The Cliff-Top Killer (The Sydney Harbour Hospital Series Book 8)

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The Cliff-Top Killer (The Sydney Harbour Hospital Series Book 8) Page 9

by Chris Taylor

  “I’m choosing to keep my life intact, like it’s been for more years than you’ve had on this earth. Please try and understand.”

  “Understand? How can I understand? You’re passing me over because you’re a coward and let’s not make any bones about it! If you had real guts, you’d tell the world who you really are and how happy you feel in my arms. I love you, Alexei! I’m not going to give you up without a fight!”

  Rodriguez’s voice caught on a sob and Alexei gritted his teeth. Hell, just what he needed. His lover blubbering like a baby all over the phone.

  “This is not fair, Alexei! You can’t do this to me! Say you’re sorry! Say you didn’t mean it! Say you’ll take me back!”

  “I’m sorry, Rodriguez. I really am, but this is the end for us. It’s over. Finished. You and I will never be again.”

  “You asshole!” Rodriguez screamed and Alexei barely held on to his anger.

  “I’ll show you!” the man continued. “I’m going to throw myself off the cliff! I’ll kill myself, or maybe I’ll kill you? Or both of us! Yes, that’s what I’ll do! We’ll go down together! By the end, the whole world will know.”

  Fear, thick and visceral and immediate flooded through Alexei’s veins. It had never occurred to him that Rodriguez might take their break-up so badly. They’d been together a matter of months. It wasn’t like it had gone on for years… What the hell was the idiot going on about? Neither of them wanted to die.

  Alexei was almost certain Rodriguez was too big a coward to go through with it. He was bluffing. It was another cry for attention. He was good at that. It was the threat to go public that had Alexei most concerned.

  “Did you hear about those killings?” The abrupt change of subject and the slyness in Rodriguez’s tone as he asked the question put Alexei on edge.

  “What killings?” he asked.

  “The ones up on the cliffs at North Bondi. You must have heard about them. It’s been all over the news.”

  Alexei gave a non-committal response. He’d heard something about it, but the truth was, he’d been buried deep in a trial representing a man charged with supplying and manufacturing more than twenty pounds of methamphetamine. He had a little more on his mind than watching the news. In fact, his trial was about to become the news.

  “What are you getting at, Rodriguez?” he asked, suddenly impatient to end the conversation.

  “The media are calling them crimes of passion,” Rodriguez continued in the same sly tone. “Both victims were gay. The police are still speculating if the murders were the result of lovers’ quarrels or if something else was at play.”

  “What the hell does any of that have to do with me, Rodriguez? Spit it out. I don’t have time for this shit.”

  “That’s how I could do it. A lovers’ quarrel, up on the Bondi cliffs. You wouldn’t even have to go far from home.”

  The man’s chuckle on the other end of the phone sent a chill through Alexei’s veins. His gaze drifted to the Melbourne Storm football cap that he’d spied on his bed earlier. He didn’t know where it had come from or who had put it there. He’d barracked for the Cronulla Sharks all his life. Everyone knew that. Even Rodriguez.

  “Did you get my gift?” Rodriguez murmured, interrupting Alexei’s thoughts.

  Once again, Alexei’s gaze went to the football cap. It must have been Rodriguez. It was just like him to be so spiteful.

  “Yeah, I got it.” His tone was cold.

  “I thought you’d like it,” Rodriguez protested.

  “Well, I don’t and you shouldn’t be surprised.” A surge of impatience went through him. He’d had enough of this bullshit.

  “Look, Rodriguez, we’re over. It’s finished. No more. I don’t want your stupid gifts. I don’t want your phone calls. In fact, I never want to see you again. Got it? And don’t threaten me with suicide or murder or anything else you might come up with. I won’t fall for it. Not now, not ever. It’s time to move on.”

  Alexei held his breath, unsure whether his harsh words would push Rodriguez over the edge. He waited nervously. When Rodriguez started to cry quietly, Alexei swallowed a sigh of relief. Tears were fine. He could handle tears. “I’m sorry, Rodriguez,” he said quietly and realized he meant it. He’d miss his Latin lover. There was no doubt about it.

