Callie Healy

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Callie Healy Page 14

by Jennifer Foor

  I suspected the third degree, and a bit of teasing. I knew they’d want to ask questions, and test the seriousness of our relationship. If I wasn’t comfortable with it I wouldn’t have tortured myself and come.

  While I lay there going over the details of the day I hear the stairs creaking. I’d be lying if I didn’t hope it was Callie, and as she climbs on top of me and kisses me, I begin to wonder if I’ll be able to stop her.

  She pulls away before the question gets answered. “Come with me,” she whispers.

  “Hell no,” I softly reply.

  “My father said we couldn’t sleep together under his roof. He never said we couldn’t do it somewhere else. Grab the pillows and follow me.”

  I’m hesitant, but she’s relentless. She will taunt me until I crack. It happens more often than I care to admit. I’m weak when it comes to her temptation. I take the two pillows under my arm and lace my hand with hers. She leads us into the kitchen and out the back door. It’s pitch black. The sounds of insects are everywhere. The sky is full of stars and a big bright moon that’s in the shape of a crescent. She pulls me along as if she’s not freaked out by nature and her surroundings. I know she’s probably done this a thousand times; snuck out and gotten into trouble with her sisters, or maybe even by herself. Tonight is different. She’s an adult, and we’re doing this to be together. It’s exciting and pretty damn stupid at the same time. If her father discovers our betrayal he’ll take action in ridding me from her life. I know he won’t make progress with it, but it will still cause hardship.

  We walk through a wheat field and come to a smaller pole building. She tugs me inside and closes the door behind us. I’m left standing alone with two pillows until I see a light flash on. It’s a lantern. She’s waving me to follow her up a ladder. Since I’m in my bare feet and wondering what I’m stepping on, I do as she suggests. When I get to the top of the ladder I see her sitting down on an old futon. She opens a wooden chest and pulls out a couple blankets, spreading them out on top of it. She speaks with her normal tone. “You can relax. They won’t come looking.”

  “How can you be sure?”

  “Trust me. They won’t. My sister and I used to play up here. The barn where we had family dinner has an upstairs for entertainment, but we were younger than the others and they never let us hang out with them, so we made our own cool hangout place.” She motions for me to joining her by patting the mattress of the futon. “Lose the clothes.”

  “You’re insane. Don’t you think we should chill until the visit is over?”

  She shakes her head. “Nope. I want you right now, and I don’t give a damn who knows it.”

  I walk over to the futon and lean forward to kiss her. “You’re being naughty. You know I can’t resist it when you act this way.”

  She backs up so I’m unable to reach her. “I know.” I watch her shirt lift over her head. “You need to be rewarded for today. I plan on taking all that pent up stress away.”

  My pants are being shoved down off my ankles, while I’m yanking the shirt off and tossing it on the old wooden floor. “Show me what you’ve got, babe.”

  Our lips crash together.

  My hands draw her near as we fall down on the fresh laid blankets. The old bar walls rumble as a gust of wind sweeps across the fields outside, reminding me where we are and how we've snuck out to be able to do it. The danger involved in this act makes it ridiculously tempting. I can't stop myself from taking her, and I know I won't stop until we're both satisfied.

  Right now I feel famished. Little kisses here and there all day have left me in an uncomfortable state. As Callie works her way down between my legs I begin to realize I'm about to be taken care in the most erotic of ways.

  She takes my cock fully in her hand and strokes it while teasing the tip with her tongue. The lantern flickers, but it's enough light to see a strand of saliva spanning from the tip of her tongue to the head of my dick.

  She pulls away only to dive back down, this time taking me in as far as she's able to handle.

  She starts going at it, and I'm torn between watching her work her magic, or staring at the door in case her father barges in with a shot gun.

  The sounds her mouth makes as she sloshes over my cock makes it jump with excitement. She's got a good start groove as she works her tight lips, sucking until the blood rises in my shaft. When I'm about to blow I attempt to remove her mouth, but she refuses the offer. She catches my load and remains attached to my tip until I've finally settled.

