Right of Refusal (Terran Reset Book 7)

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Right of Refusal (Terran Reset Book 7) Page 3

by Viola Grace

  Ssran frowned. “Ah, sweetness. What happened?”

  “Things were going well, by local standards, but then, I found out that they consider me a toy. A placeholder until something better comes along. I... I can’t do that. I can’t be that.”

  He blinked. “They told you that?”

  “No, they told each other. I was coming out to join them for a meal, and they were discussing my attributes and usefulness.” She swallowed. “Apparently, I am cute but not very practical. They are waiting for a big, sexy breeder.”

  He looked at her. “You are their breeder. You didn’t tell them?”

  “It didn’t come up.” She bit her lip. “And now, I really don’t want to tell them. I will feel like a complete idiot. They don’t want me, so I am not going to stick around while they scan the horizon.”

  “I will come to get you when your scans are done.” Ssran looked at her via the screen. “I am sorry. I had hoped they would be as happy as I was to find you. Are you all right?”

  “I am just having to change gears. It is taking a while.”

  “You have adapted well so far. Do not let this cause your determination to fall.”

  She smiled. “I haven’t. I just have to figure out what I want, and I need time to get my feet under me. Can you help with that Ssran-Lianic?”

  He nodded. “We will make you a woman of Ssran in any way you like.”

  The medics came in and beckoned to her. “Avatar, I should be done in an hour. I will call you then.”

  She nodded to Ssran and disconnected the call. The public terminal was left behind, and she returned to the lab for more testing. They wanted to know everything about her physiology and how she was carrying five small life signs already. With fourteen months as a pregnancy average, her life was going to start revolving around these little critters sooner rather than later.

  She smiled. Having a family of her own had always been a dream, but having five kids at once was going to be strange. She would be monitored throughout gestation, and if she had to be put on bedrest, they would arrange it. The medics were chuckling about lecturing the guardians on how to care for their breeding partner. She swallowed. “Don’t start on that yet. Things need to remain as normal as possible for as long as possible. They have other things to worry about.”

  The medics agreed, and she exhaled.

  They nodded and dismissed her for the next two weeks. She called Ssran, and he chuckled when he answered. “Turn around and look behind you.”

  She turned and saw him. Medics and other researchers were standing with their mouths open. Ssran-Lianic bowed to her. “Miss Beatrix. You are looking well.”

  She bowed formally when he was straight. “Avatar Ssran-Lianic, voice of the world beneath our feet. You are looking well considering that I just saw you yesterday.”

  He chuckled. “I am always stronger at home. Now, shall we?”

  He held out his hand, and she took it. He pulled her against him for a moment, and she cuddled to his chest, and when she looked up and around, the entire research area had come to a halt.

  She licked her lips and looked up at him. “Did I do something wrong?”

  “No, pet. I just do not cuddle females in public that often. Let’s go.” He stroked her cheek and took her hand, leading her out of the facility and through the streets.

  “Where are we going?”

  “My place. You will make an excellent hostess for my home until you have a different calling.”

  “Um, are you sure that is okay?”

  He grinned. “I am sure. It will just be you and me. My house is automated, but I have visitors regularly. Having you acting as hostess will make the place more attractive. Hm. We do need to improve your wardrobe. The ship suit is fine for the guardians, but I am fussier.”

  She blinked, and they walked until they were in the middle of a shopping district. He pulled her into a shop, and she was spun, measured, petted because the shop owner had no idea how someone could be that soft and that solid at the same time, and then, she was scooped out of her bodysuit and put into an outfit that looked like it was clinging to her body rather than being fastened in place. Her belly was exposed, breasts covered by swags of fabric that went behind her neck and fastened at the small of her back. Her arms were wrapped with embroidered ribbons, and she had a cloak of sorts covering her back. Ssran-Lianic unravelled her braid and combed it out over her shoulders.

  “There. Now you look appropriate to the environment.”