  “I… I love you, Alexei!” the man sobbed. “I’ll love you until I die!”

  “And I love you, too, Rodriguez. I wish there was some way we could be together, but there isn’t. I’m sorry. I really am.”

  After a few more reassurances from Alexei that Rodriguez would be fine and would move on and find another man to love one day, he ended the call. Blowing out his breath on a heavy sigh, he prayed that was the end of it.

  * * *

  Samuel woke to the sun in his eyes and then sat up with a start. After the disappointment of not seeing Shelby the night before, he was eager to set things right. Barring another emergency, they both had the day off. He intended to make the most of it.

  Following a quick shower, he threw on a polo shirt and shorts and strode into the kitchen. The sight of the Pacific Ocean outside the glass sliding doors that led out onto his balcony gave him pause. The sun sparkled bright and golden off the water in the distance. The tiny dark smudges on the horizon were container ships shifting freight down to the port.

  Closer to shore, surfers rode the waves. A pang went through him. It had been more than a fortnight since he’d been out there. Even the smell of sea salt had disappeared from his hair. Still, today he’d catch up with Shelby and he was hopeful the day would end with her in his bed. The thought made his gut clench with anticipation and excitement. They’d waited long enough.

  Popping two pieces of toast in the toaster, he set the coffee machine to percolate and then poured a glass of juice. Reaching over the stack of medical journals piled high on his kitchen counter, he found the TV remote and switched it on. Flicking through the channels, he settled on the morning news.

  “Police were called to the cliff tops of North Bondi last night after the discovery of yet another body. The man, who has yet to be identified, is believed to be in his late teens or early twenties. Early investigations lead police to believe the man was bludgeoned to death with a blunt weapon. This is the third murder in the area in less than a month. Residents are becoming increasingly concerned.”

  The picture of the newsreader switched to a reporter who was live on the scene. Samuel could see the boardwalk in the distance that ran parallel to the beach. He knew the area well. It was part of his neighborhood. In fact, if he walked down the street a bit, he’d probably see the news crews. The thought sobered him.

  Bondi had always enjoyed an excellent reputation of being a safe, fun place to live. Locals and tourists alike flocked there to enjoy the beach and the trendy café vibe. Now there had been three murders. He didn’t know what was going on. The feed came back to the news anchor. The man looked suitably serious.

  “If anyone can provide the police with any information, you’re asked to contact Detective Sergeant Jared Buchanan at the Bondi Police Station or call Crime Stoppers.” The phone number scrolled along the bottom of the screen, over and over.

  The toast popped up in the toaster and Samuel turned away. Refusing to allow the somber news to ruin his morning, he finished his breakfast and then reached for his phone. Smiling to himself, he composed a text to Shelby.

  Morning, beautiful. R u awake yet?

  Almost immediately, the phone beeped back at him.

  Of course, I’ve been up 4 hours. I’ve eaten breakfast, cleaned the house, done 2 loads of washing. What r u up 2?

  He grinned and shot off a reply.

  Nothing quite so domesticated, although let me tell u, I’m impressed. Someone’s trained u well. That’s going 2 stand u in good stead in the future. A woman who’s so highly skilled is great wife material.

  He finished it with two smiley emoijis. A moment later, the phone beeped again.

  Ha! Who’s t
he comedian? Don’t quit ur day job!

  This time, he laughed out loud and then typed: Can I come over?

  He held his breath as he waited for her reply.

  I’m sorry, my sister Zoe has a migraine. She’s in bed with the curtains drawn. She’s asked me 2 keep the noise down.

  Samuel’s cock stirred at the implications and then he told himself to forget it. Shelby’s comment was innocent. There was no way she was referring to rowdy sex. He was the only one who couldn’t stop thinking about all the ways he wanted to have her. Despite his misgivings about how she’d feel when he laid all his secrets bare, he was done with waiting. He wanted her in his arms, in his bed. In his life. He sent back a reply.

  2 bad 4 Zoe. U could always come over here.

  Once again, he waited with anticipation for her response.