  I'm in amazement as my girlfriend dips lower and licks the skin of my balls, sucking them in and humming against them. I'm incapable of being able to handle it, so I finally lift her back up to my face.

  Callie takes her tongue and licks my chin. She teases my lips with hers, but refuses to kiss me. This goes on until I can tell she completely flushed and turned on. She needs relief and I'm just the man to give it to her.

  I scoop her into my arms and pull that pussy up until it's sitting directly over my face, and then I feast on her, tasting her arousal as I peruse my way inside of her cunt. Her body is shattering above me. I can feel the trembles as her tight walls contract against my tongue. She’s falling into a pool of euphoria and I'm the culprit who made it happen. To celebrate, I shove her back down and crash my mouth against hers. Her salty lips are a reminder of what she's done to me, and the result.

  This woman makes me crazy. I want her like no other before. Being with her feels so right. There isn’t a doubt left in my bones. She’s makes me better. She makes my future come to life with possibilities. I never expected to feel this way, yet I wouldn’t go back and change a thing.

  Chapter 21


  I find my mother in the kitchen sitting in front of a steaming cup of hot coffee. I make myself a cup with extra cream before sitting with her. “Good morning.”

  “Hey you.” She reaches across the table. “It’s good to have you home.”

  “Yeah, it’s nice to be here.”

  “You seem happy, honey. Your father and I were talking about it last night. He was glad to see Cob on the couch this morning. What time did you guys come in from the barn?”

  I should have known she’d figure us out. My mom has eyes in the back of her head. She always has. “We came in around four. I wanted to make sure we weren’t discovered. Do you think Dad knows?”

  “He snored most of the night. I never felt the bed move once. The first place he went was to look for your boyfriend and when he found him sleeping on the couch he seemed pleased.”

  “Cob is a good guy. He treats me well.”

  “I can see that. I was surprised to learn you were involved so soon. I know you’ve been through a lot. I worry about you.”

  “Mom, I’m okay. Like I said before, we knew each other before.”

  “I assume he’s older?”

  “Only a few years. Does it make a difference? Bella’s husband is much older and they have a great relationship. You’re older than dad.”

  “Don’t remind me. He never lets me forget it.”

  We both laugh. “Mom, I think I love him. You must think I’m crazy. I promise I’m not. I wasn’t looking for a boyfriend. When we ran into each other I was out to dinner with Chris and Addy. I never expected he’d be in Kentucky. After that we hit it off. I told him all about Cammie and Wes, and he was supportive and understanding. We’re great friends.”

  “I’m glad you’ve found someone that makes you happy. I hate that you’re so far away, and that you kept him a secret for so long, but he really does seem like a nice guy.”

  “Do you think it would be okay if I invited him to Thanksgiving? I mean, I know it’s months away, but I’d like to know he’s welcome.”

  “You really are thinking long-term.”

  I smile. “I am.”

  “Have you met his parents?”

  I shake my head. “Not yet. He says we’re going there soon. They live in Pennsylvania.”

  “Do yo
u know anything about them?”

  I shrug. “They own a few hotels, but they’re not rich. His parents are still married. He has a sister in college, and that’s how we met.”

  “Just be yourself and I’m sure they’ll love you.”

  “That means a lot to me.”

  My mom is quiet for a second. “Have you spoken to your sister since you’ve been gone?”

  “Last night was the first time. It’s not because I don’t want to. She’s the first person I wanted to tell about Cob, but I knew she’d think I was only bragging about it because I wanted her to think I was over Wes. I am over him. I don’t think about him at all. I’ve moved on with my life. I see that they belong together and I’m happy for them.”

  “I hope your relationship with Cob continues to grow into something you can cherish for years to come. All I want is for all my children to be happy.”

  “So you approve?” I ask.

  “Very much.”