  She looked down, and her thighs could feel every breeze and change in room temperature as she neared the window. The rumpled black silk caught every movement of air. The sandals were comfortable, and she asked, “I don’t see many women on the street. Why is this place even here?”

  Ssran-Lianic chuckled. “We get thrill tourists who want to take home clothing. This is not that.”

  She frowned. “Thrill tourists?”

  “Women. We have a high birthrate for males, small for females. So, when females are here, they are very popular. The citizens have been trained to not cause injury when copulating.”

  She blinked, and her skin turned hot pink. “Oh. So, the guys expected me to be...”

  “Up for some fun. Your alterations have not been disclosed to them.” He shrugged. “I wanted them to gravitate to you naturally, not because of desperation.”

  “They might have. I was cold, tired, hungry, and stupid by the time they showed up.”

  He frowned. “They didn’t show up right away? Their assignment was over hours before we landed.”

  She paused. “Um, no. I was there for three hours. The second moon was up. Lioth had a pretty nasty case of internal damage.”

  Ssran-Lianic bristled. “They left you there? Never mind them. You will stay with me until the little ones are born, and then, we can negotiate and see if you would care to carry again.”

  She chuckled weakly. “That was not in my contract.”

  “You didn’t read your contract.” He grinned, and she had started getting used to the large fangs that the locals sported.

  He loomed over her, his flared hood blocking out the light through the windows. He leaned down to kiss her softly. “You deserve more than to be treated as a toy.”

  She looked up at him. “You brought me here.”

  “Yes, and I shall take care of you.” He stroked her cheek. “So soft. They don’t know what they are missing.”

  She looked up at him and blinked. “You didn’t share this part of your plan with Gaia, did you?”

  He snorted. “Of course not. Ostensibly, you are here as their mate and breeder, but if they reject you, or you them, I am here to make sure you adapt well and enjoy Ssran.”

  “The person or the planet?”

  He leaned in and kissed her slowly. “Yes.”

  Her hormones were rioting, and her eyes widened. “You had me adjusted for you.”

  He shrugged. “Just in case. Lianic has not had a lover in a while. He likes you very much.”

  “But... you are Lianic. Why the third person?”

  He chuckled. “You caught that? Clever Terran. Come now, you need something to eat. I use the third-person reference so that I can get my needs attended to. Few would refuse the avatar.”

  He took her hand, and she was pulled into the heavy humidity and bright sun of Ssran. The clothing flared and rubbed against Ssran-Lianic.

  He switched her grip to the crook of his arm, and they walked from the retail area into a more restaurant-related sector.

  * * * *

  Breth watched the news vid, and he froze. “Were there more pale aliens brought to Ssran?”

  Toln shook his head. “No. Just the one, according to the captain. Why?”

  Vehn paused. “Wait, so there was just one alien, and the avatar went along and came back with our caretaker?”

  Lioth frowned. “Did anyone bother checking their messages?”

  Lioth fired the li
nk up onto the screen, and it was Bea, sitting in a med centre somewhere.

  She looked at them and blinked slowly. “Uh, hi. I know we just met last night and everyone was tired, but I am resigning as caretaker. I am not going to be a discarded toy, so I think I am going to stop this before anything starts. I have a right of refusal in my contract, and I am using it. This... you... aren’t what I thought you would be. It’s fine. I am sure you are great and all, but I deserve someone who doesn’t see me as a convenience. Bye.”

  Breth frowned. “Has anyone else seen this?”

  The image of a woman dressed in expensive silks standing next to Ssran-Lianic on the street outside a restaurant in town appeared. The hair was the same colour as the wrapped locks that Bea had sported, but the body was enough to make them all groan.

  Lioth cleared his throat. “So, based on some key phrases, she heard what was said about her last night and was not fond of the idea of being dropped when our breeder arrives. Why do you think that would be?”

  Vehn shrugged. “Women don’t like to think they aren’t the best choice.”

