiment, n.d.), 240.

  25 C.P. Stacey, The Victory Campaign: The Operations in North-West Europe, 1944-1945, vol. 3 (Ottawa: Queen’s Printer, 1960), 573.

  26 J.M. McAvity, Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians): A Record of Achievement (Toronto: Brigdens, 1947), 208-10.

  27 Lt. Col. H.H. Angle, “Lt. Col. H.H. Angle Diary,” RG24, vol. 20405, Library and Archives Canada, 8.

  28 Reginald H. Roy, Sinews of Steel: The History of the British Columbia Dragoons (Toronto: Charters, 1965), 384-85.

  29 British Columbia Dragoons War Diary, April 1945, RG24, Library and Archives Canada, 14.

  30 “Period 12 Apr 45-19 Apr 45, Canadian War Museum, 16.

  31 Douglas How, The 8th Hussars: A History of the Regiment (Sussex, NB : Maritime Publishing, 1964), 322.

  32 Ibid., 322-23.

  33 How, 323-24.

  34 J.E. Oldfield, The Westminster’s War Diary: An Unofficial History of the Westminster Regiment (Motor) in World War II (New Westminster, BC: n.p., 1964), 189.

  35 “5 Cdn Armd Div History of Ops, Advance from Arnhem to the Zuider Zee,” RG24, vol. 10941, Library and Archives Canada, 2.

  36 McAvity, 213-14.

  37 Ibid., 215-18.

  38 “Report on operations of 9 Cdn Armd Regt (BCD) for period 14-19 Apr 45,” 141.4A9011 (D2), Directorate of Heritage and History, Department of National Defence, 2-3.

  39 How, 328-29.

  40 “Period 12 Apr 45-19 Apr 45,” 16.

  41 “5 Cdn Armd Div History of Ops,” 2.

  42 Roy, Sinews of Steel, 387-89.

  43 “1 CDN INF DIV OPS From R. IJssel to R. Emm, 11 Apr-5 May 45,” 8.

  44 “WNSR Report on Operations in Holland, 1945,” RG24, vol. 10896, Library and Archives Canada, 8.

  45 Royal Canadian Regiment War Diary, April 1945, RG24, Library and Archives Canada, 13.

  46 Stacey, The Victory Campaign, 586.

  47 Thomas H. Raddall, West Novas: A History of the West Nova Scotia Regiment (n.p., 1947), 291.

  48 Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment War Diary, April 1945, RG24, Library and Archives Canada, 8.

  49 Farley Mowat, The Regiment, 2nd ed. (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1973), 302.

  50 “Comment on Operation ‘Cannonshot,’” 1.

  51 Mowat, 302.

  52 “Comment on Operation ‘Cannonshot,’” 1.


  1 C.P. Stacey, The Victory Campaign: The Operations in North-West Europe, 1944-1945, vol. 3 (Ottawa: Queen’s Printer, 1960), 558-59.

  2 Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders War Diary, April 1945, RG24, Library and Archives Canada, 10.

  3 Robert L. Fraser, Black Yesterdays: The Argyll’s War (Hamilton, ON : Argyll Foundation, 1996), 431.

  4 Robert A. Spencer, History of the 15th Field Regiment (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1945), 251.

  5 “Report No. 32 Historical Section (G.S.) Army
Headquarters: The Operations of First CDN Army, 12-19 Apr. 45: Part II,” Department of National Defence, December 10, 1949, para. 285.

  6 Fraser, 432.

  7 H.M. Jackson, The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (Princess Louise’s), 1928-1953 (Montreal: Industrial Shops for the Deaf, 1953), 264.

  8 “Report No. 32, Part II,” para. 285.

  9 Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders War Diary, 10.

  10 Fraser, 432.

  11 Ibid., 432-35.

  12 Ibid., 435-37.

  13 Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders War Diary, 11.

  14 Ibid.

  15 4th Canadian Armoured Brigade War Diary, April 1945, RG24, Library and Archives Canada, 21.

  16 Stacey, The Victory Campaign, 558.

  17 8th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment War Diary, April 1945, RG24, Library and Archives Canada, 10.

  18 4th Canadian Armoured Brigade War Diary, 21.

  19 Lake Superior Regiment (Motor) War Diary, April 1945, RG24, Library and Archives Canada, 19.

  20 4th Canadian Armoured Brigade War Diary, 21.

  21 George F.G. Stanley, In the Face of Danger: The History of the Lake Superior Regiment (Port Arthur, ON : The Lake Superior Scottish Regiment, 1960), 291-92.

  22 Lake Superior Regiment (Motor) War Diary, 21.

  23 4th Canadian Armoured Brigade War Diary, 22-23.

  24 Geoffrey Hayes, The Lincs: A History of the Lincoln and Welland Regiment at War (Alma, ON : Maple Leaf Route, 1986), 123.