  After my conversation with my mother, I feel like the weekend gets smoother. Cob and my dad begin to have normal conversations. Saturday night they sat out on the porch talking about work and the ranch for hours, while I remained inside catching up with my mom.

  When it’s time to say goodbye on Sunday I feel good about our visit. Cob shakes hands with my father, and I’m optimistic they’ll invite him to return and visit again.

  We’re not even five miles down the road when he pulls out his phone and makes a surprising call. “Mom, it’s me. What are you doing next weekend? I’m asking because I want to come and visit. I’d like to bring my girlfriend for you to meet.”

  He’s quiet as he listens and plays with my hand.

  “Yes, you heard me right. I’m bringing a real woman for you and dad to meet. Don’t plan on making your meatloaf. I don’t want you scaring her off. Oh and baby pictures are off limits, especially the naked ones.”

  I wait until the call ends to address what’s going on. “So we’re going to meet your parents next weekend?”

  “Let’s just get it over with. We’ll meet my mom and pops and never have to worry about it again. Besides, I think you deserve to be tortured after not telling your family about me.”


  “Then it’s settled. You’ll be feasting on my mom’s terrible food all next weekend.”

  “What about the pancakes?”

  “Let’s hope she makes them for every meal.”

  Back in Kentucky, I force myself into the routine of work and pretending I don’t have a serious boyfriend, but come Monday night I’m being bombarded with questions I’m afraid to answer.

  When I’ve finally come to the conclusion that this will pass, and I can’t hide him forever, I decide to have Cob over and nonchalantly introduce him to a few people he wouldn’t have come in contact with from work.

  I can tell he’s nervous as I open the door to the main house. After giving him a tour, including the one leading us to frolic in my bed for a time, we’re standing in front of the kitchen table. Aunt Kay is cutting up potatoes, I hope for her famous salad she prepares, though it’s most likely for a church event.

  Cob quickly ducks back in the next room shaking his head. I follow him, hoping I wasn’t seen. “What’s going on?”

  “She knows me. I had to attend the hearing.”

  I take a few deep breaths and weigh out my options. “Look, this has to happen. The job isn’t you. They have to come to understand that.”

  “It’s not going to be easy. Once people decide they hate someone, it usually sticks.”

  “It wasn’t the case with me and you.”

  “That was different. You didn’t hate me. You hated that you wanted me.”

  I roll my eyes. He’s probably right. “Just do this for me. Worst case they tell you to go to hell.”

  “Aunt Kay,” I saw as I pull him along. “This is my boyfriend.”

  She finishes for me, while standing up with the knife still in her grasp. “Jacob Monroe. I’m sorry, did you say boyfriend? My dear do you have any idea who this man is?”

  I never let go of his hand. “Yes, I do. Before you go on about his job, I want you to know I met him a long time ago, before he came to Kentucky. He’s a good man that hates his job.”

  “I think the man can speak for himself. You haven’t read the letters he’s delivered to me and your uncle. He’s not who you think he is. I want this man out of my house immediately.”

  I open my mouth to defend him, but hear him speaking directly to her. “Ma’am, with all due respect, I was only doing what I was ordered to do. I mean your family no harm.”

  “You want to take the land that my late husband worked hard for. You represent those people. The damn government thinks it can waltz around offering a measly dime for something we put our blood sweat and tears into. I’m sorry, son, but I can’t have you here. Callie you’re going to have to see your friend off Mitchell property from now on.”

  Just when I think it can’t get any worse, Noah and my uncle come in through the back door. They lay eyes on Cob, then notice our laced hands. Uncle Colt speaks first. “Van just told the news, but I couldn’t believe it. I came here to ask you myself. I guess there’s no need now. Callie, what are you thinking? Has he told you what he’s a part of?”

  I can’t look at my uncle, and Noah isn’t any better for consolation. “We were friends before he came to Kentucky. Our relationship has nothing to do with his occupation. Can’t you understand that he’s only doing his job?”