  Toln looked at Lioth with dawning horror. “Why would the avatar leave the planet for the first time in centuries in order to pick up a caretaker? There are aliens lining up for the privilege.”

  Breth blinked slowly and watched as the news speculated on her identity. “And Ssran is very protective of her, and she quit her job with us where enjoying her whenever we wished and dropping her when a breeder came along.”

  Lioth rubbed the back of his neck, trying to smooth the scales at the base of his skull. “What if... and humour me here... what if she was the breeder?”

  Toln frowned. “She couldn’t be. They would never fit.”

  Lioth brought up her medical file and kicked himself for not doing it earlier. “This is the before and after Ssran had her adapted for life here.”

  They looked at the changes in her abdomen, and even without medical training, they could see what that meant. She had been made for them, and they had been laughing about when they would cast her aside.

  Lioth said it for them. “We fucked up.”

  Breth pointed to the image of Ssran with his arm around Bea. “And he goaded us into doing it. Asshole.”

  They looked at their planet’s avatar and his possessive grip on Bea. A low hiss started in their group.

  Breth grumbled. “How do we get her away from him?”

  Toln grimaced. “I think we might have to persuade her. When was the last time we had to seduce a female? Anyone?”

  There was silence in the room. They were going to have to do some research into Terrans and their mating rituals.

  Chapter Four

  Bea woke up in a guestroom at the avatar’s home. She had a shower and got dressed in the same clothing as the day before. She brushed out her hair and flipped it over her shoulders.

  She walked out into the halls and found an open room and a table set for two in the dining area.

  Ssran-Lianic sat and flicked through his tablet, pausing when she came in. His glossy black scales were iridescent in the morning light, and the cobra cowl had a golden tint. His crest of feathers looked silky and well-groomed. The dark silken skirt he wore matched her own clothing down to the gold trim.

  “The locals are very curious about you, Bea. The guardians are furious.”

  She blinked nervously. “Why?”

  “Because they think I tricked them by not telling them what you were. I think if they had behaved honourably, it would not have mattered. They are going to be coming by this morning to chat.”

  She swallowed. “Chat?”

  “Yes, to discuss options.”

  She went and got food, stacking it on her arm and bringing it to the table. She distributed it absently, and he grinned. “You worked in food service?”

  “When my body last looked like this, yes. It seems that the instinct to serve food is universal.” She poured cups of tea and sat, waiting.

  He took his first bite, and she ate ravenously at her own serving. Her body was still finalizing changes, and food was fuel.

  When they were done with their meal, she cleared up and put the dishes in the cleaner.

  She nodded to him and said, “What should I do now?”

  “Entertain yourself until they arrive.” He smiled and nodded for her to wander off.

  She nodded and headed out the door to a cobblestone circle that was pattered like scales. They had given her dance and song, so she danced and sang, but it wasn’t anything she knew from Earth. The songs were sibilant, and the music was alien to her, but she danced.

  At first, the steps seemed strange, but as she sang, she twisted, and the movements came easier. The clothing she was wearing was meant for this. She undulated, twisted, and whirled to her own song, and then, she paused, panting, gasping for air. She should have gone lighter on breakfast.

  Toln’s voice spoke from behind her. “That was lovely.”

  She slowly turned and looked at him. Lioth was next to him, and they were perched on a large rock. She swallowed. “I didn’t know anyone was watching.”

  Toln hopped to his feet, and Lioth moved gracefully and walked up to her. “We did not know you danced.”

  She jerked back. “There was no reason for you to know. And I didn’t dance. Ssran had it installed when I was given languages and stuff. I hadn’t tested it out yet.”

  Lioth paused. “What else did he have installed?”

  “Um, extra stuff that I didn’t have originally.”

  Toln cocked her head. “You allowed that?”

  “I didn’t really have an option. The overhaul came with the healing.”

  They looked her over. Toln smiled. “You look much different than you did that night.”