  25 South Alberta Regiment War Diary, April 1945, RG24, Library and Archives Canada, 16.

  26 “Memorandum of an interview given by Lt. Col. G.D. de S. Witherspoon, 19 May 45,” 141.4A29011(1), Directorate of Heritage and History, Department of National Defence, 4.

  27 Donald Graves, South Albertas: A Canadian Regiment at War (Toronto: Robin Brass Studio, 1998), 314.

  28 Ibid., 314-15.

  29 South Alberta Regiment War Diary, April 1945, 16.

  30 “Memorandum of an interview given by Lt. Col. G.D. de S. Witherspoon” 4.

  31 Ibid., 4-5.

  32 Stacey, The Victory Campaign, 559.

  33 “Report No. 32, Part II,” para. 300.

  34 G.L . Cassidy, Warpath: From Tilly-la-campagne to the Kusten Canal (Markham, ON : PaperJacks, 1980), 349.

  35 15th Field Regiment, RCA War Diary, April 1945, RG24, Library and Archives Canada, 5.

  36 10th Canadian Infantry Brigade War Diary, April 1945, RG24, Library and Archives Canada, 9.

  37 8th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment War Diary, 9.

  38 10th Canadian Independent Machinegun Company (New Brunswick Rangers) War Diary, April 1945, WO 179/4551, UK National Archives, 29.

  39 Cassidy, 349.

  40 “Report No. 32, Part II,” paras. 301-02.

  41 Ibid., paras. 302-03.

  42 Cassidy, 352.

  43 10th Canadian Independent Machinegun Company (New Brunswick Rangers) War Diary, 29.

  44 M.O. Rollefson, ed., Green Route Up: 4 Canadian Armoured Division (The Hague: Mouton, 1945), 90.

  45 “Report No. 32, Part II,” para. 304.

  46 Cassidy, 352.

  47 “Report No. 32, Part II,” para. 306.

  48 Jackson, The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, 208.

  49 Cassidy, 352.

  50 Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders War Diary, 13-14.

  51 “Report No. 32, Part II,” para. 306.

  52 Cassidy, 352-53.

  53 Jackson, The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, 208.

  54 “Report No. 32, Part II,” para. 306.

  55 Cassidy, 353-54.

  56 Algonquin Regiment War Diary, April 1945, RG24, Library and Archives Canada.

  57 Cassidy, 354.

  58 Jackson, The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, 209-10.

  59 Hayes, 123.

  60 Lincoln and Welland Regiment War Diary, 17.

  61 Hayes, 123.

  62 “Report No. 32, part II,” paras. 310-11.

  63 Ibid., para. 312.

  64 Cassidy, 348-49.


  1 4th Canadian Infantry Brigade War Diary, April 1945, WO 179/Canadian Forces/4th Infantry Brigade, UK National Archives, 24.

  2 Gregory John Ashworth, War and the City (London: Routledge, 1991), 124.

  3 Ralph Dykstra, “The Liberation of Groningen—An Urban Battlefield,” The Army Doctrine and Training Bulletin (September 22, 2002), 48.

  4 Ibid., 47-48.

  5 Terry Copp, Cinderella Army: The Canadians in Northwest Europe, 1944-1945 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006), 271.

  6 4th Canadian Infantry Brigade War Diary, 25.

  7 Royal Hamilton Light Infantry War Diary, April 1945, RG24, Library and Archives Canada, 10.

  8 George G. Blackburn, The Guns of Victory: A Soldier’s Eye View, Belgium, Holland, and Germany, 1944-45 (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1997), 442.

  9 D.J. Goodspeed, Battle Royal: A History of the Royal Regiment of Canada (Toronto: Royal Regiment of Canada Assoc., 1962), 557.

  10 Blackburn, 442-43.

  11 Goodspeed, 557.

  12 Royal Regiment of Canada War Diary, April 1945, RG24, Library and Archives Canada, 7.

  13 Blackburn, 444-45.

  14 Royal Regiment of Canada War Diary, 8.

  15 4th Canadian Infantry Brigade War Diary, 26-27.

  16 Royal Hamilton Light Infantry War Diary, 20.

  17 “Canadian Army Overseas Honours and Awards Citation Details,” Directorate of Heritage and History, Department of National Defence, www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dhh-dhp/gal/cao-aco/details-eng.asp?firstname=WilfredJohn&lastname=King&rec=id377 (accessed October 15, 2009).

  18 Royal Hamilton Light Infantry War Diary, 20-21.

  19 4th Canadian Infantry Brigade War Diary, 27.

  20 Toronto Scottish Regiment (MG) War Diary, April 1945, RG24, Library and Archives Canada, 7.

  21 Sandy Antal and Kevin R. Shackleton, Duty nobly done: the official history of the Essex and Kent Scottish Regiment (Windsor, ON : Walkerville Publishing, 2006), 520.