  “Callie,” my uncle says. “The government wants to take our land and build a highway right through it. He’s been at the hearings. I can’t believe you’d think it was okay to get involved with someone who threatens our livelihood.”

  Cob squeezes my hand. “Callie, let’s just go.”

  Tears are welling up in my eyes. I feared it could go bad, but they will never budge. “I’m sorry, but he’s my boyfriend and that’s not going to change. If you can’t accept him, then I’ll find somewhere else to stay, because I refuse to hide our relationship any longer.”

  He says something else while we’re walking out of the room. “I just got off the phone with your father, Callie. He wasn’t too happy to learn about your boyfriend’s doings. If I were you I’d rethink who you choose to associate with.”

  I’m a wreck as I run to fetch my purse and meet Cob out at our cars. He’s standing waiting for me. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know my mom would have called and talked about you. This isn’t how I pictured it going.”

  My phone is ringing in my purse. I know it’s probably my parents forbidding me to associate with Cob, and I refuse to speak to them about it. They can’t deter my feelings.

  “Go grab some of your things and meet me at my house. You can stay with me until they settle down. From what you’ve told me they’re good Christian people. They won’t throw you out.”

  “I’m not so sure. When they don’t like someone they hold grudges.”

  “Then you can move in with me.”

  “What happens when you have to leave, Cob?” Up until now I’ve feared this conversation, but what better time to hash things out then when I’m feeling helpless. “What happens when you go?”

  His brow furrows. I can tell he’s stumbling. “Callie, I don’t know. We’ve got at least another month to figure it out.”

  I shake my head. “Maybe my family is right. Maybe I should let you go before you hurt me like I know you will.”

  “Come on, babe. You’re being ridiculous. You can come with me. We’ll travel together.”

  “I have a job here.”

  “You’re job doesn’t pay the bills. You won’t need it.”

  At this point my job is the only solid I have in my life. “No. You can’t make that kind of decision for me.” I run my hands through my hair. “This is terrible It’s hopeless.”

  “Please don’t say that.”

  “I’m sorry. You should go home, Cob. I need time to think.”

��Callie, seriously? You invited me here. You knew this was a possibility.”

  “You’re right, I did, but I’ve also been too caught up in us to think about the future. I just assumed we’d be together, but the fact that I’d have to follow you makes me question if I’d be able to live that way. I may be young, but I’m ready to settle. I don’t want to travel with you while you threaten to take properties away from more families. It’s not fair. I get that you make good money, but I can’t support it. I won’t. Just go. Leave me here to deal with my family and the repercussions. I promise I’ll call when I settle down.”

  He comes up and places his hands on my waist. Being close to him only makes it more difficult. I want to run with him, as far as we can go where no one will ever threaten us, but it’s impossible. “Callie, I love you. I know you think this can’t work, but we’ll figure it out together.”

  “Will you quit your job for me?”

  He’s stunned. “What? We’ve been dating for a month. I’ve had that job for nearly two years. You can’t ask me to be unemployed. That’s not fair.”

  I shake my head. “I can’t talk about this anymore. I need time.”

  He kisses me on the forehead and leaves his lips there for a few seconds. “You know where I’ll be.”

  I watch him get in his car and drive away, all while contemplating running after him and begging for him to never let me go. This isn’t what I want, but I can’t begin to come up with an easy solution. My life is surrounded by my family. Without them I’m nothing. If they can’t accept Cob, I don’t know how we can work.

  I finally answer my phone once he’s out of sight. I don’t check to see who it is as I lift it to my ear. “Hello?”

  “Callie, please tell me what I’m hearing is wrong. Tell me you’re not dating the same man that’s threatened the ranch.”

  “Mom, now isn’t a good time. Can we talk about this later?”

  “Are you crying?”

  “Yes. I just sent Cob away. It’s never going to work out. Mom, I know you’re all angry with me, but he’s a good man. He loves me. He was only doing his job. He doesn’t make the rules.”


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