  All the way 2 Bondi? U know I live on the other side of the harbor.

  He chuckled and texted back.

  At least we won’t disturb Zoe.

  A few moments later, she replied.

  LOL. There is that. OK, I think I can manage it. C u in a couple of hours. I have 1 more load of washing 2 go. (Just kidding!)

  His heart soared.

  * * *

  Shelby checked the address Samuel had given her and then parked her BMW Roadster in a vacant space. The car had been a gift from her parents on her twenty-fifth birthday and she loved driving it. She was particularly grateful for their generosity seeing as she could never have afforded it on her wages.

  Climbing out of the vehicle, she looked up at Samuel’s building. It was one of the newer condominium complexes that had sprung up around Bondi over the past few years. The building was rendered in a modern, charcoal color with the trim painted a sparkling white. There looked to be four or five floors. Samuel had told her he was on the third. Even so, she’d bet he had a decent view of the ocean. Locking her car behind her, she drew in a deep breath to settle the sudden rush of nerves before heading inside.

  Her thoughts centered on the conversation she’d had with her boss the previous afternoon and she wondered if she had the courage to discuss it with Samuel. She’d always known he was flirtatious and charming. He’d been that way when she’d met him. What she didn’t know was if she could put any stock in his claim that he was falling in love with her. Was it just his way of sweet-talking her, or did he really mean it? There was only one way to find out.

  The ride up in the elevator took less time than she needed to calm her jitters. She was about to enter Samuel’s private domain. After their kiss at the hospital, she knew exactly what his invitation meant and what her acceptance of it would indicate. Despite Geraldine’s warning that he was a player, the thought of loving him sent a shiver of anticipation through Shelby’s veins.

  They hadn’t known each other long, but she felt like she’d been waiting for him her whole life. She thought of Dimitri and vowed to take the happy ending that was within her grasp and hold on for dear life. Arriving outside Samuel’s door, she smiled to herself and knocked without hesitation. Seconds later, it opened.

  “Hi,” she said, suddenly flooded with nerves. Heat rushed to her face. So much for her being ready to grab the bull by the horns.

  “Good morning.” Samuel grinned at her. A moment later, he dragged her into his arms.

  His kiss started out warm and tender, but it quickly ignited a fire. Shelby put her arms around his neck and returned his passion. Without breaking contact, he walked them backwards into a bright, sunny living room. From the corner of her eye, she noticed expensive furnishings—dark wood bookshelves; a matching coffee table; a white leather couch. And just as she’d suspected, he had a terrific view.

  The kiss came to an end and she broke away with a gasp. She was pleased to see Samuel was also breathing hard. She touched her lips and smiled. “Wow! That beats doing the wash any day.”

  He grinned and then his smile slowly faded. “I missed you,” he said.

  Her heart somersaulted. When she finally managed to speak, her voice was husky with need. “I missed you, too.”

  She set her handbag down on the coffee table and then turned back to face him. Hunger had replaced the tenderness in his eyes. Taking a step back, she cleared her throat.

  “There’s something I wanted to talk to you about.”

  He frowned. “What do you mean?”

  Shelby looked around the room, trying to find the right words. “It’s…about the other day. The kiss… When we were found by Geraldine.”

  Samuel looked more concerned. “She didn’t fire you, did she?”

  “No. But she did warn me off you.”

  Samuel’s concern morphed into surprise. “She warned you off me? Why would she do that?”

  Heat stole up Shelby’s cheeks. She kept her gaze fixed on a picture that hung on the wall opposite. “She said… She said you were a womanizer and that I was only one in a long line of women. She implied that you’d tire of me soon enough and I’d be left with a broken heart.”

  Samuel shook his head in disbelief. A humorless smile played around his lips. “I can’t believe she said that.”

  Shelby frowned. Did he think she was making things up? In clipped tones, she asked him as much.

  “Good God, no!” Samuel explained. “I believe you when you tell me that’s what she said. It’s her I don’t believe. The nerve of her!”

  “What do you mean?”