  She nodded. “Some sleep and food will do that for a girl.”

  “I was referring to your body. You look very sexy.”

  She swallowed and stepped back. “This is what women wear on Ssran. I checked. Twice.”

  Lioth looked at her and took in her expression. “You look lovely, Bea.”

  “Thank you, Lioth. Toln, go fuck yourself.” She turned and stalked back into the house.

  Toln grabbed her arm and looked down at her. “I believe that you owe me an explanation as to that statement.”

  She looked at him with gritted teeth. “Go find another toy to play with until something better comes along. I am not interested in any position that you have to offer.”

  He recoiled and rubbed the back of his neck. “You heard that.”

  “Oh, yeah. I was going back to the kitchen to make some snacks before you guys crashed, and I heard that little tidbit.”

  “I am honest. We are waiting for our breeder.”

  She headed into the building with a deliberate swing to her hips. “Sure you are because no avatar would go out to a distant star, get a woman, bring her home, and alter her for life with Ssran guardians and make sure that a separate breeder was necessary. Idiots.”

  She swayed into the living area where the other two guardians were talking with Ssran-Lianic. He held out his hand to her, and she moved to his side.

  He kissed her hand and pulled her down for an actual kiss.

  She was aware of Breth and Vehn staring, and she blushed furiously but returned the caress of Ssran’s lips as their kiss deepened and her pulse thundered in her veins.

  He pulled her onto his lap and threaded his fingers in her hair. His flicking forked tongue teased hers, and his warm, scaled hand gripped her hip.

  There was growling and hissing in the room, but Bea ignored it in favour of cuddling closer to the large, warm male.

  Ssran-Lianic lifted his head. “I hear your dancing is lovely, Bea.”

  “It seems some folks can’t keep opinions to themselves.” She sighed.

  He pressed her head to his shoulder, and she closed her eyes.

  Breth came out with it. “Is she our breeder?�

  Ssran-Lianic stroked her hair. “Yes, she is. She’s already quickened and currently has at least one embryo from all of you.”

  Toln looked ill, his scales pale. “Why didn’t you tell us? We left her out in the dark for hours.”

  “Why did you do that?” Her tone was numb.

  Toln swallowed. “Uh, to show you that you weren’t in charge?”

  “Sure. I get it. It isn’t like I was alone, hungry, cold, and millions of miles from home.” She nodded. “Yup. I deserved what I got.”

  Toln cleared his throat. “I apologize. It also wasn’t well done of me to push my advantage with you.”

  Breth followed up with, “I am not going to apologize. After seeing you with Toln, I could not resist tasting you.”

  Lioth shrugged. “I had just watched you with both of them, so I was desperate to cum. You didn’t seem to mind.”

  She turned her head to Lioth. “I didn’t mind. You asked.”

  He smiled with heat in his gaze. “I would like to return the favour one day.”

  She blushed. “That is... not something I had considered as plausible.”

  Lioth arched his brow ridge. “Really? I would be glad to talk you through the procedure.”

  She gulped. “That isn’t necessary. I can live in ignorance.”

  The room went quiet. Ssran-Lianic asked, “You know what we are referring to, yes? Lioth using his mouth on you?”

  “Oh, yeah. I understand that. It just... it hasn’t ever happened to me.” She waved her hand. “It’s fine. I don’t need that.”

  She kept her gaze down, and Vehn’s frowning expression came into her field of view.

  “Bea, how limited is your sexual experience?”

  “Um, one encounter close to four decades ago.” She didn’t meet his gaze. “And then you guys the day before yesterday.”

  Ssran-Lianic whispered in her ear, “They are staring at you in astonishment.”

  “You saw what my body looked like. I could barely straighten my hand, let alone part my thighs,” she whispered back.

  “It came on that young?”

  “Shortly after I became an adult. My bones calcified, and my joints locked up. Gaia promised that my kids wouldn’t have it, or I would never have done this.”


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