  22 1st Essex Scottish Regiment War Diary, April 1945, RG24, Library and Archives Canada, 6.

  23 Antal and Shackleton, 521.

  24 1st Essex Scottish Regiment War Diary, 6.

  25 I Battalion, The Essex Scottish Regiment, 1949-1945: A Brief Narrative (Aldershot, UK: Gale and Polden, 1946), 78.

  26 4th Canadian Infantry Brigade War Diary, 27.

  27 Antal and Shackleton, 521.

  28 1st Essex Scottish War Diary, 6.

  29 Antal and Shackleton, 521-22.

  30 1st Essex Scottish War Diary, 6.

  31 “Report No. 32 Historical Section (G.S.) Army Headquarters: The Operations of First CDN Army, 12-19 Apr. 45: Part II,” Department of National Defence, December 10, 1949, para. 249.

  32 Roy Farran, The History of the Calgary Highlanders, 1921-54 (Calgary: Bryant Press, 1954), 208.

  33 David Bercuson, Battalion of Heroes: The Calgary Highlanders in World War II (Calgary: Calgary Highlanders Regimental Funds Foundation, 1994), 233.

  34 Farran, 208.

  35 Calgary Highlanders War Diary, April 1945, RG24, Library and Archives Canada, 9.

  36 Bercuson, 233.

  37 Calgary Highlanders War Diary,9.

  38 Bercuson, 234.

  39 Régiment de Maisonneuve War Diary, April 1945, RG24, Library and Archives Canada, 5.

  40 Dykstra, 51.

  41 Régiment de Maisonneuve War Diary, 5.

  42 Gérard Marchand, Le Régiment de Maisonneuve vers la Victoire, 1944-1945 (Montreal: Les Presses Libres, 1980), 225-26.

  43 Black Watch of Canada War Diary, April 1945, RG24, Library and Archives Canada, 15.

  44 Ibid., 15-16.

  45 Ibid., 16.

  46 Calgary Highlanders War Diary, 10.

  47 Bercuson, 235.

  48 Ibid., 236-37.

  49 Calgary Highlanders War Diary, 10.

  50 Cent ans d’histo
ire d’un régiment canadien-français : les Fusiliers Mont-Royal, 1869-1969 (Montreal: Éditions Du Jour, 1971), 260.

  51 Les Fusiliers Mont-Royal War Diary, April 1945, RG24, Library and Archives Canada, 4.

  52 C.P. Stacey, The Victory Campaign: The Operations in North-West Europe, 1944-1945, vol. 3 (Ottawa: Queen’s Printer, 1960), 555.

  53 G.B. Buchanan, The March of the Prairie Men: A Story of the South Saskatchewan Regiment (Weyburn and Estevan, SK : Midwest Litho, 1957), 54.

  54 Charles Goodman, interview by author, Saanichton, BC, January 27, 2009.

  55 Buchanan, 54.

  56 Jean V. Allard, The Memoirs of Jean V. Allard (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1988), 116.

  57 Menno Huizinga, Sporen van Strijd in de Stad Groningen (Groningen: Jemeentelijk 5 Mei Comité Groningen, rep. 2004), 32-33.

  58 Charles Goodman.

  59 Les Fusiliers Mont-Royal War Diary, 5.

  60 Cent ans d’histoire d’un régiment canadien-français, 260-61.

  61 Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada War Diary, April 1945, RG24, Library and Archives Canada, 9.

  62 Stacey, The Victory Campaign, 556.

  63 Johan van Doorn email correspondence, December 11, 2009.

  64 4th Canadian Infantry Brigade War Diary, 31-34.


  1 Briefing with author by Dutch historian Johan van Doorn, Sommelsdijk, Netherlands, May 1, 2009.

  2 Johan van Doorn, conversation with author, December 7, 2009.

  3 Henri van der Zee, The Hunger Winter: Occupied Holland, 1944-45 (London: Jill Norman & Hobhouse , 1982), 237-241.

  4 C.P. Stacey, The Victory Campaign: The Operations in North-West Europe, 1944-1945, vol. 3 (Ottawa: Queen’s Printer, 1960), 585.

  5 van der Zee, 242.

  6 Ibid., 245.

  7 Stacey, The Victory Campaign, 584.

  8 Ibid., 571-72.

  9 George Kitching, Mud and Green Fields: The Memoirs of Major General George Kitching (Langley, BC: Battleline Books, 1985), 249.

  10 “The Battle of Otterloo, Account by Capt. D. Wagner,” RG24, vol. 10941, Library and Archives Canada, 1.

  11 The Governor General’s Horse Guards, 1939-1945 (Toronto: Canadian Military Journal, 1954), 217.


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