  Samuel held her gaze and then sighed and moved away to stare out the window. A moment later, he spoke: “I’ve been employed as a doctor at the Sydney Harbour Hospital for more than seven years. I’d been working on your ward for about six months before Geraldine approached me and invited me out on a date.”

  Shelby stared at him in surprise. Though attractive and sporting a body that looked like she was devoted to her gym, Geraldine Walker had to be at least a decade older than Samuel.

  As if reading her mind, Samuel nodded. “Yes, she’s good looking and great at her job. I admire her for her attitude toward her patients and her professionalism. But she’s quite a lot older than the women I usually date. I wasn’t attracted to her. I didn’t see any reason to give her false hope. So, I turned her down.”

  “You said no?”

  “Yes. I tried to do it tactfully, but even so, she was pissed. She was a confident, attractive woman who was at the top of her game. I don’t think she expected me to decline.”

  “But that was years ago. Surely she still can’t harbor a grudge?”

  Samuel shrugged. “Who knows? But doesn’t it seem spiteful to you that she catches us kissing and then tells you to keep your distance from me?”

  Shelby pondered his comment. “You’ve been out with a lot of women. You’re always a hot topic of discussion in the tea room. I’ve had to keep my mouth shut this past fortnight, listening to my colleagues deliberate about who is the lucky girl to have caught your interest this week. I got the distinct impression you switch your affections as often as you switch your sheets.”

  She said the words lightly, but tension coiled tightly in her stomach. She held her breath and waited for his response. Finally, he turned back to her and nodded.

  “You’re right. Up until I met you, I was a serial dater. Ask Ian. Ask anybody. I’ve lost count of the number of women I’ve taken to dinner. It was fun. I enjoyed being single and being in the company of beautiful women. Did I sleep with them all? No, not all of them, but enough. I’ve never proclaimed to be a saint. Does that matter to you?”

  “Do you believe in monogamy?”

  His gaze was steady on hers. “Yes. I never dated more than one girl at a time. I’ve only been in serious relationships a couple of times and those only lasted a few months. I didn’t realize until I met you, that all that time, I was searching, searching for the right one.” He moved closer. Shelby could see the earnestness in his eyes. “And now I’ve found her.”

  The light in his eyes burned brighter and her breath caught on a silent gasp. Her heart pounded at
the heat in his gaze.

  “I want you,” he said simply.

  “I want you, too,” she whispered and just like that, all her reservations melted away.

  One small step forward was all it took and she was in his arms once again. His lips found hers and they fused together, drinking each other in. He urged her closer and she moaned softly, relishing the feeling of being pressed up close against his chest. Hard muscles came into contact with her breasts. Even through the soft cotton of her blouse, her nipples tightened. She shivered from the impact.

  Splaying her hands across his shirt front, she savored the warmth and feel of him. Her fingers scraped across the hard little nubs of his nipples and he groaned against her mouth. Tingles of desire coursed through her and centered in her groin. She pressed herself against his erection and was rewarded with another moan.

  “How about we head for the bedroom?” he muttered, kissing her eyes, her nose, her cheeks.

  She nodded and let her hands fall away and then gasped when he picked her up in his arms.

  “Samuel! Put me down! I’m too heavy.”

  “Nonsense!” he growled and bent his head to kiss her on the mouth again.

  He carried her with ease down the carpeted hallway and into the room she assumed was his. The king-sized bed was neatly made and the room was clean and tidy. Gauzy, white curtains fluttered lazily in the light breeze swirling around open sliding glass doors that led out onto a balcony. Shelby had time to catch another glimpse of the ocean before Samuel lowered her onto the bed.

  The mattress felt like she was floating on clouds. She had no idea there were beds like that. It was pure luxury. She’d never be satisfied with her plain old four-poster again.

  “Your bed feels incredible,” she murmured and watched him lower himself down.

  He moved to lie next to her and nuzzled her neck. “That’s not the only thing that feels incredible.”

  She turned her head, giving him greater access and reveled in the feelings he generated. His lips nibbled their way across her throat. Tugging the ends of her blouse out of her shorts, he slid his hand over her belly, pulling the shirt higher as he went. His mouth replaced his hand and he kissed his way up her chest.


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